John Bolton just did a complete 180 on his Russia stance after meeting with Putin

John Bolton just did a complete 180 on his Russia stance after meeting with Putin

National security adviser John Bolton once said Russia's election interference was a "true act of war" against the US, and that a policy based on trusting Russia was "doomed to failure."

Bolton's tune changed completely after he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday.

He also said President Donald Trump and Putin will likely discuss Trump's recent calls for Russia to be readmitted to the G7 alliance.

When confronted by a reporter about his shift on Russia, Bolton said he would not address the discrepancy.

US national security adviser John Bolton once said that Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election was "an act of war" against the US and warned that the US could not trust Russia. On Wednesday, he told the Russian leader: "We are most appreciative of your courtesy and graciousness." Bolton's comments came after he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin ahead of a highly anticipated summit between Putin and US President Donald Trump in July.

Citing Kremlin spokesperson Yury Ushakov, the Russian state media outlet TASS reported Putin and Bolton discussed "strategic stability in the world, control over nuclear weapons and, in general, a disarmament dossier." Ushakov said they also discussed the conflicts in Syria and Ukraine, North Korea, and the Iran nuclear deal.

Bolton and the Kremlin did not say whether he and Putin discussed Russia's election meddling. The Kremlin said the two men did not broach the subject of sanctions or the diplomatic spat between the US and Russia. At a press conference held later in Moscow, Bolton said Moscow and Washington would announce the time and place of the Trump-Putin summit on Thursday. The presser was broadcast from the headquarters of the Russian state media outlet Interfax, instead of from the US embassy in Moscow.

One reporter asked Bolton whether he felt it was appropriate for Trump and Putin to meet given that Russia has not changed any of its behavior in the past. He was also asked whether Trump would broach Russia's election interference and allegations that a Russian missile was responsible for downing Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in 2014. Bolton responded that "there are a wide range of issues … where both [Trump and Putin] think they'd like to find constructive solutions. I'd like to hear someone say that's a bad idea."

"You yourself said a national security policy based on faith that regimes like Russia will honor their commitments is doomed to failure," the reporter replied. Bolton said that he would not address previous statements he had made and reiterated that Trump will "raise the full range of issues" between the US and Russia when the presidents meet in July. He also said Trump and Putin would likely discuss Trump's recent calls for Russia to be readmitted to the G7.

Trump first brought up his proposal during the annual G7 summit in Canada earlier this month, also reportedly suggesting Crimea was part of Russia because the people there spoke Russian. Russian state media celebrated Trump's reported statements, with one host declaring, "Crimea is ours! Trump is ours!" Bolton pushed back on that notion when The Wall Street Journal's Anatoly Kurmanaev asked whether Trump recognizes Russia's annexation of Crimea — in other words, whether Russia controls Crimea. "That's not the United States's position," Bolton replied.

A Bloomberg News reporter later asked Bolton whether he was "suspicious" that Putin arrived on time to the meeting and treated Trump's emissary "with more respect" than he gives other world leaders. "That's the hardest question I've been asked here today," Bolton quipped. "I could either agree with you that he wasn't late, or I could tell you when he actually arrived and be accused of saying that he was late." As for "the meaning of [this meeting] with respect to … anyone else that you mentioned, I think I'll just duck the question," Bolton added.

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if true, good news - intention for nuclear war with Russia is being retracted

I would love to see a cooling of relations between the US and Russia. For the salt alone as all the Saudi and Paki Democrats kvetch about foreign money.

I'm not seeing the 180, but he is dancing around the "russia is the greatest menace to the world" rhetoric he and his (((neocon))) ilk usually partake in. Maybe Trump has shown him he'll eventually declassify the dancing Israeli files and age of the neocons is going to come to an end so he is playing along? Who knows.

Bolton cares about Israel above all else. I wonder what Putin said to earn his approval.

Yeah maybe Putin said Russia will be a faithful servant to Israel and back regime change in Iran or help isolate them further.

Axis II: Electric Boogaloo

I love how "Russia's election meddling" is now just assumed as fact. Have we seen any credible evidence of it yet? No.


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NYT, WashPo, CNN have sourced FBI/CIA on that point, but the deep state has presented zero proof to the public. But the very fact that accusations come from FBI/CIA is taken as gospel by the dumb sheep.

Seth Rich dumped those Podesta emails on Assange's lap, that at least is clear as day given the hints Assange has dropped (and that is as far as he'll ever go probably).

Maybe Russia knows something about attribution and may have explained to that neocon warmonger psychopath that it was a US actor who hacked the DNC and various people connected to the cunt and the nigger.

Seth Rich was a decoy. If was still a US actor.

Cant wait till this goatfucker gets BTFO.

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So you telling me Israel wanting to overthrow Iran was right overall? Based Q.

now lets see him do a 180 on israel.

The war isn’t going to be with Russia.

Based Iran and it's jews

The moment the ayatollah used the celebrated term mostazafeen, the equivalent of the Marxist “proletariat” to refer to the enslaved Israelites, the men became confident that their long journey had not been in vain. That day, the ayatollah ended his remarks with these words: “Moses would have nothing to do with these pharaoh-like Zionists who run Israel. And our Jews, the descendants of Moses, have nothing to do with them either. We recognize our Jews as separate from those godless, bloodsucking Zionists.”

The prize at last! We recognize our Jews as separate from those godless Zionists! —Imam Khomeini was painted on the walls of every synagogue, Hebrew school, and kosher butcheries by nightfall.

By arming Iran to the extent that it was able to turn the tide of the war against Iraq, Israel raised the prestige of the Khomeini regime and fueled Islamic fundamentalist sentiments in the Arab world.

After the fall of the shah, Ghorbanifar and other such former Savak agents proved to be extremely useful to Israel because they continued to maintain their contracts with the Israelis while working for the Khomeini regime. Their central role in the Iranian-Israeli (and U.S.) relationship was made possible by Khomeini's decision to leave the shah's secret police untouched. Beyond executing three former chiefs of Savak and changing the name of the remaining organization to Savama, the Khomeini regime did little to alter its functions. Many of its agents were called back and assigned the same duties by the Khomeini regime that they had performed for the shah

When will the sanctions on VEPR and Kalashnikov end?

This fucking guy tweets?

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He does, and he constantly lectures The Satanic US and The Evil West on democracy, human rights and assorted marxist garbage. The mu

Human rights are actually founded in Chivalry, which is a Crusaders code of ethics. It’s very much a European value system.

McMaster and Tillerson had a plan to keep Syria's Southwest border occupied by American forces for Israel forever while continuing to press for the removal for Assad because those faggot Generals in the military cannot stand to ever leave alive anyone who can in any way say they "beat America".
The US Generals will spend trillions of dollars and millions of lives to keep Assad from beating them.
But now those faggots are gone and Russia/Iran/Syrian forces are pressing into the Southwest to probably take back the Golan Heights too. And Republicans know that if they get involved fighting Russia for Israel and Jihadis this close to an election they will get fucked.
So Trump will sit back and let Syria reclaim its lands, thus erasing more of Obama's legacy.

Iran isnt pressing into those areas. Thats Assad and Russia.


this is obvious; putin has some kind of "tapes" on Bolton. now he's dancing along with trump and they're both sucking russian benis.

"We both work for the same masters. Time to tone it down".

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Putin is one of the, if not, the richest man in Russia. He doesn’t need to hold extortion material on anyone. Going after him would be like going after Trump or Soros. You might be able to stave off the reply, but you’re never going to be able to actually do anything to them. Soros maybe, because he doesn’t have an entire country of resources at his disposal.

My destiny hasn’t changed, yours has though.

Why do you care about what Iranians do in Iran? If anything, they only wish to be friendly and have trade relations with the US due to unwarrented sanctions. Especially when Israel has an undeclared nuclear arsenal and receives the opposite of sanctions, they get billions in gibs from Uncle Sam


Kek. Nah, we got North Korea to trade and be friends with now. Less Iran wants to get Peace Summited and stop acting like the violent low IQ sandniggers they are.

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I'm hoping that goatfucker nukes israel. He'll do the world a big favor.

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He talks just like niggers in the US do. These sub-humans are all the same. Genocide them all.

How dare they say mean things about the jew-controlled nation that's constantly threatening them with nuclear war?!

When did this board get flooded by you qcumber boomer cucks?

Get fucked. This faggot is pushing the nigger-tier victimhood narrative. "Whitey stole everything they have from us and then oppressed us, but we is rising yo!" For that alone they all deserve to die. It's a testament to their eternal worthlessness.

Thats all its ever been for 70 fucking years.. Fucking farts in the wind.

Spillover from cuckchan whose had a jidf problem for a while. When this board reverted to global rules I knew they would try and attempt their hasbara shill tactics here.

Gas yourself.

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Fuck him. You don't have to defend "le ZOG" to want this other brand of shit-skin dead. Fuck them all. A stillborn white baby is worth more than their entire race. Their entire race and every other person in the entire middle east, asian, and africa. We should use our labs to wipe them all out.

Except he's a Shia muslim like Assad is. Assad isn't sending floods of nigger arabs into our lands, that's Saudis. Wanting this guy dead is to give the kikes their greatest wish. You're a kike.

Jews really have no creativity, do they?

lol put a gun in your mouth and blast that kippah to the ceiling, fellow (((white nationalist))).

Eat shit goat fucker.

I don't know what hole you breitbart boomers crawled out of, but go back from whence you came. You are not from here. Iran is the land of Aryans.

Iran is literally the largest torn on Israel's side. Idgaf what Iranians say about us, I care about their actions. Their actions hurt Zog and don't do shit to us.

Literally fighting the jews.

oh no he made tweets appeasing western liberals, while he literally leads the fight against the ZOG on his borders, better invade Iran for the Rothschilds!

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lel Iran is controlled opposition : the country and is about to get BTFO and there is nothing the Muslim Internet Defense force can do about it.

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How do they pay you, Ahmed, in goats? You too



Anons, Please pay attention to how this post has gone completely unchallenged during all the muslims itt screeching.

No. Peace summited.

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Yeah peace summited like the Treaty of Versailles? Fucking gas yourself kike. Iran getting "peace summited" would be the only real aggressor to ZOG finally submitting. You're a kike or a boomer. Probably both.

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Based israeli occupied Zig Forums

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Sandniggers did nothing but preserve greek texts. Muslim shitholes are nothing without western science allowing them to extract oil.

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It checks out.

Blame that retard roach for being a faggot and making free speech Zig Forums better than kikeypol.

Kikes are beginning to get shaky feelings about Trump, he just shook hands with the guy in North Korea who said Israel is the cancer of Middle-East. Sheeeit!

Shias were recognized as heroes here long time ago for fighting the zog machinery. You kikes seem lost, cuckchan is that way.

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I don't have to convince anyone. Its whats going to happen.

Again user, pay attention to this post going completely unchallenged.

No. They burned fucking everything. It was only in the hangover after their initial bloody rampage through classical civilization that they thought to start collecting them instead of burning them out of spite.

Only thing that is going to happen, almost assuredly is the destruction of israel and the expulsion of jews as has happened throughout history. Don't get too comfortable.

All semitic people are a problem. All of the peoples of the middle east are a problem. All of the people of africa are a problem. There's not one problem. Saying "le ZOG" a million times won't make you acceptable, Ahmed. Go strap a bomb to your chest and blow yourself up in Israel. That'll the only use you could ever be. The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. No amount of "le ZOG" makes your existence worthwhile. You need to go just as much as them and every other shit-skin race.

The only people who are truly a problem even in their own countries are the jews because of how much they get their kin to subvert in foreign countries on behalf of it.

I'm really thinking we should get an international coalition to police israel. No nukes, military for them. Probably have Iran lead it.

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Too bad. Theres going to be a peace summit.

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No, he doesn't fucking tweet jej. It's a propaganda account.

Antidote is hard to come by, da comrade? kek

Fuck jews.
Fuck muslims.
Fuck fuck the shills ITT.

Which is it goatfucker?

i don't think bolton is jewish, and its always seemed to me he was a "neocon" if indeed he is/was a neocon for career advancement purposes


We patriot now.

Iran is greatest ally.

Putin probably said that he'll keep Hezbollah and Iran in check and share intel with Mossad. Just look at the way Russia stands down and lets Israel rape Syria. That should tell you everything right there.

Right, Europe hasn't spent centuries upon centuries being attacked by Africans and Middle Easterners. Europe isn't being invaded by them right now. Nope. Their population explosion won't have any effect on Europe. Nope. Not a problem at all. Only "le ZOG" is a problem. How about China? Not a problem? Who else isn't a problem? India? Brazil? No one's a problem? Only "le ZOG"? Globalization is a consequence of technology. The solution is for us to become a global people. For that to happen, they can't exist. No one. No jews. No chinks. No goat-fuckers. No niggers. Unless you're advocating regression and stagnation.

Exactly, it's not one or the other, it's both.

Bolton may have made the mistake of trusting the intelligence agencies. Witnessing their biased ulterior motives over the past year would've wised him up. Sure, some Russian civilians shared their opinions about American political candidates. American civilians certainly share their opinions about Russian political candidates!

Are you fucking joking? Bolton is the worst of all the neocons.

This. Ethno-Globe.

He is, and there's no question as to whether or not he is a neo-cohen.

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Either we kill them, they kill us, or we mix and cease to exist either way. Those are the only options. These LARPing faggots need to comprehend that. There's no future in stagnation. If we refuse to expand, someone else will expand and conquer us.

Classic ZIONIST mongrel pedigree…these will have to be exterminated as well since they carry the corruption of kikery in their veins…if we let one live they will continue to corrupt and murder the Earth.

doesn't violate the Nuremburg Laws. did his parents practice, or hang out in specifically jewish circles?

lacks context

means nothing. neocon = war hawk, but war hawk != neocon. another (better) way of saying this is:
if you are a neocon, then you are a war hawk → [x] correct
iff you are a neocon, then you are a war hawk → [x] incorrect

in case you're not good with logical notation: all neocons are war hawks, but not all war hawks are neocons

I'm not defending this bolton asshole i really don't like him, but I'm just checking bc Zig Forums has a really big problem distinguishing between (neo)realists and neoconservatives.

Everything had to do with Iran. That's all I'm gonna say.

Then why do we keep this nigger employed ?
He answers to us.

This is a low energy thread filled with low information morons.

Do you think he got where he is 'by chance'? No he is a ZIONIST…this is something that Hitler never understood about the structure of the ZIONIST machine…he never understood the depth of the infiltration or the intentional mongrelization of their pedigree to maintain control over nations (to destroy them from within). ONE DROP corrupts the spirit forever.


Fuck off JIDF.


He is not in a position to do anything(as it should be), it's Jews who "demand".

I didn't want to go there but, yes, THIS. There are people that I consider to be 'normies' to the real issues on Zig Forums.

This wouldn't be a problem if the boomers didn't have a board and this

You want live in the desert? We are blessed with the most beautiful areas in the world and a small population. They have oil, but hopefully we'll solve that problem.
I'm sweating my balls off in moderate heat right now.

We wouldn't live there, no one would. We would ensure that the desert animals were left in peace. We might place one guardian of LIFE in that region but they wouldn't be required to stay year round and could swap out their time with another guardian. Our people tend to produce offspring in perfect balance with their environment. This is why we are the only ones who should remain on this planet…because we are in balance with nature and not devourers and destroyers of all LIFE around us. When the destroying parasites are gone we will achieve a perfect balance with nature in terms of our reproduction.

Kill urself faggot

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He probably came to the meeting riding a tiger or some shit.

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Why are you even trying to argue that he isn't a Neocon? Is this advancing pilpuling homework from your rabbinical school?

Lurk more you dumb idiot. All neocons are doing the bidding of the jews, or are jews themselves who want America to only serve Israel's interests. They are the ones who were behind the Iraq war (even Haaretz admits that today) and the systematic take down of all of Israel's enemies in the region (mainly Shia allied countries). They are only "pro war" when it serves Israel's interests, see how fast they back down when Saudi Arabia is criticized. It's ironic that 9/11 was used to spring launch this "war on terror" on Shias, given Saudis (and Israel's) hand in it. Heck they even tried recently to blame Iran for it because of how stupid this is beggining to look.

No matter what this faggot says or does, DOTR for him.
He's a traitor and sells out the People of the U.S. for his Globalist Agenda that promotes only Israel, the so-called 'Chosen People.'
I'm not even going to read the thread.
I see, 'Bolton,' and I am immediately disgusted.

THE Globalist Agenda

Moscow is the only thing that will stop the holocaust 2.0 "Beach Edition" to happen.
That's what Syria is and has always been about.
Obongo has managed to fuck the middle east so bad you have an actual alliance of Muslim countries numbering hundreds of millions of people (Egypt-Syria-Lebannon-Iraq-Iran) that are more than ready to go teach 6 millions jews how to swim.
It's a return at the pre-1948 situation and Israel worst nightmare whose stereotypical tricks have brought on the worst result (as usual).
Just the alliance of Egypt and Syria already almost did the deed twice, Iraq (Syria/Egypt size power) and especially Iran (much bigger one) having stayed out of it.
That's Putin endgame, he who controls Syria controls the middle east, he who controls the middle east control the Jewish lobby, he who controls the Jewish lobby controls the west.

Neo-cohen have no other choice but to lick Putin balls.

psst, user Insider here, with a Need To Know Clearance, which makes me higher than Q, like K or G or B.

i watched the reconstructed 3D imaging of the meeting using our hacked access.into the NRO's global LIDAR satellite platform, i watched Bolton's pussy lips bristle and he got real cooperative after Putin showed Bolton his own sex tape from 1982, in the swingers club Plato's Retreat, where Bolton forced his then wife to bang a pack of niggers while he raped a 16 year old girl.

of course Plato's Retreat was wiretapped up the yinyang by our CIA mole the whole time.

you have to respect Putin's patience for sitting on Bolton's kompromat for decades, just waiting for the right time when such a wild card becomes a game winning gambit.

now that Bolton works for Mother Russia, you'll see him working to end sanctions, recognize Crimea, halt the arming of covert proxy armies in the Ukraine and generally assist with re-establishing a strong relationship between America and Russia.

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Interesting visual imagery…

This is some bizarrely fucktarded gibberish that could only come from the "mind" of a kebab. Muslims are turbo-shit garbage and a literal threat to nobody but their own inbred selves. You could multiply the population of muslims by a factor of ten, and they could all be annihilated in a weekend by 1,000 humans. It would only take a few thousand more bugs or pajeets to do the same; mudshits are just that worthless.