Migrant crisis: EU summit divided amid migration row

Italy says it will veto a joint statement over the entire agenda if no solution is found.

>Italy wants other countries to share the burden. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said the issue could be a defining moment for the EU. Mrs Merkel is under pressure to come up with a deal to prevent new arrivals. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, from her Bavarian coalition partner the CSU, has given her until this weekend. Otherwise he has said he will start turning away migrants from the border in his home state. News from EU summit. Italians blocking everything on migration Their standpoint: “Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed” 1


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don't call it that.
we know it's not a crisis, that it's intentional and that it receives (((outside))) help. and those for it can only say "you can't stop it even though not letting the boats in works great 100% of accuracy this is the new normal!".
so whatever it is, it's not a crisis.


How about "Europe is for White people?"
How about you jackals stop the genocide of White people IN THEIR NATIVE LANDS?
How about that, cucks?
How is this even a "debate?"
How about you impound the boats and arrest the crews as human traffickers?
How about you wall off Greece?
Fuckers can't get in then.
This is SO DAMN EASY to fix.
Of course, the traitors WANT White Europe to be murdered by shitpeople.

Attached: EU_trash.png (500x334 192.63 KB, 29.11K)


Murder invaders and their enablers

Daily reminder that the inhabitants of Spain, Italy and Turkey used to have blue eyes, light skin and fair hair.




I like this rhetoric. Wew lad. I am happy to have made it this far, with some luck we will see this through to the end and we can tell the story of the user uprising to our grandchildren.


Kek. Part of their new proposal which wasn't mentioned in this article was Germany wanting to send more of its nogs to italy. That was probably the last straw for Conti.




Make.the rivers flow red with blood

Yeah and literal Nordic Visigothic Spaniards invited the Muslims to rule them because they were dissatisfied with home rule lmfao. Sound familiar?

Everyone will die




Onward 2 Victory

Oh man, so right-wing, Zig Forums! Why are you people glorifying this faggot when in reality he's just advocating other European countries pick up slack and take in brown people? There's nothing right-wing about any of this. Right-wing would be disallowing entry, as well as deporting the hordes that arrived over the last few years. This faggot Italians is another centre-left pussy being hailed as right-wing by a bunch of Eurofaggots and being called a Nazi by the other Eurofaggots.

You're going to be drawn and quartered.
You have no idea of the rage pent up.
You're going.to get mauled to.death

Your major mistake was thinking you've won. You will.fucking.die in horrendous torture

Oh no, a Eurofaggot is threatening me! Why don't you threaten your "right-wing" Italian leader and tell him to stop trying to find the most optimal way to allow brown people into Europe, and instead deport them and block the rest. I should have known this guy was a centre-left pussy, considering Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are considered right-wing by European standards.

You're funny.

Keep laughing, i will cut your throat and make your mother eat your entrails

Keep pushing….
Thank you

These are not "rescue boats". They're literal nigger shipping kike-boats. Italy needs to deliver 150,000 roasted kikes by the end of the week.

Attached: africans being picked up in africa and dumped in europe by ngo's - no rescues just human trafficking.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

So scary!




Shut the fuck up

When you listen to that do you feel like an angsty 14 year old again?

This is the sound of everything you ever held dear dying around you

I would tell you hide and protect your loved ones. But I did that at the Eclipse. Second and final warning was the Wolf supermoon.
Now, you will die


So far, Italy and Greece flooded Europe with millions of nigger and sand-nigger.

How about doing your duty, protecting the border?

It looks like they want to continue what earlier Italian government did, but now receives resistance, send muslim invader all over Europe.

I'm so scared I peed a little.


fucking cringe mate

They still do in Central and Northern Spain's like the Castilian parts, Northern Italy, and parts of North-Western Turkey who are just captured Greeks and shit anyway.


No they didn't, you lying little kike.

Attached: zwV3VRJ.jpg (594x396, 126.77K)

Attached: ditty_06_24_18_01_42_11.webm (640x640, 7.31M)

ITT cuckchan fags assblasted because due to logic.

Even if it is a kike it's still right.
Iberia was mud land before, and they are currently shipping more mud into Europe. Italy is pissed that other countries don't take the shit they are shoveling into Europe, not pissed that they are shoveling shit into Europe.
If Italy was right wing it would be like Hungary.