First Trump-Putin summit has Cold War backdrop, U.S. allies nervous
First Trump-Putin summit has Cold War backdrop, U.S. allies nervous
Here have a (you)
I've jerked off to Finnish women before. They're hot. Fuck you.
sorry user, it was a very nice OP to
Finland is planning on killing Putin. Spread the word.
What do they mean by this?
last time it happened Communism collapsed.
do it
Something will derail this. Not a chance (((they))) let this happen with the current muh russia narrative still going.
Gee I wonder who posts D&C on every thread on Zig Forums…
Any given finn is whiter than you, schlomo
This is what the snipdicks have been trying to prevent since 2016.
but user, have you seen that purple? i mean just look at that juicy N3. those guys in the other thread trying to post degenerate stuff claiming "muh female figure" have nothing on pic related. the pie charts for iceland, finland, and sweden are the real test boosters
All of those are Swedish rape babies m8. The third one is the most finnish.
t.met many finnish women on exchange
They are trying to stir up the boomer hive by conflating "Russia today" with "Ebil commies!!!!"
It is particularly retarded given the fact that LITERAL COMMUNISTS are running for election or are already in government all over the US. LITERAL COMMIES own and control numerous newspapers and use them to spread commie propaganda. A LITERAL COMMIE is almost certain to be the next president of Mexico (much closer to home than Russia, but can't talk bad about those browns!!!). Marxist thought is being taught in US schools and universities. Kikes, who created marxism, are running roughshod over every US institution.
Things HERE are so, so bad.
But don't look out the window and see the ongoing genocide of White people, normies!!! Remember dose ebil nahtzees and commies!!!!! Close your eyes and say it with me: "Russia is always da bad guis!!!!"
The purple?
You mean the one for Uralo - FINNIC and Siberian?
As in of-Finland?
Pretty weak. shill.
Yes, Finns are Finns.
That does not make them chinks or mongols or turks, which is what you kikes then try to "conclude."
Begone, D&C kike.
Literally no one I know hates Russia or believes this shit (((they))) are trying to spread about them. Most of them also lust after Russian women.
i was actually praising finnish dna, brainlet. how could simply stating the fact that finns are finns be considered an insult? when you call a jew a jew or a negro a negro it is considered an insult, but calling an aryan an aryan is considered a compliment - why is it that you think people interpret it that way?
idk if you're demoralized or what but when i point out that a finn is a finn i personally consider it to be in the "compliment" category, whereas you for some reason would assume it to be in the "insult" category. pic related.
and for more context here's the thread i was making a reference to . and my post here obviously further praising finnish (along with icelandic and swedish) genes and relying on the power of the phenotypes alone to combat the tasteless pictures that were posted throughout that thread
and here's some spurdo too since this whole reply consists of nothing but autistically explaining a joke
I think that he thought that you were saying that Finno DNA=Non-Aryan/White. Plus we have been getting deluged by faggots since kikephy got the boot, so we are all on edge.
I'm just gonna say that the people throwing around the Finns are not White may may might very well be Finns and not D&C shills because Finns can actually take a joke and make fun of themselves. Quite a lot of Finnish internet users are aware of the mongol meme and find it hilarious.
Mister Donardo Drumpo~ and Vradimirovits Putine here in Finrandu? Subarashii~