Masturbation should be taught to schoolchildren as young as 11, claims sex expert

Masturbation should be taught to schoolchildren as young as 11, claims sex expert

Sex education hasn't moved with the times.
At least, according to journalist and sex writer Nadia Bokody.
Given that we live in much more sexualised world than, say, our parents, what the current curriculum provides is "frighteningly inadequate".
One area which is pretty much ignored by schools is masturbation - and Nadia maintains this is a huge mistake.
"Kids need to be learning about masturbation as soon as they hit puberty, as young as 11," she states.
Checkmate cuckservatives

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We should teach kids how to tie nooses tbh.

This shit has been going on since the Frankfurt School. These sick Freudian Jewish fucks would even try to see if children of all ages were capable of having orgasms.

I advise you all to read Merchants of Sin (I'm sure some user has the PDF file and can link to the part of the book with these "studies")

Heiling you sick digits

Also, we should teach kids how to spot kikes

BEEN FIGURING OUT HOW TO RUB ONE OUT ON OUR OWN FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. just getting a handle on teen pregnancy and this bitch wants to kick the doors down

Fucking disgusting.


One reason kikes want to teach masturbation in school is because their pet shitskins are hyper sexualized very young already and they want them to stop impregnating each other so much. The point is to teach them to prefer masturbation over heterosexual sex. They'd rather not perform so many abortions on preteen niglets if they didn't have to. They also want to drag white kids down to the lower common denominator for equalities sake. Can't have white kids spending their childhood getting ahead. Good goyim teens need to masturbate to kike sponsored porn for an hour daily to make sure they are getting race mixing, tranny and dyke sex normalized in their young minds.

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They are.


This. I've been fapping since I was 5.

You have hands, you have genitals and you have the urge to rub one out. What the fuck is (((education))) on the subject needed for?


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Define orgasm. I certainly had a climax as a kid but no sperm, so it was not really reaching post-pubescent intensity.

aaand this is why I don't care that five journos ate a bullet.

By all means I hope kikes teach their shitskins to neuter themselves with masturbating their teens and twenties away to porn like a hikikomori. We just need to segregate so white kids aren't brought down to their simian level.


this is why I am disappointed it was only 5

Masturbation should be a felony. FACT.

Jews have got to be panicking to push total degeneracy so fast. This will snap back on them. They are not even being subtle with their agenda anymore.

I'm on my twenties now but I remember that we had obligatory sex-ed classes back when I was 12 and our sex-ed teacher put a condom on a dildo. That was over a decade ago, watch this now. This is the future that awaits America, some kikess touching some dude's dick right in front of their kids at school.

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Seriously though, who needs to be taught?

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They'eve been teaching it at 12 since the early 1990s.



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So he wants them all lobotomized at a young age?

She isn't an expert of anything.

Except getting murder raped in an oven.




They've been at it for years. Pics related.

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I wonder who could be behind this newest bit of leftist social subversion I MEAN TOTALLY LEGITIMATE SCIENCE GOYUM! By the way nice Hitler dubs.

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I mean I was probably younger than that when we were told about sex ed. They briefly said you'll probably 'play with yourself' and it is a natural part of growing up. That was more or less adequate, but I'm sure its not the young boys they are trying to corrupt with this.

Honestly I knew how babies were made before I was 8 but then again I engaged in some futile baby-making before that so I'm no example.

Are you technically a virgin if you've had sex before you truly valued sex? Because if so I've fucked one of each.

This is your society on kikes.

Its almost like Jews don't all believe the same things.

I have been masturbating since I was 2 years old. Why would anyone need to be taught?

She's literally just some sex-addicted nutjob slut that the kikes decided to give a platform. It's insane but nothing really surprises me anymore.

Masturbation = low testosterone and sick fetishes. Nobody "needs" to masturbate. Always do the opposite of what jews say

This, wet dreams are healthier.

It's almost like they preach one thing (degeneracy for us) and practice another (patriarchy for them, or maybe I should say (((you))).

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in todays class we will be passing around sex toys

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Jesus Christ. Fucking unreal.


ur a 8 year old arent you user

well then it sure is a good thing that you're a NEET who will never leave the basement again

Masturbation = not walking around horny, angry, and stupid all of the time. But hey, you do you, and when you're so fucking horny and desperate for some pussy you get dicknapped by some disgusting 2/10, make sure you come back and tell us about how much you fucked up. I'll be 'avin a giggle.

Dude, stop masturbating for a while and fucking watch your perversions melt away

Nice projection, faggot. You are a degenerate sex addict.

tbh my perversions are everpresent and fighting them is a daily struggle. Sometimes I wish I had someone to talk to about it but any community built on that would probably become a haven for degeneracy and counterproductive for those trying to better themselves.
Goebbels said: Do not despair.


There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself trough materialistic ways, sexual ways, trough drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy trough own creation that people calls as life.

We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.

We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.

We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself trough sexual ways, materialistic ways, trough parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Trough that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Trough physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We wan't to think nothing, be nothing because that is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else it is manifest of it.

I think that what ((they)) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.

Yo do not realize were you are? 99% of this entire website is nothing but porn addicted compulsive masturbators of various vomit inducing inclinations deffending the most important human right to cum, and this is supposed to be the "counter culture", the "better place" compared to the rest of society, how fucking deluded are you lol, the fucking irony of being in a sewer saying other people smell bad but not you.

Yeah, that really worked out well for the leaf government that tried this.

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Sounds like

Everytime you masturbate, you are worshiping satan, and satan was the first faggot to ever exist, so yeah, instead of worshiping a literal fag, pray for his eternal death and with it the death of your vices that make you like him, open your eyes and see your lust as the poison it is, remember, the impulse to have sex is natural and God given, directing it to anything that doesn't procure new life is abhorrent and perverse, realize this once and for all, what you want is a family, not an orgasm.

if that was too "out there" for you just remember, faggots/serial killers/liberal twats/soy bugmen/et al. sorts of mentally handicapped dipshits are typically porn addicts and compulsive masturbators/nymphomaniacs…what I mean is, direct that anger and drive to your betterment, if you share traits with the dregs of society you are not in a good place

Sexualization oh children is apart of the left's gameplan It's all very jewish..

you are implying the government wants to help when in actuality they all are molesters that want to normalize abuse.

Better yet let the teachers fuck them


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Problem is, man, eventually they'll not just be whacking off your children in front of the naked class and even fucking them in the ass, but they'll be teaching them how to mutilate themselves for attention whoring, like this guy with the firecrackers and Christmas ornaments:

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Tanks for posting that.

We both know that the slippery slope is an eternal one for the commie identity is based on eternal transgression against all that is right and natural, and as the shock of one thing wears off, in order to still be a commie he needs to champion ever more disgusting shit. Nothing will sate him for he channels Moloch himself, in all his unholy avarice.

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Most kids at that age have already seen porn on their smartphones and will figure out how to do it by 13, some will even have sex and smoke at that age in my shithole country.
Idk but it seems redundant in the current year.

these people want children to grow up to be sex slaves like this guy, for him since he was 14 he lived in a cage like dog and took it in the ass and was punching bag for leatherman.

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Pic 4
"Pagan" ritual ?

If I showed you a priest molesting a choir boy would you call it a Christian ritual? I don't see any Celtic crosses, Alims, or any Germanics swinging hammers and axes in a weapons dance.

Now go make a bagan XDXD boogeeman D&C somewhere else

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I downloaded that somewhere with that filename, and haven't changed it. Got other photos of others in that same mask though… Some digging reveals its a small company that makes them in Cali, and they want to build an army of people wearing those things.

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The neighbours daughter is 18 this autumn. She dated 5 guys some of them at the exact same time as in parallel. She started having sex at 13 and the guy was 18 at the time. Latest dude is 25. Best thing her father is a literal protestant preacher he wears the fucking robe to preach the gospel in a church. Not a pedo creep we live in houses next to each other the fence is low and her getting drunk at 3am with some dude when her parents aren't at home is getting fucking annoying. She even had hyaluronic acid injections in her lips to bloat it up like Angelina Jolie. She's got a new iPhone plus and thot pics on her Insta. Well okay looking that up was a bit creepy but it wasn't hard either I just entered her full name and birth year into google and this was the first result it gave me. She has around 150 pics and 6k followers. This is the Balkans but I guess we're all living in America und Amerika ist wunderbar.

an invading culture and custom has supremacy over their own.

Preacher's daughters are stereotypical dumpsterfires full of othermen's jizz. if you want to see one of the other effect tumblr and instagram have on girls, search hashtag #tweakernation on tumblr and have a bottle of vodka handy, as you'll need it.

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I was too quick then my Brother, for regardless of faith we are united in both in blood and the purity of purpose against the darkness of this world.

ad communionem fraternam inter nos amicus fidelis sanguinis

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That moment when memes are making it to reality.

The only sane thing to do here is to expunge these vermin.

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Homeschooling is one hell of a whitepill…

You lack of self awareness is unsurprising, half-chan faggot.

Is that Crank dat bitch smoking? Please tell me she was homeschooled, at least

nigger you played yourself

Can you explain whatthat first pic is? I saw it before in a doom mod called "Abort"

Ehhh, here have their web page, turns out its not just anubian jackals they make masks of… but dragons horses and big cats too…

Why the hell should it be taught at all? It's supposed to be discovered on its own.

Why do I need masks, when I already got me face, bruv?

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Its just 2 hedonistic faggots looking for a quick buck based out the US but I can't find an address on the site which is pure AIDS cancer to any open eyeball.

Nothing that a necktie party on a tree top can't fix. The problem is these people are roaches and mosquitoes You'll find this perverse scum in most every western country or city due to the abject rot and corruption in every sense of the word that exists in these filth pits.. So either we build a new pit in Apefrica and deport them to it or we regulate and institutionalize them where the belong.

You see its more of a local problem stuff like this degeneracy once you've deal with repealing pedoslation like the sex ed curriculum that teaches anal to grade 5 boys and girls that was made by a pedo. Once these obsticles are removed degens shall fade into the institution like the past or apefrica which is their only future AND ITS THE MULTI FUCKING CULTURAL ONE THEY WANTED AND ITS NON NEGOTIABLE SO THEY CAN TASTE "DEMOCRACY"


Not a bad specialization.


one of the things I notice about the people wearing those masks is that those wearing the hoses tend to be tops while those without tend to be their bitches, and then there's this one youtube channel where this southwest guy smokes in them.

< youtube

Kill yourself kikey.

Good thing is they broke their mold so no new jackals, and it looks like the rest of the masks aren't popular.
There's worse on the pipe, I'm afraid, this "meth nazi" shit was tumblr's intended memetic attack upon us, and it failed miserably.

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However, it has shown that the value of "Nazi" is diminishing. There was no particularly worthwhile Nazi position relating to many issues which modern people confront. The time has come for a new ideology. A fascist one, a Nazi one, a race realist one. But informed by legitimate science, where it may be found, and with a realistic plan for shaping the present political order.

do not be led astray by third picture, that guy admitted before tumblr removed his blog that he cut up his asshole with steelwool wrapped upon a broomstick before taking that picture so he'd be infected with HIV during that night's bit of Richard Roulette

Ha the dyke who does Queer Kids Stuff is also a Kike.

How did I not notice it until now?

I, the Dark Researcher am with you, Herbal user is with you, and our small cabal of other anons are with you too.
Just be sparing on the mixlings that find their way to our cause, sterilization is best in the cases where kike upbringing was absent, with enforced companionship of aryan guardians in the rest of cases to ensure the kike traits don't fully manifest.

I'm not sure what third picture is, but that story is bonkers. I genuinely laughed. You're cool, user.

A post worthy of dubstrips.

This is doable, you know. 8^)

Mickey Mouse Shows How To Join Him In The Magic Kingdom

its the guy in full uniform posing in front of a fire place with the NSDAP flag draped over it underneath the candlesticks.

I discovered masturbation on my own at age 11, I didn't need some kike teacher to help me in this department.

Tbh if the kike teacher would have helped you with it at that tender age your sex life might have turned out to be different in adulthood.

If he did he'd forget to explain all the brutal realities of being a faggot like every one of your partners throwing you away after sex and the inclination to oneup all theother faggots

Maybe I would have gotten more degenerate sex, and bedpost notches, but that isn't the way to happiness, user. Just meaningless lust.


It's fine to fap every once every week or every two weeks. Anything more than that could be detrimental. Also, naked sunbathing is great for raising T. Natural sunlight on your ballsack dramatically raises testosterone, just make sure to note the UV index and the amount of time you spend, you don't want a nasty sunburn down there. I use this site,

I know we are conditioned to associate masturbation and sex ed with feminism/Judaism, but we should consider how this could help our cause.

1. If girls are able to find sexual release by themself, they will not seek to do so on Tyrone's dick, keeping them pure.

2. Even if this leads to a temporary period of lesbianism, this isn't as big a threat to our race as miscegenation. Homosexual experimentation will not permanently corrupt female DNA through chimerism and telegony the way coalburning does. By maintaining virginity (nothing 2 lesbians do together is actually sex) until they discover a superior partnership with a white male patient enough to wait for a dedicated relationship, ex-lesbians will be more able to pairbond compared to ex-coalburners.

3. Women will gain an understanding of the work that goes into pleasuring them and the specifics of how to do it, so as to better appreciate and educate their prospective husbands

4. Black men are stupid and selfish and will be inferior at masturbating female partners. Their inability to do so with the proficiency of white men will be discovered and discussed by word of mouth (the media will ignore it) elevating white males as the most desirable partner.

5. Appreciation of manual dexterity as sexual stimulation will decrease the fetishization of big black cocks as the only way to provide female sexual fulfillment. This combats the 'BLACKING' pornography industry propagated by Jews.

6. By mainstreaming female masturbation, it becomes a public domain and not the exclusive property of a leftist lesbian radfem subculture who use it to indoctrinate ("free") young women. Making it part of public education allows us to decouple it from feminist groups, it would be necessarily sterilized as part of a government process.

7. Government discussion would allow girls to be properly educated about infection risks by using sharp or dirty objects

8. Boys with foreskins would be taught about their natural advantage, boys without foreskins will be educated about their disadvantages resulting from the Jew.

9. By learning to properly fap, black boys in public school may be disinclined to rape white girls by going "on the down low" and sexually releasing with each other.

10. White boy desperate for sexual release will not recklessly impregnate a black slut, or pump-and-dump a series of white women, preventing them from pair-bonding with future white husbands.