Is this a serious organization, or a Jewish controlled honeypot? This organization claims to have 4 pillars that it supports: 1.) Exposing White Genocide, 2.) Educating the public, 3.)Deconstructing anti-whitism , and 4.) Making the case for white survival. I have never seen a website like this before, and I found it while looking up UN guidelines on genocide of a race. Has this ever been talked about before on Zig Forums?
There's a thread up right now about some user who was in the army, and he said it was cucked to hell in back. In their anti-white quote section, one of the U.S. generals in 1994 claimed that America needs to be diverse to survive, or something like that. This place seems like a great resource for educating whites, and I'd like to donate, but I'm not supporting some horseshit Jewish organization.
Cant be a honeypot, the government will avoid acknowledging white genocide as much as it can, this would do more damage than good.
Xavier Scott
Or you'll make empty murder threats?
Luis Scott
wew, this thread was derailed fast
Anthony Reed
They look like they do some good work, though it seems a bit primitive. The articles are only preaching to the choir. The merch might be good though. Use what they got as long as it helps us. It don't matter what they're trying to do, so long as we can use what they got to our purpose. I hate that it's hard to trust anything right now, but it is what it is.
Jackson Garcia
Did some cursory research; there's a chance it might not be (((owned))). The fact that JIDF immediately attempted a derail leads me to believe it's not. Besides, as pointed out, the white genocide problem has a sort of basilisk effect; any government attempt to co-opt or refute it must first acknowledge that it exists, redpilling anyone who looks at it.
"White self hatred is sick" is a Bob Whitaker (God rest his soul) meme, the guy who created The Mantra ("ASIA FOR THE ASIANS, AFRICA FOR THE AFRICANS, WHITE COUNTRIES FOR EVERYBODY!" etc.), as well as these memes:
JIDF constantly shills against Bob Whitaker. On cuckchan whenever someone asks who Bob was they say he was a pedophile with alzheimers; that's how you know how terrified they are of Bob and his memes.
Didn't Bob used to work with the CIA or cooperate with them at one time? My guess is that he became red pilled either during or after that time and begun his activism. The fact that he's shilled against all the time constantly makes me believe that he's the real deal.
Technically anything can be used to track your browser, though. HTLM5 is an extremely shitty way of doing it.
Samuel Thomas
Yeah he did. In fact part of his job was to create memes for dissemination in the Soviet Union that were designed to implode the Soviet system. He was literally waging memetic warfare before many of us were even born. He became redpilled about White genocide at some point and began using all of his memeskills to wake up the White race and unravel billions of dollars of anti-White propaganda.
In his podcasts he goes into the strength of anti-White memes with regards to how much money has been invested in promoting them, such as the holohoax. He came up with the "naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews" meme that is to be used as a response to anyone who calls you a nazi (an anti-White meme). The idea with that one is to "short circuit" the neural pathway of the person calling you a nazi by immediately going straight to the implication: "Yeah yeah, I don't want my entire race to go extinct so that means I'm a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews." *rolls eyes*
To be fair, millions of websites and even website theme templates do this now instead of using cookies. I agree it's annoying, but it's certainly not proof of malicious intent. My canvas fingerprinting extension isn't alerting me about it either, which makes me suspect it's a TOR browser false positive as described above.
Justin Gonzalez
Before there was "" there was "" When the latter went down the former came up. The latter seemed like a better website to me. Faster, more articles, more focused. What that means, if anything, I don't know. I find it suspicious.
Jaxson Lopez
Eventually JIDF will learn to use this tactic against us…
They already do, just look at how many people say "Jordan Peterson is legit just look at how much the media hates him". Same goes for Alex Jones. People mistake controlled opposition taking flak as being validation of credibility all the time, unfortunately.
Are you retarded? Yes, this has been talked about before. The last thing kikes would want is the mantra. Anyone doing mantra stuff is fine to support. Old Bob (Gods rest his soul, he died almost exactly one year ago) may have made the difference between Whites living and dying with just the term "anti-white" being promoted alone.
No one who exposes White genocide, names the kike, tells the truth about the holohoax, or points us back to Folkish religion is a shill, with one exception, and that is if they attach retarded bullshit like flat Earth to it.
Cameron Kelly
If only you knew how bad things really are. The term white genocide was created by Jews to discredit the idea of the ongoing white genocide.
The word genocide brings to mind third world countries and the holohoax. When you have to specify that white genocide is happening through lack of reproduction and racemixing, it makes it look you're exaggerating. This is intentional.
Mason Fisher
It's worse than that. Organizations whose specific role is to validate controlled opposition by attacking it, exist and have done for years. The SPLC performs this role for the US authorities, and in the UK the "Hope Not Hate" organism has been validating controlled op persons and groups, giving them right-wing "street cred" for years. As for this little clusterfuck of an obvious controlled op, the fully licensed stock imagery and very familiar font choice should be the first red flags. The best tool however, is to see who is promoting them. SPLC/ADL/Hope Not Hate/any Rebel media or big-name "alt-right" e-celeb invites them on their show or promotes them (either directly or using reverse promotion through dedicating airtime to attacking them), then you can take their controlled op status to the bank. The chance of a group which springs from nowhere into a fully formed web presence is astronomically unlikely to be organic.
Jace Price
Nothing. Because you're a stupid faggot. Don't post until you've learned something.
I see JEW. Putting up a website is what now? You managed to use Tor even though you're clearly an autistic NEET.
Bump for good stuff.
Ryan Adams
[[[citation needed]]]
What is being done to the White race meets the exact definition of genocide. "Lack of reproduction and race mixing" are only two aspects of it, you forgot mass immigration robbing Whites of our right to self-determination, and anti-White legislation that disenfranchises us in our own countries and seeks to exterminate our culture and history.
You can buy that same stock imagery for $5 on a stock image website you retarded fucking faggot, you think having a credit card and $5 is proof of "controlled opposition"? You think the "font choice" is proof of controlled opposition? Those are you only arguments?
Whitaker's BUGS has been around for over a decade newfag. You're literally trying to discredit the man who created THE MANTRA, a meme that has woke up hundreds of thousands of Whites.
But of course you knew that, (((TORpedo))).
Grayson Wright
Considering that the same (((tribe))) of people who ran the Soviet system now run the ZOGs of the West, it's going to go down in a similar manner. I mean, sites like this are pretty much a modern day samizdat for us.
Jason Watson
Fight White Genocide means taking action against white genocide. White Genocide Project made it sound like some abstract academic concept.
Alexander White
The term White Genocide wasn't invented its an incontrovertible fact and why this board, among other anti-ZOG NS revolutionary platforms, even exists.