Liberal hooligans block freeway exit ramp in protest of Donald Trump
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Please oh please keep this shit up
Traffic blocking protesters are the worst kind of protesters. They should do it more often.
Good. This kind of shit is what made be so angry they went out and made sure Trump won the election. Hopefully the retarded diversity party pulls the same shit and a bunch of new Republicans get in, replacing NeoLibs and giving Trump some more support to actually get shit done.
Why can't those faggots do that shit around here!? I have a lifted 08 F250 on 35s. It needs a better kill count than bunnies and possums.
Those police are protecting them.
Had the police not been there you could legally hit them if they weren't in the crosswalk.
why aren't the cops getting them out of the way?
No, you cannot legally hit them. Pedestrians always have the right of way, even if they're faggots.
If there aren't any cameras around, though. . .
You are 100% wrong. 100% of the way. Pedestrians only have the right of way out of a crosswalk if you yield to them first. Don't fucking yield to them and you're fine. It's why if they run into traffic you won't get in trouble, but if they run into traffic and you yield into them then hit them you're fucked. It has 0% to do with "OH BUT YOU NOTICED THEM." 0 fucking percent.
Exactly. They probably figure they might as well cause as much chaos on the way down until Trump is out.
Zero jurisdictions allow the deliberate ramming of pedestrians when they're being cunts. In some, there is potentially a defense in court if you can make the case to the Jews sitting in judgment of you that you were reasonably frightened, but even then you're better off shooting them.
Beginning to question your tactics user.
why do the cops allow that to happen?
they're no longer paid to do their jobs
Well done. Actually keked.
But protecting these faggots is their job.
I have first hand experience multiple times that while that may be what's on the books. In Milwaukee SPECIFICALLY, it is not followed. If you're in the street - out of a crosswalk - as a pedestrian no matter how long before the car gets to you: you are at fault.
Not when they're breaking the law like this. The issue is that the kike and cuck governors and mayors literally instruct the cops to not interfere. I know, I've asked the cops, and they've told me as much while bitching about it.
This shit pisses normies off BIG TIME. Plus, it's Summer and hot af out.
Are you black? Such big wheels sound black to me. Maybe you just have an extremely small penis.
Because they're fucking puuuuuuuussies. Just look at Portland. The cuck mayor there told the local cops not to end the blockage of the ICE building. Federal pigs had to do it.
Actually blocking a road isn't protest, it's a blockade. Doing it for political motivation is terrorism. It's your civic duty to drive through the violent domestic terrorists.
Because the cops protecting these fucking terrorists are traitors and never forget it.
Is that Wisconsin law?
Probably because they were told to stand down and allow it to happen.
Remember: Police don't enforce the law, police do what they're told by the guy(s) above them.
If the governor tells the mayor to tell the police chief to tell his goons to let the libshits do whatever they want, that's exactly what the average cop goon is going to do.
tbh just slowly drive through them while blaring the living fuck out of your horn, if they don't move out of the way then they're retarded
Sage for off topic. You from Milwaukee? I was there relatively recently, and explored downtown a bit, ate at Mader's every night I was there. What got me though, was the beauty of the architecture, specifically cityhall. Yet, the kikes can't leave well enough alone, the art installation in front of it looks like a giant gold pile of shit.