What's the deal?
Salvini looks Muslim to me
It's called being Italian
Do all Italians speak so loud because they have such tiny ears and they can't hear one another otherwise??
Southern Italians may be mixed with Arabs.
Most Italians are ancient Meds like the Iberians, or ancient Germanics like the Ostrogoths. The Dinaric people, and the associated Noric phenotype, are a mix between the ancient Med and ancient Nordic people, and are also found in Italy.
This nigger looks Ostrogothic and Med mixed.
What even Europeans have dark hair?
The outrage of those dirty honkies. Being a red beard, I don’t know those feels.
You look like a kike to us but we don't make a thread about it…
Anyone who is effective the kikes will start whispering to you that he's your enemy.
It's guarantee the people who call you "kike" over nothing are Jews themselves.
Youll get the legally mandated rope.
You're a Juice-payed faggot, that's the deal…
Italians, being closer to the equator and therefore to niggers, think that volume equals correctness in an argument.
The "diversity meme" with various European peoples versus various types of identical mud is there for a reason. Mediterraneans are not nordics, nordics are not slavs, and slavs are not mediterranean. But all are European.
Eat boogers you dumb kike.
"Equals correctness"? You sound like a dumb cunt girlfriend trying to rationalize her cuntiness, Noah
Can we all agree that only jews are white so we can achieve the liberal dream of white genocide?
I suggest you watch an Italian political debate. You'll see what I mean by being loud.
Save the fucking catalog from these sliding jewshills
No shit. Between the niggers and the stinkbeards, it's bound to show up.
Whoa there, Mr Shillsberg! I think you meant to say, "between the Jews and the Jewiest Jews, it's bound to show up". Right, Abe?
Italians have been enriched for centuries. This is how a south Italian looks.
You may not like it, but this is how real Muslim look like.
Muslim isn't a race, and as a political and social block, it extends from Subsaharan Africa to Russia.
And most of it isn't white.
Check 'em
Wtf I love muslims now.
Muh Muslim rape babies is a meme, and only applies to one specific tiny country in the Balkans.
Europeans are composed of 3 groups (4 if you count neanderthal):
Europeans are composed of about a 30-10-60 ratio between these 3 groups, but different areas have specific compositions.
Sardinians for example are a major outlier having essentially 0% indo-european DNA.
Italians are shifted by about 10% away from indo European and towards cromagnon, and this tiny difference makes them look on average much different. However there are "italian" looking people in northern Europe and "nordic" looking people who are Italians, just due to how the ratios balance out in any individual person.
So fuck off d&c shill
>(((they))) start to panick
You look like a kike to me. Have a shekel for your services.
eat shit
Except he is from the north. The Welsh are more swarthy as are the west coast Irish on account of Spanish armadas wrecking their ships on the rocks, getting bored and shagging local women