(((World Bank))) Endorses Anti-White Land Reform In South Africa

(((World Bank))) Endorses Anti-White Land Reform In South Africa

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Fish endorses water

One day we are going to throw these banker kikes into ovens, sending them back home.

Reminder that SA is the blueprint for White genocide globally.

(((They))) will take all White owned land away in North America because it was "stolen" from Native Americans, redistributing to non-Whites to end "inequality".

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Good luck selling that when the rest of the country is living on that same land. Easier to sell in africa since they're all niggers.

Truth is the majority of SAs left a long time ago and the few that remain are too hard headed to see what they're up against. Some are still stuck on the "I'm not raycis, I just want to survive" brit level cuckery.
If they want to play "this is my native land" game then its time to return to europe and help the other maintain white land. Then you repeat this story to every dense headed shitlib that tries to promote diversity.

But you're right, it will be much different battle.

Which European countries are accepting White South Africans?

this is a HUGE REDPILL opportunity

No doubt they do just need an economic collapse and the genocide will begin


Theres been an ethnogenesis.The afrikaner is now a distinct people with a distinct language.

ps- the majority didnt leave, only about 750,000 left, a big chunk of which was (((them))).there is still almost 4 million whites there.

World Bank was created by a communist agent receiving orders from Stalin.


I would gladly take the SA whites here in Europe in exchange for the niggers we have here.

Baste capitalism

real name- (((weiss)))

Better yet who said they're letting them out of SA? You basically have to have wealth to get out and you have to give up a lot of it in the process according to the people I've heard interviewed.

The Van Rensburg prophecies seem to be playing out exactly and at this stage I don't think you can do anything to change it. SA is going to get fucked hard, but apparently some are going to live through it.

according to him, it will be the last white country on earth,and white refugees from europe and america will flee there, iirc.

I'm pretty sure Hungary has said it will welcome white refugees.

We ain't european, but Australia has already expressed a willingness to take them in.

That's true, only the farmers though, apparently.

We say that, but if it gets worse, it will expand beyond farmers.
Said farmers first because we want people to come work the land. Alot of our farmers are moving on.

This. The kikes will not stop at Rhodesia and South Africa.

Do you realize that it's nearly impossible for them to leave South Africa? One US Dollar = 13.5 South African Rand, their money is essentially worthless outside the country, and the government often doesn't allow them to immigrate out of the country, or makes it pretty damn difficult if they do.



Less independent workers, more land to be taken and worked on by black slaves.

What the hell does a bunch of Arabs protesting against Pissrael have anything to do with Whites in South Africa? Is that just side news?

I find it really hard to pity SA. They may have a Nationalist streak in them but they are some of the most cucked Whites globally - and while I am not the type to brazenly criticize Christianity - it's certainly not helping.

I hope they at least have documentary evidence of their hellscape. A genocide and a water shortage in one year - that’s worth its weight in gold as film footage.

And it is currently being blocked, and Australia does not have the reach to get there and enforce an evacuation, and would likely be blocked by the West.

The English speakers shat all over it and are shoving as much of the hell onto the Boer Afrikaaners. I honestly wouldn't mind a genocide on the English cunts and England itself.

One America News Network (OAN) is a Zionist cuckservative channel, but they'll call out anti-white bullshit from time to time. Note to Boers/Afrikaners, this does not mean that the Zionist Israeli kikes are your friends, they'll backstab you the first chance they get. There are no good Jews.

For the newfags, IMF/World Bank/IRS = Rothskikes.

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This is yet another piece of evidence that you could not live a peaceful life in this world. The kikes will(and are doing) their best to destroy you. There is nowhere to go. Arm yourself and start killing them before they kill you.
Sadly there's no option for peace.Sure the kikes will lie that there is but they just want YOU to be peaceful, they won't.
If humanity is to go forward, they must be removed from this world.

Well, tbh, the farmers are going to be the most fucked by the shitstorm that's brewing there.