Did God send an angel to talk him straight on the evils of The Gay Community? What does this all mean Zig Forums?
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Getting buggered puts demons into you. Well known.
I'm glad that francis seems to be turning away from his liberal theology heresy, but I'm still out of communion with the Church. If the sodomites and degenerates are removed, I'll return but that's not up to me.
Too late Francis, you'll get the rope alongside them
"Muh bridges not walls"
Fuck him, no wonder the Pope isn't shit after they get someone not from Europe. I'm glad I'm not catholic and have to defend this retard.
I'll believe when words come to deeds.
Pope is nothing but a man and all men lie.
Fuck catholics
What a shame. I thought that despite the whole part about wearing funny hats and believing in fairy tales, that they finally had a decent pope
Shame he has to be an Alt-Righter like you morons
Your shit taste knows no bounds
If this is a display of anything, it's how the church hierarchy is immoral and exists solely with the intent of expansion, whether they have to suck migrant dick, praise faggots, or heil Hitler.
This is a NatSoc board faggot. Alt-Right kids will come around eventually but you'll get the rope
He must have smelled a schism in the works.
Nothing can stop it. It was written centuries ago that he would be the last. Burning on the cross like christ is his only salvation.
You're talking to a turkroach his non-white autism knows no bounds
Isn't this pope a kike anyways, of course he would.
Cuckchan thread.
Faggot OP can't post source link.
not everyone browses with botnet-ware, so no - it doesn't display, faggot.
You're lost. You may find your beloved alt-right faggots on Reddit or similar, not here.
That's Imkikey
pedo commie
very strange flip floping
I think he is pressed by all those pedo investigations
Rumor is that Cardinal Burke is leading a conservative / anti-marxist group of Vatican masons against him. Spicy. Schism?
He's a gutless spic antipope(pope not recognized by actual catholics ie whites only) who pushed liberation theology to spics because spics are inherently commie puppets now that the people around him are pushing for something he should according to prior action be dead against he knuckles under. He's just gutless, even for a leftist probably atheist scum sucker.
Faggots still need to burn, not just in hell either I mean we need to burn them because they qualify as hazardous medical waste.
Vatican bank continues to defy scrutiny and continues to wash black $$$
Just discovered that although official HQ is in Rome, the real biz is CAYMAN islands and Turks and Caicos
Even crazier is they claim 9 WW missions/branches including
azerbaijan is a clown puppet state run by bush elder and cheney also home to clown airways aka SILKWAY AIR
The banks footprint alone is highly suspicious.
I was raised catholic and this pope has demonstrated so much vile evil that I simply walked away.
mah "Jesus failure on the cross" that false pope should be roped for that alone. so many questions, where is pope Benedict ? since when could popes abdicate? aren't they appointed by God via cardinals ? did God make a mistake? shit is corrupted as all hell.
Fuck the pope
Not really, just his jewish owerlords reminded him that gays are not efficient as race mizing tool.
Oh and how could I forget that Jesuits are supposed to have a oath that forbids them from ever becoming popes. aren't they the defenders of the church, and in doing so up to the hilt acknowledge that there might be some deeds that would sully them to the point that they should never become pope?
He stole the name of one of the venerated saints.
berogolio is like a crypto-jew
his real intent is that he should be cannonized and everybody will forget the real one
born this way, no hell, 11 volume treatise
like a pedowood script
wow, good point. I always forget that they don't officially agree that the snake chaser was a ST.
I'll tell you what it means
yeah he's a je(w)suit
These guys are such fucks. They even worked hand in glove with jew narcos to destroy China in the 19th C.
pretty sure he's the first jesuit white pope but the grey and black popes are always jesuits i think
why would a reptilian be a decent pope?
Archived links or back to reddit!
The people are the Church, not its bishops. You're not alone in your disgust, but that doesn't excuse a lack of faith, and your faith requires you to seek communion with the Church. Without the Eucharist, your body will die. Don't let the sins of leaders cause you to sin by aversion to the community.
For father's day, my priest spent his whole homily bashing beta males essentially. Telling men to man up and don't listen to liberal school teachers. My point is, it's not all pozzed, especially at the local level.
What God wills, so it shall be.
All of their property should be confiscated. e.g. Florence is 30% owned by catholic groups, that is on par with the middle ages.
the popes murdered the vast majority of Equestrian Knights that served them with loyalty in the 14th/15th cens.
the they set up gesuits to spread evil across the globe
popes will kill you for unpopular speech too
london banks
nazi war criminals
gods personal reps
Jew detected
only a hebe would capitalize the name of a sub species
No, but I can tell you used to get sent by the shortbus.
i don't believe it!
this populist cuck always said whatever would get him more likes on social media
that was the very first thing he said when asked his opinion on faggotry
guess he underestimated the backlash he had from catholics over that
Meh. Better Islam and throwing fags off the buildings, legally raping lesbians and mass murder of trans than cuckstianity.
then it's even worse. the people are trash
Same shit with a new paint coat.
They all belong in the fire.
The Catholic church didn't oppose fascism in Europe in the good old days, either. I think so many of you guys are looking for complex answers when it's most likely that they're just bootlickers and are seeing the world opinion is changing.
That raging drivel
Must be quite a lot of jews posting here
Thread's already anchored, retard.
It is always flaming homos, like Almodovar, making accusation of buggery. One wonders why? Isn’t it an expression of their born with “natural sexuality”?
Evidence in any case is their word. We don’t question that, because flaming homos are not known to be drama queens, making up stuff.
add the pedophilia percentage too
I mean I hope he gets the guillotine, the rope and the quartering - but it is still hilarious to see this opportunistic snake sniff the wind and change direction as fast as he can hike up his skirt and run with it.
First of all Zig Forums is not alt-kike but NatSoc, second
now kill yourself.
Gays were behind all major armies in the ancient world. They want the west defenseless. They want gays to be fags instead of warriors. They are doing everything they can to weaken the western armies. Turning gays into fags and making conservatives hate them was part of their overall plan.
old testament prohibited gay sex only when cross dressing ( due to Canaanite fertility rituals ).
David and Jonathan had sex. Jesus never mentioned it despite stories like the Roman centurion that kind of allude to it.