A couple years ago, while browsing cuckchan's Zig Forums, I came across a thread that was created by a person who claimed to have insider information on why a surprising paradox between international globalist capitalism and Marxist social identity politics exists in the Western world today. This OP convincingly stated that supranational corporations are currently attempting to separate the defining intrinsic feature of individuals placed upon them at birth in order to market them to the same individuals later. This method of stripping a population of their identities in order to turn identity into a kind of abstract commodity was called the "commodification of identity".
I personally think that this information is some of the most valuable information to every be posted on either of the chans, and after the thread was archived, I made sure to record its thread number and date of posting. I strongly encourage anyone who's interested in obtaining an overview of the current sociopolitical paradigm shift in the US and Latin America to give the thread a read.
Isn't that obvious what kikes are doing? The only identity they can't sell is white identity, so we might as well go about selling unironic Hitler shirts.
Reported for a PDF Trojan that 'phones home' to dox retards that open it
Parker Jones
He's still right. The globalist, Jewish, system of international finance is the enemy of the White Race which must be destroyed if we are to survive. Hitler understood that well, and we are well served to remember his lessons.
Samuel Walker
Wat? I posted a pic of a thread by the same author of the cuckchan post in OP without immediately realizing it was him.
If you meant him, I wouldn't call him a commie so much as the ultimate bugman, which is what many of the non-Jews helping run things are like. Born rich, absolutely no relation to terra firma, alien-like, completely insane with no realization of it.
Aiden Brown
Intersting I first thought that our actual identity would be sold back to us, like adniggers make money off our posts as we discover our history. After reading I now know that I was wrong. The point is to materialize our identity, which is common knowledge even to normalfaggots.
Monocropping is bad for plants it is bad for humans.
William Morales
How to verify this.
Justin Hughes
I prefer the image.
Joshua Mitchell
It's not. The faggot is lying. If you don't want the .pdf, then don't click on it. Just use the 4plebs link instead. The purpose of the .pdf is for people who actually want a record of the dialogue in their computers.
Ethan Johnson
Incredible. This is the first thread that guy must have made which he alluded to in the introduction of the thread I have. Thank you for posting this, man.
Sebastian Sanders
Thanks for your good OP making me think of posting that before I even realized you were already talking about another thread of his. I could never get it out of my head how fucking creepy his train of thought was, truly psychopathic, as if he'd chopped up dolls in his childhood and tried to reassemble the best parts into a frankendoll.
Jeremiah Murphy
How to verify this ?
Connor Torres
Not being a brainlet and asking yourself if the OP or the (1) poster with no screenshot of a virus scan is more likely to be telling the truth?
Camden Morris
I guess I can't. Avoid the .pdf and just look at the 4plebs thread if you want. Again, the .pdf is only for people that really want a virtual copy of the thread on their computers.
I personally think that this insider is one of the biggest boons that 4chan has ever had. If this guy is legit, then we basically have a supernational think-tank insider telling us what the fuck is wrong with the West. Please spread this to anyone you think cares.
Jordan Miller
That was a not long post. OP is a liar. Good content, though.
Kayden Collins
This LARP was written by a kid, and contains a lot of unnecessary language and conspiracy theory, also appeal to authority logical fallacies (I am connected to a shadowy international thing so believe me). It may as well be a Poison the Well operation, becuase the nugget of truth is there. The true Plan is what I call Plan ZZZ. The meaning of ZZZ will become obvious as you understand what our Masters have in store for us.
1. Global Corporations have mis-directed the Left from economic agitation to identity agitation. 2. This is good for business because rather than non-productive Hippies who disrupt the economy, they are predictable consumers who support the economy. 3. It simplifies marketing through the creation of a broad, global identity for marketing purposes, without the previous segment marketing to blacks, whites, asians, men, women, or other identities. Instead, one global consciousness requires on marketing department at each firm, and one campaign for each product. 4. The remaining identity fracturing is still a net gain. White men will attend black-centric films, where the film has no objective quality other than appealing to the IDEA of that racial identity, if not to the people holding that identity themselves. 5. Cycles of civil unrest, which are absolutely predictable in their occurance if not their timing nor reason, can be misdirected from civil infrastructure like Academia and Government, and the Corporations themselves, and directed toward other segments of the Consumer population.
Thanks to you, I know have both of the threads that guy created. Cherish your jpeg, I have a feeling you're holding onto a piece of valuable channer history.
Owen Morris
6. This segment of the population which is to recieve this periodic blow-off once aimed at the power structure are Europeans, and the rapidly coalescing identity known as White. 7. The rise of 'White Identity' is nothing more than a marketing operation by Government and Business to create a suitable, resilient, and docile target for the misdirection of periodic discontent with the system. 8. Conservative Europeans are NOT to be exterminated, and they are NOT the problem for Global Corporations. They are the key element by providing a perpetual scapegoat for all social hysteria. 9. The evidence for this is the complicity of Government, Business, and Culture to work in lockstep assigning burden to Whites, while deflating any objection by pointing to the discredited concept of White Man's Burden. 10. Whites will accept public humiliation, opinion suppression, engineering of their numbers/population proportion, guilt, labor, discrimination, and taxation to support the system because whites are genetically and culturally docile.
11. Instead of periodic social and martial upheavals which characterized the un-managed culture prior to the end of the Cold War, a constant yet dynamically-variable stream of social hostility between Whites and all other 'special' identities can be throttled to quell social unrest. I.e. if White become contentious, they can be given small but meaningless social 'victories' within the overall signal of decline and subjugation. I.e. if Whites are becoming afraid that their political power is waning in their tribal homelands, small Supreme Court decisions can appear to give back a measure of control to them. In no cases, though, will the overall dilution of their power and subjugation of their will deviate from the general direction of becoming the global scapegoat for all social tensions (which have been suborned to Identity Tension). 12. Whites will never be exterminated, and they will never face a dramatic reversal of their power. I.e. When President Obama took power in the White House, he disavowed his previous Race Church to signal that he was a US President, not a Black President. But such mollifications will Whites be convinced that they still hold power in their various ethnic homelands. 13. The most important element of a docile White receptor for mis-directed social abuse is the White Identity movement of various forms, including recent groups like IE, the rise of eCelebs, alternative media organizations, etc. In fact, the rise of Right Media is simply another market niche to be exploited by the Identity Empowerment of non-whites, and the Identity Enslavement of Whites. 14. Central to this plan on the Intellectual front is the maintenance and strengthening of the Genocide Foundational Myth, with the Jewish Holocaust at its core. Various genocides, colonizations, victories, appropriations, and subjugations will be substituted as required to weather periods of what Academia calls "Holocaust Fatigue" or "Slavery Fatigue". I.e. Feliks Pewdiepie can claim that everyone is tired of hearing about the Holocaust, without being called a Nazi. This produces the illusion that we are progression out of the Foundational Myth, but instead it's an essential element of its long term maintenance. 15. The idea of a world-wide Jewish plot or conspiracy is the final essential element of this subjugation plan. Jews will serve as an abstract scapegoat, even while Whites are made the physical and economic scapegoats. Never again will Jews face widespread ethnic cleansing, indeed most Jews would want no part of this plan. 16. The key players in this plan are of no particular identity, but most are white and chinese males, Jewish figures, and a limited number of other identities. There was no lottery: these people stumbled upon this plan quite by accident. It simply coalesced out of centuries of cultural and social strife. 17. There is no end-game to the plan. The plan is the management of social conflict, not its elimination. As stated above, the creative management of perpetual social conflict is instrumental in creating new markets and value-less new products like Identity Film. In this way, the Global Corporate plan is simply a modification, without deliberate agency, of the Tripartie perpetual war in the novel 1984. The perpetuation of a permaenently aggrieved, and always threatened, White Race is the key element, as combine the optimum mixture of docile and productive traits.
It's interesting that they also decoupled economy from politics. We live in a global Weimar Republic, but so long as the economy chugs along, this global Weimar could continue almost indefinitely.
Hudson Thomas
And Jews paying niggers with jamming backpacks to genocide whites in South Africa fits into this how, exactly? I'm getting a lot of a "not the Jews!" vibe from you. The cuckchan OP is understandable if he's actually a thinktankfag which you seem too eager to discredit despite him being the perfect distillation of what these spoonfed rich faggots act like and what language they use, not very "kid" like to me.
Alexander Garcia
Andrew Reyes
Furthermore this is the sort of Jewish "soft power" plan that all of the bugmen would go along with only to find something completely different happens at the end. Drop the "it's fine whites will be fine" act.
Yes, I read that. The entire thing is what's already happened with "no conservative Euros will be ok it's cool btw Jews are a scapegoat haha" while trying to discredit OP.
Angel Hall
Cooper Collins
Dylan Powell
Thanks, Captain Obvious. Maybe fuck off back to /qresearch/ with your revelations of shit Zig Forums knew years ago.
David Murphy
Julian Bennett
Anyway, I've found if you take to a normalfag MAGApede white who knows a little bit about what a shithole Brazil is, they will freak the hell out and drop their defenses for a bit to consider that maybe they need to be doing more politically, and they'll never look at those huge nigresses plastered all over the makeup station in the center of their 95% white Walmart the same way again. So that's fun and I recommend it.
Yes, keep awkwardly shoehorning what I say into your spamming as if it's a catchall response, it's amusing. Seriously, you're not as smart as you think you are. Tell me, did you actually write that spiel for this thread or just c/p it out of a "How to deflect for my fellow Jews" handbook somewhere? I'll be interested to see which bulletpoint of your previous posts you copy paste in response instead of responding to criticism or elaborating on what makes your version of "The Plan" set in stone (besides, again, that all of it has already happened, even the "Holocaust Fatigue" articles were last year) you thin-skinned halfwit.
You know, I know this will catch me quite a bit of flak, but jews are only a portion of those perpetuating the System. It has something to do with the way White society has become sick and rotten. After all, Europeans had to let in these aliens before they were jew-washed. White traitors are the biggest issue. If jews didn't exist we'd still be facing the same problem. It may have not gotten as bad as fast or as severe, but it probably would have happened anyway. Whites were never meant to live in a globalized society.
Jaxson Evans
Back to sleep. Buy your formula. Dispose your diapers.
Started good. Ended up in autistic drivel. Pretty sure somebody already wrote stuff like this in the 1920s.
Camden Anderson
Personally I feel it ties into the fact that major social and political questions of the last few centuries have gone unanswered. Last century the big question was how would mankind reorganise himself around the potential and dangers of industrialised society. Three answers rose up: Fascism, communism and the technocracy movement. All other political movements and theories of any relevance are either derivative of these three or variations on "business as usual".
Of the three answers. Fascism was violently suppressed in the largest war in human history. Communism fell apart as it lacked any answer to external or internal threats. Allowing it to be completely subverted and turned into a tyrannical shitshow. And the technocracy movement failed to gain any traction as the economic issues that would have given it a chance were mostly covered up by massive war spending.
As a result we've muddled along with a social order that wasn't even suited to the last century let alone this one. A hopelessly obsolete social order derived from feudalism and mercantilism. Expanded in scope far beyond what either systems were designed for.
This is not a philosophy, this is a means to an end
A gun in the hands of a communist works just as well as a gun in the hands of a facists. Its just a technology nothing more
Technocracy is only a philosophy as much as nihilism is. Instead of defining values it just says values dont exist lets focus on other shit like robots.
Technocracy has no skin in the game. Technology will live on and improve but most as a means of providing support to defend values. Weather facism , democracy , communism , socialism has the better tech and strong power we'll see.
But technology itself is not a ends, or at lease not an ends of any depth or reason.
Mason Moore
I'm talking about the Technocracy movement. Different thing altogether. Starting with the Technical Alliance (a dismal failure) it could be called the north american equivalent to communism and fascism. Though one of the groups involved (Technocracy Inc) survives to this day if only barely, the movement never gained any widespread support.
(((Capitalists))) don't even need peasant consumers, they're small fry buyers; they can just shuffle money around with each other, print some more, write it off or do make-work projects. Lower caste consumers are obsolete to the higher ups, only the middle class and smaller companies who aren't in on the game care. The global economy is about as real as China's history these days, it doesn't run on hamburgers and baubles.
(check) Very true. Saying it's the kikes and only the kikes is disinfo and misdirection, pure and simple. Many of those working avidly towards our demise are lily-white whites without an ounce of kike blood.
Caleb Edwards
hi leftypol thats an awesome defeatism theory too bad its not falsifiable, thus not scientific its a poor theory because it inherently assumes whites are powerless and this "secret" cabal of "controllers" already won the game and is just playing
you need to try harder
Jason Hill
>it's (((global capital))) sage for shitty smokescreen and misdirection tactics
huiehueheuheuheiuheiuheiue technically they ARE doing that too though kek
Connor Allen
This is a short reply.
Luke Hernandez
this is really basic shit, and quite common in marxist and post-marxist circles. congrats on marketing marxism to Zig Forums
Liam Hughes
as mentioned in those threads before this is just diverting attention away from the the eternal jew if the action of the deepstate were merily economic integration and a superceding of economy over politics, which is btw probably impossible than we would be trading a lot with russia rather than embargoing them also every action taking in the middle east doesn't serve much of an economic goal, but it does serve the oded yinon plan so again jews
further most of this is being implemented to attack european peoples and ignoring the other 80% of the world even in south america it is attacking the white minorities, if economic integration was the plan uplifting india, south east asia and if the coolaid is strong even africa is far more important
of course the points being mentioned are true, yet they are but a facet of the larger jewish war against any peoples that could challenge them
Hudson Harris
worthy of discussion
Robert Sanders
This is what Bret Easten Ellis's American Psycho is all about. People cease to have any identity apart from how expensive their designer clothing is.
It is, but is more sympathetic. Ellis hated people for shallowly identifying with brand name accessories. This is about people being alienated from themselves from birth to be sold back to themselves, incl their sex, interests, drives, preferences, etc.
Thomas Clark
Is there any document, any source whatsoever describing this operation in Brazil? If there is, it would be of great value to the rest of the world about the dangers of racial miscegenation, creating people too dumb to notice and act against the masters, but smart enough to work, produce and consume.
so is this why Zig Forums has been getting slid so hard lately?
Robert Jackson
oops, not sure why i saged
Kevin Allen
"El Perro" by Goya. Nice choice for depicting how they wish us alone and cast adrift.
Cameron Gomez
Thank you kindly for compiling this. Saved.
Goya's "Dog" is my favorite painting of all time. I think it perfectly encapsulates the general feeling of impending doom that defines the current era.
Luke Flores
If you want to go on the offensive, the best thing Zig Forums could do is attempt to identify the poster. Assuming what he's saying is true, then he provides several clues to his identity:
1) His wife is Brazilian, and he met he her in Brazil. (Note, it is possible that the poster is actually a lesbian. The OP never confirms their sex)
2) The OP has written "white papers" for the Trilateral Commission and has written for the UN, for the purposes of introducing globalists platforms for the international cosmetics lobby.
3) The OP was associated with the Baker Institute, located in Houston.
4) It is possible that the OP is a Rice University graduate, since the OP claims to have graduated from a top 20 USA university, and the Baker Institute is regularly associated with Rice University.
5) We have over 3,000 or so words from the OP, which provides us with plenty of unique terms, forms of terminology, rhetorical styling and voicing, etc.
If we could use our collective autism to find out who this person is (and yes, this could all be a wild goose chase if the OP was just a troll) then we might be able to confirm their identity by their writing style and then form an epistolary collection of their writings conducive to better understanding this nightmarish-NWO dystopian Hell-plot.
Apart from that, I would recommend backing up the two threads associated with this OP and sharing them with borderline red-pilled friends and family. Several of my friends were swayed to anti-globalism/pro-nationalism stances after reading the "commodification of identity" thread.
awesome to see a fellow de Goya fan on Zig Forums. my favorite painting is this one by him, also one of the "black paintings", untitled as they all are but often referred to as "duelo a garrotazos" or "a fight with cudgels". what it says to me is this senseation of being honorbound or bound by rage into mutually destructive action with another man, an equal. you both know better but you are mired, stuck in a senseless, brutal struggle against your fellow man.
There are two versions of the Brazil screencap. Make sure to read both.
I couldn't agree more. I've shared this with people to activate their almonds with good success. Another good jolt to the noggin is the documentary Century of the Self because it also addresses the issue identities for profit and propaganda.
Matthew Lee
This is a fascinating theory, but what's beyond the endgame for those who are hypothetically enacting it? Who is going to inherit it? The "big bad" elites, Rockefellers, Soros, Rothschilds, etc. are all old and badly represented by their children. The current ruling elites are pretty much the culmination of the grand conspiracies of the 20th century, the next generation to inherit that is who exactly? Their feeble, effeminate grandchildren?
So assume this all goes to plan within the next 20 years, and once global Brazil becomes a reality and the elites die off within a couple of years of it happening, what exactly stops the last pockets of whites from victorious holy racial war to reclaim their heritage?
It's interesting but it doesn't seem very thought out. There's no real evidence beyond an extrapolation of the world as it is today, and even when the post was written the world was a different place.
Kayden Torres
Good post. Read fight club, The less people have something to identify with Race, country, creed, religion, The more the will need to identify with the products they buy. E.g. soyboys that do not look after themselves but differentiate themselves through meaningless surface level materialistic belongings.
must be what we called "cybernetism" in France in the 60's. is that still a thing? is (((transhumanism))) related to it?
Christian Cook
I hate these fucks with the power of a billion burning suns.
Samuel Smith
They were mostly a north american thing though did have some branches in europe. Though by the 60s they were pretty much dead. They're still alive but only just barely. Technocracy Inc has a website but it's shite.
Overall I'd say they'd come and gone by the time transhumanism became a thing but they'd probably be into it as a means to improve economic/industrial efficiency so that greater leisure time can be allocated to people and used to further drive self improvement. In many ways they sit in this fascinating halfway point between fascism and communism and you should definitely look into them and their ideas/worldview. There's useful ideas there. Their concept for an energy based currency was fascinating for instance and a good way to destroy usurers.
Brandon Young
It's nice that you seem to think everything is catered to Zig Forums and completely invincible at the same time. jews are such effective scapegoats that they've attempted to shift focus from themselves.
Hippies didn't disrupt the economy. They bought a shit load of alcohol, drugs (CIA), camping equipment and paid to go to large CIA run festival events. And that's without how much they spent on medical care due to all the STDs they got and all the ways they fuck themselves up mentally and needed hospitalisation.
The Hippy movement was a CIA operation at best and shows all the signs of being a movement made to subvert Western identity. It just doesn't stand up when you look at what it "achieved" and how it went about it.
Jackson Perry
Thomas Martinez
This thread
Charles Hall
Reported. Stop trying to divert away from the leak, you fucking shill. The takeaway of this thread is that we must destroy kike international finance. They were supremely asshurt over GamerGate despite it's ideological lukewarmness for this very reason: Muh shekels
Charles Green
good thread
Camden Howard
The enemy of the would-be slavemaster is the individual. The individual is free. Degrading a person from individual to "one of $category" is unwitting psychological enslavement.
Oliver Brooks
Part of the gender blurring agenda is to get people on pharmaceuticals for life, sell plastic surgery, and sell women's products to both sexes.
Carter James
Jack Carter
Someone wants to sell you the spare part for your live