How many homosexuals do we really have irl? Let's find out!

There's zero evolutionary advantage in male homosexuality. In a stone age environment most guys end up dead. Lot of boys never reached puberty because we didn't have medicine. And boys are stupid. They climb trees, play in the rain, eat toxic berries, put their hand into a hole in the ground that can host a snake.
Even more men die during hunting or in tribal warfare. Since 1 guy can impregnate 100 women but a woman generally gives birth to a single kid a time men are the expendable gender.
Let's say that the tribe had some really shit years and 70% of the men are dead, but on average at least 40% of them die. There's no reason for nature to approve of men fucking each other. Well who's fucking the women then?
My first hunch is that this "only 1 in 17 men reproduced" clickbait tier studies mean that most guys were dead and the rest did incest too, hence the repeating DNA sequences. Yes black-ed meets sis-loves-me, wunderbar isn't it?
Now you got these libtard shill studies that 30% of people are bi and 10% are homo for sure, yet despite the fact I lived in multiple countries including the capitals of those states, well I keep bumping into heterosexuals everywhere.
My second hunch is that all these studies are bs paid shillfrauding. So I'm going to take a bottom up approach.
Let's consider a country that I know well, Hungary. Well they hate fags what do you expect of Eastern Eu? Let's consider its capital Budapest. It has around 17 active bars. 1 bar generally can't serve more than 200 people at time in a night. These places have overlapping customer base.
17 x 200 = 3400 fags and that was a very large crowd in this estimate.
The population is just around 3 million. That makes homos 0.11% which by far less than 10% I mentioned in the beginning or the 3% that's being parroted based on US census.
Didn't pick other capitals that I'm familiar with like Bucharest because homosexual still get beaten up like in Russia, or Vienna because there's a bias introduced there with too much tolerance meaning it can easily attract extra amount of people from Slovakia and Hungary.
So tell me guys what do you think.

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Other urls found in this thread:,cs_srgb,q_auto:good,w_925/MTI4ODMwNDQ5ODU3MzY5MzYy/men-women-reproducingpng.webp

Women also had high death rates due to childbirth, although historical populations probably did still have less men than women.

I don't see the logical connection between number of people in bars and homos. Are you saying that all homos spend all day at the bar and that everyone in every bar is a homo?

Who is that girl? That's not a guy right?

If women were properly open to dating and mating from teenage days with other boys then people will be less gay because its hard to deny a female what she wants when its dick. So a lot of young men turn gay because of sexual frustration. It's just a fact.

Lizzy Grant aka Lana del Rey before fame.

Why would straight people go to a gay bar?
Because if they do out of virtue signalling that means even less fags irl than the 0.11%

I'll tell you right now that my husband is not 'expendable' to me. He is the center of my world, the one I depend on as my companion in life. He is my memories, the father of my kids, someone who laughs at my dumb jokes, the head of our house…he is so far from 'expendable' that I couldn't even make it through the rest of your comment. Is that what you think men are, expendable? I have never seen a more damaging meme make its way through the human populace…that the only thing men are 'good for' is impregnation of women and that you are EXPENDABLE after that. This is so batshit crazy of a core belief among men promoted by those who HATE YOU with a passion and really see you as nothing, or less than nothing in value and I can't believe I see it here on Zig Forums…as an flippant 'assumption' about the value of men. I wish that you would stop doing this to yourselves, but I can't make you stop until you come to grips with the idea and understand it for the complete toxic meme it is…only you can make this better by refusing to see yourselves as turkey basters and start seeing yourselves for the things you really bring to a family (what are you a fucking nigger, that you think spray and play is the sole value of a man)?

I love you femanon, now TITS OR GTFO ;)


Good post. Not to mention the retard wrote "gender" instead of "sex."

Show me the Tumblr you copypasted this shit from.

Kek. Men are expendable even before getting to fuck a woman. Reality is brutal like that.

It's an ideological meme.

ALL people have sexual feelings for everything. Doesn't mean you should act upon those feelings.
That's why sodomy, not male/brotherly love, was condemned.

The LBGT community are in denial about their own cultish nature. They indoctrinate, ostracise those that don't comply with certain behaiviour, initiate people (coming out) and believe in rituals of their own.
They are simply a death cult. Nothing else.

That is why they must be exterminated.

10/10 post.
MGTOW are a bunch of self-absorbed faggots who believe there's nothing for them in a relationship. Promoting healthy gender sex dynamics is paramount to a better future.

Attached: beauty standards.png (735x478, 94.5K)

100% people are """bi""" because we're chaotic creatures that have sexual feelings for anything. It's a feedback/response mechanism.

That's not important though, what's important is the cult of homosexuality and the indoctrination into that cult. They prey on the meek and simple minded. The truth is, there are no homosexuals. They do not exist in a chaotic universe.

>gender sex
I agree, gender is a false meme. It doesn't exist.

Not to the homo, but very advantageous to the rest of us. Defective males end up with no interest in females, thus those defects don't get passed on. Think of it like this: Homosexuality isn't an inherited trait, but rather the product of something going wrong in early development that may not result in termination, but still shouldn't be propagated.

He does that out of love for you, so you can keep the home warm and homely.

Post boipuccy

That's a bit of projection you have there. Might want to have your hormones checked.

More like 1,7 million.

No, we are also good for work and war.

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-17311,_Berlin-Lichterfelde,_Hitler_bei_Leibstandarte.jpg (796x554, 173.3K)

3 million with satellite towns in the metropol area.
Inside Budapest 1sqm is like 1200eur while 50km from it 780eur. Lots of people work in the city while living outside of it.

It's like you want to get shot.

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By that logic you could also count a good 50-100km zone from the centre of Budapest. There are people who go to spend a night with drinking in Budapest even if have to travel one or two hours for that.

It's not a projection.
It's a fact of your sex organs being simply being feedback response systems.

I'm not saying you should engage in male-male """sex""" (it's not sex, there's no procreation involved, it's just SODOMY), I'm saying that people have chaotic urges for all things. You could have sexual feelings from sounds, smells, sights, sensations.

You can't control that. You don't have a sexual "identity" (i.e. the selective choice of reaction to such urges).

That's what I'm saying.
Hence why the greeks believed very much in brotherly love, but still frowned upon sodomy as degenerate.

Stop believing this bullshit about "homo/hetero sexuality", neither exist. They're lies.

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If all that counts who goes to the bars why not?

It's like you really believe the "sexual identity" bullshit.
You're indoctrinated user, by their filthy lies.

I'm only sexually attracted to the opposite gender. Maybe you're not. Maybe you want to suck dick all day. That's just you, and you should really get your hormones checked.

Attached: nu-male.jpg (445x548, 42.95K)


Chaos magick was a mistake
If you can get it up with a boy you’re a fag

Gender isn’t a bullshit word, it’s a word to describe the characteristics intrinsic to sex - ie genus.
The bullshit is trying to separate it from sex since you cannot change the characteristics.

Maybe this is different in English though, I’m a slav

Oh no you didn't.
I would literally pay for bareback with passable trap that isn't pozzed

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No you wouldn’t m8
You can smell that something is wrong with them - I thought it might be marijuana but it was probably male pheromones

And they have DICKS, you massive faggot

They don’t call them traps for nothing lad. It’s a fucking trick

My guesstimate, from living in a populated city with an active gay scene is that 1 in every 200 - 300 people is gay.

for real though i agree with the user that horniness comes and goes and seems to be preceded by a lot fo different thing and circumstances
due to the reptilian brain and below being responsible, the urge for sex might even evolutionalarily predate the differentation fo the sexes themselves for all we know

Yes it is. The word was made up by kikes like (((John Money))) because you can have "70 genders" but "70 sexes" makes no sense.

Attached: gender.jpg (1024x535, 148.91K)

Bad news, user: You're gay.

So you're saying you can't differentiate between a good looking man and a slob?

That's some autism.

That's because you're cancer.

Thanks lad, good to know. I’ll get that shit out of my vocabulary.
Here it’s mostly used in the context of “gendered” words.

Fuck you nigger it’s not gay if you don’t touch his dick.

None of them are gay user.
Gay isn't a thing. It's fallacy.

I'm low inhibition and high T. But not a retard to get AIDS. Did far worse things in my life than sucking dick or fucking a mentally ill crossdressing homo would be.
These seem fair game.

That has nothing to do with sexual attraction.

Attached: degeneracy merchant.png (784x727, 538.47K)

My sides. This layered boomerang trolling is killing me.

When millions of men die in ww1 and 2 only to have their memories shit on by inviting brown invaders in, then yes we are absolutely expendable AS A GENDER. I'm glad you don't consider your husband expendable, though that isn't really asking for much now is it?

gay uncle hypothesis. People who are gay siblings are more likely to reproduce, even if the gay person themselves doesn't.

The only argument for gays Zig Forums seemly ignores every time it's brought up….

But it's the same things you use to differentiate that stimulates sexual sensations user.
You're in denial about the true nature of the body and how we develop our sexual urges and to what degree they impact how we differentiate things. Hell, they are simply combinations of sensations, smells, tastes, sights, sounds and any preconceived notions we have.
That's why faggots can't control themselves and become infested with diseases.

Faggots fuck women all the time, but it requires alcohol or some other drug to cure the gay. By any standards, faggots are detrimental to humans. They spread hundreds of diseases, consume resources, and contribute nothing.

No it requires pure mental fortitude and the acknowledgement that "gay" is a made up ideological cult.

That's because niggers are retarded.

Maybe lesbians. Male homos are exclusively into guys.

I think that book was a sensationalist bs.
Nogs have a macho culture, this hits them at a sensitive spot so they will buy the book just in case to avoid fags.
I legit been to NYC and black homos are anything but hiding. You can spot them very easy based on clothes. There are even crossdressing male prostitutes walking in the daylight.

Yer givin this too much thawt. Homos just want sex, and don't care with whom or what. Most of them are immature, psychologically damaged from a young age, or just plain fucked up, which is why the are a bunch of pestilent pedophiles that should be kept as far from children as possible.

That makes no sense. I can look at an Arno Breker statue and not want to suck its stone dick. It's not sexual attraction at all here. In fact it's more like "I want to be that".

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It's all in the mindset user.
If you are convinced there are distinguishable sexualities, you will have a reaction - either negatively or positively.
But once you see through the delusion you reinterpret the feelings and they may even stop being sexual to an extent.

Bodies are weird things.

Wasn't going out of my way to meet them.

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Strictly speaking, one. A quick-learning, metrosexual 16-year old boy in college. He hangs out mostly with women from other faculties, has personal grooming and fashion as his hobby. I confirmed his abnormality by rumours from my close friends and the fact that he watched multiple incest gay porn videos one day at roughly 11pm; I was able to tell since he used a shared google account of our class while doing that and that he didn't erase his browsing history. He doesn't make jokes about being gay and some of his classmates tried to hide the fact that he's gay.

I also know two males who share some traits with that college boy, one in high school and another in college; they hang out with women, care about grooming more than your average boys. Unlike the one before, these two sometimes make jokes about being faggots or gays and do not seem to mind it. I haven't found a solid proof to confirm that either of these two males are gay, so I leave the judgement to you.

For a subtly interesting note, I live in a muslim-majority country. You anons should be able to find more fags in US or Europe unless you're raised in a really vacuum, conservative environment. If you haven't, then step out of your caves.

Also user, if this statement were to hold true
Then I say that some of the men stay with the women instead of hunting and participating in tribal warfare will inevitably spend more time with women, develop feminine personality traits and eventually pass defective fag genes into their children.
Hence the perpetual homosexuality problem.

No I heard homosexuality is a huge issue in muslim communities, even when it's illegal.

Every higher order lifeform exhibits sexual differentiation, and yet you think you're 'beyond' it? Pull your head outa your ass, accept and embrace your actual humanity, not what you imagine it to be.

Humans are mammals. There's nothing wrong with that.

In the lobby at Macy's?

Sexuality is a VERY new concept, pull your head out of YOUR ass.

Wouldn't doubt it

Attached: gay isis.webm (1280x720, 7.64M)

Sounds like a plan my boy.

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Umm the man that stays with the girls gets to have sex with them while the retards go hunting to risk their life. That's a very good mating strategy if you ask me.

for teenagers

Sexuality is a modern invention. only sensuality is real. A normal, "straight" man can and will find physical pleasure in sexual acts with other men. Prison gay proves this.

You've got your head screwed on wonkers.
Lurk for two years, or until your testicles drop, idiot.

Yeah sure. Being able to hold more resources than heterosexual pair is not evolutional?

I foresee the replies I'm going to get
sodomy is still degenerate

well it ain't generate, that's fer sure

No the actual word as a concept is modern, not ancient.
Hence why "sodomy", not "homosexuality", was forbidden.

I noticed wikipedia is up to it's tricks again, removing that fact entirely.

Ok…but it was their choice to go die in war. You all have this choice every day when you chose 'nationalism/patriotism' over 'tribalism'…go back and watch Hellstorm again, and this time don't 'let your eyes glaze over when it comes to the things that happened to women as the result of having all their men run off at the beck and call of their jew FAGGOT leadership. Think about the rape gangs that raped little girls to death or the 'bombing of Dresden' and what happened to the women of Germany (this is my genetic concern since Germans are my people) when the men abandoned them to 'go off and be slaughtered' for their masters whim.

This is one of the things I appreciate about the Boer the most now. After gold and diamonds were found in SA the jew queen Victoria invaded SA for the plunder. This was the first time in recorded history that concentration camps were used on a massive scale. While all the men were 'off fighting' (aka they left the most important thing in the world, their genetic heritage to queue up and be slaughtered) the (((english))) came in a rounded up hundreds of thousands of the children and women and threw them in confined camps to starve them to death. There was not a family in SA who didn't lose at least one child or wife and many lost more.

So, THIS TIME, the SA Boer will not be separated from their families but are taking them with them and not leaving them to the mercy of 'the state'…I was watching this documentary video on Custer last night and I realized that Custer was trying to capitalize on hostages to have the Natives surrender…when the natives prevented hostage taking by defending their families and not running off and leaving them, Custer was trounced. But then I began to examine the idea of 'removing males' into fighting situations where they can be easily slaughtered en masse and the consequences of leaving your opspring defenseless and I began to understand the whole push for 'armies'…it is a lot easier to get to the real goal, women and children when you have removed and slaughter the men as a group.

Anyway, TL:DR right?…but the point is that the Boer are race realists, they know niggers and jews and other genetic trash now, but they are also 'patriotic' realists as well and are choosing to stand and fight with their families this time rather than literally abandoning them to the enemy. Because the enemy controls BOTH SIDES and both sides work in a coordinated team to exterminate our men so that 'the spoils' might be theirs to enjoy at as slow a pace as they desire. There is no 'patriotic option' both sides are well coordinated and controlled to make men expendable and to kill them. This should be a popular opinion on Zig Forums

Also, consider that not every property should have evolutionary meaning. For example, leafcutter ants did not fucking manage to evolutionary earn ability to pick up the right part of leaf in more than 50% of cases, still have efficiency of brute force.

Hardly, some men are expendable, not all.

Strong Trolle bro.

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even if your husband is not 'expendable' to you, if he's so handsome and exceptional, it means you've discarded a few dozens of other potential mates in favor of this single one
which means you have just sent a huge part of the men population to the meatgrinder of reproductive denial
you're the exact 80% of females sucking the dick of 2% of chads

The patrician psl incel poster.




Nobody is born gay and it's not genetic. In 2016, UJH tested every possible hypothesis on being born gay or trans and came up with nothing. All medical data points to homosexuality as an abnormal behavior.

the woman has to eat and will trade sex for the meat the men who go and hunt bring back.

oversimplification of a very complex dynamic

Search the web nigger and find out if it is a 'copypasta'…my husband would not be regarded as 'chad' by anyone on this board…but I love him for his sense of humor, his cock (can't deny that) and the fact that he saw my body and face but then proceeded to know my mind as well…I know that I am not going to 'win' this one on Zig Forums too much opposition but I will say it anyway, I love my husband and he is not expendable to me. I can't win by saying this because then you come back and say that I should be fucking many guys or I have 'denied men'…of course, I have denied men, I was looking for a pair bond for life with my man, not a orgy.

Some dudes can think of a woman they had before and still get it up while standing in a room full of naked men all lathered up. Ask me how I know.

Some of us are just pure virility.

That you Karen? Didn't think you browsed here.

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No…I don't know who that is.

I respond badly to homos. If they pull that shit around me, I'm liable to respond violently.
Why? I was raped as a child, repeatedly. Now… I'm ready to fucking KILL YOU, and I don''t care if I go to jail for it.

I'll be happy to rid this planet of another young man-child gay fucking pedophile in the most evil way I can think of. That doesn't give me a hard on, it just makes my life worthwhile.

Give me an address, and I will make your disappearance quick and easy.


Everyone needs a purpose in life, looks like you found yours. Thank god you didn't take the 'other road' and internalize it as your fault. You have my support to kill the parasites of our people. The damage they have done is incalculable don't forget those satanist OTO pricks as well…let the words of one of their most famous faggot leaders be returned to them, "Kill them all and let God sort them out."

I've got my list, and it's (((prioritized))).

10 guys go hunting.
Women offer to those 4 guys sex for food while they are pregnant with the 1 guy's kids who never went hunting. Well he's been fucking all of them every day.
Fml what is that if not the cuckening.
Now it makes sense. It's not even about looks or status but being surrounded exclusively by women. Who would have guessed that hanging around men will not get you poon? So if you want to get laid don't waste time in the gym and compete with other men in any area of life just start selling beauty products even if people will call you gay. Or open a brothel.

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Wait isn't she divorced and drinking because of that?


It is a completely unsupported hypothesis, there's nothing to be said. Nobody is ignoring it, it simply has no basis in reality. Making up a random reason without evidence is not compelling unless you are a liberal.

It is 40%, not 1 in 17 you dumbass.

You are pathetic Schlomo.

Significantly less than 40%.,cs_srgb,q_auto:good,w_925/MTI4ODMwNDQ5ODU3MzY5MzYy/men-women-reproducingpng.webp

