Daily Reminder = Anime is not an artform

1.The typical easternfag worshipper's Briefing:

2. Anime is not an artform

Eastern countries are often times considered to have the lowest creativity rate, meaning that anything that comes out of the east are often shit quality or useless.

books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=3L2BT0VMlgcC&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=china lacks creativity&ots=I87HZbr1ym&sig=-eaF8IIxAqhUXsPmGYiK8oMmdmM#v=onepage&q=china lacks creativity&f=false
books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=dXuI4mr-sp8C&oi=fnd&pg=PA113&dq=east lacks creativity innovation&ots=kXg6MixYtO&sig=vr6USofyTSmCtyQtLrSATRnlrWc#v=onepage&q=east lacks creativity innovation&f=false

3. Anime is used to treat autism/retards

Pretty self explanatory.


Again, these are all science research, references of anime / autism is on abstract, there is a whole article written about this and research were conducted, facts can't be ignored mate.

4. Why is this politically related

statistically its not hard to understand this degeneracy as a plague, it boils down to the numbers undermining white fertility rate, one source out of many responsible for the feminization of white man, and the association with anime that is also used to treat autistic people with severe brain problems, this alone is already enough to drain any positive reputation we have left, and of course lets consider the possibilities of the decrease on productivity, we all know that NEETs are lazy and useless people and of course, given those circumstances, its pretty obvious that all these negative impacts that anime brings also makes the white man who associates himself with anime unattractive, hence the conclusion on low fertility rate and so fourth.

All of these are negative traits, they bring no positive side effects for our cause, need I say more about anime being degenerate? I don't need to prove the obvious, again why is this politically related? because the soul purpose of this degeneracy existing has to be put in question in a political sense of "should I keep this cancer around my people or not?" its a similar issue to drugs in politics.

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Bravo user! You are doing God's work

Magnificent thread OP

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Post your works, faggot.
Go ahead, I'll wait.

No one cares faggot.

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Leave degenerate

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Make me bitch

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Easternkikes can't even compete tbhfam.

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Anime is an artform.

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Eastern "art" versus Western Art.

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Yes, I am. NOD AN ARDTFORMM spam for two months is annoying as fuck.


Does this hurt your feelings?

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Looks like the equivalent of when modern neckbeards pose with katanas.
Just some huge dude in his bathrobe having a good time.

I like pic 2 better.

The mods did this. they could allow one thread to allow discussion of weeb cancer and how they are bad for white nationalism but no they have to lock everything down.

This is the future you chose

Whatever, i'm out.

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All the weebs will have to wait until polvol2 stops fapping to anime and rushes back to defend butthurt weebs

you're clearly posting here right now, apparently you failed at your job, stay mad however.

Oh you're so brave standing against the evil mods

0 fucks given. Faggots

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Anime is trying to normalize ayys. They're getting us ready for assimilation into the Archon Empire.

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Maybe you should, it might help you fix your permanently crippled characters.

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Lol, i just came here to troll tbh. But in all reality anime has better moral values than western media. Prove that wrong without cherry picking.


epic strawman

Racial Unity, Traditional Gender Roles, Nationalism. I could go on.

You are the one strawmanning

Go look up the term weeb

>i cant disprove anything you said so im going to just pretend im smarter than you

No one is defending contemporary western art/music/movies you retarded weeb

160sec post timer says noone cares. Later purity spiraling faggots.


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Western art is superior, but that doesn't mean there's NOTHING of value to Eastern art. I'm not generally interested in anime, but there's the occasional one that's interesting. (It's been years since I saw Princess Mononoke, but I remember it being okay.) Similarly, I think Western classical music is objectively the best music in the world, but I still like Chinese classical sometimes. The dizi is a beautiful instrument to listen to.

I don't know what kind of autistic sperg you have to be to be a) obsessed with the idea of not only recognizing Western art as superior, but ONLY consuming Western art ever, and b) having dozens of photos of men painting saved to your computer. Not the paintings themselves…photos of men in the process of painting. That's fucking bizarre, user.

You're complaining on a Papuan quilting forum, we do not care.