What the fuck happened with modern dating?

I'm making this thread to ask a question: where the fuck do you find a woman today?
I swear I'm not pajeet poster, I really would like an answer. And let me clarify: an actual women. Not a fucking bitch.

To put this in context: I just went out with a girl and her friend. Both single. One of them probably was interested since they invited me.
We get to a bar, they order a drink each and then… quietly sip away without saying anything.
Well fuck me, I guess I gotta do everything. I tried all kinds of topics for small chat and casual conversations. The responses were never longer than 4 words.
And suddenly I'm sitting there thinking "How the fuck do you grow to 28 years old and have nothing interesting to say?". And then they pull out the phones.
It was 30 fucking minutes of them both flipping the phones, texting someone else, avoiding eye contact with each other and me until one of them tried to get free drinks from the bar owner.
I just got up and left because I really don't understand this shit. Especially since it's not the first time.
Over the last 3 months, I went out with 12 different girls. They all do this shit. It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: if you don't select a topic, they just stand there.
And when you do pick a topic, they'll give you some dry information and return to being inanimate objects.

It's been 5 years since I tried dating someone, and back then hooking up with my now ex wasn't this fucking hard. I distinctively remember going out with half a dozen girls that had their shit together and could hold up a conversation longer than 10 fucking seconds.
I'm not picky, I go out with 6/10 as often as 8/10 and half the time, THEY invite me, so I know I'm not a deformed monstrosity or something.
Something went very, VERY wrong a few years ago and now we get this horseshit. Is it only me? Have other anons been through this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


You'll find quality girls.

check the catalog and stop shitting up the board

t. parent here.
My friend's teenaged daughter has a boyfriend. Her first. They met on…. Tinder.
I said "well, at least it wasn't Grindr" and we both shared a bleak laugh.
Jews. Its what they wanted. Relationships are so last century. Today's all about fucking.

No urge to breed, so why do you need relationships anymore?

Where there's no cell phone coverage?

Pic very related. This didn't need its own thread btw.

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The old rule of the internet, "There are no women on the internet" still stands.

Well you've clearly never used tinder

It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game: It's like they're fucking NPC's in a video game:

Why would that matter?

And before the MGTOW faggots arrive:
I don't have a problem with whores and hypergamy sluts. That's shit I learned how to pick and avoid when I was 21.
I'm talking about girls that have none of usual red flags but when you meet them, they're basically comatose.
It's like some sort of very concentrated autism or something.

I already moved to a white area for a really good job.
The place is basically dead when it comes to events, but there's a few bars and assorted places where I've met people. The problem is that they've all be infected by this shit. The only girls that don't have this problem are 21 or younger, and I'm still holding hope I can find someone closer to 28.

Hey, General Autismo, I know that thread is up. I got 7 posts there. I made a diferent thread because I've seen this shit over three months on two dozen diferent girls. This shit is serious and DOES deserve it's own thread.

The one's I find on Tinder atleast can talk a bit. You can hear the desperation for male contact in their voices unless they're an 9/10.
The only problem I had with Tinder girls is that they've got no fucking hobbies. Nothing, zilch, nada. At most they'll tell you "music", and if you ask what sort of music, they'll respond "Itunes". I'm not making this shit up.

That's all 3d women dude

Attached: Im not like other girls.jpg (898x378, 58.05K)

They are woman, 99 out of 100 times the hobbies they are designed for are being barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.

Piss off you alt kike feminist.

Has your friend talked to his daughter about this? I wish my parents had cared enough to talk to me about my relationship decisions. I had to waste a lot of time on worthless women before I learned what I was doing wrong. It's the parents job to help their kids pick high quality mates. And friends who just laugh and allow it to happen without any resistance are not friends at all

What's your problem dude? Younger is better, but you are meeting them in bars so there is that. Those 28 year olds are either desperately lonely and socially isolated or completely burnt out. Or maybe they just aren't interested in you.

its actually the opposite of autism, if they had autism they would 100% have a hobby to dedicate to and passionately talk about

Trannies and prostitutes and landwhales.

Well, FUCK then.

Ah, eat shit. If you wanna "Go your own Way", then go all you want, and I'll go mine.
I posted that because lately the MGTOW crew decided that they want company to go in their own way and try to convert people in a cult-like fashion which I very much distrust.

My parents kind lead to me breaking up with my ex. Back then I was pissed at them, but 5 years later, I bought my parents dinner and thanked them. Bitch went to college on a phylosphy degree, covered herself in piercings and sucked 30 diferent dicks in a year. And then bragged on facebook. That shit is gonna be unemployable for YEARS.

Ah, I see how it is. Guess I gotta go find a girlfriend on Minecraft forums then.

Jesus Christ user, I don't even know what the fuck is wrong with you. Above all else, you're missing your opportunity. When you notice them behaving like this you call them out flirtatiously. Gauge their reaction from that. If they're still wet noodles, then you fucking leave. Not that you should be trying bars in the first place for interesting conversation.

The men posting here are usually in the top 2% of people in terms of intelligence, so finding a female that's anywhere close to not being boring to you is going to be difficult.

tits or gtfo

P.S. you are a fickle damned slut and an egotistical liar, nobody gives a flying fuck about what is between your legs here you cunt. This is coming from somebody who cherishes women and doesn't act like a rat bastard even though I very well could given my high T and height/above average looks.

False. Unless you actually are a pajeet or a chink.
They invited you to buy them drinks or, if you're all young enough, as a non-threatening male date to get out of the house. Each one told their parents you were dating the other girl and they were going to keep their friend 'safe'.
The utter lack of interaction is because they didn't have amy interest in you to begin with.
How are any of these deductions rocket science?
You went out with two girls and their behavior didn't meet your preconceived notions.
What did you expect to happen?
If one of them fucked you she's a whore.
If she didn't, she should have been hanging on your every awkward word.

First thing you did right. Should have done that as soon as they refused to reciprocate. Always do what is fun for you. You don't have to be mad about their behavior, but don't let them pull you down with their poor energy. You should always focus on feeding your own momentum, which other compatible people will pick up on and enjoy.

Also, you can do better than 28 year olds at bars. Go hang out at a Barnes & Noble, or something.

Women shouldn't be picked because of being interesting, but rather on their capacity to bring healthy offspring

Man, I'm not even a MGTOW and I'd still call you a fag. Why are you hanging around bars in the first place? If you're looking to settle down, picking up a chick in a bar is not going to be the best idea. If it's for fun, again, why are you upset at the lack of conversation?

That's hilarious

annnnddd I didn't read OP. Man up faggot, I thought you were a woman you sounded so pathetic and soy. I bet this is a jew trying to nuke our social proof/social acceptability by acting like a complete pussy.


I'm with

That's part of the "casual chitchat" I mentioned. It does jackshit
Fuck, they go to the trouble of dressing nice and putting make up and shit. I offer a compliment or saying something more lewd if I know they're the type that likes that shit and I get a nervous "t-thank you" and back to the phones it is.

It's specifically the phones that upset me. I get to a bar with 2 guys, we're talking with each other about work, or the World cup and then I look around. What do I see? 8 diferent tables, each with 3-7 people. And they all got their heads down, looking at the fucking thing. Talking to everyone except the folks around them.

Just so you see how fucking bad this is, last week another group entered the bar I was at and sat near us. They didn't pick up their phones, they were just telling jokes. One of my friends completes a joke one of them forgot, we laugh, exchange names and meet 4 new guys. And they all noticed the same thing that we did too. It's like people don't know how to hang out with each other anymore.

I wish he were kidding, but most men are low T adhd pussy bitches afraid of their own shadow let alone the prospect of digging a foxhole. Oh woooeeee is me! Your nice polo shirt got a bloodstain from bayoneting a fucking zionist booo hoooooo

The only girls worth dating and marrying are most likely going to be found through friends of friends not dating apps. If you don't have a network of like minded friends you're screwed in most areas of life. Organizations of male fraternity are the foundation of civilization. Only a collective of men have the ability to herd and distribute women more evenly throughout the society.

Well, then. That changes things.

One word: feminism.
To expound: hippie 'free love' culture taken to its most extreme, aided by apps like tinder and snapchat, combined with the ease of getting (free!) abortions and society shaming men for calling women out on riding the cock carousel and other bad behavior.

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Read the fucking thread before you post. This is advice you should be following in a general way too.

how old are you? by the way you were just used so other guys wouldnt bother them, no ones interested in you. If they were you would not be single and one of them would have sucked your dick. Girls dont fucking around with sex, men do because we are not single minded like its commonly thought.

If you are under 30 you are not going to find a "woman" you are going to find a girl … and heres how you do it

1) car
2) lower standards , just want to fuck dont ask for more then that they cant give it to you and they dont even have it to offer till they are 30
3) have a male friend that is willing to share whores with you, is all about group hippie sex now a days and the odd thing is this is safer for you then it going solo. As long as you can trust the guy to only want to fuck your girl and not more he will be a good wing man at a bar, there are a lot of pimps and whores at the bar scene and they usually only fuck with solos.

Ill add this, if you are not rich then stop looking for women and get rich. You time is better spent on that so you can get a quality girl. Unless you want to eat McDonalds the rest of your life (metaphor).

All I'm asking you now, are you looking for a wife at a bar, or are you just bitching about how the chase has been ruined by roasties and phones? I need to adjust my shit talking accordingly.

A coward is not a man. Nor are they smart.

The saddest thing about this poster, that this guy is a fucking normalfag. This is the level of despair they are awakening to. This is what it took for them to complain.

Do I look like a sucker? Some bitch enters a bar, orders something expensive. Would you pay? Fuck no.
When I'm ordering at someone's expense, I always pick something cheap to be polite and take expensive if they offer.
If they lack manners, they can pay for their shit.

Well, problem identified, the situation is solved.
I'm not being Ironic here, but it's extremely tiring the amount of trash women I manage to find nowadays.

Give them hobbies by taking initiative?

And then suddenly, socialization itself has died and then they start to complain

And care for healthy offspring. Our needs from women are very simple. They don't need to be anything we can get from a man, because a man will always do those things better.


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I'm indirectly looking for a wife. I don't mind riding a whore or two unless they fuck with my wallet because most of them have other female friends. Might be a 1 in 20 shot, but that's how I met my ex: friend of another slut I "dated" for a week. They both got pissed and I struck a conversation, then they got extra-pissed when I started dating my ex back then.

Just remember; a healthy fish can never come from a polluted pond.

Elaborate, I'm not seeing the connection to my post.


Fuckin' A. Gonna use this one irl. Good one.

Women are losing their minds with thirst due to this broken paradigm. It's unbelievable how easy it is if you /SIG/ and don't act like a bitch. Stop bumping. You little maggots shouldn't be focused on 'muh dick', like a nigger, in times of war. If you want, fuck one or two after you've killed someone, until then you are a cuck to ZOG.

I am under 30. 28 in fact.
And I do have a car, normal standards (by that I mean a 6/10 is bretty good in my eyes) and I'm moderatly sucessfull for a 28 year old (career still starting, but I get paid well).

I already took care of that shit, and the anons in the "betterment" threads are right. A car, a shower and a fat wallet DO get you girls.
But I'm 28. I'm not looking to get married yet, but I'd like something that lasted longer than the lifespan of ants.


Give it time, user. Given enough, they may wake up the rest of the way.

You came to Zig Forums looking for dating advice.
What do you think?

Ignore trash women.
Do not interact with trash women.
Move away from trash women.
Do you live in a city? That's part of the problem, if so. Move out to a much smaller city, or preferably a town. Start your search in a more rural area, in a red state. The church meme is a thing for a reason, but you can find other community activities and scope those out.

po-tay-to, po-tah-to.


I like that.
I prefer

Again, why are you aiming for older girls if they are by your own admission far worse at socialization than the younger girls? They have 0 worth.

No idea. I fuck a different girl every week. It’s gotten to the point where lately I don’t even need to take them out for a drink first and they just come over for sex.
Jewish subversion has made it where women don’t think of themselves as whites anymore but rather (((sexually liberated))).
I’m guessing a lot has to do with location. I’d imagine in more rural areas the girls are less likely to be whores but in big cities with high populations and that’s only because there just aren’t as many guys to hit on them / fuck. Women have a hard time saying no. Women have a hard time sticking to their morals. This is of course speaking generally but I think it’s true for the most part. I mean we live in a hook up culture where you can message girls or swipe while you take a shit or lay in bed. Good luck finding a decent woman and if you do hold onto her because I’m telling you it’s rare.

Why would you do that, dipshit?

The only way to get a good wife in this disgusting kike hellscape is to mold your own. You shouldn't be looking for a 28 year old. They are all infected with kike shit by that age and have taken miles of strange cock. Telogony is real, nigger.

You need a 18 year old who you can isolate and teach how to best serve you. Fuck man you're doing this all wrong. Women are not ever going to be on your level in terms of intellectual rigor. Women are not meant to be your friends, they are meant to be lead and protected like the reproductive assets that they are. If you want friends, find a hobby and join a club or something. If you want a wife, you need to find a young and untainted girl and make her reliant on you to the point where she cannot live without you, and then provide for her materially in exchange for her bearing your children and fulfilling your needs.

You know for a 28 year old you don't know fuck all about how this shit works. You're still thinking like a blue pilled moron that believes in the fairy tale version of romantic love.

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No sir. It's just as bad out here. TV, Internet, and Radio reaches out everywhere. There is no escaping it.

its the smartphones. tried getting a girl in high school when they first came out and it was literally impossible interacting with them, had no date for prom and still have had no date since then cause there all attached to their phones. I do find it funny 15 years on, it's still the same problem.

Nobody listen to this retard. You want to find a quality woman? Learn about her past, observe her tendencies, test to see if she can admit to being wrong. Don't put your dick in her before you're sure she's safe to produce offspring with. You need to learn about the person. If she holds precious lies above brutal truth, then she's no good. Also, a woman who likes you when you're poor is less likely to destroy you if you're rich. Don't show your money to women; that's how you get gold diggers.

Fine, FUCK. I'll talk to the 21 year olds. There's a couple around that are really nice to me for some reason.
There's a 17 year old that will be 18 in a month and I do KNOW she was into me. Guess it's time to flip the bird to society and date someone 10 years younger than me. Fuck this gay shitty earth.

Symptom /= cause

As harsh as this poster comes off, He is absolutely right. I started "grooming" in my senior year in high school and college, but I ended up believing that they had the capacity to be equal. Still haven't seen a single case and my belief caused me my time and my woman.

If a woman is on her smartphone in your presence, drop her.

Are you fucking retarded? It is the complete norm for girls to be into older guys. Has been for centuries. This notion of equal age "romance" is crap. Knowing you though, she's probably the roastie of high school and she's going to take you for a ride until she's 22 and you are broke and miserable. You want a good companion? Be a good companion.

All excellent advice here. I want to add on, watch how she acts with her parents, for those are going to be the people she is most comfortable with. If she treats any parent like shit, when they aren't shit, get away asap. Hell, tell them the truth when you dump them. They might change or think it a lie.

Try this method: youtube.com/watch?v=oX9Vv7EQhKI

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Can't find any, their all held up in their houses on their phones. Nobody comes outside anymore and the community is dead here thanks to spic migrations.

If your intention is to waste time with some broad you don't intend to have kids with, then please don't go after 21 year olds. Keep hitting those used up bar skanks. Let someone with their shit together get the less spoiled ones.

Agreed. I even had a girl I was sleeping with that did this. They have no shame and will be talking to another fuck whilst in front of you. Then they gripe about privacy. Glad that bitch is gone.

Nah, she was a sweet girl that cares a lot about her family. I think she digs me because I sometimes helped her take care of her little brother. The little tyke was fun but a bit too hyperactive for her to handle.

Well, if a 21 IS wife materal, I'd stick with it.

I do an extended version of that: when you get up, they'll usually coment on it. If they're offended by you leaving, I don't even bother replying. If they apologise, it shows they can atleast learn. Maybe. Not really, they repeat that shit until you're gone for good. Guys that do that shit do learn however and rarely repeat it unless it's a business call.

There is no cure for "social anxiety" or pursuing desires. We exist in the dystopian mouse society. One group is overly lustful, and the other is quietly self-restrained. Both are unhealthy. The only cure is for everyone to realize this and work to balance themselves out. You can't force yourself on a woman like that. But you need to start thinking cleverly. Where are lonely girls likely to be online? Work that angle. 30/70 is better than 0.

Gas yourself.

Only somewhat. It's not nearly as bad as big cities.
This is the biggest part of the problem, yes.
I'm rural myself and the women seem about 50/50 between degenerate and decent, with the decent ones living further out.

Here's the easiest one:

The untainted part is the real challenge.

The relationship with the parents will tell you the most. It's a good sign if her parents are still together. It's a good sign if she talks to them regularly. It's a good sign if they have good habits. They are her model for the world, so what they do is the template she will operate from for success. If they're fucked up, so will she likely be.

I'm older than you OP, I've never had any friend, never approached a woman and I have no fucking clue how to hold a conversation past small talk and simple jokes.

Sound like my sister's boyfriend. Used to be sympathetic to guys like you, but now I just see how disgusting it is.

There's literally nothing wrong with a woman who likes to have fun. Quite being prudish, a women sucking more than 1 dick isn't sluttish.

Nothing wrong with casual sex.

Then I'm gonna give you a simple tip another user gave me 10 years ago.
You learn small talk from male buddies. Trash talking and making dumb jokes. I had a beer belly some years ago, one of my co-workers made jokes about me bringing a soccer ball underneath the shirt to work.
Dumb shit like that where you're free to reply back without pressure to be "funny or die" will get you far. Yeah, you're gonna sound like a fucking sperg at first, but the more you do it, the better you get at it. After about an year of this, hitting bars and shooting the shit with a circle of friends, you'll notice casual chit-chat with girls isn't all that diferent, you just pick diferent topics.


I'm past the point of self pity/hatred and now I just want to know what the fuck is wrong with me and why people like me seem to be popping up everywhere. Even the spergs don't talk to each other anymore.

Fuck, what do you even talk about? Politics are verboten. Weather is good for a sentence or two, sports I don't care about…

I can make jokes with my coworkers without difficulty. We don't hang out outside of work though, no reason to. Nothing in common.

It is wrong and claiming it's not isn't going to change the facts. There is nothing wrong with jumping off buildings user. You should try it. All these nay sayers just don't believe! They don't believe! Women who like to have fun like that aren't women, but cum dumpsters with no soul. Well, there might be one, but it's being crushed by their current self's disgusting way of life.

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People like sex, get over it, sleeping with others with no commitment is fine, consenting adults can do what they like, you just gotta learn to have fun with it.

You know how I can tell you're not from here?
No shekels for you, Moishe.


Big fucking mistake.
My interests are videogames and geopolitics.
Noone fucking shares those interests with me. Doesn't mean we don't have a good time. Just tell a few to show up at a bar, pay everyone a drink and talk about random crap. You don't need to have the same interests as others. You can tell them about your interests and learn something from their interests.

Degenerate jew consensus crack detected. Who made up the concept "casual sex". Not putting effort or getting something out of sex is like being a damned dog. Stop promoting sex like a commodity and women as property. Women are so fucked in the head because the kike (((social media))) mindrapes them into endless dicksuckery when all they want is proper love. It reduces them to a lower state of consciousness. It collectively makes us all more retarded and less loving. It makes us all sociopathic and objectively evil.


or better yet
Yeah, stuff like that.

True, but choosing to name the idea and not who's behind it is inadequate.

Casual sex decreases bonding ability, which is obviously bad for stable relationships, which puts children at risk, and destroys the future of our society. It's VERY wrong.

30/70 is better than 0. I didn't say it was great. Nor did I say go to dating sites.

That's what they always say, until they're 7 drinks in and honest.

You just need to learn how to not take anything seriously. To recognize when and how someone is full of shit. Then practicing the restraint to not say anything and move on to some other topic.

Wew laddie. As I previously stated, you are still quite blue pilled, at least on this subject.

Up until very recently (read: less than 50 years) it was the norm for men to take wives multiple decades younger than they were. Women are only fertile for a set period of time. They lose value as they age. Men gain value as they age through power, experience, influence. This is natural order. Taking a young wife is the logical thing to do, especially now in this clown kike world where the average western "woman" is basically just a walking cock socket who consumes resources and offers nothing in return but cummies.

There is literally nothing wrong with a 30 year old man taking an 16 year old wife, provided her father approves of the marriage. Keep in mind that flipping the bird to society currently just means acting normally, since society is a sick kike perversion of natural order. Stop thinking in terms of what the jews of the past few decades have told you is normal and start looking at what was normal through thousands of years of human history.

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How about no you absolutely degenerate subhuman/jew?

How about you deal with a nailgun splattering your innards out while I have a white woman dance on your twitching corpse.

I've never been to a bar and I don't drink, so I'd probably be nervous as hell, plus I can't afford it. How would you go about asking them to a bar without sounding like the gay? What random crap do you talk about?

Listen to this one and do your own research degenerate. He's right.

so much truth. It's also how you find out who is a real asshole and who isn't I have never done anything absolutely retarded drunk out of my mind, but HAD friends who would be really shitty to one another when they were. They'd excuse it because they were drunk. So full of ego they can't even admit how fucked up they are even though there were always people like me around who kept their shit together when heavily intoxicated.

Go to places that have something interesting that you like, there you are more likely to find someone with a similar interest that you can converse in, it has always been this way, it is easy to filter the vapid bimbos/himbos once you avoid places that attracts them.

OKCupid's policy for the past 10 years:

Woman: "hey guy, just read your profile, you're a stupid loser."

Man: "Fuck yourself cunt."

Man insta shadow banned, woman upgraded to moderator.

Calm down you incel sperg, it's literally JUST SEX.

Taking bets on whether this is a kike shill, a used up roastie whore, or a used up roastie kike shill whore.

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If you're completely new, the best thing to do is to just go in and drink for a bit. Get used to the ambiance. If it's a smaller bar, the tender might talk to you. Just respond as best as you can without spilling your spaghetti. If you can crack a joke with normalfags at work, you'd be surprised at how ok you can hold a mid length convo. When you are a little more drunk, try to just cold approach a circle of guys. If they look annoyed, just walk on. They'll chock it up to you being drunk, no big deal. If they aren't and they like you, goad them into talking about something and just note how they do things.

I should preface this, get drunk at home first and learn how to control yourself when you are really drunk. Get to the point where you puke a bit, so you know the build up and how to control yourself.

I am curious about this too OP.

"IT'S 2018!"

Same empty non-logic little slogan from you, you worthless degenerate. You'll find out the importance of "just sex" in a brutal, miserable, hellish fashion.

Definitely a false. 98% of women on dating websites are in metropolitan areas because all young women move there for work.
An actually 95+% white city in the Midwest looks like:
What does a woman do in a small town if she can't work HVAC/electrician/plumber? The front desk lady at the doctor's office has been there for 2 decades and has 2 decades left till she retires.
Midwest white America is hell for finding women.

If you paid for their drinks you are a retard. In the case that you want a normal date then find a woman who is there to entertain you, not the other way around.
Also women are not made for deep conversations. They are made to bear children, to worship and serve their man, and to let the goddess speak through them.
If you need someone to support you then you will have to compromise for a used up whore who is afraid of being left alone and will do anything to keep you. But this is not fun. The other option is to follow what other anons have suggested, get your shit in order, become rich, be happy with your life and choose whichever woman you want.

Gonna add nothing of value here.
If you're really good. You can prevent pukes, but beware. I imagine this is how people die. I don't know. Hasn't happened to me yet.

If it's just sex why don't you go celibate? Seems like those who engage in casual sex have a problem with it, much like alcoholics.

I'm not really sure what I can do with your advice. I don't think I really take things too seriously and I'm already decent at detecting lies.

I don't drink at all, sorry. I'd have no idea what to say to any waitress. What do you even talk about with other people?

I'm sorry if I seem dismissive of your advice, it just isn't really clicking with me. I'd need like a visual example to parrot or something.

They all show the same signs of addiction and reactions.