卐NSG卐 - National Socialism General

Thread for discussion of National Socialism, Fascism, Traditionalism, and European Identity Movements. Share links, PDFs, reading, videos, and propaganda.

卐We are NOT an ideology but a worldview of truth卐




libgen [dot] io/book/index.php?md5=1792DBBF0D866D2476E1455DD8DAFF0F

Attached: HAPPYFOURTH.png (2550x3300, 907.73K)

Other urls found in this thread:


">We document a southward spread of genetic ancestry from the Eurasian Steppe, correlating with the archaeologically known expansion of pastoralist sites from the Steppe to Turan in the Middle Bronze Age (2300-1500 BCE)."
Some quotes from the Rigveda, the oldest Indo-European text.

Attached: Your fight is our fight.png (2550x3300, 1.46M)

Required viewing:
Homesxuality EXPLICITLY linked to Pedophilia:

The History of Gays: pastebin.com/fGbWWsfA
The Cause of Gays: pastebin.com/fytXNYzU
The Psychology of Gays: pastebin.com/nQ0Qhv7T
Gay Statistics: pastebin.com/xj2nq5B3
The Cause of Trannies: pastebin.com/n7443LL8
The Psychology of Trannies: pastebin.com/iVh2Qd5h
Tranny Statistics: pastebin.com/qXHQ3Xcu
Incest: pastebin.com/sfY0wB4F
Pedophilia: pastebin.com/fX94Bw9n
Pedowood: pastebin.com/PEsK8Scd
Bestiality: pastebin.com/umXFBSLA
General Links: pastebin.com/8WRrfj0L

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fuck off kike

these threads always look so impressive and then go absolutely nowhere. do something cool.

Back to halfchan with you. These threads are good and a lot of the videos linked in the pasta are really good.
Only a kike calls someone like OP a kike. Checkmate.

Not meaning to insult or offend, but let's talk about why a lot of extroverted natsoc types are fat and ugly. I believe in virtually everything Hitler did but I consider myself a 9/10 and I'm also not a faggot.
Why can't more outspoken natsocs be mentally stable and not fat or faggots? It hurts the cause.

With the stigma the 卐 holds in this time in history, do you think you're ever going have support? Get rid of the old symbolism, it has been utterly destroyed by the Jews, something new must come from the ashes.

I care only to attract those already attracted to the Swastika. I know they are devoted and, against all stigma, are willing to stand with the solar ideal. I do not care for someone who will whine about a symbol not appealing to the video game playing, marvel watching, average man-child.

Are you stupid or just Jewish?

Alright im going to actually answer you. The vast majority of people here enjoy the rhetoric but have no intention to act on any of their beliefs and thus do not adopt an appropriate lifestyle to accompany them. It isnt even their fault, there just isn enough social support out there for the modern natsoc man

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also theyre fucking jews man

Makes sense.

No, we're not optics cucks. Youre either with us or against us. The Alt right has tried this and it doesnt work.


The NSDAP viewed the KKK the as the epitimy of American stupidity and racism, and the KKK viewed the NSDAP as muh ebil notzees.

Never conflate the national socialist movement with idiots who wanted to import more blacks into the US.

Its a cool aesthetic but other than that theyre p gay

Fuck you demon queer , the sigil of Thunraz is eternal, unmovable and unstoppable just as the Vajra

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David duke is fucking gay as shit, the first klan was the best imo

German ancestry settled in US before jew war 2 My genetics grant me awesome power no jew could ever have however their smut and gengeneracy should only be seen by men that can break it down and expose it as jew filth without being corrupted by it.It literally is that nasty jews are fucking the lowest filth of humanity and have to be releated to the romani gypsy.

fuck off jew

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You fuck off. 4/pol/ has black nationalism generals. Maybe those are more to your liking.

You cuckchanners have some nerve. This board is NatSoc, not a single containment thread.

What the fuck is this retardation. This is like communists saying they aren't an ideology all the time. As if being an ideology is a bad thing somehow.

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Loudly proclaiming your ideology isn't an ideology is one of the most culty things you can do desu

Can someone provide me with an English translation? Would very much be appreciated.

The Klan was always shit.

Imagine my shock.

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Lynch niggers that were raping and pillaging, restore the former political order of white Southerners during Reconstruction
Oppose the agitation for mass migration in the 1920s, support quota legislation
Hmmm…fuck niggers? I'm not sure.

I know nothing about the occultic aspects of the KKK as a fraternal order. Jews tend to be involved in fraternal orders. Those are the broad strokes of the KKK as regards their main motives and recruitment.

National Socialism is an ideology meant for fat incels who got bullied in school and would label themselves as a "reactionary""

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The swastika is a legendary symbol, Chaim, nobody is ditching it

Okay, I know these questions have probably been asked a lot, but I have never seen them answered.

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Why are so many sperging out at a good old /nsg/? Have all of the NatSocs migrated to >>>/fascist/ or what?

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Doesn’t look very dead to me, fam

Tbh I don't care who runs it as long as they're not being an overbearing moderator


fashwave discord server is back


Does anyone know if IronMarch is coming back, and is there anyone making a similar forum?

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bumping for useful OP (even if template threads are unfortunate)

im sure the kikes will fund something similar for you to masturbate over soon enough

Another false-flag post by JIDF
At least you don't promote pedophilia or terrorism like your other threads.
Let me guess. You will use that (((coincidentally))) posted KKK meme in social media to discredit those evil white supremacists.

Speaking of supremacy:
52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are ‘a cancer’
33% condone anti-migrant violence
My post ruins your narrative you say? Oh no!

Probably not going to return since Slavros got vanned by the FSB.
Big F.

< National Socialist forums are cianigger kikes
Don't you have a kike podcast to masturbate to? >>>/trs/

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Your gods are to weak to help you in 2018. Even Pol will soon disappear.

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Good thread, OP.
No sarcasm.

Judas Watch, TPS and Mr Bond alone are pretty legit.

No, it's finished.

Everyone should read
Cant remember the official title, but its a nice little book detailing SS pagan beliefs


No. It’s likely not returning. They were infiltrated and raised by Jews. Which is what the primary issue with Fascism is.

Better than this piece of shit board.

Backing down is never good, and I think that's the main problem with these guys on imageboards. They are all anonymous, so they never have to fear having self dignity and pride. You're not proud if you're hiding from yourself and your true feelings.
It's almost impossible to purify chan types due to this, but easy to corrupt them

These generals are copied and pasted by kikes. I wish they would stop getting attention. If you guys want a NSG, then make a legit one yourselves.

What's to say they are made by kikes? It's not made by the ass-scratchers, they would've linked to a-certain-site-that-is-named-of-a-book-with-five-letters

wtf … get the fuck away from me spooky hood man

fucking 3000% degenerate

There's evidence they are made by a Zionist Jew, specifically. I don't have the caps saved. Look at the language, the iconography (KKK etc)…these threads are made by a literal hooknose.

What's wrong with the Klan? My great gramps was a Klorero.
It's violent language, pushes away normies. Why should we care about plebs, only useful part of them are the genetic stock of women.

Because no great movement has ever pushed away normies, you fucking commie. Wanna know how I know you're not a National Socialist?

you're a libertarian aren't you? do you think muh nap will save your ass too?

How do you suppose any White can gain power without community, money and a plan? You can't just meme your way there because even if you do and people ask you "what now?" what will you do? The only reaction would be continue on but through helping our own.

As far as I am aware we are at 2018 and there is still no one in office, no businesses acquired that employ our own, no organisations that help house, feed and train our own etc. It just larping faggot who harp on about rockwell, and pierce as if anyone gives a fuck anymore. Who are the people TODAY that are actually being effective?

Oh /nsg/, save us from the Jewtin-Trumpenstein hellhole.
May r_td be banished.

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So let's say: white ethnostate, corrected all usury, strong nationalism, a fuhrer.

What if fuhrer goes crazy, is terrible, or successor is shit. How do nationalized companies make poor products because of no competition. How do you control corruption in a government that has so much control in their version of socialism?

Error, I meant what if nationalized companies make poor products due to nationalization (no control)

Indian here, my shithole of a country worked when we kept lower caste to breed less and systematically supplied our better caste with conditions to live, now that ZOG has taken over the lower caste are being fed with gibs whereas higher caste are being sucked dry with taxation.

Meanwhile Muslims are fucking up our gene pool, by marrying our women, the point is there has been a concentrated effort, like some NGO's outside funding Muslims brides to marry off UC hindu girls some shit like they did in Australia.

I am having a hard time comprehending the whole scenario the one who have fallen to Muslim trap are dead because when the ethnostate is set up we can't even distinguish who is who so we have to send them all to middle east, the point of all these is all ethnostate has to help each other setting up one, if you think Jews won't discharge their lower races on us just like they did multiple times in Stalingrad or someplace else?

My point is will we help each other to set up a ethnostate? Like you guys sending us soldiers in war time and vice versa?


You need to go after that jew infiltrator Hardmouse. Until you purge spergs such as him, Natsoc will never thrive.

< hehe dont use the ancient religious symbol of your people, goy :^)

hardmaus isn't a jew you fucking faggot
kys alt-kike

Does anyone have that picture where hitler and some other men are visiting a place where they are looking at a fake human body which is see through and you can see the nerves

Seeing the shill (((slide))) threads hit, so it's … RESCUE TIME! #3

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All PDFs are for informational purposes only.



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You know this EXACT ————-EXACT post appears in everyone of these threads from here to 4chan. Creepy.

hmmmm? Want to read, know it's FEDs with trojan. Too bad.

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I knew Ironfront was kike controlled opposition, but I didn’t realize they were this retarded.

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Hmm. Well don’t worry it’s honestly only neat at best.

ahhh land mines….ahhhh the perfect FED ID bd3888— thanks Jimbo

FEDS posting in NatSoc thread

Can't stand the truth, ayyyy you low IQ subservient cultist zombie scum? How does it feel to be a slave to the JEW WORLD ORDER?

And by Jew I mean Rothschild, not your uncle.

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What do you mean? This is all satire.


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Another thread by the Jews for the stupid White man.

White Nationalism is the cause of White Genocide
They have ruined every single attempt by Whites to defend themselves in real life for the last 50 years
Larping for the Jews about Nazis is more important then helping Whites

Ragnar Benson. Be smart and safe. I heard about this PDF called the White Survival (or Resistance) Manual. Also Scientific Principles of Advanced Warfare and Home Defense.

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Schlomey please

Posting Nadsees is Jew posting.


Was the KKK even NatSoc?

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That's a nice list of failed systems. Let's keep trying what failed in the past.


Schlomey please, you rat faced kid fucking faggot.

Currently making a PowerPoint on why gays are disgusting and this helps a lot. Thanks user.

I'm revising my physical appearance to match my beliefs. I have shaved clean and I want to get a natsoc haircut- is this the only one or are there others? I don't want to be buzzed entirely because I have great hair and I'd just look like some US army grunt or a cop. I'd prefer something where gel/styler isn't a requirement to keep it in place all day.

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If poos want an ethnostate to protect their race and culture, then we're all on the same team.