Your consciousness is God

Whether you believe we came from apes or not is beside the point.

Every species has primal tendencies, even humans. What separates humans from other species is this nagging desire to diverge from primal instinct and to ascend into something good. Some races have this desire to different extents. But the real question is, when did this divergent sexual selection begin? Homo-erectus, habilis, or some other archaic hominae?

At the end of the day, we are a sentient, bi-pedal walking ape that values abstract thought over primal desire. We are, by natures standards, the autistic ape with a mental disorder.

What caused it? Radiation (by what)?
Psychedelics (why do we have the sensitivity)?
Lightening strike (what are the chances)?

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Are there any sentient beings capable of abstract thought besides humans that exist anywhere?

If yes, where?
If no, why?

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As simple as this may sound, it was the farm. Before man had to hunt and kill, or herd animals for the slaughter for food. The farm gave mankind an abundance of food, free time to develop other technology, and the time to think about why everyone else was so backward for being (((nomadic predators))).

It could be that a higher race taught mankind this simple method of food gathering, but it made all the difference.

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God is actually the collective actions of the culture. Like a military unit working as one, a culture and its actions form a God, this God shows itself in the cause and effect of people as a whole.
The heaven and hell dichotomy is actually a lot less mythical and a lot more abstract when you look at ghettos vs well built homogenous communities.

You sound like a Guns, germs and steel guy (documentary has many flaws).

Also, this is wrong. Because homo-neanderthalis we know had religious ceremonies despite being early hunter and gatherers. I once thought agriculture could be the answer, but there is just too much conflicting evidence to suggest otherwise. This suggest not just religion, but other abstract concepts that other species could have grasp are not being accounted for. We are the only species to be burying our dead.

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Remember the rivalry between Cain and Abel.

Jordan Peterson pushes the ideas of a metaphorical heaven/hell (not disputing whether that is true or not). But that does not answer my questions. What caused us (humans) to think like this?

Why don't other apes do it? Is this a mutation/mental disorder? Because by natures perspective we are inefficient with our breeding being led astray to thinking about abstract ideas rather than breeding. Like every other species.

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What are you getting at?

Why are we the only beings to see a divergence from primal tendencies as a good thing?

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Your consciousness being god is actually Satanic in nature. You aren't fit to guide your own moral compass due to the limited character of individual knowledge.

Faith in god bridges that gap. Studying scripture bridges it further. The only thing that completes that gap is death itself.

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