It’s taken a nose dive from its high point in the late 90’s/early 2000’s. Allen Partridge and David Brent being the most hilarious characters created in the world. Truly world class. Since then, Ricky Gervais made Extras which was funny, just not as funny as The Office. He hasn’t done anything funny since then. Steve Coogan tried a bunch of shit from 2000-2011. His first Allen Partridge book in 2011 was great. Probaly even funnier than the Partridge sitcom. Since then it’s been weak sauce from Coogan and Gervais. Why? Is it because they are both neo-liberal faggots that are afraid to offend thier jew masters? Coogan’s latest effort is terrible. Scissored Island is about Alan Partridge doing a BBC documentary after he is shamed for making fun of white chavs. The premise alone is too cautious. I’m American btw. Always loved British comedy untill it started to be terrible. Why is this happening Brits? Please explain.
Brit/pol/ British Comedy is terrible post 2005
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I have no idea.
Coogan and Gervais are part of the problem. It’s extremely selfish and hypocritical. It puts handcuffs on young British comedy writers. Handcuffs that Coogan and his Oxford buddies didn’t have on them in the 90’s while they were writing the material that made them wealthy for life. Check out Coogan’s kike Buddy, Schneider in the vid, setting the rules for British comedy.
Here is Gervais being hyper politically correct. There’s videos of him trying to grab American’s
gun’s also.
The American The Office was better. Fight me.
It wasn’t better. Maybe better because the writers were able to sustain more than 5 episodes and it keep it mildly funny and interesting for 5 years. Not putting down American comedy because even Brit comics would admit that American stand up comedians/comedy writers are the best. We are comparing a country of 60 million(Britain) to a country of 300 million. It’s why Brit comics make a break for America at the first chance.
Mitchell and Webb had some good stuff, not sure what they're up to now.
Brits need to shut off the telly and overthrow their shitty white genocide government.
Well… I certainly wasn't expecting that.
Jesus Christ, the mouth and nose on that kike is huge!
Also, the whole “awkward and uncomfortable moment” genre of comedy is a result of the British comedy series Allen Partridge and The Office. I actually get annoyed at how blatant Hollywood/network tv ripped those two shows off. Actually, Coogan thinks Gervais stole from Partridge.
i dunno lol
When did Monty Python quit movie production, again?
He’s not a Kike. I checked 8 years ago.
Is that just Gervais trying to make prejudice against blacks ridiculous and laughable?
It does seem like extremely cloaked satire of the multicult. That wince he gives at the two men kissing is basically a hatecrime by BBC standards.
Sorry to inform you, but he's definitely a kike.
Early life
>Schneider was born in London, England. He was educated at the City of London School, an independent school for boys in the City of London, before going to Exeter College, Oxford, where he studied modern languages,[1] and studied for a doctorate in Yiddish Drama.
Ctrl + f "Jew"
Oh yeah. I thought you meant Coogan. Obviously Schneider is a super Kike. I made that clear in my post. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Schneider can’t get any kikeier if he tried.
As an burger I would just like to say that Shaun of the Dead was funny as fuck but also had some srs mixed in here and there to make it more interesting. British comedy is truly unique in a lot of ways.
The absolute state of you bongs. Stop consuming jewish owned media you weak willed faggots.
Attaboy. Most of Edgar Wright's comedy is surprisingly unpozzed. Spaced is a bit dated, but its impressive just how on point it is regarding the female characters, who tend to be selfish, undeservedly arrogant and petty. It definitely doesn't play like a comedy that would be shown today.
The World's End is basically The Brexit Movie.
Cool, I'll have to see this. Also note lack of ((diversity))) on the cover.
Maybe. He did get bad reviews from SJW’s for being too blatantly crude in making fun of women and minorities. Gervais probaly just finds that kind of material funny while he toes the jew company line in public. I really don’t see the value in David Brent being “one of us”.
I'm sick of saying this,
But you got a loicence for this thread, bruv?
Fuck Britain and their pozzed "comedians", the last time anything funny happened in Britain, it was May- when for some reason, every fucking channel wanted me to see a ginger marry one of the case girls from Let's Make a Deal
>bongcuck only talks about fucking (((sitcoms)))
Without spoiling too much, the film is about how nebulous supranational forces want to subvert and control everyone, and that only belligerent anglos can stop them. Also grow the fuck up.
Fuck yourself.
oi wers ur BBC tewevision loicence?
You fookin cunt, oim a fookin Bobby, ay?!?!!! You're gowing to the Yard, now, you are, bruvcunt! Oim shoah glad Britons have almost no right to bear arms, those fookin cunts!
you might want to get a cure for your ADD … this shit is enjoyable to you cause you require jump cuts
you need your news in sound bites
you are a fag
I guess that’s the problem. It would be nice for one of these older British comedy wisemen to speak up about how big brother is stifling thier creativity. Not going to happen though. They made thier millions already. They can just make milquetoast projects untill they get to total irrelevancy in thier 60’s. Good job. Good effort.
It was good in its own way. Also, note how the kikes writing for the show made Dwight, the most self-sufficient white man, look like either a goofball or a quasi-fascist (((authoritarian))). Rain Wilson was also suppose to have his own spin-off with the setting being Schrute Farms, but no doubt (((they))) shut that down. Can't have a positive humors show about productive self-sufficient white men, now can we, goy?
> __ is terrible post 2005
Literally universal m8
There was some brilliant stuff going on with American radio/podcasts and stand up comedy from 2005 to now. Haven’t watched a Hollywood film since 2010 so not sure how that’s going.
That's kike's bad teeth is distracting.
My car was made in beanerland. I keep trying to find the kilo of brick weed.
The Guardian agrees, it's too damn white.
The David Brent film is on my “to watch list”. Got slammed by the critics(kikes). It’s probaly good. I watched the Allen Partridge movie last year. It was ok/mediocre.