(((gun control))) and (((false flags))) go hand in hand


The ongoing mass hysteria in the public of pushing (((gun control))) over the whole country has been caused by none other than random (((shootings))) were the stories always seem to be completely faked or rather very questionable. Yet still the brainwashed normalniggers don't sense this at all. Every (((shooting))) gets massive coverage on the (((MSM))). Heavy amounts of slacktivists come out of nowhere for (((some reason))) and then suddenly everyone moves on to the next (((shooting))) fiasco as if the last one never happened. Right now, the whole (((media))) is gearing up a story for the Florida (((false flag))).

Even every normalfag in the whole world especially the ones on Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand are buying the Jewish propaganda. Since these nations barely had any history of having lenient gun rights for citizens. Fueled even further by the Hymiewood agitprop of "culture of violence", and the true fact that most if not all Jews in (((congress))) support (((gun control))). And now they are trying to fool the goyim into thinking the NRA has any real power in (((congress))). Giving a bunch of "anti-government" progressive leftists who whine about "muh White privilege and systemic racism" support an already obvious ZOG tactic to disarm citizens.

One of the best examples of these (((false flags))) is the Las Vegas shooting. I'll give off a summary of how this story sounds:

2 words:


Attached: David Zogg exposed.webm (220x310 70.85 KB, 18.81K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Kike-free fisrt bump for relevance.

I'm going to fucking blow your mind:
Why did kids who weren't even there become the face of the "tragedy", rather than angry parents? The answer is that nobody died there.

and, yes, op, I know you know

Most of the Normies in my personal life while against guns found these past couple shootings to be wildly suspicious. Especially when you point out how we got no security footage of Paddock doing something as mundane as bringing guns to the room but we get Columbine footage of the massacre itself.

Davey Hogg was the first shooter at park LAND
Hogg was a shooter

Nice blogpost cancerous faggot OP

Sure thing, Hogg.


*exposes ZOG propaganda

Paid shill of Hillary Clit-dumb:

Someone died there, otherwise it wouldn't be a ritual human sacrifice to their god…but like ALL their ritual human sacrifices it probably took place in KUR (underground) to ensure that they can stay on this planet. The murder of Patsy Paddock was interesting because he had just come into vegas via his plane after running guns from israel for the CIA and probably drugs as well. I don't know how much of this ended up in Texas on his ranches private runway and how much actually ended up in Vegas with him a few days later. But suffice to say that along with the 'mysterious break in at the israeli weapons cache' which would have been about 2 vans worth of weapons stolen off a 'secured base' and transported to the airport and then achieving clearance for takeoff when everyone else was grounded…well…one has to be pretty highly connected to have all these perks. Of course, SOMETHING went wrong like it always does and the leech had to be 'put down'. I did really enjoy his brothers 'jojo the monkey' routine for the American public but then I have been keeping an eye on the Paddocks since someone introduced me to David Paddocks work on time travel.

Attached: israelis missing vegas found consulate.jpg (1390x877 125.54 KB, 1.44M)

I just realized that you might want sauce on the parts of this that I can…a lot of the initial info was scrubbed from the web, like the flight path and flight information.


Anyway…I forgot to throw Afghanistan in the flight path…so Patsy Paddock left Israel with the stolen weapons, arrived in Afghanistan, left arrived in private runway in TX on his ranch, arrived again in Vegas a few days later.

People were warned not to go to the Harvest (ironic) festival if they saw the three black trucks there because it was a 'planned op' to help Adelson usher in the era of backscatter machines (something he is highly invested in as well as Vegas casinos) in ALL public spaces.

Attached: las vegas army truck.jpg (590x312 129.12 KB, 72.99K)

So who is Sheldon Adelson? Well he controls much of US politics…and the war in the middle east.

Paddock Was Murdered. This is proven from leaked pictures that show the gun was tossed AFTER he was dead, also TWO DIFFERENT blood flows from the head.

He was setup to take the fall. Prove me wrong.

Attached: Blood Analysis5a.png (2960x2508 2.71 MB, 230.21K)

So why would this criminal organization care about backscatter machines? And the importance of installing them in all public spaces in the USA? well…backscatter machines can be programmed to 'unzip' you dna and basically murder you on a whim, or zip it back up and leave a cancerous disease in you, also on a whim. They are EXTREMELY unsafe…TSA won a huge lawsuit (not that it helps since they are all dead now) with the 1st gen backscatter machines that went into airports as 'naked body scanners'…the TSA agents weren't even that close to them and a tremendous number of them got cancer, keeled over and died.


Anyhow…Vegas and the aftermath went poorly enough that there has been little talk of the backscatter machine implementation…but if they try it and you go through one, keep in mind that they are always watching us on here (that is why they allow us to talk) and that they KNOW who you are and IDK if most of you want to be walking through one of those machines.

Yeah, he's really powerful. That's why Newt Gingrich is president right now.

Post Script
The suicide position is unnatural given the circumstances. It seems like he was murdered in that spot to implicate him. A more realistic position would be behind the sofa, this would explain his fire fight with CAMPOS why did he leave the country? why did he only give a short interview on Ellen? He'd be a poster boy for illegal immigrants for stopping the massacre…

Also notice the position of the Jaw/Chin/Mouth. IF he was standing and IF he shot himself, then the impact and settling of the body would make his chin lower, and his mouth closed. THIS position shows that he was pinned to the ground, and his mouth was forced OPEN to create the necessary angle for a revolver shot.
This is exactly what we see in the picture.

The revolver is also moved 3.75 Feet! By looking at the blood droplet shapes / distances, we can conclude that the revolver was deliberatley picked up, and then tossed behind Paddock's head. Normal suicides cause a spontaneous convulsion that flings the firearm out of the person's hand, but tossing this in a natural arc. Meaning the revolver should have been to the right of the body, NOT behind the head.

Attached: swat interview.png (1032x596, 806.31K)

Last couple pictures showing the floor layout.
It's strange that he would have a firefight with CAMPOS in the hallway, then stop, move to a position without cover, turn his back to the door and shoot himself…

Attached: 9870b47f082c68660bdbf91d83c61c9ac4792835007a05e4b19220f491dd4f25.jpg (1339x857 1.54 MB, 1.32M)

I'm SURE that you meant 'DJT is president right now'…but then we probably shouldn't get into HIS connections to the mafia on Zig Forums now, should we? If we were on Reddit you could simply wipe what I say out and no one would be the wiser…the same way that the ADL Google 'online hate index' works…but here at least people 'remember' things…and you would have to censor the entire site so nothing would be 'going on' anymore and that might 'look too obvious' now wouldn't it?

Fuck off leddit.

Interdasting. He's FBI offspring, wouldn't surprise me.

Stopped reading there. It's gibberish.

Autists get the gas too, retard.

Attached: ADL_Triangle.png (1124x370, 82.51K)

That is quite a few claims you make. I would be interested to see all the evidence you have of them.

I have been convinced for some time that he was a CIA arms trafficker, and I find it probable that he was at the casino to sell to the Saudis. But I don't have much to back my claims other than conjecture.

Attached: 1527293420394.jpg (950x646 143.57 KB, 132.9K)

I thought this meant pedophile?

Get gud, faget.

Attached: OP_Logo.png (849x592, 249.43K)

actually it means youre a newfag

He's a 'democrat', like Hillary's mentor, the man who taught her everything she knew. I would guess that he is a pedophile as well, which is probably (partially) where the pedophile symbol comes from as well.

Attached: hillary robert byrd mentor.jpg (480x360, 30.14K)

the real answer is that MKultra works better in children

This has already been proven by Project Black Banana.

Hogg loves bbc apparently.