The strong Pagan animosity towards Christians among National Socialists has truly been activating my almonds lately and it wasn't years ago because from my experience, there were certainly not as many Pagans in the movement 7 or 8 years ago as there are today. From the irreligious? Sure, but even then it was just the average fedora tipping that was common around that time anyway. And it's not just Zig Forums that I've noticed this, it's all over the movement and other groups that mine are in contact with. The sentiment against Christians that I'm gathering is so short sighted and ridiculous that for the number of die hard Christian NatSocs I encounter, it would be at best disadvantageous, and at worst, utterly divisive in the end.
>inb4 >>>Zig Forums
What this anti-Christian sentiment appears to essentially boil down to first and foremost, is that Christianity and fascism (I use the term facsism to describe the broader movement) are fundamentally incompatible with each other. Primarily for the entirely subjective reasoning that Christianity is culturally incompatible with the greater vision that the movement has in store for our race and because of the inane reasoning that Christianity is inherently Jewish at its core and for that reason alone cannot be allowed to even exist inside the movement. This reasoning, if I have it correct, is born purely out of ignorance and is no different than me self assuredly explaining to a pagan the metaphysical nature of his own gods and beliefs when he knows well already what he believes in the first place.
Christianity and fascism are only incompatible if you either don't know what fascism is, or if you're being intentionally obtuse. Truth is universal. Fascism is applied truth. National Socialism is applied fascism. (To greatly simplify before someone goes and adds to the idea of fascism thinking they're actually correcting me instead.) Christianity (from the perspective of the Christian) is truth hoped for and sought, the salvation of souls.
Fascism is truth self-apparent and objective, the liberation of souls. Fascism is truth. It isn't subjective truth. It isn't truth apart from Christianity which is truth. Christianity and fascism compliment each other. The universe and its truth operates according to God's grand design. If fascism is truth apparent– acknowledgement of the natural order of the universe which God created, then it's not Christianity apart from fascism, but simply ones Christianity which acknowledges truth which is not Jewish, for in the Jew there is no truth, only lies. This is not an argument for God, but a defense for the Christian perspective inside the movement.