Oi Veh, Jews were urged to be civil towards the Nazis.
Basically, anytime a conservatives gives an opinion it is "violence" and needs to be met with a violent overthrow of the government.
Oi Veh, Jews were urged to be civil towards the Nazis.
Basically, anytime a conservatives gives an opinion it is "violence" and needs to be met with a violent overthrow of the government.
It's just impotent rage over the 3-year cucking of liberals with Supreme Court appointments, especially impotent in this case. Pakman has the charisma of a laundry basket. Anyone who could watch this show regularly has to be the most hollow and unlovable kind of person imaginable.
Check out the tags
wasn't this guy four years some sort of gamergag eceleb on the muh free speech side?
knows his reddit audience
No he cucked out to the femsoy brigade.
By definition the coordinated harassment of individual government officials to force policy decisions is a form of terrorism. Threatening secretaries, bureaucrats, and appointed officials in their personal lives is a form a threatening behavior because it implies that this angry mob not only knows who you are, but they know your daily routine and ostensibly the status of your family and loved ones. A call for continued targeted harassment is in effect a call for terrorism and an implied call for violence.
The fact that this queer mentions antifa mean that he's considered advocating them.
No shekels for you kike.
That would be a yes, moshe.
Why are you telling us to flag the vid when you fucking post a hooktube
But they won't. These aren't the communists of the past. The kikes got themselves in to a pickle here.
They so extensively feminized males, pussified all of their useful idiots that they really aren't that useful.
This is why they need to stream shitskin pets in, but they don't completely fall in line.
Basically, their choices are pussies or dumb beasts, neither of which are completely useful for any type of revolt or resistance aside from standard (((democracy))). This is why voter fraud is so rampant and the issue of no borders is so important. (((They))) know without a majority (((they))) flatout lose.
Antifa is the closest thing they really have to "fighters" and they are weak, limpwristed faggots that target inanimate objects and still manage to lose to those at times. Their (((#resistance))) is garbage.
This thread was probably made by Pakman to LOL those internet nazis.
He's jewish.
Oh my god. I didn't realize! We finally hit that 6-3 margin of victory to start winning SCOTUS cases!!!
I was so stupid and thought 5-4 was a majority.
Hahahahahahahahah 5 greater than 4, how fucking retarded am I?
Just because it is 5 to 4 doesn't mean that one of those 5 may not vote in favor of Roe v. Wade. With a higher ratio it would require 2 to go against party lines. Hopefully, it is gone real soon. That will be prime salt mining at the very least.
Not what he mentioned, implied, or stated.
Good of you to stand up for the kike though. Makes it easy to figure out who to filter.
he must have a lot of faith in his audience's mental state
but muh christcucks goyim
Probably didn't filter me, but fuck it even if you did.
I didn't stand up for kikes and your reading comprehension is somewhere between a nigger with downs and an illiterate Mexican. Probably closer to the former.
I can't figure out if you are just fucking stupid or merely pretending to be at this point.
I'm fine with abortions for shitskins, but the ones who scream the loudest when their abortions are threatened and their cummies restricted are always kikes and white liberals.
Is it just me, or are all their policies dictated by their genitalia, (real or imaginary)
Giving women the vote as a fucking mistake.
Yes. That's been understood for a long time.
The thing though is, don't use that to betray your interest and support of white women. Nor let your interest and support of white women falter because of the first line of your post.
if you didn't understand my post you replied to was le ironic shitpost
Thomas is the only sitting justice who actively wants to repeal it. It's not going anywhere for the time being
Oh, I know it was ironic, I was just speaking generally to the topic of Abortion and how that's usually the first thing leftists bitch about or are worried about.
New SC justice nominee? BETTER GET YER ABORTIONS
It's more than terrorism, it's outright treason. Every one who has called for it needs to be arrested immediately. Time to put those FEMA camps to good fucking use.
Not quite. A better option would be to only allow married couples (and I suppose the widows) to vote.
Sure. But that doesn't mean the statement is false.
Best would be all white males who own land.
Like the founding fathers wanted it to be, stated it to be, and made it to be.
Still cant quite process how they overlook violence as a two way street. What are they gonna do in a period of unrest and total civil war where the enemy fights back? Call the police?
That law basically means Antifa, other AnComs and NazBols. It only affects those communist organizations dedicated to violent overthrow, it means nothing to "democratic socialists"
They deserve the gulag.
I fucking hope so.
>When our people and our basic societal institutions are under attack, expressing outrage is the right thing to do and making the (((people))) responsible for carrying the policies out uncomfortable is your duty, never mind something that is acceptable
-David PaKKKman
Oh (((you))).
This might be the most obvious kike shillpost I've ever seen in nearly a decade of channing.
Even more kikish than that JIDF who got fucking caught, and came back and posted about it to brag.
It was some fucking irony you faggot sperg.
Remember when the GamerGays were shilling for this kike?
LOL, he even advertises a mental health service for his lunatic audience. What in the fuck is wrong these people? And lol at the "foundations" of our society being abortion and fag marriage… in a country that used to have the death penalty for sodomy.
That is good. It slowly makes the euthanasie of the genetic defects, scums into a socially acceptable idea…