Ribbon-cutting Celebration for Trash Bins in Zimbabwe

Seriously. Zimbabwe has fallen so far that it has government officials celebrating the installment of fucking dumpsters. You can't make this shit up.



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It's funny yet also very sad; You can see that post-colonial African 'nations' are extremely cargo-cultish. It's like watching little children act out like the adults. It's like if we would be adopted by a benevolent alien race that's impossibly more advanced than us, shows us the universe, it's vast wealth of ideas and opportunities, the most colorful and strange planetary environments… then suddenly we get teleported back into a desert on Earth, trying to find some way of replicating what they've made, without any iterative design, blueprints or understanding of their technologies.

It isn't like that - IT IS that.

A roadside picnic perhaps?

And dis containa is weah we will put all of da watah bottles, scrap metal, and biodegradables.

Zimbabwe being Zimbabwe, I'm surprised they didn't make them out of money, considering their currency is the most worthless thing in the country not counting the population

How long until they treat the bin as the place to dump niggers that starved to death since a bin equals the promise from the government to get rid of trash for them?

Whites wouldn't even try immediately to ape the aliens' tech. We would just go through a slow and steady process of attempting to reverse-engineer the scientific principles behind the alien tech we saw. Niggers, in contrast, would just build things out of mud that only vaguely, visually resemble the alien tech, but it's still just a crudely constructed mud sculpture.

That word is too big for them

Ay mon, we put de bi-gray-dibbles in hea, yah?

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you ignorant idiot op , and once again a fag

Zimbabwae was under dictator rule until like 6 months ago.
They are finally getting public services. You are just a pos idiot who doesnt have a brain so you dont realize how difficult, costly and important it is to clean up after millions of people.

This trash bin holds tons of trash, it needs a truck to pick up that trash, it needs a dirver for that truck, there has to be established places for that trash to go, there has to be a schedule of when to pick it up, there has to be legislation to fund this service.

Its becoming a democracy and entering the new era. Juxtapose this to South Africa which is going back to the dark ages.

You are a faggot op.

Sorry for the youtube link, sometimes there is good news in the world.

ignorant fucking niggers

They're also a good place to find old weave.

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checked. poor fucking animals


If we knew for sure that faster-than-light travel was possible, we'd direct resources toward the potential avenues for that. If niggers learned the same thing, first they wouldn't care or know what you were talking about, and second they'd make cardboard replicas of the warp core from Star Trek (assuming a white person gives them cardboard and they can find a TV set in the e-waste dump we put in their country.)

what the fuck do you clowns know about reverse engineering , stfu

Serious question: What chain of links took you from theblackwomanisgod.com to this Sri Lankan autism support group? I'm asking because I want to know who needs killing to keep Zig Forums white.

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it was /pol … I came to /pol because I thought I would meet people who were /ourpeople. I thought I would meet people that were intelligent enough to not believe the media and would be able to communicate with them on how to best reclaim white society and restore order wtihin our greater family.

But then I realized that there are way to many of my own kind affected by niggerism. And that before I deal with the external threat I must take care of the one right infront of me.

One must sweep their front door first before someone elses. Shitter like you are vile burdens and will never be truly white. You are poor scum not fit to lick my boot.

Okay. Bye then.

Are you Zimbabwean?

I know Rhodesia is a Zig Forums thing, but you're still pretty fucking lost if you thought you were going to find support for zimbabwe here.

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If you are Zimbabwean I am sorry for your hardships, but Mugabe kicked out white farmers and Zig Forums doesn't have many warm notions towards Africans as is.


Thank god they finally got rid of the white-hating faggot Mugabe.

Now that it's not longer ruled by whites, they can reap what they sow.
I hope tropical diseases wipes out all the nigger filth including you.

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The current government also hates whites and wants their land, farm murders have not stopped, did you really think shit changed?

There's a lot of shit on the tables behind the dumpster that would more than fill it.

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There's a old bong who does travel videos on yt who went through zim a couple years ago. Said it was very safe as far as violent crime. Kind of surprised to find.
