The left's worship of cowardice

Generally, they will always push a narrative wether they are telling the truth or not. They will support "oppressed" non-Whites and think Whites are always the "oppressors". So much to the point were they think a bunch of rich kikes in companies and the government are "White" people keeping the black/brown man down. But I've had this realization for a while now when it comes to their political cartoons: leftifts literally don't want to offend anyone or anything.

Despite being known to change opinions when it suits them, this is one of the only things they stick to. Sure, you may see them making fun of "neo-Nazis" and "White trash" depicting them as dirt poor or morbidly obese but even those are quite very weak. They are more comfortable making Whites look like the literal devil always out there to kill poor and innocent niggers and shitskins. +10 bonus if they're White cops, specifically. Why is this a common trait to the left, Zig Forums? Why won't they just make an art piece in Havard University portraying White colonialists with highly exaggerated teeth, mouth, ears, and other facial features like we do with nigger memes if they are truly being honest with their political position?

Aren't the left supposed to be anti-(((elite))) and even anti-(((media)))? Whoever made that cartoon on pic related must be the bluepilled supreme.

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Because they don't believe in good and evil. They think everything is relative, so they think that we didn't necessarily come to our conclusions logically, but instead as a matter of our birth location. They cant fathom that it's both, but also genetic.

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They believe in horoscopes

You can see their cowardice when fuck you and asshole are their biggest insults. You'll never see them saying cunt because THAT'S OFFENSIVE, and they haven't come up with a racial slur for ebil whites that sticks like nigger or kike.
And for their grandstanding defending poor wymyn and empowering them, as well as faggots, you'll NEVER see them speaking against nigger culture, not even a bit. Where are the big cat feminists or gay activists censoring or complaining about the lyrics and attitudes of rappers? Is their homophobia and obsession for fucking dumb women somehow the fault of whitey?

They fucking read AND write the "Dear Abby" section in the fawkin papers…
Goddamn bastards…

Because as funny as it's going to sound, they'll be accused of being racist, because such portrayals will probably make them look either Asians, Jewish or albino niggers as their subconscious won't escape such observations.

This is also why leftists can't meme for shit. Because a lot of memetics requires exploiting subconscious thought processes to tether onto conscious ones through a creative mix of imagery and information. Subconscious doesn't give a fuck about political correctness or any highly ordered concepts like that, it simply compares and mixes abstracts chaotically. To even acknowledge this would force them to question their ideology.


Some pattern-recgognition acknowledging profound-ass shit

I don’t even know what that is, but I live in the sky.

google it and laugh your fucking ass off

They believe you are evil, they are good.

It's ironic.
OP's picture actually depicts a paradise.

implying the world actually wants to get in

If it's so horrible why does everyone want in?

the only objectionable thing about this picture is the "speakin' foreign" bit
it should be "speaking ebonics or ghettospic", because there are absolutely great pieces of litterature in Latin, Greek, French, German, Russian… that are a fundamental part of the Civilization

If we did that, then the wouldn't look like uneducated bigots, Goy.

I second your opinion. That shows how little they know about "us" (us between "" cuz i dont wanna sound like an entitled faggot; "Zig Forums is this, Zig Forums is that") and literature in general.
Yesterday I read some user saying that leftist seem like they know something but they cant be bothered to even pick a leaflet, let alone an informative piece of reading or opinion. That is why they constantly need new words like outrageous reverse censorship. ==they invent new words because they dont know real words already exist or they ignore their meaning==

Because they'd rather draw themselves murdering and raping us than draw us as your description of a Gook farmer.

Jesus fucking christ.
Those equals. Imma lurk 3 more yeras

Edit the cartoon to better reflect reality and then send it right back at them.

that… does sound like paradise. Did they slip up accidentally and made a cartoon supporting the views of the opposition?

everyone thinks themselves to be good, and the others to be evil. because good and evil are subject to the point of view of the person making the claims.

difference being, whites have shit to back up their claim that they're good and others are evil, see: civilization. Niggers don't, they still live in mudhuts back in their "natural habitat".

Angrywhitemenistan looks fucking awesome.

It is fundamentally related to what I describe as the "cult of weakness."
The COW is about demonizing all things that are "strong and forceful" (especially among Whites) while praising all things weak and feminine (feelings, gays, surrender, blind acquiescence, "equality," so forth). Everything the "lefties" do is part of the cult. Part of the motivation for cult membership is the cult's massive opposition to "standards" and "judgement" (except when it means opposing Whites and strength, of course. Remember: cognitive dissonance) Cowards and weaklings don't want to be judged as such, so they join the cult and try to shame, silence, and tear down anyone strong, masculine, or confident (if they are White). Women also are big into the COW because "feminism" tells them to compete in the "man's world" and they are simply not as good as men in the "man's world." So they join the COW (which tells them that everyone is "the same" and thus they just need to tear down those "evil White men" who are somehow "stealing" the women's success through "sexism" or some shit.) The cult of weakness is related to marxism. Perhaps it simply IS marxism, or a part of it.
The end result of the cult of weakness is civilization collapse into a shithole. Partly because it tears down men and makes the world hostile to manly virtues. Partly because the cult demands that everyone be the same, so to have pride in one's race and people is forbidden. Thus they support open borders.
After all, if they judged foreigners based on their quality, then the cultists would open themselves to being judged. And that is their great fear. For they are sham people. They are hot air. They are inferior. They are WEAK. Many of them COULD have been strong, or at least stronger, but they did not FIGHT to be strong (because cult of weakness) and thus are weak. Vicious cycle.

No, it's worse than that.
Because it's BOTH.
The "lefties" think that there is no good and evil and it's all about "perspective" and "relativity" but they ALSO think that anyone they don't like is evil.
Their entire worldview is one of "cognitive dissonance."

Certainly much more than we have now.
I wish there was an "Angrywhitemenistan"
I'd probably move there.
It sounds like "America" to me.
Or, at least, a part of what it should be.
But the demonic kikes and marxists can't STAND the idea of White people actually having a future.
They are motivated by a HATRED of White people.
Then, of course, they accuse US of being the hateful ones. Typical

Of course they would.
"AWMI" would be SHOCKINGLY prosperous.
Because it's population would consist of energized, high-morale, and healthy White people.
The world would look upon our works with awe and want to steal them and also gibs.
Just like what has actually been happening in the West in the last 50 years.

Because "racist depictions" of Whites always end up one of three ways.
Either as light-skinned stereotypes of other races and thus "problematic."
Or as "lefties" mocking themselves. For example, if they make White men look weak and effeminate, well that is their support base right there. They would be portraying "being like gays or women" as bad. So that would be "problematic."
Or as unintentional praise. IE, many of the things that "lefties" criticize us for being are things that we actually LIKE. For example, "high testosterone" can be used by lefties to try and make us look "violent and scary," but usually ends up looking "impressive and manly." They just don't get it because their worldview is SO DAMN skewed.

Or rather, yes sometimes they end up supporting us unintentionally.
The bluepill is just that strong.
Remember, the "lefty" operates on "FEE FEES" not on facts and reasoning.
They look at the idea of White people having a home again with horrible ugly feelings in their hearts (again, because they HATE us). They then expect everyone else to have the same hateful reaction.
They can't understand why anyone would disagree with them.
They just can't see how monstrous they are.
They support the ongoing genocide of White people.
They are the villains.

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Indeed. To summarize, they've built a political philosophy that is entirely dependent on gibs, while basing that philosophy around hating the people that are (willingly or not) the providers of those gibs. It's built to fail, however you slice it

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Slave morality

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you forgot the Hamon but well done.

im no-good at editing.

Modern leftism is simply an evolution of Christianity, which is an evolution of Judaism. It is a semitic faith. The reason they worship cowardice is because Abrahamists (especially Christians) worship weakness and act as willing slaves to yahweh. Leftists have removed that deity and replaced it with "equality" (basically just everything degenerate).

They do believe in pure evil an malice. White sovereignty.

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