Mike Enoch

Bret Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein, then there is Mike Enoch, notice anything?

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They look nothing alike, that's what I notice.

I notice you are a sliding cunt

Im sure its a coincidence

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they are all crossdressers

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They're both Jews. They all look alike

Itwas da white man abd da capitalists!

Go back yo leftypol.

that's jewish phenotypes for you

wow it's fucking nothing.

sage and gas yourself.

Not sure

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his eyes kinda look like thermobitch as well. definitely something non-white there

No, this is how you do it.

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Attempting to claim that he's related to them is a reach. I don't think he's some bastard Weinstein lovechild. However, I do absolutely think that Enoch is a duplicitous self-loathing mischling. He's got kike blood in him, I would bet my left pinkie toe on it.

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Therno is an admitted partial jew.

Attached: Mike Cernovich I ve Got a Little Bit of Jew in My Blood.mp4 (640x266, 6.59M)

The name Enoch alone is enough.

He admitted it, but then later TRS tried to memory hole it or claim that he misspoke.

Stop making threads about this faggot, you are going to summon his fanboys like wyatt.

here compare Jason Bateman (left) and Bradley Cooper
compare photos of Will Ferrell and (Chili Peppers' drummer) Chad Smith

Photos from certain camera angles often make one person look like another. Such photos of course don't prove any genetic relationship.Anybody with Mediterranean Caucasoid genes can look like Enoch does.

Just Google >>> "separated at birth" and look at pages of misleading "photographic resemblances" between completely unrelated people.

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Pure Norwegian incoming !

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This thread again? Why is JIDF trying so hard to force this meme?

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Oh I am well aware. I kept abreast of the situation as it unfolded in real time.

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They have beady jew eyes. Enoch admitted he was a kike tho, he is repenting for it.

buttstuff.biz hasn't thrown this faggot out yet?

He's still a self-proclaimed jew with judaic features

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Yes, they have the troll phenotype.
They are Jews.

Besides the guy in the middle, i don't know the others.

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I have the stern hawk like look in all save the nose and I have green eyes. Am I (((Jewish?)))

You're a kike, Harry.

Of the three, Peinovich has the jewiest nose.

I know Ranch is good, but who the fuck drinks a whole bottle of that shit in one setting?

A fat fucking bloated kike with a shitty podcast and a diversity commissar yenta wife.

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If you listen to that video, and Ive never heard the full 12 minutes in context or rather the 3.5 minutes, he clearly says that he is Jewish and its a conflict of interest to ban other Jews off TRS because he himself is Jewish.

Or rather, not conflict of interest but he said hypocrites.

Holy fuck this is gold, and the irony is that they claim in context it makes sense and hes not a Jew as their defense. In context its the exact opposite, its absolutely damning.

You should see how instantly furious it makes any of the TRS "personalities" when the subject is brought up nowadays. They try hard to play it off as ridiculous nonsense but they REEEEEEEEE internally so fucking badly. Mike gets openly flustered about it whenever he's on some stream and the chat won't toe the line. Anglin is no different either. It's disgusting how all these fucking e-celeb types have no scruples whatsoever. If they did, they would have kicked Enoch's fat ass out of their "community" immediately after the kike wife info was brought to light, let alone after Mike himself started running his yap about it afterwards.

Oh and don't get me started on The Weev Question. It's all just so fucking disgusting to me. There's nobody with any integrity involved.

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Roper called him out. I listened to his last 2 shows, good stuff. Hes exactly what we need, leading the fight for balkanization in the US

Roper and his Shieldwall Network are doing good things yeah. I wouldn't call him an e-celeb type. He's an older author who's been involved in real life pro-White activism for a long time. Mike Delaney is another example. He called Enoch's ass out too. So did Sven Longshanks over at Radio Aryan. I was more referring to all these fucking faggots who orbit TRS and TDS and refer to themselves as "alt-Right".

Billy Roper is CIA via his friend of 25 years, CIA agent David Holloway.

Mike Delaney is CIA/DoD.

Francesco Young is MOD/BIC.

Mike Enoch’s and Ames Friedman’s Connections to United States Government and Israeli Government Intelligence Agencies

- Mike Enoch was employed by Oddcast, a corporation which was founded by an Israeli military special operations soldier (Adi Sideman), exclusively employs Israeli military intelligence agents (including Unit 8200 operatives), and functions as a de facto Israeli Govt. intelligence agency front company.

- Mike Enoch was employed by Burrelle’s Information Services, a corporation which is run by a C.I.A. agent (Robert C. Waggoner), contracts for multiple U.S. Dept. of Defense agencies (including all four military branches), and functions as a de facto U.S. Govt. intelligence agency front company.

- Ames Friedman was employed by Jim Smith, Jr. International, a corporation which contracts for the N.S.A., employs a C.I.A. agent (Marie Amey-Taylor) and an R.C.M.P. agent (Allison Manswell), and functions as a de facto U.S. Govt. intelligence agency front company.

- Ames Friedman was employed by America Online and NBC Universal, large American media corporations in which deep cover U.S. Govt. intelligence agents are frequently embedded.

Bullshit. Roper has been openly anti-ZOG for decades and has been persecuted by the kikes for it.

Mike spent years of his life creating his film on 911 exposing kikes and creating/running his anti-ZOG websites out of his own pocket. He's raising multiple home schooled White children. I've spoken to the guy personally many times. Delaney is not a fed.

Oh look it's the same cocksucker who posts these batshit Enoch threads. No wonder. Rope yourself you fucking well poisoning disinfo nigger. Go jerk off the "everyone's a tranny" torpedo for a while.

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This guy thinks that William Pierce was a CIA Agent because he worked at Pratt and Whitney for a year and wrote some violent books.

I hate Boomer consipratards so god damn much man. They shit up everything with their stupidity. Makes it infinitely harder for actual pro-White truthseekers.

Want to see a whole thread of his stupidity?

He is d77909 in that thread

He also wouldn't answer the simple question-
Should White countries stay White?

What's it like being so stupidly ignorant?

Mike Enoch is a self admitted kike, no amount of smug anime faces will change this fact

Roper and Delaney are both professional actors / role players working for the CIA and DoD.

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The first two are Jewish and the last one is Slavic?

HPV is the shit you get from eating roast beef. Isn't it?
Also isn't HPV extremely cancerous? but that's downplayed for some reason :^)

Well, should people of European descent continue to comprise majorities in Western Europe and North America or not?

Claiming your retarded disinfo shit over and over doesn't make it any more true.

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Sure, and all celebrities are secret trannies, right? And the Earth is flat, the moon is a hologram, nukes don't exist, trees are actually fossilized turds of ancient giants, and my ball sweat cures cancer. Fuck off already.

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Should people of European Descent go extinct?

Sinead McCarthy and her husband Kyle Hunt are CIA agents/assets (as you already know), which is why they promote the absurd conspiracy theories which you listed.

Should white countries stay white?


OK m8

Or here is a better take


Whatcha slidin'?


Forgot my pic of the glorious diversity that awaits us.

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Guess he didn't have a rebuttal to that one,kek.

You should probably get a life and stop being an obsessive, autistic stalker.


WTF, Im CIA now!
Kikes gonna kike.

This is a Jew. He works for the CIA.

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The only thing I notice is similar, is that they all have bad trimmed beards
The eyes aren't an indicator of jewishness. It's more like a bad physical trait and probably means he has shitty vision. Your thread is bordering on some autistic phrenology shit.

check those low energy jews out

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Every WN leader is an intelligence operative. The entire subculture was created by the CIA and Pentagon. And the FBI was also heavily involved via its front organization the American Security Council.

George Lincoln Rockwell was an FBI informant and practically worshiped J. Edgar Hoover, e.g. Rockwell's "Heil Hoover!" quote.

You really don't know what you're talking about.

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Should white countries stay white?

They are from the same batch of eggs

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this, i listened to the Rebel Yell podcast as this bullshit unfolded and these quotes are real. lying kike is why i don't listen to their shit podcast anymore

Further insight:

Sinead McCarthy and Matt Heimbach both worked with young children (McCarthy worked for a private business that assisted autistic children and Heimbach worked for the Indiana department of child services) as part of a CIA early identification system to locate children whom would make suitable candidates for future sheep dipping as intelligence operatives.

Checks out.

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Should white countries stay white?

The CIA prefers to recruit ("sheep dip") teenagers who have severe behavioral and psychological problems, e.g. Sinead McCarthy, Alex Jones, Donald Trump, etc.

No, not majorities, the absolute and only members of said -continents -

He owns the site.

they all have beards?

I dont know user, what a lazy fucking low energy post


Wait, does nobody notice how Bret and Mike look almost identical? It's fucking spooky, like that Linkin Park fag and Podesta.

Here's Veronica Clark's "book publishing" company logo.

Notice anything interesting?

It's staring you right in the face, hidden in plain sight.

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Give us your opinion on this guy.

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1. Artist / painter.

2. Army intelligence operative.

So was he controlled opposition?

sage negated

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< not "greatest politician who ever lived"
ok kike get the fuck out, go back to your sodomite forum

How is this still a thread?
Low quality.

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