You can't boil down the problems of the world into a single issue. That sort of narrowly focused mentality is the sort of thing that serves radical groups well, but doesn't actually remedy anything.
The main reason for conflict is different interests. Humans regardless of intelligence desire only to stay alive. The culture they are brought in provides them additional desires - You are not born desiring money, or knowledge, but develop these based on a combination of natural instincts and the surrounding culture. So you consider the American negro. He wishes to continue to be alive. He wishes, like all living things, to minimize the effort required to stay alive. He wishes to vote because he is told it helps him get these things. Left-wing politicians tell the negro if he votes for them, they will provide him with social welfare programs, affirmative action, and other advantages. They tell him that he has earned these, because his ancestors suffered. Because these programs exist, the negro does not take a wife - She is a surly thing, that is better off letting the state aid her than him. Her children are raised without his presence, and with no strong male presence. When they reach their teenage years, they meet their first strong male - Older negros who, like them, are without fathers. They form a surrogate family. To the negro, this is the gang. The gang is an informal thing, yet it has rites of passage, and paths to false adulthood. The negro child turns of age, but he does not become an adult, because no adult showed him. He is a faux adult. Of his peers, a select few transcend this status. They become athletes, the profession designated as appropriate to them by society, and become wealthy. Some become social advocates. Yet all are part of the same tribe. Those who do not stand with the tribe are ostracized.
It is easy to blame the negro, but he is a product of environment. Perhaps modern anthropologists are right, and the negro is as intelligent as us. More likely, he is not. But it does not matter - The negro will never advance. The mind is a muscle, that you must use. The negro has no need to use it, for his masters - the left-wing politicians - only need a single thing from him, and that is his vote. So they fight, allegedly for his rights. But they do not care about the negro. They care about their own political power. In the same manner, the negro does not care for these politicians, and tears them apart the moment they step out of line. If they are not of the tribe, it does not matter how much they help - They are simply a tool. It is a behavior so primitive that even the dullest of apes comprehend it.
There is no good or evil in this behavior. It is the law of nature. So regarding your comment:
This means nothing. There will be exceptions from every tribe, and they will advance their tribe. They do this because it is their natural impulse, their internal drive. Over time, they will push for altering laws, making exceptions, and otherwise ensuring the representation of their tribe. They will try, as best they can, to over-represent their tribe.
The idea behind racial nationalism is that for this exact reason, different tribes are fundamentally incapable of coexisting under the same state. Because their interests conflict, they must be kept apart, so much as it is possible. The opposing view is cultural marxism, which posts that class is the dividing factor, and the necessity of the workers of the world to band into a united tribe and reach utopia by violence. In practice, the majority of people are tribalist - You must be indoctrinated, through university and the like, to cultural marxism. Even many liberal leaders, like Maxine Waters, are tribalists. The issue is that tribalism is not a united force - Each tribe is in opposition. Further, they are kept in opposition by the political elite, while also kept together. This is an illogical situation, in that it seems to benefit no tribe.
If you've been following along, however, this leads to a simple question:
Who benefits from the conflict? It is not the culutral marxists, since their aim is separate.
Thus, it must a tribe. A very specific one, which benefits from this conflict.
Which one could it possibly be?