Reminder,if you watch and support forgotten weapons, you are a antiwhite faggot

LEL, and the paypiggies will ride his dick no matter what

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Other urls found in this thread:

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he also likes tranny cock

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What is with the awful smug tone in everything he types out? Reads like a convoluted way of denial.

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he's a trust fund kiddo that probably has never had to deal with diversity in real life

Blind Gabe Newell > Forgotten cuckons
Prove me wrong

this, misha and paul harrel are the only gun e-celebs worth watching

This is terrible. I thought he was some apolitical guy that didn't really care for politics beyond how they relate to firearms, and firearms ownership (much like hikok45). I saw a few of his videos, thought they were cool, but now I know what I know of his political views, I'm going to avoid watching much of his content now.


this makes me sad. i almost cant believe it. How can anyone deny whites are being killed in SA?? They have to live life all indoors or with security guards, they sleep with their guns or face death.

I thought Ian was mad he had to censor the confederate battle flag and swasticka on his thumbnails. I guess not. This motherfucker should know better just from reading all that history.
oh also, hickok45 had a based nigger on his show once, I commented that I wished only white guys owned guns, he replied 'you must wish we had slavery too, huh?' and I said nooo thats how they got here in the first place.

You're not getting any shekels here kike.

I don't get it, either. It's just cowardly conformity to the enforced orthodoxy, much like in the Soviet Union, but at least you don't get sent to the gulag (yet) for deviating from it, especially in the USA. Even my sister who says some libtarded shit from time to time acknowledges that the whites in South Africa are oppressed and are being killed.

Tim is a zogbot extraordinaire.

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Good source. Glad to see antifa is serious about intelligence. Gonna make it hard to sneak up on them in the Phoenix area.

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That kike to Mandela's left is (((Joe Slovo))) born (((Yossel Mashel Slovo))). I hope the cancer that took that kike's life was extremely painful for every single solitary second that he had it.

If I knew Paul personally, I'd continuously be nervous about disappointing him. I know a superior in the hierarchy when I see one. He's crazy as fuck, but in that way that turns into blood and guts when it has to.

Attached: Oom_Paul.jpg (1280x720, 296.41K)

Zig Forums-types love ushankas, even with the Soviet emblem, no matter their personal beliefs politics-wise. A picture of him wearing one proves nothing.

I have no desire to observe any other firearms expert other than Paul.

Started watching him recently, seems to know his shit and I guess apparently has been in civilian involved shootings before, he does seem like a guy who will really fuck your shit up

He shot and killed some nutjob who was trying to murder his wife a few years back and was found to be justified. Paul is the real deal. His experience in firearms safety and tactics instruction is multiple decades long. He's really the only jewtube gun guy worth a damn these days.

I wasn't aware that Ian was such a massive commie piece of shit though, that's new to me and extremely disgusting. I just figured he was another apolitical coward, not actual cancer.

only thing that bites against "This Afternoon" Tim is his pro-Israel shit.

You notice that grimace he puts on everytime he shoots a gun? That's the memory of the lives he's taken croaking back into his mind. It's a brief moment, but I see it clear as day.

yeah but everything else does, i too have commie marked surplus but i don't deny white genocide on youtube

I know he's a tranny lover because of his "what's the right gun for men?" video, but do you have a version of that picture that's for people and not ants?

Never heard of this guy, he looks like a jew.
You can't learn how to use a gun from a youtube channel.


I learned how to build two, as well as maintain them and not operate them like an idiot. But whatever. Not denying the rat-face sneer you pointed out, though.

holy fuck, this is eye opening.

not sure what to think about this guy

Tim is a zogbot but is a net positive to the community

Eceleb bullshit again?

I stand corrected. What a fucking nigger

Where user?
Im interested in theorical knowledge. I have no intentions whatsoever of having one.


a thread died for this

Imagine being this retarded.

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jesus christ, what a fucking sperg.


Holy shit. He just admitted it. Fuck this manlet commie nigger.

circlejerking about some faggot who isn't even creating political content on youtube is important.

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dox, in case anyone wants to fistfuck this faggot's face

State / ProvinceARIZONA
Postal Code85076

How is anyone surprised he's a total faggot?

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Here is a good book on the whole affair.

fake as fuck u dumb yid

Oh? I suppose you have proof that shows otherwise then? A statement from Ian denouncing Antifa and the JBGC? I'd love to see that.

That's not how evidence works you retard. Proof that the picture is legitimate is necessary as you can't prove it doesn't exist, only that it does.

Don't know why you would mention it without posting it, but here's one more example of Ian's faggotry for the curious.

Attached: IanAndKarlAreAntiRacistFaggots.webm (854x480, 7.86M)


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You don't have any proof debunking the pic, do you fuckface? What I see in this thread makes me think the pic is legitimate. If you can debunk it please do otherwise go pound sand, niggerfaggot.

Didn't that Karl faggot try to damage control on Zig Forums when they started shitting all over him?

One user shitposted claiming that he had Ian dropped by one of his auction house pals, prompting Carl to make a dynamic entry and proceed to shit all over the floor.

Attached: inrange-carl-butthurt-on-8chan-k.png (1803x2167, 401.07K)

Methinks the mallninja doth protest too much.

Reported. OP is an antifa numale or a legit retard, either way this isn't cuckchan where you can post dogshit like this. GTFO.

I think the only reason that anyone like Ian could be so well versed in WWI/WWII and still be a filthy commie is that he's a literal faggot. He's a sodomite and he knows that ebil nahtzees aren't kindly to his disgusting filthy way of life so he's willfilly ignorant of the Holohoax and the JQ and instead sides with the globo-homo establishment. He's not married right? Any mention or evidence of a girlfriend? I think he's a poof.

Always fucking hilarious seeing him sperg when he gets called out for shilling IWI.

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f1ffc7 can't be Karl, he would never use sodomite as an insult. They are both huge fag apologists/LGBTetc fanbois. It really is just a beta orbiter e-celeb worshipper.

Since this is turning into a proper Ian and Karl hate thread, here's a clip where they have a panel on "What's the best gun for men?" with a bunch of "women". They include a tranny as a women. Here's the full 12:54 video if you can stomach faggotry overwhelming.

Attached: ForgottenWeaponsTrannyPanel.png (640x360 806.46 KB, 2.67M)

he has Jew blood
runs a good channel though, gotta give credit where it's due.

I'm not surprised that he turned out to be a massive faggot. I remember I defended the Famas rifle in one of his videos, and he turned out to be a pro-nato cock sucker defending the m4/m16 gas piston rifles the french were going to replace the Famas with.

Has he claimed that in a video? How do you know?

Here is Ian blatantly denouncing Antifa and acknowledging the mistreatment of the Boers, and saying that the JBGC post was fake.

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Come on, the colloquial definition of genocide (being systematic house to house extermination like the Rwandans or Holodomor) is simply not the way Whites in South Africa are being killed. It is a genocide, yes, but it doesn't fit most people's idea of genocide.

yeah its a disordered house to house extermination dragged out over a long period of time while whites of the world stand around with their dicks in their hands and refuse to call it genocide because its done by imbiciles

Even my boomer parents admit it's a genocide.

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Who fucking cares, it's e-celeb drama.

I agree with you, but this disagreement over the definition of a word is no reason to commit character assassination and say that Ian is an Antifa member who hates white people. This entire thing was designed to create infighting amongst the gun community in order to make us weaker.

He's a kike lover shill who blocks me constantly for calling it out.

Remember that he does have financial interest in the products he (((reviews))). He sells them for living. He's a total shill through and through.

I'm the user. Ian made a video of him dressed up as Jesus and I sent it to all the auction houses he works for and even to the guys themselves. I personally don't have a problem with it, I just wanted to rustle some jimmies.
A whole bunch of people started sperging while others were applauding me. I have no doubt in my mind that it was Karl who showed up and started going ballistic. Everything he said reeked of reddit and faggotry.

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It’s like I don’t even know you anymore.

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Glad to see he denounced Antifa and isn't a commie, but fucking hell man, the refusal to acknowledge White genocide really irks me.

I'm glad he's doing the work he's doing from a historical standpoint. It's important to preserve and document history. He creates quality content. However on a personal level he seems like another Sargon-tier cowardly windbag. The idea that he could posses the breadth of knowledge about the World Wars and not be completely red pilled on the Holohoax and the JQ means he's either willfully ignorant or extremely dishonest.

Personally that was what did it for me. I spent years doing intensive research into war history and during that process so many questions came up that did not mesh with the worldview that had been previously shoved down my throat in my earlier education. I could not reconcile the narratives about Hitler and WWII that were the mainstream after learning in depth about how WWI and WWII came into existence.

I have a very hard time believing that Ian hasn't experienced such a thing as well. I'd like to hope I'm wrong and Ian is just hiding his power level, but I have a feeling that's not the case and he's just another centrist lolberg pussy.

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He is right to be angry.

Not surprised he's a kike, he did the same thing to SIG as he did Kimber, cut every corner possible, marketed the product as premium quality but uses subpar materials, engineering, and quality control.

I watch his videos because they're informative, I really don't give a fuck what his political opinions are. If it doesn't involve firearms, it's irrelevant.

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Hi Ian! Don't let this thread get to you too badly man, it's just anonymous shit talking on the internet. You're wrong about it not being genocide though. You should stick around here for a while, your opinions will change if you do. It's inevitable. Love your channel bud. Keep up the good work.

Ultimately, it doesn't really matter. He inst a political commentator, he picks apart cool old guns. Making a video on how the holocaust didn't happen would only serve to turn normies away from him. He is doing one thing as far as politics go, and that is bringing more people to the pro 2A side, which is nothing but a good thing.

The fuck are you on about niggerfaggot?

They keep their politics out of their content for the most part so I don't really give a shit.

I also find it funny that they both obviously live way out in the boonies and Karl cleans his teeth with coffee.

Where are the cuck chaos magicians your site is so famous for? Fucking little betas they are.

Pretty impressive how he managed to avoid using the the word "white" even once in his 2nd post.

Oh, one more thing, the "hur dur they're commies or whatever" faggots don't watch their content. Ian is, at worst, center left. Karl's…ehehe…he seems to have an affection for the boys with thunderstruck lapels, shall we say.

Read it again, particularly the first word of the second line.

Lmao, Americans are trash and always have been.

You're underestimating the depravity and outright evilness of the majority of Americans. All Americans are Jewish until proven otherwise.

He was in the Army or some shit, and he killed a guy in self defense a while back.

which no gunz 3rd world country do you live in?

As seen by their glorification of the Polish and Finnish for fighting "Authoritarians" (with an emphases on the USSR), I would assume they are both on the normie side of lolbertarian. They still have good content though.

Also, am I the only one who likes Karl?

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But sig doesn't use subpar materials.


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That's becoming quite the norm. While MIM is not bad per say (in some respects), outsourcing to India for parts is. It's a corner cut so they can increase their margins while keeping profit per unit high. I know a few people who quit their six figure a year jobs at SIG after (((Cohen))) took over because they couldn't rest well at night knowing they sell these guns to police, military, and citizens who expect them to be well made and reliable to protect themselves with.

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Sigs are pieces of shit. I won't even sell the worthless, paper weight I bought for my wife because I'd feel bad if someone went to use it in a life or death situation and it jammed, like it always does. GARBAGE!

Also, everywhere you look you see these piece of crap ar-15 clones that you know won't be worth shit in an actual firefight. I'm glad I bought my Colt LE way back when before that company went to shit also. And my Russian vepr, before faggot Trump expanded the sanctions to include Molot too. So no more quality AK parts, just the garbage from Eastern Europe with the sights canted off to the left or right by an inch or two.

Honestly, I hate everything to do with gun culture now. The people at the ranges are obnoxious losers, gun store owners are even bigger pricks than they used to be, and the guns are all poorly machine scrap metal. The 2nd Amendment is weeping.

Ian is a piece of shit but I'm still going to watch his videos with an adblocker because I like learning about firearms history.

i'm really starting to not like him now just based on a few things…. he spent hours deleting comments on the Rhodesian gun video the other day and said his channel was not for discussing politics.

Then he makes a politically charged satire video with karl making fun of the "race war".