Clanton is an antifa cell leader. Most antifa cell leaders are professors. This gives antifa college resources to hold meetings, communicate, research, and organize. Antifa is centrally organized on a global scale. The decisions about Clanton's repeated delays come from above Clanton's head. The period before trial when you're just waiting to lose your freedom for years is a period of constant psychological torture- it's a state of constant suspended terror. People eventually just want to get on with the trial just because they can't handle the stress of the wait anymore. The kikes running antifa in America don't want their brownshirts to see prosecutions of Antifa occurring before violence breaks out because that would deter them from committing violence. They will keep delaying Clanton's trial until they've seized power or lost control completely. Clanton is now learning what it's really like to be a useful idiot. These delays do no good for Clanton because he can't live a life in the interim and he's under constant stress that he can't alleviate. He can't move forward in life. He's unemployable, he can't get loans, those student loans will be waiting for him and his credit will be wrecked until years after he's out. He can't get married and have kids, he can't buy a home, all he can do is wait. The year that Clanton has waited is just one more year taken from his life that he can tack on to his years in jail.
Digits and Clanton anhero's before he ever gets to sentencing.
I've found that if you really need digits, you need to firmly threaten kek.
Where the fuck are my digits, you little bitch? You're a fucking frog idol. I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with denying my digits? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of satanist shitbags across the USA and you're being conjured the fuck up right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can molest you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution was about to come down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Jace Davis
In the same way that you can't force humor or creativity, you can't force digits.
Brayden Torres
Good stuff OP.
It goes without saying that if justice is arranged long enough that this faggot needs to be dealt with Friekorps style though. In attempting to avoid one negative outcome, the kikes are pushing for yet a worse one. Classic.
A couple years ago there was no such thing as organized 'nazis', now groups like RAM are all over the place, growing by the day and that growth was largely a reaction to antifa violence.
yes you can. You just have to jam your thumb up kek's ass and steer him around like an electric pallet jack. He'll come around.
Luke Jenkins
especially clanton. Could you imagine what the Aryan nation would do to him in prison? Progressive liberalism is not tolerated in American prisons. You choose racism or you choose to be a jail punk that's passed around by faggot nigger rapists. Being an outspoken opponent of everything white, he will be completely disavowed by whites in prison. The only way he can survive is if he swallows his pride, and washes it down with gallons of nigger semen. He's going to have to become a State champion in cocksucking to get out of the pokey alive. We'll see how fond he is of niggers when he has to wear a truss to keep his asshole from falling out. That guy is done.
Lucas Diaz
Is there a list or database of university professors and students known to be Antifa members? There could be some really fun pranks to play on them.
Chase Thompson
works better like this. Digits confirm that Clanton goes down for a long time.
Tyler Howard
That's not how it works you double nigger.
Hudson Davis
More likely Clanton will be killed to become a martyr and to prevent a Journolist marxist conspiracy from coming out.
Levi Butler
And that, niggers, is how you get digits.
Blake Torres
By random chance? Yep, that is how you get digits. Good job pointing out something everyone already knew.
I don't know where the gay rape meme comes from, other than TV, but gays where I was were typically beaten and/or disfigured if they were not isloated. Reality is far more terrifying than rape. Intense violence causing death and permanent disfigurement regularly where I was, including violence by shitskin correx
I came across a leftist white guy, but his "fuck you" attitude was really the problem. Where I was, there was no white organization because of sheer numbers. The jail was nearly all spic and nigger. I befriended the whitest hispanic I could find, who was a pretty funny guy but totally insane, and he helped protect me, because he spoke Spanish and dealt with the worst latinos easily.
The key to survival is having a respectful attitude but being large enough (and fighting back if challenged) just so that niggers and spics mostly avoid fucking with you. A useful skill really helps, like rolling cigarettes or knowing how to wire. If you are a notorious inmate, like Tommy Robinson, then the niggers and spics will be gunning for you to win points among their colleagues. A guy like Clanton won't get points either way for who he is on the outside, but a guy like him will probably be fine networking with niggers or spics, but at some point, he will pop off to the wrong shitskin and get beaten into unconsciousness or have his face or neck slashed, possibly to the point of fatality. Just a guess based on my limited experience.
I lean toward this answer. Clanton being a martyr would be a very powerful message for the media to run with, much like what happened in Charlottesville (facts be damned.) If Antifa is so well organized how hard would it really be to make it look like it was done by a EBIL NAZI AWT RIGHT BIGOT FASCIST?
He'll be put in protective custody with the chomos, gang dropouts, and gay boy gangsters. There is no racial divide in pc. And seeing as clantons a gender fluid pansexual who will be going to prison in commiefornia he will have his pick of tranny cellmates. He will not spend a day in gen pop. But I'm glad for one thing. In his hubris he thought he was powerful enough to fight the fascists he created in his mind. And now he will feel what its truly like to be oppressed by radical authoritarian power. Nemesis. Its quite poetic, but it will be lost on him.
Sebastian Sullivan
This opens interesting possibilities though. If the AB are clever, they will protect him until Proflist is released, then organize/pay-off blakc or hispanic prison gangs to kill him. ZOG loses a martyr, communists are revealed, and Clanton gets a traitor's death. Everyone wins.
Asher Torres
How might they do it? When he gets out? If the jail he's in (or wherever he ends up) would need a large enough white population where there is a white organization of some type, and some of those whites would have to have serious sentences where they were willing to off someone. Plus, they'd have to get something in exchange. If they want to martyr Clanton, then they need to put him in a prison (not jail, so that means >1 year sentence) and has a "white supremacist" group. They could also just release Clanton and have a glow-in-the-dark posing as a nahtseee do it on the outside. The latter is probably more of the deep state choice unless they have sway over Clanton's judge and certain officials in the penal system.
Thomas White
Checked. Shitskins will probably be glad to cut him up or beat him to oblivion and maybe kill him for his attitude alone, provided he is not identified as a risk and is forced into a normal cell and to mingle at meals, etc.
The idea would be to get a "Nazi" to kill him, and that may be impossible where he is incarcerated. It completely depends on where he is.
Jace Thompson
He’s not even Jewish you turds. He is a violent asshole you jerks.
Why aren’t you going after WHO is family is? WIFE/FATHER/MOTHER?
Losers, you’re not doing this well enough. On the Red Hen threads they’re doing MUCH better.
So find all the info, now
Michael Thomas
You can't beat Kikes under their own system. See the story of Matt Hale.
Christian Carter
We're not claiming that he's Jewish, just that he's likely supported by Jews.
Dominic Rogers
OP would you be able to expound a bit more on your theory regarding ANTIFA being comprised of collegiate employees/professors? That is a very interesting theory and something I think deserves a bit more of a look.
Adrian Allen
true, which makes cantwell all the more impressive.
Andrew Fisher
Well thank FUCK for that, bc I AM Jewish & that guy DISGUSTS me. And I’m not a nazi, I’m also female & a Trump supporter.
IDG the hate you have for Jews here & on all the chans. Fucked up. All my friends are RIGHTWING Jews. You’re kind of harming your friends with all this stupid hatred of us.
But, w/e. I’ll hang around bc there’s great shit going on.
And you’re unafraid, and I admire that. The Red Hen stuff you guys came up with was great & still is great. Keep going for it.
Gabriel Perry
Modern antifa began in Occupy Wall Street, which I infiltrated. My behind the scenes view led me to believe that the entire point of occupy wall street was to begin grooming students for antifa. The (((leaders))) of every single Occupy encampment were academics and all the functionaries and staffers managing the encampment were students (the rest of the mob was homeless people getting a free meal). I've searched through the pages of local antifa cells and every single one I've searched has ties leading directly to a university in the vicinity. If Zig Forums focused their autism on this, we could trace the network inside the colleges, trace the heirarchy and get them all tossed in prison just like Zig Forums did to clanton.
True, but jews return the favor. The goyim know what the talmud says about us and our God.
Liam Reed
Charles Harris
Agree that it’s university professors. Look at Stephanie Wilkinson’s husband for instance, with his pussy hat, their kid AND he works for Virginia MILITARY TECH of all things.
Why aren’t ppl going after HIM here? We need to get that guy fired too.
No gay rape in jail because most people will be out in a few weeks. They aren't going to commit additional crimes and most guys don't have any trouble just jerking off for a month.
Prison is full of people who are in for decades, this is where all the gay shit happens because going without sex for 10 years isn't easy and where you're likely to get murdered or raped for being a huge faggot like Clanton.
Cooper Russell
Considering Janet Napolitano is the president of the University of California system, it would not surprise me in the least that UC resources, digital and otherwise is being funneled into communist causes. Any ideas on how to prove/uncover this?
The U of C is the most corrupt organization on earth. There are mafia families that operate with less favoritism and cover-ups.
I once interviewed (in a professional setting) a man who had a serious law enforcement background. He had worked for the University as a consultant, and then as a high-ranking member of their police force. Then he made the mistake of warning the brass about the security breaches all over the place. On one campus, there's nuclear material that's habitually left on a table in a hallway while certain experiments are done. They don't even have a working electronic lock in the virology lab, where they keep potential bio agents.
When he went outside the chain of command to warn the regents about how this was being swept under the rug, and how the money earmarked for heightened security was diverted into turning the senior staff's office building into a fortress, but none whatsoever was spent securing the loose uranium, they fired his ass.
Juan Wilson
All is right in the world, friends
Blake Nguyen
Of course they did. They have a chain of command so they don't have to know about those things. Now they are all on the hook. Before they could have just made scapegoats of underlings.
Jason Nguyen
Plausible theory user.
Pathetic d&c attempt is pathetic.
This. Remember even a few years before that it was an internet joke that "every online argument if it continues long enough eventually ends with Nazis"? The niggerfaggots were so blindly following their hegelian dialectic that they didn't consider the absurdity of their premiss. Add the overt racism against whites to Antifa violence and you have one of the best things for white identity in years.
We can only hope user, we can only hope.
Nathan Ramirez
Behold, the trips of judgement beckon for the life of the useful idiot.
Brandon Campbell
Well, he did make a scene in front of alumni at a party. He was a good guy. One of those too-earnest fed types who stays up at night worrying about terrorism and shit.
Like the chickenshits they are, they didn't even fire him. They changed his job description to include credentials he would have to go back to college himself to earn and gave him six months to earn what amounted to a third B.A.
Literally worried him sick.
Nicholas Green
I remember that stream, great times.
Blake Thomas
Ayden Jackson
Checked. It's already out, because we know, and we're the only ones that matter.
Josiah Flores
Missed trips due to faggotry. Get checked for GRIDS, user.
Brayden Moore
Who needs trips, when one is superior to the gods? Go back to begging your yahweh for some shekels, cia.
You never will because you're race mixed bastard whose fucked up genetics can't into critical thought, self-reflection, or honor. Roman revolutions 1.0 and 2.0 are glossed over. 109 expulsions doesn't phase you. African slave trade, assassinating Tsar's, Bolshevizing Russia, Holodomoring Ukraine, destroying deterministic Germany, orchestrating world wars, Kennedy, Twin Towers… none of that shit means anything to you. Your tribe blames all this on Whites, appropriates White history and identity when convenient, and genocides Whites with infinity Xniggers. The worst part is you're dismissive and continue as if no argument occurred. Which is all the more reason for your sudden and abrupt shoah.
You completely misconstrued that post. I've actually been in jail. Where I was, there was no rape. The fear of violence was so great that rape would have been a relief. The standard violent tactics included vicious knifings to the face and neck, beatings to put people in a coma, you name it. Numerous violent incidences occurred (including against a faggot for being a faggot) while I was there, including incidences I personally witnessed. The notion that rape in jail is common is completely the opposite of how that behavior is treated. It is more lord of the flies and a sort of networking/free market type situation punctuated with extraordinary violence.
I think faggots like you probably fantasize about gay rape in jail, and that's where the meme comes from. Maybe you need to get tossed in the pen yourself and see how it works
Luis Rogers
UNDERRATED Especially I also infiltrated it, but unintensionally. I was against the obvious (((accounting tricks))) by banks and got involved but quickly realized that the organized tech teams and propaganda CULTivation was machinery of something bigger.
Jackson Roberts
Robert Nelson
I don't know whether I hate you more for being Jewish or for being a woman with an opinion.
We're dealing with a CIA liar. He's here to shill about how fucking great his overlord oppressor government is.
It isn't. It's shit. But oh how those oppressors who rob us, and who steal from us, bring upon the good, the White Men of freedom, chains.
That's one thing you've never done. Know anything. You're just an alias, and there is nothing authentic in the least about you.
And your fallacy, it is called: appeal to authority
Go back to sucking cocks, boomer CIA.
Matthew Wright
I'm not saying I know what all jails are like, but the general model the post that guy was replying to holds up. As in, people are generally held for shorter periods in jails and expect their bitch will be there to fuck when they get out, and do not want to risk committing more serious crimes. These are general, plausible arguments that the statistics faggot didn't seem to grasp. He also cited some stats that I'm sure, if I wasted the time on cross examination, I could completely cut to pieces.
You are correct that my experience does not necessarily reflect on all jails, but I would say that my experience was so drastically the opposite of the rumor–anyone remotely acting gay was the most hated of all (actually, kikes were hated as well)–if someone tried anything gay, they would get knifed or beaten unconscious. My point is, the rape notion seems to be a myth where I was. I'm sure in women's jail, it's different.
Michael Gray
Do you at least know that jail != prison?
Chase Long
Lol, you are an intolerable faggot. I was a city jail, you moron. The only people, I suspect, who try to make it out to be a gay rape fest are gay fetishists. Also, the reality is so much more terrifying–constant physical terror–that it's weird you think I'm defending the gubmint. They permanently disfigure and kill people all the time where I was and then lie about it to cover it up. It's crazy. Anyway, I have to go back to my cubicle and compile a nightly report about my NDAA 2013 "Your Government is Your Friend: No Gay Rape, But Extreme Violence In Jail" odd Zig Forums shilling campaign. Night.
Camden Stewart
no sense in talking to this faggot…he's some kind of CIAnigger or worse
Kayden Wood
I was in jail you fucking nigger. The point of my reply was that a post that laid out some reasons for the differences in rape motivation between jail and prison was sound, but some idiot asswipe responded with stupid, meaningless stats. I was defending the person who was specifically drawing a distinction between jail and prison for purposes of the rape discussion. I do think it's plausible there is rape in prison.
Alexander Flores
The whole issue of Eric Clanton's asshole being widely gaped by prison rape by turboniggers, or not, does seem to be distraction.
Yea whatever, it doesn't matter for the topic of the thread so drop it or you're a kike shill.
Evan Bell
I literally came on here to make a comment about the nature of jail and speculate on Clanton's fate. I made one comment that it was unlikely he was getting pounded in the ass by buck niggers, and then I got sucked into this idiotic argument where Zig Forums apparently feels it necessary to maintain the fantasy of gay rape at all costs. Not true in the jail where I was, but maybe it happens in other jails or in prison. There are good theoretical arguments for why it doesn't happen in jail–duration of stay and no desire to commit more crimes being one of them. No more arguing you aspies.
Noah Hernandez
Fuck him. He's never been to jail. he's never been worth a damn. Curse him, and the mother that bore him.
Curse yahweh and yidsrael and the kikes.
Blake Bell
You idiots have the fantasy that Clanton is being raped. He's probably not. Sorry, you gay rape fantasy faggot.
Liam Phillips
t. CIA
Liam Cruz
Christian Foster
< you guys >>>/ovens/
John Hall
What is a fucking Clanton? Is that like a Clinton that had a bastard child with a Clampet?
Josiah Allen
Well he'll have to be tried at some point unless he kills himself…
I wonder if you'll be one of the rare jews who can face the truth about your people? We say normal people "get it" within 2 years pic related, how long will it take you? Also, we hate "Rightwing jews" just as much as "left wing" jews. You people are all rotten.
The "meme" comes from dudes like this, .webm related. I think you need to stop taking the bait and giving them (you)s though.