Some user posted a thread about the "g" in the freemason symbol. I was gonna respond with this, but the thread got locked before I could post.
Just found these while searching through my great grandfather's books. Mum says there's a ring somewhere. What should I post?
The Letter "G":Its first reference is to the first and noblest of the sciences, geometry. Geometry, the fifth of the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences, and astronomy, the seventh science, are so much a part of eachother that it is difficult to consider them separately; indeed, the ritual of the letter "G" is as much concerned with the study of the heavens as the science of measurement alone.
I feel like I'm gonna get suicided if I post more, though. Please, if any freemasons are lurking, tell me if this is some kind of mortal transgression.
Freemason thread
freemasons just want to be honorary kikes
It’s not wise to assume that all Masons fall within the lodge system.
Well, I guess I'm dead, then.
Just post whatever you think is important. I have a copy of Morals and Dogma that I got off eBay, along with a lot of MPH literature. It's pretty easy to get texts on esoteric subjects nowadays, because no one cares, except the nuts who think it's a satanic conspiracy.
'G' can represent many things, it is a symbol. That is how they work, the principle embodying it is what matters. George Washington is an answer given to acolytes. The God in all of us, very much a hermetic notion, is a more advanced answer. Generative force is how I choose to see it, which is the center of all our vitality, the wellspring of life. It used to be a 5 pointed star, but was necessary to make it simpler, apparently.
If you want to understand Freemasonry, stripped of the symbolism, read Bacon. He had a major role in the creation of it, either directly or indirectly. Read and pay close attention, he more or less lays out in Novum Organum Scientarium the path to Truth, or at least as close as mortal humans can ever get. His legal writings, which are voluminous, give away the correct interpretation of some of his more controversial work, like Novum Atlantis. I had the honor of going through a 1765 edition of his complete works at the MPH library.
When your lodge never stops demanding dues after you’ve paid them more than enough for a few dozen lifetimes, what else can you expect? I shouldn’t owe dues for the rest of my life, but they keep demanding them.
How much are the dues, anyway?
G = 7th letter = 7 steps of alchemy * 7 = 49 degrees of freemaonry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now im iluminadi
You mean that you paid them in advance or just that the dues are a lot of money?
the G stands for God
or Gnosis
Well when I wear my sailing shoes sometimes they get upset. Some have taken to calling me a girl because I like sailing.
The true Rosicrucian order of the 16-1700s sounds more badass than Freemasonry. But when I went to their website to check it out it seems like a fucking scam today. It's a fucking landing page like you would find for penis extension pills.
What the fuck, Rosicrucians?
Freemason illuminati fag here. You're fine it's all over the internet at this point.
Then how about you niggers start posting your books here? Could always stand to add more to my library.
Do you want any specific sections from the book in the OP?
I don't have time to scan it fully, but I'd be happy to post one or two chapters, just look at the table of contents.
You goys still have to have some secret material…
Please tell me what the difference is between (h) and (u) on the image links?
Why does Zig Forums appear to store a file 4 times?
(1link with generated filename (and what opens if you open picture in new tab), with original filename,
3.(h) and
Is there a difference ? If yes, what?
You’ve got to be reasonable. Somethings you have to figure out on your own. Not everyone will be as generous as us.
Freemasons seem to be split on turning the world in meekling cattle or bringing back Atlantis, but in space. I thought it was a division between American and French masonry, although that doesn't seem to be the case, they could just be extremely compartmentalized with their own ideas.
I have no idea what the fuck is going on anymore, at this point I'm willing to believe they're using duality to manifest what they want by supporting both extremes to create some sort of synthesis.
Does anyone know what AK 11:33 means?
The Masons do not all agree on everything. Some want globalism, some want confederations, some want imperialism, some want national socialism, some want based constitutionalism, and some even want libertarianism. It is isn’t a clear cut case of all Masons agree on everything and want the same thing.
Yes, I do know what that means, but you have to figure it out. That’s a part of Masonry, figuring things out on your own.
The G stands for Gay.
You need your third eyeanus opened by the lightsome boomer's half chub, but it is referential to Lucifer
Always be on your guard against the light, it is a false sun.
I would like to become a Freemason, but I don't believe in "higher powers," as power to me is a change in energy within a system or a change in configuration within a configuration space which obeys physical laws. I do, however, believe in "higher orders," as evidence for them is abundant in nature. A molecule is a higher order of its constituent atoms, a cell is a higher order of its constituent molecules, an organism is a higher order of its constituent cells, and a species is a higher order of its constituent organisms. A group, society, or nation is a higher order of its constituent human members.
Is putting the index finger on the other guy's wrist a mason handshake, or is it just faggots signaling each other?
Who was the controlling arm, the Huey Long, of the OSS before Truman disbanded it?
that sounds like the viewpoint of a meterialist cucklord tbqh fam
The light is a woman’s love.
Freemasonry is a kike invention.
If you don't denounce them you're a kike, OP
And TBH this thread deserves the lock too
It was given to me by a total stranger on a starbucks coffee cup at my fucking house. Looking up the bible verses associated with it spooked me, but I can't figure out what the AK part means.
And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.
Daniel 11:33
Well, fuck, I guess I shitposted too hard. It's in context of the coming of the antichrist and him beating everyone up who talks smack.
No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.
Luke 11:33
I-is Jim inviting me?
I could on with bible verses, but those were the most interesting.
Freemasons only give king ship to those that can counter their own battles. Everyone can win their own wars and claim their own victories, but in the long run they just cancel themselves out of necessity. It's only in certain cases that wars can be won if they lead to the overall goal of human enslavement such as the book 1984
Well, you’ve taken the first step to figuring it out. What are you going to do now?
You could continue onward, or you could just throw it away and go about your life. There are other choices, but you have to decide whether you want to make them or not.
I will only tell you this, because I once sat where you’re at now. The journey is not easy. Once you take that step though, there is no turning back.
The funny thing about Freemasons, I don’t care what they think.
Maybe it's part of the Hindu calendar
>it's the (((freemasons))) again
Yearly reminder: 5 years, empty threats.
Yeah good luck with that.
checked, this guy gets it
dont tell jim about this thread
don't tell the pigs about hotwheels
Freemasons have one thing in common: The desire for power. This binds them to control, and be controlled through unending layers of deceit.
He’s probably already seen it and is fuming. Someone is going to hear it.
You all can join your local lodge of your own free will. An user did it following the rules telling them he worshiped Satan and got in. Guys from a cult named "Saturn's sons" within the lodge contacted him and we never heard from him after that but there's the thread on cuckchan Zig Forums if you manage to find it of his experience of joining his nearest lodge.
You forgot G for Gnosis.
Also i consider René Guénon to be the best when it comes to understanding what was free-masonry, certainly not some decadent protestant influenced by centuries of anglo-jewish degenerescence inherited from Cromwell's "republican" coup.
Cancerous 12 year old faggots need to leave and never return.
there was a time where they would be guided to friendship, not sent to wolves eager to devour.
Because telling someone they are cancer while targeting them with hatred is a path to friendship now.
both of you are faggots and niggers.
I am neither homosexual or a nigger.
wrong on all accounts lol
Do you know who that is? I don’t.
Bacon came well before Cromwell. He used the outer veil of protestantism to conceal his writings. If you want a good idea of what he was like, read some of his essays. Very much influenced by the hermetics and alchemists.
An anonymous poster, my friend. kampfy's legacy will persist for awhile. Remember save whites as long as they already know everything you do and don't agree :^)
Fuck Freemanlets. Just another bulllshit cult for child abusing sodomites.
"G" definitely stands for Gay or for deGenerative force
I have to wonder if posting with his colors actually means you have his authority, or if it just means you’re mad at us. Care to explain why you’re upset? I am genuinely curious.
I swear, half the time I have no clue what’s going on around me, but if I have somehow offended you in some way, please feel free to explain.
The real meaning of the G is that it has no meaning. Or rather, it has whatever meaning they want you to believe it has at whatever level of the cult you are at.
We pseudo jews now? The absolute state of Zig Forums.
Zig Forums has its own lodge.
At least those two annoying as fuck freemasons from endchan haven't showed up yet.
I don’t understand the Freemason guys, they seem really civilized, but they then get upset when you’re not wanting to get involved with their lodge. I want to be friends with them, but they keep calling me cancer because I won’t let them run roughshod over me.
Correction. Newfag trash have their own lodge.
watch some mark passio dude … you are fukcing amature
Psst. Freemasonry is literally based on the kaballah. It is judaism for goys. What is even going on this thread?
The lodge exists because of the owner of Zig Forums He arranged it. It keeps getting kicked around by everyone else, such as yourself. You calling people trash after stealing their property and all sorts of other BS. I mean we can go back and forth all day, but I am not the wolf here. Have a nice day.
Kikey? He didn't look homo
Not that user, but you are as bright as a wet match in a damp cave.
I understand that your lodgematebuttbuddy asked you to come and defend your fag boomer boy's club, but you are in way over your head here.
Just go back to facebook, sip your Monster Ultra energy drink, and think about your glory days at college/frat.
I look forwards to seeing you working minimum wage at a corner store in the next decade. Lotta good SocSec did for ya, eh?
Oh, tell your master, Lucifer, his physical form is next on the chopping block. His spirit already surrendered, though, so too-bad-so-sad about his plans with the Abyss
how join Zig Forums lodge?
Figure out how to get Kek to trust you.
Damn dude, I know you like punishing me on the mats, keep it there. I am okay with minimum wage.
Yes, they are almost as crazy as those wicked anti-semites, oy vey!
No one here cares about your vauge codewords, jim podesta
I have never touched an underage girl. In fact I haven’t gotten laid since a woman raped me a few months back.
You will join us… FOR CHEESE PIZZA!!!
You done fucked up now.
You're asking as if that wasn't the same thing.
Zig Forums IS its own lodge, a lodge of higher order than other lodgen.
You don't join Zig Forums lodge, Zig Forums lodge joins you.
There better be portraits of Ford everywhere.
How do other anons come to terms with Ford? Hitler loved the guy.
I honestly think Freemasons hate the Talmud, since it goes against their supposed core beliefs; probably the primary reason were banned from joining for a long time.
Old school Freemasonry was pretty cool; no niggers, no women and no jews. Something funky happened to them after the Napoleonic wars and war of 1812.
If you have classified information, you need to leak everything. Usually, such groups get dirt on everyone so you have to incriminate yourself in order to do so. They rely on the same petty selfishness of a "man" would would accept a pile of money rather than burn the shit.
If you start leaking and don't leak everything, you give them an incentive to take you out. So, if you're going to leak, leak it all, and whatever they had you do to let you in (for someone with a different story) you have to out yourself to leak.
In any case, I knew about these fucking weirdos long before getting redpilled on race.
Why you like Russian dicks? I prefer found on Russian daughter, of legal age. Hey what would I know, I have no dick, right? ;-)
Here, there’s some happy kid parking next to me, he wants to know if you’re available.
There are many of these lodges in England, all they do is say some latin and donated some bullshit cause like dying niggers in African. It's just a full on LARP these days.
Freemasonry is Judaism for the goyim
there is nothing else to it
Basically this. The freemasons are essentially larper wannabe cultists who want the same control the kikes have. The freemasons are the bitch of the jews.
No shit you're not the wolf, you're a rodentlike faggot. Have a nice day.
ahahahahahaha go away already you sad ugly incel
Red makes Ryu look like an apple. Santa has enough trouble without everyone criticizing his availability of clothing since the last winter put him on the streets.
Have a loli
Nepfag, pls.
Nope, you’re getting that Twinkie instead
This. Fagmasons love to lick each other's rusty bronze rings = anuses.
Have you guys even played nethack?
It's the enlightenment Deists vs. the (((esoteric))) Occultists
Patriarchy Demiurge vs. Fag-feminist-pedo gnostic cult
That's the secret to the splits in history.
It's the enlightenment Deists vs. the (((esoteric))) Occultists
Patriarchy Demiurge vs. Fag-feminist-pedo cult
That's the secret to the splits in history.
It's also why kikeroach deletes deist and philosophy threads but lets (((esoteric))) kike black magic run wild
It's the enlightenment Deists vs. the (((esoteric))) Occultists
Patriarchy Demiurge vs. Fag-feminist-pedo gnostic cult
That's the secret to the splits in history.
It's also why kikeroach deletes deist and philosophy threads but lets (((esoteric))) kike black magic run wild
Okay, so which authority represented the "Patriarchy Demiurge" in the "splits in history" during Europe's subjugation under the worship of the demon (((YHWH)))?
It's the weird Osiris verse Isis archetype meme, it comes from Theosophy Society's comparative mythology primary. Freemansons are big fans of the sun and the sky daddy, you can't join if you don't believe in a Demiurge.
Goddamn I hate niggershit. Freemasonry is synonymous with Bolshevism, or Communism, or Judaism, or Globalism. JFK was 100% correct when he said secret societies can go fuck themselves.
But user, Zig Forums IS a secret society. More-so than Freemasons these days, they just don't want their peers to know about all the silly rituals they do.
We stare into the abyss and make it blink, our absurdity protects us, as we travel the path of light until the final flash. It may not feel like it, but our creed has a very special part to play in the history to come.
In a few hundred years, I'm sure our memes and poems will become esoteric as the unwritten zeitgeist fades and the languages change. The importance of our virtual rituals will be completely lost as time makes our legend grow.