I searched for a thread about the farmlands documentary on white genocide in South Africa and I'm not finding any. It was posted yesterday on youtube and doesn't seem to be getting many views despite Southern having about 500K subscribers.
Has Zig Forums seen it? What do you think about it?
Also it's a good idea to download it before it gets goolag'd.
Josiah Myers
The chans are nothing but a psyop run by JIDF, CTR, and other soros-like operations. This place is literally Zig Forums, a few naive sincere folks like yourself, and 7 stormfaggots. Great docu though, and yeah d/l it.
I haven't been on Zig Forums in some time, I know there's been some drama with the BO, but I haven't really surveyed the current situation. Anyway, about the documentary, maybe it's not showing up in subscriptions feeds or recommendations, I know youtube has been trying some new sneaky shit with that recently. It's weird the view count hasn't even reached Southern's subscriber count with how much she's been hyping this for months.
Ethan Foster
Oh you poor little thing, are you still stuck in the stormweenie phase? Zig Forums is accelerationist now, you can fuck off with your pseudo-liberal ideology now sweetums
Zachary Bailey
I can hear the 'ooook, oooking' from here…which on is the groom?
Isaiah Lee
You don't belong here, Shlomo.
Grayson Sanchez
You don't belong here either, Chaim.
David Taylor
I keep getting my comments deleted every time I post in Blue Spiral's comment thread on the vid. They've deleted two comments from me now. There should be 5 comments from me in that thread.
31 minutes into this documentary and it's kino as fuck.
Also the part with the farmers organizing to report attacks and stuff together and working together as their own paramilitary / police force is cool we need to do that ourselves in every country.
Nathaniel Turner
This is the best thing Southern has ever done. She's been very very slowly moving away from civiccuckery, and maybe seeing this shit hurried her up.
Brayden Fisher
I'm using chrome and for like the 5th time today a tab I had open just spontaneously closed while I was writing a youtube comment and it doesn't show up in the history so I can't even find my lost tab back.
I'm getting really fucking suspicious of all this fuckery with my youtube comments disappearing after being posted and chrome doing weird ass shit.
Gabriel Price
1. There are no good Jews. 2. Lauren Southern is a jew. 3. See 1.
The documentary is probably ok for redpilling normies, im not going to watch it because I already know about the genocide. And I have no doubt the documentary wont talk about the ever present Jew behind everything bad that ever happened to south Africa, or any ethnically European nation.
Simonsen Family name origins & meanings: North German, Danish, and Norwegian : patronymic from Simon.
Simon Family name origins & meanings: English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish (Simón), Czech and Slovak (Šimon), Slovenian, Hungarian, and Jewish (Ashkenazic) : from the personal name, Hebrew Shim‘on, which is probably derived from the verb sham‘a ‘to hearken’. In the Vulgate and in many vernacular versions of the Old Testament, this is usually rendered Simeon. In the Greek New Testament, however, the name occurs as Simōn, as a result of assimilation to the pre-existing Greek byname Sīmōn (from sīmos ‘snub-nosed’). Both Simon and Simeon were in use as personal names in western Europe from the Middle Ages onward. In Christendom the former was always more popular, at least in part because of its associations with the apostle Simon Peter, the brother of Andrew. In Britain there was also confusion from an early date with Anglo-Scandinavian forms of Sigmund (see Siegmund), a name whose popularity was reinforced at the Conquest by the Norman form Simund. The earliest documented bearer of the surname Simon in New France came from the Saintonge region of France and was in Montreal by 1655. Another, from Paris, is recorded in Quebec City in 1659 with the secondary surname Lapointe.
She clearly worked for kike Ezra Lavant, making me never trust her
Logan Stewart
I finished watching it. 0 mention of the jews, actually there's one brief scene where it's implied the jews are going to help, when you see some guys with stars of davids on the back of their shirts
you know Lauren is literally a coalburning whore right?
James Hughes
back to reddit
Hudson Martinez
she's not a jew, she did a 23 and me
Ryan Jones
The most important thing about Farmlands is that it shows what will happen in Europe and America once whites are a small minority.
Matthew Thomas
Southern is a Jew, a MtF tranny, and still works for Rebel media. The whole "Save SA" movement is thoroughly kosher and Rebel is monetizing it on several fronts, using its jew shills like Simonsen and "Katie Hopkins". There is video of Simonsen at 16 years of age, pre-operation, normal male chest and facial features of a skinny boy on puberty blockers. 1 year later "she" has a full rack, waist-length hair and various cosmetic surgeries. As for this thread, how original This is how rebel media always shills its products here.
Or they're going into spam because you post 10 comments in 1 minute
Ryan Williams
23 and me is a long debunked scam. I remember her admitting over twitter she was a jew, but I didn't save the screencap. Sage for not having my info together.
Chase Thomas
My comments were hours apart.
Colton Sanchez
Watched it this morning. Thought it was a really good documentary. No talks of Jews but describes the situation well. I do recommend it. Very well edited.
This is the kind of propaganda that whites need to churn out endlessly.
Henry Campbell
Most of that infograph is very good material, but this is what raises a red flag for me, and what raises a red flag for me whenever people bring up imkampfy five times as often as they'd need to to sucessfully draw attention to him I have been here even before imkampfy took over the board back when rachposter either didn't appear frequently enough to get on my radar, or wasn't linked back to him yet, and in all this time I have never, ever, not once seen anyone defend him in spite of some constantly claiming that he has this large cadre of devout followers. Where is this army of people that defend what he does? Because much like those devout trump followers who defend all his actions that totally exist as the majority of 8/pol/, I have never myself seen them. What well-intentioned user would lie about what regularly happens on an imageboard, unless they weren't well-intentioned and wanted to create a false impression to scare people away from networking and organizing?
Salty spic detected. You will always be subhuman. Aside from that Religious nutter detected: Jesus will not save you, religion will never be the answer and god will never be real.
Asher Smith
La prima presidente mujer de los Estados Unitos. Ocasio 2024. Que mierda me gusta communismo ahora. La victoria siempre, hacer de América en Venezuela
You should kill yourself for making such a shit thread.
James Robinson
Holy shit you weren't kidding, the level of psyops and shillery here is astounding, at this point nu-Zig Forums is probably just different groups of jews talking to each other thinking they're subverting stormfags while in reality the actual Zig Forumsacks have been gone for a while.
that, and it's summer so a bunch of underageb& faggots are shitting it up
David Thomas
Jacob Wilson
This. Exactly. Kikes and other anti-Whites shill here. A lot. D&C (divide and conquer) and "demoralization" are their two favorite tactics. They also like to sow confusion and "flat Earth, hologram moon, reptilians, etc" stuff in order to discredit and divide.
Perfect. Keep pushing that spic. Keep pushing your open-borders, White hating, communists, part jewish brown freak for president. Keep pushing. Make it REAL clear to all the White people that things are not "OK." Keep clarifying those battle lines. Reveal your true intent clearly. Excellent.
Blah, blah, blah.
Juan Gutierrez
saged and reported.
Jaxon Howard
What are the alternatives, endchan? The shills are everywhere I go.