They're probably loaded with a lot of security detail. The smart thing to do would be to report the security measures that they have so that you could circumvent them.
We do need more details like how many layers of doors we'd have to go through so we know how many charges to take with us to blow through them, what kind of glass (one could use those devices you see on trains to shatter the glass window potentially), possibilities to barricading doors to force them all to have only one way to exit so you can herd them into a corridor to kill them, etc.
Oliver Jones
Fuck you FBI, go bomb them yourselves.
Jacob Harris
Might not work since it's not practical. There's several ways you can be thwarted while you're in those buildings without knowing what occurs there. If you cause trouble around that area, then it causes them to go into lockdown mode until things are clear.
Jayden Gonzalez
Asher Hall
Shoo-shoo FBI Jew. (((You))) glow-in-the-dark, (((you))) think you've got snark, meme this enough and the seam will extricate. Is Rosenstein your pope? Irregardless you'll both know the end of a rope.
Zachary Gray
>tonight on ZNN: during our collection period we found distrubing material in which (((white nationalists))) planned to shoot up (((news outlets)))
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee get off my fucking board! You fucking agent provacateur. This is a board of peace.
Jace Scott
Tyler Richardson
You can't hurt CNN in this way. The purpose of CNN is not to make money, the purpose of CNN is to serve propoganda. Terrorist attacks will increase their fame and credibility.
The only way to defeat CNN is make fun of people who watch it, which you're doing quite well already.
Jason Reed
Sneak into the Building as a coffe machine repair man. Put heavy laxatives into the machine.
Laugh at the shitstorm!
Adam Lewis
Hi CNN intern. Most of us know you have the same security standard as federal buildings.
1) Killing enemy propagandists is not 'terrorism' nor is defending the homeland. 2) The big flaw in this logic is that fame does nothing for propagandists who are dead. If they are gone they are gone. 3) Fuck this thread. It is fishing for specific threats. That is definitely fed territory.
Robert Gonzalez
CNN=Fox/Breibart That was my intended joke, it's all jewish media, designed to keep goys fighting over jewish lies rather than tackling the lying jews who make them
Jose Russell
Well if you put it like that. Let’s state ways to inflict massive damage with low effort. Soft targets are best because of no security. Even a news office gets a Zogbot response rather quickly as we can see. Just look up people in postions of power. Then run up to them as they’re entering thier house and blast a cap in thier head with a silencer. All people that get caught because there is motive. If you don’t know the person it’s nearly impossible to connect the dots. Also tell no one if your plots and work alone. In doing what I stated you can kill as many Zogbots as you want without repercussions. See feds, this how real shit gets done. Not your low quality bait.
Brandon Gonzalez
True that. Just kill the zogbots directly. What I kinda want to do but I have an RPG to play out and see how it goes. I know zogbots hate and want to imprison the RPG I want to do. So maybe I can work this in my favor.
Henry King
I don't think you understand how math works
Leo Cooper
I don't think you quite understand how tiresome your whole promotion of jewish left/right politics is
Elijah Campbell
Omg while you're at it how about look up a recipe for cakes.