Why do people do this shit again? Virtue signaling? Exotism? Doesn't seem worth it if those are the two main causes.
I think the main victims of miscegenation are whites who hate themselves, girls with daddy issues who'd fuck a pig if they could, and those who get duped into negro superiority through modern jewish culture.
A solution to counter miscegenation: IMPROVE YOURSELF WHITE MAN. BECOME THE FUCKING CHAD ALPHA. illiminate all foreign competition, be both strong, smart, and eventually successful and no one, jews, niggers, asians, NO ONE, can compete.
So first, you must illiminate the cucky image that jews spread, which slowly manifested itself into reality.
If you do this, not only will you regain your own women, but all the women of the world will want your rape babies more than they already do.
Fulfill your destiny, white Man. Be an Übermensh or watch your legacy get mongrelized.
Your nigger-tier English proves your bloodline needs to die.
Jace Anderson
Because they are lemmings. If we had a National Socialist government, these same people would be pushing racial purity. Sage for slide thread.
Benjamin Martin
I think in reality alot of these people are just hedonistic nihilists who one day suddenly awake in their miserable lives. Like a lot of coal burners do it with 0 thought invested, they just show up get impregnated or waste their sperm on some semen demon. And the next thing they know they are raising a child that doesn't look or feel like themselves, who will be a confused mischling shit blood with a greater propensity to mental illness and social isolation.
So to answer your question as to "why" they do it - just because, that's why.
Daniel Brown
The guy claims my entire bloodline must die because of a single typo in his dear language.
Guess what faggot, your gay ass isn't very pretty here, or anywhere for that matter.
She actually looks like a real person in the first pic. Maybe I am just too autistic but why do these whores mutilate themselves, it doesn't make them beautiful - just plastic.
Gabriel Fisher
No, your whole post is filled with nigger-tier English.
Jordan Long
I do not care if i butcher english. Wether i do it or not, it has already been butchered countlessly by niggers and gooks, go persecute those instead of being a faggot to someone on your side retards.
Anthony Parker
Your all too autistic and inexperienced in life to understand this, but, ideas ("commonality") matter far more than skin color.
My wife is: 100% on board with trad-mom'ing and living a life that would follow suit–farm, home schooling, F the (((man))) lifestyle
100% on board with the idea that homes shouldn't get the same rights as heteros. I think the "only 2 genders, change my mind v2" video concreted it
100% with keeping dumb trans shit away from legislation–her reaction was dismay to recently read of Canada's recent birth cert gender marking changes.
100% about hard work and sweat but also being a lady and wanting children near future.
Shes more 88waifu than I would wager quite a few actual skinhead chicks are. Not the dumb ideology trappings–the actual do for yourself volks have the power and should embody it in their selves and community type shit. Shes fucking gangster.
But most of you dummies would never, ever even look at her because she is black. You'd see your preconceptions and cast aspersions borne of immaturity and pettiness–if you even bothered to give her a second thought at all. If you finish reading this and only feel incensed instead of shameful for your dehumanizing feelings towards other peoples for (ultimately) paltry differences than frankly bye bye white pride you weren't worth shit anyways. Legacies are important, as is heritage. You can raise your kid in white and black both if you have a modicum of sense.
Dylan White
Caleb Clark
Just adopt a child then do not waste those ideas it will never work out even if she is she is still fucking black that does not work and will never work you will just get a child that hates himself because he is neither fucking wake up retard
Tyler Fisher
Ideology matters but so does race.
Go spread your civic cuckery somewhere else.
I thought this board was for the well-being of whites, not this kiked up stuff.
Europeans are going extinct here. It's not the time to be fucking based monkey pets pal.
Zachary Hill
It's the first time I see a kike promoting this on this board
Brayden Morgan
First off, just from the way you talk about her I can already tell that she's 75%+ Euro DNA. Quadroon, likely octoroon; less black than Obama.
Second, miscegnation and the cuckening of whites are two separate problems and blend together in interestingly disturbing ways.
I do agree with the unspoken tenet of your post: that Darwin always wins in the end.
Blake Perez
Don't be silly. How can I place my shots accurately if I never look at her?
Race traitors get the first bullets you weak willed piece of dog shit. Right after your nigger wife gets lynched in front of you.
Jace Scott
I like how you just all espoused the "ideals" of racial purity above ideology. It really totally doesn't make you guys sound like hateful and petty. Totally nah.
And you are all probably so sadly self-obsessed to give thought to how this actually propagates the image of "whitey" trying to keep "tha brothas" down. Aren't you guys all about saying whites are the example we should all uphold? Seems like a hard sell when you, by admittance of being whites-first and "traditionalist", should have some sense of true account for your agency and actions… I mean they are all EXTRA special, right tradMan?
You guys can ad hominem me all day, meh. Not gonna phase me. The sad truth is you are all a cowardly lot of racists who cant openly and flagrantly espouse it in your daily lives so you hide behind these facades of meaning built of hate.
Maybe try living down south and openly being a nigger hater is the life you seek? It's an option.
And just to make all you guys get your panties in a extra twist, I'm 50/50 German/American so you know she getting that good good caucasian seed.
Nicholas Green
Can you keep your disgusting fetish to 4chan?
Justin Evans
Oh no, the race traitor nigger lover called us evil racists. Go fuck your monkey wife and enjoy yourself while you can. The day approaches rapidly when scum like you is made an example of. Understand that any abomination half breeds you create or have created with your monkey will be exterminated as well.
Despite my predilection for personal phrasing my wife is straight up down south cotton and tobacco country black, meh guess. I tested 3rd year college Eng in the 2nd grade if you really wanted to know.
Nolan Green
Gonna ask mom to make you some pizza rolls when your done jerking off to some fantasy of homogeneity that is decades of not a century dead?*
*not that it was a bad fantasy
Evan Green
Imagine being such a loser that you have to settle for a nigger. How bad does her nappy jungle cunt hair feel on your soy face? Enjoy having children that look nothing like you and are doomed to a life of never truly fitting in because their father had a bestiality fetish.
If it were not a real thing then this conversation wouldn’t exist.
Lucas Jones
actually thats pretty soft, if you have any experience with that sort of thing, just saying
the worst part about black women and black people is there attitude, everything is a fucking dumb argument just for gibs
You have a plate of chicken on the table you better fight for your one piece because black people will not consider you for a second and there will be one dude who eats like 5 pieces just cause its there. But more so because that one guy is used to the idea of "you better get it while you can". Black people have no value on deciency and remorse. It stems for this every man for themselves attitude in their famliy. Its super annoying.
But there is something to the saying "you are not a man unless you have split mahogany" … try it dude if you find a good opportunity. I promise you her monkey cunt doesnt smell any worse than the average roasties
Hudson Lopez
The fact that you are so head over heels on the defensive means you know it is disgusting and wrong. Go re-read your tripe and tell me that doesn't reek of someones soft spot. Why are you even on here monkey fucker? So you can show us big bad wacists how wrong we are? Save yourself the energy, and spend time getting the necessary psychiatrist your kids will most likely require.
Matthew Peterson
This thread is so so so sad. White men have fallen so low that they can't compete with jews and not even the niggers now. They have lost control of their women and their societies. It's just really pathetic. OP is basically begging white men to actually act like normal men that women want to be with, because they're not even that right now.
Thomas Miller
Easton Thomas
How much of my tax money will you waste raising these mongrel brats?
mm mm no no no, the other worst thing is how horrible they smell, female coons don't wash their hair for months because they pay for weaves (whitey hair) to hide the pubes coming out of their head.
Connor Cook
That was exactly my thoughts at his comment In the first pic she looks exactly like a gargoyle faced kike and most definitely not a "real person"
Gargoyle faced kikes are real people, real fucking dangerous people who need to become aquainted with a high degree of farehenheit. I was just saying she looks like she was actually born and not grown in a test tube. Not saying she is attractive. She has a nose like a door knob.
Luke Lopez
That ain't white hair my dude; niggers are weaving pajeet hair into their mudscalps. Imported street shitter hair for shitskins.
Varies by sex. Women do it for signaling, and because modern women's most ubiquitous sexual trait is self-hatred and a desire to be deep-dicked in a manner that is as shameful, and thereby arousing, as possible. Men do it for signaling, but more for the exoticism thing I think, or a combination of the two.
Generally speaking, humans inthe modern West view sex as a realm of 'exploration' as opposed to a reproductive function. NDD in action.
I can't help but laugh at civic nationalism - its a self-defeating meme.
Look at the US.
We hear civic nationalists talking all about these Constitutional principles that they hold dear. Freedom of speech. Right to bear arms. Limited government. Yet these same civic nationalist principles, they claim, demand judgement on the basis of the individual only, not as collectives… Of course, their claims are somewhat suspect, given the men who derived those princples initially were slave owners and created the US as an explicit White ethnostate, but whatever.
The point is, this hyper-individualistic outlook forces them into a cognitive box, limiting the extent of their philosophical-willpower. It does so, in that it forces them to reject judgement in the context of racial groups as a collective, despite races acting as collectives. For example: Hispanics support gun control (60%+ in favor, 30% against). And hate-speech laws (50%+ in favor, 25% against). And expanded government (70%+ in favor, 20% against). And Hispanics overwhelmingly identify with the left-wing political parties (60%+, increasingly from generation to generation after entry to the country to upwards of 70% by the 2nd generation). AND Hispanics demonstrate an elevated fertility rate relative to White populations in the US (still above replacement levels).
Thus, by upholding civic nationalist principles in judging Hispanics as individuals instead of as a group, many Hispanics would be (and have been) allowed into the country - for example in the amnesty of Ronald Reagan - despite the fact that collectively they do not believe in the principles upon which the nation was founded… Not that they would say as much if attempting to gain entry - deception exists, and civic nationalist arguments as-goes vetting procedures are underwhelming, nevermind the prospect of enforcement of civic values after entry (let alone over generations).
Wyatt Price
And this last point about enforcement is important, because evidence suggests that, like most ethnic/racial minorities in the US, Hispanics do not demonstrate a collective belief in the civic principles of the US (certainly not to the proportional degree seen in US Whites), but they DO behave as a collective, supporting left-wing political groups in overwhelming majority. Those promoting civic nationalist ideals do not demonstrate the philosophical-willpower to enforce these civic values, have offered no methodology to alter this condition, and all indications suggest they are bereft of such a method - if they were not, the populations which have been in the US for several generations, exposed to the values of the country and civic nationalists' arguments in that vein, would espouse those positions, but they do not.
While on the subject… Why do Hispanics support left-wing groups? Are they actually more left-wing in political view? Yes, but that's not the whole story - they vote as a collective, and they do so to serve collective interests. Left-wing groups in the US are the groups in favor of serving the left-wing predispositions of Hispanics (hate-speech laws, gun control, expanding government with more programs) as well as increased immigration, which they promote loudly, and increased immigration leads to an increase in population for the respective ethnic/racial minority in question, which in turn leads to an increase in the political power, electorally at the very least, wielded by that ethnic/racial minority. Hence, regardless of their political stance, Hispanics support left-wing groups as a collective to serve collective interest. We see the same sort of behavior on behalf of Blacks and other non-Whites. In fact, we see the same sort of behavior on behalf of Asians, who also primarily support left-wing groups in the US (50%+, increasing generationally), even though polling of their political views suggest they may not actually be left-wing politically - they're merely acting as a collective in serving their collective interest.
Nolan Jenkins
Left-wing groups are, for whatever reason (ideology, personal desire for power or wealth, etc), very happy to assist in this endeavor, and in fact, the left-wing political party of the modern US is an amalgam of minority groups acting collectively in their own interest despite an absence of shared political belief betwixt the tribes. They are, effectively, a collective composed of collectives, each acting to serve their own interests, and a great deal of their effort is maintained in securing each individual collective's support and avoiding conflict among those groups where their perceived collective interests conflict. Further, these left-wing groups - aided by left-wing political/social organizations (several particularly influential examples bearing an overt Jewish composition or philosophy) - explicitly advocate for, and support the explicit advocacy of, the respective non-White minority collectives, whilst simultaneously doing everything in their power to silence, slander, demonize and deplatform any and all explicit White advocacy groups through accusation of association with 'racism', 'White supremacy', 'Nazism' and/or 'anti-Semitism', amongst others.
That is to say, the left-wing in the US, particularly the influential Jewish wing, advocates against explicit White advocacy. Which is why no such explicit White advocacy organizations exist in the US today which are not so slandered, and certainly none which exhibit institutional power and perceived legitimacy as might be claimed on behalf of other ethnic/racial groups' equivalents (the latter of which often exhibiting a far more seedy character than the former). Ironically, this seems to form a neat little circle for the left-wing (especially Jewish) actors: by advocating against White advocacy and White advocates using accusations such as 'racism' or 'White supremacy', Jewish left-wing organizations create anti-semitic sentiment in White advocates and White advocacy organizations, which those same left-wing Jewish organizations then utilize to further slander them through accusation of 'anti-semitism' or 'Nazism'! Its important to note that the left-wing political factions and their accomplice political organizations in the US also employ such accusations in opposition to any efforts to inhibit left-wing political aims at increasing immigration into the US from non-White sources, promoting globalist multiculturalism and miscegenation, and degrading national borders, even national sovereignty.
The left-wing has been so successful in their efforts in this regard, that the US population demographics are beginning to disintegrate. The White population - the only population which demonstrates anything close to majority support for the ideals which civic nationalists claim to hold most dear - is being displaced.
Liam Brown
What conclusion do we reach from such analysis of circumstance? We can discern that the civic nationalist position is philosophically-unequipped to combat this hazard, in that their civic nationalist ideals demand they make judgements on strictly individual grounds such as to ignore ethnic/racial behavioral trends. They will thus seek to argue in favor of judging a long line of individuals, as individuals, on principle, who can and will present themselves as sharing a belief in the principles civic nationalists claim to seek to uphold if such is required to gain entry to the country, and who will subsequently act collectively in their own interests once in the US such as to create new demographic conditions within the US that are no longer fertile substrate for the individual - and thereby societal - espousal of civic nationalists' proposed ideals.
tl;dr: Non-Whites don't care about civic duties or virtues, they act as collectives to serve collective interests, and civic nationalists do not have any mechanism at their disposal to change, nor combat, this state of affairs, even as they vehemently protest, on the basis of their civic nationalist principles, White advocates attempting such a feat. These civic nationalists are thus demonstrating that they are operating from an obsolete playbook, attempting to espouse civic nationalist ideals of individualism that were only able to be maintained in homogenous White nations bereft of competition from myriad non-White collectives (each serving their own interests), and yet, despite this failure, demonstrable throughout electoral politics in the US (and the West overall) over the last 30+ years, civic nationalists continue to suggest the old playbook is valid. The conclusion is thus that, if civic nationalists are allowed to attempt to carry out their proposed policies in the US, there will cease to exist a substrate for civic nationalists' beloved Constitutional principles and these principles will cease to exist in application in the US. Self-defeating meme.
Lucas Hughes
Finally, I'd like to sink one last nail into the coffin of civic nationalists' hyper-individualistic ideals, specifically surrounding the conceptual notion of individual judgements in the context of immigration. Regression to the mean. This is a well-documented phenomenon in population genetics whereby the offspring of outliers within a population tend to gradually 'shift' toward a state more in-line with the average of their ethnic/racial group. The result is that judgement of individuals is an entirely static exercise. Typically, those promoting such a methodology of selection will dictate a set of standards which are non-biological in origin, but which effectively act to indirectly ensure that only the outliers amongst non-White ethnic/racial groups will be able to gain entry. Of course, this is innately faulty in practice, in that the individual's offspring are not necessarily going to espouse the traits which meet those standards, particularly if the individual being judged initially was an outlier amongst their kind, which will be the case by-requisite as regards non-White ethnic/racial groups, yet those offspring will be granted voting privileges if born within the US.
tl;dr Is not only a strawman espoused by someone with total scientific illiteracy, in that race is SO MUCH MORE than mere 'skin color', but also a patently falsen notion, in that the same factor - race - which dictates 'skin color' also dictates things like the cognitive capacity to understand, especially abstract, ideas.
Thus, if race dictates your capacity for understanding ideas, and it does without question, then ideas cannot, by definition, be more important than race, as without the proper racial context one cannot even grasp such ideas.
Negresses are hideous. This entire post reads like you're trying to convince yourself that bedding down with a negress was a good decision even though they're like 5 times more likely than white women to have herpes.
Nathan Cruz
Lets be honest - thats a shill post. That faggot isn't actually shacked up with a negress, he's just shitposting, because the moderation on this board doesn't ban shills, so they're free to shitpost like that and thereby easily disrupt threads and derail them. I shouldn't even have responded, but, it was begging for it.
You're right though, negresses are hideous beasts, and everyone knows it.
Colton Young
When all is said and done, what defines how white you are?
Andrew Cook
Your genes.
Brandon White
Genes are only the starting point. It doesn't matter that you are 100% Pure Bavarian Phenotype if you are a race traitor or a hardcore degenerate. Being White is more than just having White parents. You must also live your life in tune with natural order and strive for excellence. Even if you don't succeed you must always be trying to improve yourself and the future of your volk.
The cause is mutational load. Our environment is saturated with poisons, and our culture is dysgenic; it's a desperate attempt to patch up shot-to-pieces genomes with heirloom DNA.
Aaron Garcia
Don't listen to all of the incels here user, stick with your wife and teach good values to your child.
Connor Hill
if a white man had a white wife and niggers for children then he is a cuck but to go straight for the junglemonkey dirty fuckhole and create your own nigger children is a whole new level of ascended cuckholdry i hope your children kill you, which is statistically exponentially more likely with niggers for offspring
good bait btw
Isaiah Reed
It's infinitely better to be celibate, voluntarily or otherwise, than a filthy fucking race traitor who is actively working against the 14 words by creating more non-white abominations. Slit your wrists posthaste.
No matter how we improve ourselves the media will still portray us as bumbling idiots. If we want to improve our image we need to gain control of the media.
Ryan Long
Yeah like how to be good niggers by suicide
Evan Scott
You took a very bad decision, also women are not meant to be "redpilled" but rather to be the one who carries your offspring. Her main ability should be to give you healthy, white offspring. You failed at this. Have fun with your miserable life.
Landon Wright
Jewish media, advertising and pornography promote it 24/7
Jackson Wright
I agree with your argument that being White means having standards to live up to, but be aware that a libshit could spin your statements to mean that being White is a "state of mind". If you were making a presentation at a church or college, then the flow of the conversation would be hijacked into civic nationalism cuckery.
Jackson Nguyen
You're motherfucking right I wouldn't. Your children, should god forbid you choose to have them, will also be black. Half white and half black does not make them white. The nigger always overtakes the non-nigger.
Landon Hughes
Your wife is 100% a monkey.
Austin Wood
Goodnight alt-kike
Asher Richardson
Further, if your monkey companion had married some SJW she would have been 100% on board with all the commie talking points. Females, regardless of species, conform to however their mate thinks.
Xavier Reed
Hi Jeb!
Brody Jackson
Damn, you're getting lots of (you)s, buddy. If your master plan was to get (you)s from Zig Forums by making this very abhorrent post, then good on you because you did great at that at least. Moreso though I'd thank for for allowing this screencap right here to be a thing.
I am a member of the north america hose-pony love association and I am against miscegenation.
Jack Hall
2 reasons men do it:
1) Young White pussy is extremely overvalued in society as a whole and some men want to set their games to easy mode by going after the lesser races. Sadly, the most common interracial relationship in America is White man with spic girl… and I see it waaaay too often here in New Mexico.
2) For liberals/soygoys, it's an automatic shield against the word "racist" since its perceived to be the ultimate virtue signaling
Let's say she IS the negro version of a Zig Forums waifu, your kids will be dark. So they will either marry baboons and piss away their gifts or they'll taint some other white guys' bloodlines. You're part of the white genocide, dumbass.
John Bailey
Samuel Adams
Ive been guilty of this, thankfully came to my senses before it was too late. My case is somewhat uncommon because in my country white women have been brainwashed to be sluts while some kind of immigrants come from conservative countries. So I thought the only way to get a decent woman was to get an immigrant. Others do it for the same reason here.
I wonder if this is (((intentional)))? Turning white women into sluts so that men resort to non-whites from traditional countries?
Landon Williams
Hitler dubs checked Are you in canada?
Jace Adams
I was like you for several years of my life. Certainly there are some Ben Carson-type blacks who could pass as white but it's far too rare and most likely your offsprings won't have the same genes meaning they could be your typical 80 IQ african type. If eugenics was allowed we'd find the way to make all blacks like your wife and Carson.
Your problem is making a rule out of an exception. Just because some can be saved it doesn't mean everyone can. I include whites in that argument; right as I type in the nearby bar there is a white dude who has less IQ than most animals and he's never been mixed I know his family.
When we talk eugenics we mean improving everyone. Blacks just happen to have the worst genes overall so consider yourself lucky to be one of the few who found a rarity. I'm not even against reverse-outbreeding or whatever we'd call breeding blacks with whites into good genetics, but realistically there are billions of them who are barely a step above chimps and cannot be salvaged.
But eugenics will never be allowed as long as jews' interest is to keep us stupid and easy to manipulate.
Lincoln Flores
Same reason (evolutionary strategy) you shouldn't breed with your cousin + assortative mating. Ethno-bolshevist metaphorical niggers could learn some biology.
If you're being told whom to breed with your lineage is being enslaved. Instead trust your custom-fit senses (like smell), sculpted by millennia. This typically means breeding within your race but not always.