Your consciousness is God

Whether you believe we came from apes or not is beside the point.

Every species has primal tendencies, even humans. What separates humans from other species is this nagging desire to diverge from primal instinct and to ascend into something good. Some races have this desire to different extents. But the real question is, when did this divergent sexual selection begin? Homo-erectus, habilis, or some other archaic hominae?

At the end of the day, we are a sentient, bi-pedal walking ape that values abstract thought over primal desire. We are, by natures standards, the autistic ape with a mental disorder.

What caused it? Radiation (by what)?
Psychedelics (why do we have the sensitivity)?
Lightening strike (what are the chances)?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Are there any sentient beings capable of abstract thought besides humans that exist anywhere?

If yes, where?
If no, why?

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As simple as this may sound, it was the farm. Before man had to hunt and kill, or herd animals for the slaughter for food. The farm gave mankind an abundance of food, free time to develop other technology, and the time to think about why everyone else was so backward for being (((nomadic predators))).

It could be that a higher race taught mankind this simple method of food gathering, but it made all the difference.

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God is actually the collective actions of the culture. Like a military unit working as one, a culture and its actions form a God, this God shows itself in the cause and effect of people as a whole.
The heaven and hell dichotomy is actually a lot less mythical and a lot more abstract when you look at ghettos vs well built homogenous communities.

You sound like a Guns, germs and steel guy (documentary has many flaws).

Also, this is wrong. Because homo-neanderthalis we know had religious ceremonies despite being early hunter and gatherers. I once thought agriculture could be the answer, but there is just too much conflicting evidence to suggest otherwise. This suggest not just religion, but other abstract concepts that other species could have grasp are not being accounted for. We are the only species to be burying our dead.

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Remember the rivalry between Cain and Abel.

Jordan Peterson pushes the ideas of a metaphorical heaven/hell (not disputing whether that is true or not). But that does not answer my questions. What caused us (humans) to think like this?

Why don't other apes do it? Is this a mutation/mental disorder? Because by natures perspective we are inefficient with our breeding being led astray to thinking about abstract ideas rather than breeding. Like every other species.

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What are you getting at?

Why are we the only beings to see a divergence from primal tendencies as a good thing?

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Your consciousness being god is actually Satanic in nature. You aren't fit to guide your own moral compass due to the limited character of individual knowledge.

Faith in god bridges that gap. Studying scripture bridges it further. The only thing that completes that gap is death itself.

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Hindoo nonsense.
If this were true then you'd have absolute power over your reality, your body, and everything in between. You don't. You barely have power over your own thoughts and fears and temptations.

God is God, infinite, eternal, immutable and impassable. You are finite, changing and oscillating between dozens of emotional and physical states. You are made in God's image and his spirit dwells in all of us, but none of us is "God" himself. That's blasphemy.

Evolution is not worth speculating about. It's just a one dimensional, materialistic hypothesis, one that can't explain consciousness, since consciousness is subjectively not empirically observable.

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How does the idea of good and bad transcend cultures then? We all have thoughts in our head that suggest good Yin and bad Yang.

This is why we can change religions, but the foundation remains the same. The base of what makes a human being is this abstract idea. Not the God of worship.

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Primal tendencies were actually good to begin with. Divergence from our primal and pristine nature is evil (telling lies, murder, rape, revenge, jealousy, promiscuous lust etc), hence "the fall"..

Terrible hypothesis. God is the ultimate cosmic order, also known as "The One." God is the natural way of the universe and nature.

The good transcends culture because it's the highest platonic form, it's definition/essence does not depend on our abstractions or inclinations, it is to be discovered not created or "agreed" upon. It's also intimately related to God. Good and evil can't exist in an impersonal atheist universe.

God being in our image dwelling in our head came first, we listened to the Yin/good. And it was as if a divine God was acting to make our lives a little better. Even miracles could occur.

Also, why are we the only beings capable of this thought even though it is not biologically imperative?

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This is not correct, these ideas are not transcendent and universal. See: Nietzsche's distinction between Master Morality's good and bad, versus Slave Morality's good and evil

god wants me to do some terrible things to our enemies then

I believe man is incapable of evil. The Jihadists who execute civilians in Syria, I'm sure, believe they are doing no wrong just as someone who hits them with an airstrike also believes they are doing no wrong. But the pacifist in California believes they are both executing evil actions.

Many is incapable of evil, but very capable of rationalizing his actions to be moral.

Abstract math and high level physics are not biologically imperative. Why does this happen? Because man was designed for much more than biological imperatives. The evolutionists are only partially right.

Good and bad are too complex to give meaning to. Try to start with true and false instead. Zeros and Ones.

Faith in god is faith that there is an absolute truth that you can follow in this world. This is important because without absolute faith in god's word (the bible), your moral compass becomes decided by how you feeeeel in the moment instead of what is morally correct to do.

You can pick any religion you like and stick to it, but don't be one of those pussy ala-carte psuedo liberals that says he's "spiritual."

Religion is meaningless if you wont die for it. I hope this helps, I am not a christian scholar so I can not give you a complete guide. I can just explain the best way that I can as a man who walked away from faith and came back through logic that god is right. Good luck on your journey, try learning from books instead of fools on the net.

Other animals have all of that. Do animals also diverge from this "primal nature"?

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So this is the basic premise of the Garden of Eden, we were all good without any bad at one point?

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And what is this design? To do good?

See, its a circular idea.

Humanity transcends itself through culture. this larger organism necessarily overshadows our primal desires

Christ you're going to make me type up the fucking bible arent you?

This is what fucked us biblically. It makes sense that we would do so. Why would you want less knowledge? Things weren't good or bad before. They were just true or false.

I don't think atheist exist in the human species. How can one be ignorant of good and evil? That is why I say the basis of what makes a Human is that very notion. "Atheist" or believer, you still know good/bad.

So what is the fruit? A hallucinogen? Something that made us autistic? Why can't this be replicated with other apes?

Why just homo-sapiens?

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God is God, infinite, eternal, immutable and impassable. You are finite, changing and oscillating between dozens of emotional and physical states. You are made in God's image and his spirit dwells in all of us, but none of us is "God" himself. That's blasphemy.

Explain Kristos Jesas

Yin is darkness, yang is brightness

Explain the Jews

The fall affected the entire universe.
"For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. " Romans 8:22

Yes. In the beginning we were very conscious of God and so our natures were good. Then the fall happened, and the more we forgot God the more we tended towards evil and selfishness.

Atheists definitely exist, because people are free to be foolish and delusional and self-contradictory.

There is a developmental stage that will occur in your life.

Intent does not matter. Good is objective, not subjective. There is no context for the situation. And executing civilians is objectively bad.

He subsumed human nature into himself without undergoing any change to his divine nature. The infinite One has infinite power to incarnate and manifest in various theophanies to mankind, while still remaining God in spirit and essence beyond the physical.

But the self proclaimed atheist ironically has the internal voices of good/evil in their head. That is why I say "Atheist" don't exist. A true atheist is a chimpanzee, a bird, a fly. Humans are not atheist.

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How can someone be fully man and fully God when to be man is to be an eikon of God and why does it has to be specifically one Jew that people have to go through to be "saved"?

thats not the real question , the real question is what are you going to do with it?

Why fucking worry about when it happened, it happened it is here

Thats like fukcing trying to learn how to build pyramids , what do you want to build some, no we have better shit to build. Why study useless info. It happend , some people use it , some dont some are idiots that are black some are idiots that are white. Some are idiots that make shit threads.

Who gives a shit when it happened

Person A: Killing this person is good
Person B: Killing this person is bad

Contradiction is not an argument, going to need something else to back up that grand philosophical statement

there are no civilians in ideological warfare, you are either host to the propagated idea or you re not. The term civilians would have no meaning without formal military. How could there be civilians in a race war either? If you wanted to eliminate aids but you had to kill several hundred thousand African children to do it, you would have to involve them in your crusade against their will.

Good is removing Evil.
Evil is suffering.

If your ideology calls for warfare on non-believers who are not attacking you (civilians/children) your ideology is objectively bad.
You must question yourself deeply, is this going to remove more suffering than it is going to cause? And is there a way around this rather than killing?

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Exhibit A: Just stop thinking.

Why believe there once was a "good nature" which has been "corrupted"? Why believe the depressing, baseless premise of "fallen angels", when we truly are rising beasts, made imperfect by nature, but crawling our way into the heavens through sheer force of will?

There is a balance between the feminine nature and the masculine thought. One is our mother, the other is our father.

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A line drawn in the sand. It was probably just an apple tree. You don't hallucinate the knowledge of good and evil, you learn it. What kind of stupid statement is that?

You fucks really over use this word to the point of making it meaningless.

Why just homo-sapiens?
Because we were made in God's image. Not everything has or needs a scientific answer. Some things can be learned by intuition if you're wise about how you live. Those same things can be learned by trial if you want to be stubborn. from personal experience God doesn't mind one bit if you take your time and stumble into every man made trap available.

Seek and you shall find. The inverse is also true. Do not seek and you shall not find.

Good and Evil don't depend on what is said by person A or person B or person C. It's not a matter of speech or desire. What is good for a person is similar to what is healthy for a tree; we say that nutriments are good for a tree to be healthy, and diseases and parasites are bad. This isn't opinion, it's just a fact.

I would caution you to not equate evil with suffering, although suffering is often a consequence of evil, it's not necessarily one-to-one identical.
Some suffering is for our own good, like physical or intellectual labor done for a good cause.
Some evil doesn't have any observable suffering, like telling a white lie.

No, you should stop asking people on the internet for source knowledge when it is available to you. Go to a church. Read the bible. Go be a monk. Go worship allah. Go read the bhagavad gita. Read the Tao. Read Nietzsche. Study shintoism.

You learn by doing, not by asking random people.

It's all out there, and you'll never get a good TLDR because it's too complex to sum up in a conversation.

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Epistemologically asserting statements as facts without the wisdom to discern facts from opinions is the error of all false religions, including Christianity.

Because that's what the prophets indicate.
Because as history shows we are becoming more and more degenerate, despite all the fancy trinkets we craft.

the finite and imperfect can not perfect itself or raise itself into eternal through its finite and imperfect power, that's illogical.

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Christianity is the cure to religions and the height of philosophy.

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The Buddhist community was recently under attack when some of them militarized and decided to rape and kill some muslims in retaliation for the wave of Islam that was destroying their country and the thousands of killings perpetuated by them. When the primary threat is the 'civilians' and childrens very existance what exactly should be done? When the nature of the opposing Ideology is threatening, should it not be acceptable to attack it on an ideological level? These people arent about to just go home. Also AIDS is probably a good thing IMO since it mostly kills people who deserve to die.

First question: Which god? Second question: Got any proof for your claim?

The implication if your claim is correct is that this "God" you speak of looks a whole lot like a monkey and an ape - simultaneously - because we Homo sapiens happen to classify as both.

Is that true though? To what extent do you have to teach right from wrong? A child does not necessarily have to be taught the golden rule, depending on their IQ, would they not themselves re-discover this knowledge?

Also, thank you for helping me figure this out

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You didn't answer my question silly orthodox man, how can you promote what you believe when theosis can be achieved without believing that Jesus had to die on the cross to begin with, rendering the reason for his divine action to be utterly meaningless.

Wow, it's like a before-and-after for what Jews do to culture.

There's only one God, one omnipotence, one absolute, one infinite being. There can't be two by definition, else they would limit each other and not be gods.

Without God there would be nothing, or less than nothing. Yet there is something and it is marvelously ordered and designed and connected causally. Causality requires a source, else you get an infinite regress. This universe and life couldn't construct itself, that's absurdism and illogical. The ultimate source would transcend causality, time and space, and that is God.

You don't sound very Christian if that's your description for your particular god (There are many you fool). (((YHWH))) certainly doesn't fit the bill for a Creator deity.

Disgusting, all of you will pay for your blasphemy.

Blasphemy against who?

Trinity. The second person of the Trinity is a perfect image of the nature of God and also fully God and through him all things were created. " He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on." Col 1:15

There is no "necessity" to God's creative choices, he is free to act and create as he sees fit.

Huh? Theosis is possible because of Christs redemptive actions in his life and his death on the cross.

This is false. The crucifixion is vitally important in Christianity.

It's the concept that matters, user. If you explain this phenomenon in pagan deities, go for it. If not, go be a LARPagan somewhere else.

Ignore him

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It literally pains me to see it. I am homesick for a place I've never been.

The god described in the bible

Belief in the bible. Look man I come from your perspective, but you cant move at all if you don't have faith. Statistically you're pretty likely to die in a car crash, but you still get in your car and drive to work every day because you have faith you wont die.

The same goes for a belief in god. Life on earth is hell without faith in a loving father that guides all things. Life is nothing but madness without a god that watches and judges all actions. You haven't lived life if you cant see that as true. Without god there is no reason to sacrifice yourself for others because nothing will ever be rewarded. Nothing is seen. Nothing is judged. You just wasted effort for no one and you die.

That's my intuition. You'll might find concrete proof of god if you look hard enough. But you'll find that if you start looking, REALLY LOOKING, then you wont even need to anymore.

If you believe the bible it is.

I was only give the bible as a general framework as a child. I'm sure there are subtle things you should teach your children, but that's really up to the individual. We are all "sinful" by nature which means that we desire to do sin, but we are forgiven if we profess faith in christ and "repent" our sins. (Sincerely regret them)

I thought that once as well, but I grew up in a christian society driven by christian morality so I was stupid in thinking this. Were your parents christian?

No problem. It feels weird to evangelize. It's like I'm holding someone else's baby.

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Christianity and all the great sages (christian and non-christian) teach that there is ultimately only one God, one creator, regardless if he uses lesser minions and forces. There is only one absolute.

I really am convinced you're confused, because the Christian god is called (((YHWH)))

Really? Because I see a universe ruled by multiple Laws of Nature, with an infinite multitude of actualization that perfectly accommodate the many Old Gods, and not just one particular greedy Jewish demon-god named (((YHWH))).

Monotheism? No thank you. Abrahamism and its latent corruption discredit that idea.

Youre feeling the death of your higher body, and through the collective conscience remembering its life.
What we are witnessing is the base man as it exists as an individual.


The highest name is Iesous Christos. Philip 2:9
We don't call God YHWH since that's a hebrew conjecture.
We are told to "baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew (RSV) 28:19), not YHWH.

The Eastern Orthodox Church considers the Septuagint text, which uses Κύριος (Lord), to be the authoritative text of the Old Testament, and in its liturgical books and prayers it uses Κύριος in place of the tetragrammaton in texts derived from the Bible.

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Yes, I made it this far in life with a basic understanding of some biblical scripture. But for me it seems to be studying different religions, not just one, helped me get a better grasp on life.

But I am still curious of how much of this is passed down ancient knowledge from the first hominid that conceptualized the ideas of good and bad. I tend to think this is more of a genetic phenomenon. Just like schizophrenia is heritable and certain emotions are, some concepts are as well.

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There have been "religious" behaviors by other mammals – primates even.

You don't see laws of nature, you see their potential affects on matter and the appearances of change. The architect of the laws is One. There can only be One infinite,one absolute being, one omnipotence.
If you want to conjecture multiple demi-gods or pseudo-gods that are not actually eternal, omnipotent and infinite that's your choice. But they would be in the angelic tier, they would not be God at all.

I just went to scientific american dot com and the front page article was
Im not sure its a credible source

This is the only serious philosophy thread going at the moment and I only really respect the opinion of Zig Forums and affiliates on these matters. I wrote the following after dwelling on the nature of living, Nietzsche's Ubermensch and Third Position philosophy:

To survive is to struggle.

That is to say, to continue existence is to combat the entropic forces of the universe.
Every breath, every beating heart, every outspoken cry is, in its own right, a defiant battle cry against the inevitable death of all life.

Living then is only this: Struggle, combat and battle, continuous until defeat. And defeat will be swift and sure for there is not one force, no not one, which can overcome the infinity of the universe. We are all then like Sisyphus born into the damnation of a terminal exercise in futility. If we are doomed, as all people are, to a lifetime of labour and of struggle, just as Sisyphus is, what then should we make of it?

There are two options one may take at this junction. The first, and all things being equal, serious, contemplation should be suicide. Why fight the inevitable? What purpose could there be to combating the infinite power of the entropic forces? Perhaps suicide it the only rational choice in this dilemma, it seems so. You are confronted with a choice of either death, or suffering and then death. Why would any rational, sane, man ever choose the latter? And yet we do, again and again, we choose the latter. We, as human beings, try over and over to defeat the entropic inevitability of death only to be cut down like so many before. However, since you’re still reading this you also have not chosen the route of the rational man, of the suicidal, and instead look for some other choice.

That other choice must be to embrace the fight. To stand tall, to understand and accept the eternal struggle, to load your shoulders with weight and to continue the endless battle. Then, as you accept the fight, as you prepare for combat, you must also prepare yourself. To sharpen your mind and harden your body, to master your skills in fields which are appropriate. To then join ranks with your fellow warriors against the eternal night, to strike out against this infinite enemy, to continue the fight until death and to fight the battle to the best of your mortal abilities.

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The Trinity is a stolen concept from ancient traditions including Platonism where the Monad /Father is the First hypostasis, the Nous/Mother is the Second hypostasis, the Psyche/Son is the Third hypostasis. In other words, the negation of 2 from 3 is 1, while the true nature of the Nous is merely the second one, aoristos dyad, 1 and 1, Monad and Nous. 2 is the divine attribute of the Nous as Xaos/magnitude of which Hyle/matter is formed through Xaos is also known as 3. On/Being is 5 not because 2+3 or Xaos and Hyle, rather, 1&1+3 or Monad & Nous in Matter.

Divine Necessity is an absolute principle of Holism, Panpsychism, Orthogenesis, etc. The Greeks called it Ananke. Denying this is a failure to recognize the necessity of God itself.

Theosis is really Theurgia which comes after apophasis, negation, also a stolen concept from ancient metaphysics.

You deny the necessity of God as Jesus to die yet claim the crucifiction is necessary? C'mon. The true self is not the false self, the higher self (God) is the source of the Psyche but the Psyche not being God yet is an extension/emanation of God within the world is capable of understanding all that is one with the one that is all because reflection of the One comes from the One itself in a different modality.

If death was our ultimate destiny we would simply never have been born. Something else is going on and your birth is not just a lucky accident as materialists and nietzscheans would have you believe. Think deeper.

I am skeptical of what they defined as sacred rituals

Say that again. Yin and Yang is jewish monotheism?

You (falsely) conflate reasonable, justifiable trust/confidence with faith, which is defined as a set belief held without regard for reason. Not only that, but you assume I dismiss all possibility of spirituality - when in reality I only reject the (((YHWH))) of Abrahamism - and you (again, falsely) assume that those without belief in spiritual guidance also see themselves as living in an unordered universe.

All of these mistakes are forgivable, but they need to be pointed out anyway. I recommend Zig Forums, or /christ/, or /christpol/ if you want Christian discussion.

Neoplatonism came after Christianity.
The idea of the dying and resurrecting God is not unique to Christianity, but that doesn't mean it's undermined by previous imaginings, previous hopes, and previous prophecies of such a messiah figure.

This is contradictory and denies God's godhood since it posits a rule or order that God must conform to that is above himself. If you believe such an order exists then that is your God, but that order would be free in itself, if you keep positing necessities above it then you haven't reached God yet.

And you really think that all religions are basically the same? They aren't AT ALL. You haven't studied shit. Don't pontificate to me and pretend to be some well read fuck. You don't know shit about any religions. Tell me about the noble eightfold path you condescending fuck. Christ I used to be like you. The cringe is palpable.

In some ways all things are a genetic phenomenon. But we are not geneticists. We are internet nazis.

This is true, once we stop understanding the significance of our own existence we might as well just be cattle for the people who do. nihilism is the cancer killing society

Yes, I agree with the basic sentiment. But I am asking why did this begin? Out of all species, why us? It isn't even biologically necessary to pass on our species (if it was at one point, it most certainly isn't anymore)

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Your conflating things. It was not necessary for God to create the world, nor to incarnate or get crucified, but once he freely chose to do those things the necessary consequences were entailed. And a certain order or fate was manifested, i.e salvation became contingent on the incarnation and crucifixion.

>sucking (((hegels))) dick

You cant have reasonable faith? Yes you can. See I did it right there. I put the word reasonable in front of faith as a modifier.

You can reason your way up a tree if you want to.


I assume you are a wishy washy fuck that is too lazy to pick a morality system and live by it. I used to be like you. Pick anything you like. BUT YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE, FUCKER.

Someone asked about christian morality and it's origins. I am clearing up misconceptions as is my eternal task in life.

Neoplatonism isn't Christianity, it's just an emphasis on what Plato had talked about which is also an emphasis on what Pythagoras talked about which is also an emphasis on the concepts the Orphic Mystics talked about, so claiming the concepts outlined in Neoplatonism didn't exist prior to Christianity is a failure to understand ancient Monistic Metaphysics that also existed in Egypt and India and in various other places.

Free will is merely a choice between subjecting unto divine will or ignoring it. The divine has no choice, it merely does what is good because it is good.

The Great Deceiver is an arrogant lying child, and humanity was sent here to fuck up his shit for the lulz. The Almighty Father would have done it Himself, but our immortal collective soul wanted the fun and so He's letting us do it instead, even though it'll take much longer our way, because time doesn't matter to Him because He's endless.

This defensiveness is unnecessary. I promise you, I have studied many different polythistic/cults religions. Particularly indo-european myth. I am fascinated on the origins of aryan logos (which is the most abstract). But this thread is about the basic logos, Good/Evil.

Way to be sour grapes, had no idea you felt I was being condescending..

Ye ye, but the problem is you need to justify your assertion that the demonic Yahweh/El/El Shaddai/El Elyon/Tetragrammaton/whatever-greek-translation-you-want-to-pretend-is-the-original-name in the (((Old Testament))) (A collection of books riddled with lies mixed with stolen texts from the Jews/Hebrews' neighbors throughout history) is someway, somehow, the ultimate absolute of the Universe. What a profane situation you Abrahamists get yourselves in to.

Oh. Well I don't know shit about those specifically. We've probably sparred in the past.

I consider those "dead" because the masses have left them behind. I'm sure there's something to learn from them but I have never bothered.

I may have been projecting a pattern I had seen elsewhere onto your words, forgive me, long day at work.

For man, yes. But God's freedom is absolute and unlike ours.

False. If the divine had no choice it would not be omnipotent or infinite, but impotent and constrained. It's true that everything that God does is good, by virtue of his nature and wisdom, but that doesn't mean God has no freedom in what he creates or how he relates to his creation. He is totally free. The creation of the universe was not an automatic, necessary event God had to initiate, as if he were an algorithm in a computer. That's not God, that's more of a demi-urge, a finite craftsman.

Go on… Where? What?

Either you worship an unknown/impersonal abstract God or the God that actually created the world and revealed himself to mankind. This is not a problem for us, this is a problem for you, since you worship something you do not know.

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I abide by many ancient moral obligations/sentiments, but haven't paid enough time to consider it. I do know that, objectively speaking, I'm doing much better than the masses.

Great job I guess

No one sacrifices them self for a sentiment or obligation.

Modern English is a creole language and very prone to corruption
Every iteration is corrupted, and the meanings of words obscured. Real English is most commonly known as Old English. Basically, no one but Frisians can understand it without more than a day's training. You use Frankish, Greek, and Latin words without understanding what they actually mean. Since your subconscious remembers past lives, the words confuse your conscious mind as your subconscious hears a more proper language.

Learn Old English or befriend Frisians.

The whole damn Book of Exodus is a fiction.

Speaking of Exodus, if the ultimate absolute of the Universe revealed himself as the Jewish demon-god named (((YHWH))) in said Book, and the ultimate absolute determines objective morality, then I would be in the moral right to slaughter White babies wholesale, as (((YHWH))) is depicted as doing to the Egyptians in the fictional Exodus story.

"God" does not know what he is for he is not a what. God is God. The expression of itself is external from itself, ex-ousia, yet it still is created from the form of its' true nature only made manifest. The demiurgos is the Nous, but no one in /fringe/ would understand what I mean by that, Gnosticism is kiked reinterpretation of Neoplatonism and the religion of the antikristos Judeans in a Pagan recontextualization. Xaos itself is the attribute of what the Nous, while the Nous itself is from the Primordial Agnosis(not going to bother explaining this besides saying it's the result of divine necessity/attribute) from the Monad that is merely unmanifest power, of which the Nous is only aware of its own power as the Monad. The Aoristos Dyad, look it up, you might find the right PDF explaining it.

Why do you think exodus is a lie?

All is God. Nothing is apart from It.
So absolutely nothing is different. All creatures are equipped with the same desire to increase pleasure and decrease pain. Humans have (developed) abilities far beyond most animals, and thus we rule.
Abstract thought serves primal desire. Without the desire we would do nothing. And very few actually value abstract thought, even amongst whites.

So farms just happened and then abstract thought came to be? That sounds out of order.

It's not procreation that animals care about, it's good feelings. Same with humans, but we figured out how to maximize hedonistic pleasure with birth control methods, whereas animals just bareback all day.

There is no divergence, only superior fulfillment.

Dualist cuck.

Many events that happened in the OT are within a specific and narrow context, God did not instruct you to do any killing, so no you have no right to kill egyptians now.

Ok. But I'm not interested in Neoplatonism at the moment. It's too speculative and contradictory. See