Bzzz/psst #6666: your lazy fucks edition

Headline news: new memi

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Wake up, you faggots

goodlad. I thought everything was lost

nice thread number lad

i get up early and would make all the threads if i was a mod tbh

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tbh mods set a dangerous precedent by banning threadmakers tbh

Let’s make it a vote, replies to you are votes for you to be a mod, replies to me are votes to make schiz a mod.

Good morning lads, it's a lovely day out. Anyone have any plans?

Actually, it’s the middle of the night. I’m planning on cooking some pork chops, and probably showering, since it’s been about a week since I’ve had one, plus I’m covered in lawn clippings. Yourself?

had plans, ruined by family visiting, or rather family of my brother's gf smh. Single mums and druggies who they all hate and talk shit about behind their backs yet pretend to be nice in public. Hate it, lads

Your brother does drugs?

Btw, your get, 44, is the memi of the thread, el 44% meem. Obama was the 44th president, and 44%+56%=100%

He used to. My brother's gf's mother is.


Steiner would tell you to pray, lad.

personally lad, I'm planning on taking myself for a bit of a walk. It would be a shame not to.

Why? For whom or what?

math(s) education is extremely poor, lad, in the uk. Worse than the states smdh

For serenity. There’s a short prayer called the serenity prayer.

Go for it lad. Put some weights in a rucksack and train for the race war.

I’d best not tbh. In America, walking, especially at night = crazy person. Meanwhile, jogging = good middle-class chappie.

Why are you telling us about shartica lad

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That's good I guess. I can't change it and I don't care to. I wish that part of the family just stayed away. The fact that they all act happy together then stab each other's back right after they leave doesn't sit well with me.

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You may as well learn about your new home, if you manage to get off the island before you wind up in a kebab smh

I'll die in the race war.

It’s lower-class behavior, lad. I’m not sure how the middle-class is in the UK, but here it’s a bunch of shit I cba to do to fit in, so I have no class, so to speak. Though I’m learning French, mostly to troll.

You’ll be missed, lad.

Is Nigel Farage the New Donald Trump? | The Last Leg


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So fucking poor they’d eat that goddamned trash.

that pic looks like where I live except different trees more boreal less mixed deciduous

this song gives me feels

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Backbiting is definitely a plague on humanity. People talking about absent people in a way that they wouldn't dare to speak to their face.


It's pretty nice here. I drove through 4 hours of forest dominated by coniferous trees when I had the route that went north. It's more mixed here and along the coast.,11.1060353,3a,75y,304.93h,88.29t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sQnT13IWWeB0cvKtPZ5KpAA!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656

I'm coming to rape you 22st.

when I worked in a school as a teacher's assistant I was the only male assistant out of 25, and out of 100 people who worked at the school there were only 7 men. Every Monday the assistants had a meeting and the topic was talking about people behind their backs, something they all did, about others to me. Just leave me alone.

Why would you rape me?

To punish you for lying about being welsh those many moons past.

based nip cartoons

Just kill me, don't rape me, lad.

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22st will be flogged, keelhauled, made to run the gauntlet, hanged, drawn and quartered for his barbarian insolence.

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Wales should be proud I represent them. This year I will get fit, get a hunting licence and get a gf. My arc is the most successful arc on Zig Forums

You will never be a nobleman lad.

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another day in paradise lads

When do you sleep, lad?

You need to escape like are chris.

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That land full surely hastens to its end
Where public sycophants in homage bend
The populace to flatter, and repeat
The doubled echoes of its loud conceit.
Lowly their attitude but high their aim,
They creep to eminence through paths of shame,
Till, fixed securely in the seats of pow'r,
The dupes they flattered they at last devour.
Ambrose Bierce

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from 12 to 5:30 today I guess

Its a busy day lads and the gym opens at 6.


Lad… give your body some sleep ffs
Did you go to bed at 9pm?

mornin lids

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wes thu hal

god morgen

smh I'd love chasing pigs

good morning fellow meatsuit can you feel it? can you feel the wind blowing through your rib cage, barren, black? can you feel it? empty scent of a lost memory, wasted day down a lane in some worn suit just an empty sputtering motor looking for fuel so it can scream its slavery to the hands that press its button

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dude chill out just wank to some porn or order a pizza what's gotten into you?

9-10. No point adjusting it unless I'm spending the evening out.

tbh just netflix and chill a bit.

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Nice my friend I respect getting at least 7 hours sleep a night.




anyone had messed up dreams lately
had a dream i was being chased by vietcong through the jungle was fucking terrifying, can't imagine lads who were stranded or shot down and had to go through that.

At least the guy banned abortion.

Purely to raise nog birth rates

north Vietnamese were actual cancer and the south should've won tbh okthankyou

why tho they were literally a fake memi country of the french colonial elite establishment


Yeah I had a dream I was trapped in a horror game getting jumpscares and having to repeat this level like it was a haunted house or something. Ended up just going mental and punching the monster.

Yes. The burgers failed.

You failed.

go ahead and hit me mfer go ahead c'mon



meant to post this

keeeeeeeeeeeek I love how the short guy is so cocky but he just gets rocked.

U fkn wont sum?

It was mind games bro

I liked Ho Chi Minh tbh

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Võ Nguyên Giáp was 100x better though

Funny way of spelling Ngô Đình Diệm


Diem was a c*cklic ricenigger

Honestly all the Vietnamese were pretty good, surprised they were able to sustain so many losses (both manpower and battles) and keep going.

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I highly recommend Nixon's book "No More Vietnams"


They were fighting for their home, giving up wasn't an option.

wew that coffee made me have to poo lads


he cute

I cannot even imagine having to wear those shitty jungle boots for months on end

Lad the north was literally run by incompetent, corrupt, brutal communist cadres who sent innocent peasant lads into the meat grinder for years and lied to the NLF in the south that once they had defeated the 'Imperialist invaders' there would be a wonderful workers paradise. In reality the untold human suffering of the vietnamese people in endless human wave offensives was sacrificed so that a group of psycohpathic commies, who sent their own children abroad to be educated while banning the radio for the impoverished peasants they ruled over, could implement a planned economy system that was already failing around the world and would inevitably fail in vietnam. Once they won it was a fight between various communist cadres and security organisations to sequester the best houses and spoils of war for themselves while the veterans who fought recieved near nothing. Soldiers who had been shot and lost limbs, boys of 14, 15, 16, were sent back on trains packed so tightly that there was barely room for them to move. Wounded Viet Cong veterans with malaria, sickness, blindness, reported having their ears bombarded with ironic party propganda blasted from loudspeakers into their ears about giving no mercy or humanity to the southerners in victory while they were trying to rest on the journey home, upon which they arrived to recieve zero welcome or reward for their fighting, the average people didn't care. The indigenous guerillas in the South found with disbelief that their entire sacrifice was nullified and the Northern politburo would take full command of the government and army, despite their promises years beforehand not to 'Communise' south vietnam, their fight was meaningless and gained them no sympathy.

Basically was a whole shit sandwich and while the Southerners had a lot of problems at least under the south you had freedom of speech, religious freedom greater than under the gommies despite the leaderships catholic boner nepotism, and a massively increased standard of living. And now there's mcdonalds in hanoi anyway so what was the point tbh

