Operation: Save The Baby

Operation: Save The Baby

A tweet was put out by Gregory McKelvey, a faggot that is literally keeping his 3 week old baby at "Occupy ICE"

Let's save this kid.

Attached: operationsavethebaby.PNG (386x459, 296.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:


OP Here,

He's a "dindu nuffin"

Attached: 1530046494733.png (1381x382, 93.79K)


Attached: Screenshot_20180626-234832.png (1080x1920, 309.46K)

These people are disgusting.

Attached: 00.jpg (258x330 454 B, 21.15K)

His wife will find another man to be attracted to and fuck at Occupy. They’ll be there a while & she will leave him and take the baby.

WAIT just looked him up. He’s a blacktivist with a white Jewish (?) woman, and his parents are super wealthy. His mother is an attorney & his father is a very famous musician.

NM I think he will find other women to fuck at Occupy, and this woman will dump him. I’m sure that because he’s a very famous activist, she’s one of his groupie-types and thought he’d stop cheating on her with other women.

I am SURE they have an open relationship, which means he can fuck others.

She won’t last with him.


The kikes are bringing babies, so that when they start damaging buildings and chimping out, they force law enforcement to use tear gas. Their hope is that the baby will die.


Fucking beanmixing dumb whore. Do we know it's even her baby or did she source it from her local (((coven)))?
That child should be taken by (((CPS))) for child endangerment.


Filthy beaner. When he beats her I'll laugh.

Attached: bernie baby.JPG (620x760, 77.15K)

Leftist logic in a nutshell.

Since it is death-by-shock from being alone in cage with no love or energy field from mommy or daddy to transition it into the world outside of the womb. Get a tiny bed for your bed or next to your bed so you don't roll over baby and ded it.

The cops there would call it camping.

Might be a good OP.

If that innocent baby got stabbed in the face by a Mexican and there was a complete Mexican genocide because of it, I'd oblige.

Really goes to show just how depraved these degenerates are. The sooner they are dead, the better.

Can someone make a counter-signal meme about this?

Underrated post.

If that happens, we just need to say
not back down and then meme the feds as hollywood nazis. They will be forced to take our side despite hating us.

Also, kids spit up sometime, and can choke. If you're not there to roll them over, well…

Pic related is best of both worlds, your kid is with you at all times, and no danger of you rolling over on them.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (410x410, 239.45K)

Time to separate another family

Or, you could just hold your baby gently in your arms and trust the million-year-old instincts you were born with not to crush the child.

Fair enough. But some people's sleep habits are an absolute shitshow, and a lot about the technology we surround ourselves with disrupts natural sleep patterns. Sleeping with air conditioning, fans which get us accustomed to unnatural sounds, falling asleep with the TV on, etc., all things which un-attune us to natural sounds like those of our baby in distress.

But eh, if you can do it the natural way, do. The gist of it all is, sleep close to your children. That's one of the earliest bonding experiences you'll have with them.

Are you a doctor?
