There is one basic "secret" in influencing you kid more than public schools, and that is by getting them to respect you more than outside sources. That can be achieved by simple stuff, which could be considered "manipulation" in other cases but unfortunately you can't do otherwise.
Start doing simple stuff, like require that all family members sit down and eat together on Sundays. I would say, do so every day if you can, but that is hard for a lot of working parents.
When you child has a question, do not dismiss it. They will search for answers, and instinctively grasp on the first answer they find, acting as an anchor to their future viewpoints. The first person they instinctively trust is you, their parent, so don't lose that opportunity.
Reduce punishment to bare minimal. Pain, anger, negativity, fear, should only be used when the child does something that could otherwise prove too dangerous, like crossing a road without watching multiple times after you've explained the danger. Kids naturally try to revolt, and punishment is only going to make them sneakier in the future.
Positively reinforce them when they do something good with your attention and treats. Negatively react with lack of attention when your kid does something stupid, something you don't like, etc.
Take your son to (real) martial arts, like kick-boxing, muay-thai, pure boxing, BJJ, etc. Keep them away from """spiritual""" bullshit. Take our girl to organized gymnastics, female only preferably, but those usually mostly have females and faggots. Have them push their bodies to expend all the energy they have, which distracts them from clear thought and reduces their attention. Also, remember Leftists are allergic to strong bodies.
Do not skip walk Sundays, go to cool places when you are off work. I repeat, DO NOT SKIP THIS. Going to walks with your kids is a form of bonding, just like eating on the same table is. Your kids have to feel good while around you so that they stay longer around you and listen to you more than others.
Take your kids to develop some sort of art. This is pretty personal, so no advice here, just stay away from "alternative painting" tier of shit. Your kid needs to express itself in some way so that it doesn't feel repressed. This will reform to anger, and they will lash out in bad forms like masturbation addiction, violence addiction, etc.
And, last but not least, show your kid they need you and they have to earn everything from you. Make it a little bit hard, and never give without taking. You don't want a filthy Marxist offspring. If you want to give them their allowance, first ask them to clean their room, or do their homework, or stuff like that. When they do something that is "ethically ours", give it a reward and congratulate them. DO NOT SKIP THIS, but also do not exaggerate. Kids need to feel gratification for when they are "good".
When they get older (when they mature and calm down after being teenagers), you will have to teach them how to break the chains of people trying to control them. But that is a whole different story.
If you want to get deeper into the subject, check "radical behaviourism". B.F. Skinner is the only real psychologist of our time. I advice you to check "Beyond Freedom and Dignity".
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