Donald Trump made 103 (((false))) claims last week, says stalking faggot

This is the turd burglar that used to stalk Rob Ford in his backyard, BTW.

Attached: fag.jpg (190x265, 5.46K)

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What a gay article, it's just more of this nigger-tier "Take our word for it goy" crap. I'd love to see what lies they're talking about. Or (((false claims))) which in the past has included truths they thought 'weren't relevant'.

not even close to the amount of times obama or hillary made false claims.

False according to whom?
as if we didn't know

Attached: politifact.png (327x310, 105.74K)

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At this point, not even a little bit surprised


He writes for The Toronto Snopes.

another jew fag whining through his kike nose about whiny jew shit and sounding like a total cunt bitch in the process…who other than fags and women even files this turds shit under anything other than vagina ache in their minds?

Colour me surprised.

Attached: 23abcca5621dbb45986e51f7cdf555c2967b945754955793bb90ac10211ee670.jpeg (638x840 67.09 KB, 76.1K)

Thank you.

That second one is beyond the pale.

Pretty sure Israel encourages kikes to be armed and allows the use of submachine guns etc in public, because terrorism. Not exactly "tough" unless not allowing non-jews to have guns is his definition of tough.

Now thats doublethink.

If you breathe you're (((antisemetic))) user.

They inflate these lists by using something I like to call "tactical stupidity" to make it seem like the president is just unleashing a swarm of lies and false statements when in reality they're purposely misunderstanding metaphors, allegories and idioms and assuming the most literal interpretation. Basically, feigned autism.

Orwell referred to this as "crime stop."

*Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.*

It's the Toronto Snopes (kek), their readers are ideological.

While Atkinson's beliefs were never codified in any set form, the central Principles can be summarized as follows:

A strong, united and independent Canada
Social justice
Individual and civil liberties
Community and civic engagement
The rights of working people
The necessary role of government


Their propaganda is so pathetic. Foment fake social media outrage to justify propaganda. foment inorganic paid protest to justify propaganda. Make website "objectively" detailing facts to justify propaganda. There's no truth to anything in the media. Their stories are lies based on inorganic events which were funded by the same people who pay them.

We're watching a movie.
