Why would the alt right hold a rally less than 3 months before a midterm knowing full well that we need more Senate Seats? We could flip Montana, West Virginia, Indiana, Florida, etc but this will certainly hinder us and Trump's approval. It will also increase the chances of a blue wave, which is what we DON'T want.
Also, if you don't like getting doxxed and losing your jobs, then don't go! If you don't want to get killed by Antifa , DON'T GO!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because they're Bolsheviks you idiot

It's not like any of us planned it. It's clearly a controlled OP, they'll use the same play book they used in charlottesville to try and get some emotional news bait

Rightwing Nazi larper shoots Spencer

Everyone goes WTF?

Problem solved

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gas yourself, kike

makes ya think

Trump is currently President. There is currently a Republican majority in both chambers of Congress, and there is a majority of Supreme Court Justices that have been appointed by Republicans. If Trump intended to do something to anything to help the status of the white race, he could. He doesn't. What makes you think that a couple extra Senate seats is going to change anything?

In my opinion, we need a race war. Things like the autistic torch march are GREAT for stimulating a race war, because it riles up all the shitskins, makes them thirsty for white blood. Whites aren't going to initiate the race war. We need non-whites to initiate a race war and for whites to finish it in self defense before we become a trivial fraction of the population that lives exclusively on farms like in South Africa.

Listen. Its a slim majority and Trump faces opposition from all democrats and 20%+ of Republicans. You need 60 votes to get anything done. (OR 51 with the nuclear option but Mcconell doesn't want to do it) Trump isn't alt right but what he wants would help us a bit. Congress won't let him get what he wants.


Guess its the partyvan for you retard

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Does this partyvan involve hot athletic women?

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want to talk about free masons?

yes "we" need to get more republicans elected

that's our team and then 'we' will totally beat the deep state and jews

this is high iq /pol

Seriously though, what has Trump even done ? Tore up a few trade agreements ? Write some EOs that no one high up has to answer to anyway and will be twisted to enact a police state.

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I think you're confused, kiddo.


Oh, (((You)))!


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>thinking (((coincidentally))) timed tiki torch stormfag autism is Zig Forums's doing
No. This is what IRL Zig Forums operations looks like

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Biggest faggot ever, OP.

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this behaviour goes WAY back

The alt-right and antifa are CIA/US military psych warfare ops.

The Republican Party is an Israeli military psych warfare op.

This is getting dumb, the Republican party is older than Israel.

Sheldon Adelson is older than the Republican Party.

Antifa are estrogenic, effeminate pussies.

That's objectively wrong.

Abraham Lincoln was a republican.

Sheldon Adelson is your grandfather.

It's like I'm on Reddit

He's been put in submission. He's part of the problem and the swamp being drained.


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Why should I care if anti white repubs lose to anti white dems?

Can't wait for you GOP shills to lose and then do a 180, "you deserve genocide for not voting goy".

Attached: marxtolincoln.PNG (1797x1100, 148.93K)

What are you a nigger?

Nigga you serious?

Why not OP, you fucking concernfag? Me and my fashy goys are planning to take a road trip there in my Challenger.
Hope to see some of you 8ch anons out there. Ill be calling out Shadilay and carrying the kekistan colors so you know its me.

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Now you're being ridiculous.

Boomer. Go back to your Q board. Come back to these parts again and be prepared to be SWATTED with a mysterious large cache of CP mysteriously finding its way onto your PC.

Who is "we"? I'm not interested in moving the embassy to Jerusalem. I'm not interested in cutting fuel efficiency standards. I'm not interested in massive increases in foreign worker visas [it's okay goyim, this way they're legal!]. I'm not interested in Syrian safe zones peculiarly situated around the Golan Heights. I'm not interested in regime change in Iran. I'm not interested in record low unemployment for niggers and spics. So who is "we"?

Before I left faceberg the anarchist/pantifa types used to get sooo pissed off at me when I told them Spencer and aut-kike was just controlled opposition and not to worry about it.


Immaterial to our goals kid. There are more players in town than your pathetic political parties. Our mission is for the survival and the betterment of our volk, this nation is working actively against that mission on both sides of the isle. The fucking entire thing can burn if thats what is required to do what needs to be done. If the faggots cucks lose seats and Trump gets impeached, it initiates great things for us. If faggot cucks gain seats you cowards wouldn't do anything to support us anyway so is immaterial to anything worthwhile. If no seats change hands, its a bunch of hand wringing anyway. And we care nothing about 'bits', we care about winning. Only wining matters.

We are not fucking cuckservatives you faggot. You are coming over to OUR side of the damned isle, not the other way around. That is how this is going to work, and so far, the vast majority of cucks are only clamouring for their own gain while working against our god emperor. That is not dehumanizing yourself and face to the bloodshed.

I don't know or understand the leaps of logic you're following here but go back to your containment board. Whichever one it is.

All oaths are hereby broken.

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Some are. That's why voting this mid-term counts. There's actual non-NeoCons running on Trump's coattails. Anyone advocating against voting, or saying it solves nothing, is a shilling faggot. This vote has a chance to throw multiple wrenches where it counts–congress.

Did you really mean isle? Or aisle? Either way , Shadilay every day

You can't be republican and conservative at the same time. ideology
They're contrary to eachother.

Tell me user, do you honestly believe in larps?

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Criminally unchecked trips. Biggest pussies on the planet m8

Yes, actually, you can. Anyone can call themselves a Republican, faggot. There's two major parties in this country. If you want entry to office, you have to suck it up and join one party. There's no way around it right now. In a couple years the Dems might collapse and split, and with a rising far-left party might cause a split in the Republican party, or a takeover of it by further right-leaning people, but right now, today, it's a two party system. There is no way around it right now.

agreed. this shit is likely controlled opposition-led optics.

hi Zig Forums

Ha, I get the implication.

Jokes on you, I am not on a PC, because I am not PC.

Good luck with planting porn. Everyone knows I don’t need to masterbate already.


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"We" don't have any Senate seats and "we" don't have any candidates running in the elections, aside from one or two like Nehlen.

Question asked, question answered.

Okay, bud. I'll have someone drive you home.

Why does that girl in the blouse have facial hair?

Don't forget amnesty, the other Republican pet project.

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Those are neocon republicans that are elected not real republicans.

False. There are neocons employing non-neocon rhetoric because they understand that it is useful for getting elected.

If you want a white ethostate vote democrat. Republicans like John McCain are more pro amnesty than any democrat.

There are several ways around it right now.

fucking brainlet
For the Ethnostate!

A "white ethnostate" full of Aztecs. Are you really this stupid, or are you paid to be?

The Aztecs were a strong nation that withstood the test of time.

They can stay in Mexico, then.

Until the lowest-tier Europeans showed up with nine horses.


Cortez used JEW magic unfairly to win.

No, Aztecs were and still are a bunch of savages.

Got it. Thanks for the advice Special Agent McFriendly.

No shit don't go. It's a psyop run by a kike just like the last one. Why would anyone go?

I've no expectations that this is going to be anything other than a shitshow, and that if something goes wrong (it will, it just depends on the severity), the left will use it to drum up the base
That being said, the vast majority of Republicans are ZOG, quit acting like the Patrick Little types are even a handful of candidates, but nevertheless a Republican government is at least partially sympathetic to right-wingers, if only by comparison to what the modern left would do instead.
If this ends up being an absolute brawl between right-wingers and commies, I'd be sad I didnt go
If this ends up Charlottesville 2.0, I wont be surprised

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this is how i know these threads are fake and gay and we're being spammed by (((republicans))) shill fuck bois who think we're their personal meme-ops team.

Lincoln was not a Red. He believed in race and that the Union existed to serve the white race. The confederates were right about the racial dangers of his unionist position, but if Lincoln were alive today, he wouldn't back down from it. He would just create a more perfect union by embracing National Socialism and becoming Fuhrer of the Americas.

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Fuck off boomer. Most useful thing that lanky fuck ever did was provide a bust adequate enough to cave in some young interns head.

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Pics fucking related

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Same poster. Makes me think a bit.

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The trumpnigger cancer has fully metastasized.

this isn't cuckchan faggot


assmad non white detected.
Reminder faggots like these will and have doxed pro whites and will give your personal info to antifa and leftypol to "teach you a lesson for defending your race and nation".

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What alternative is there to 8/pol/ ? I've seen bunkers pop up once in a while but the ones I know of are very inactive or dead.

Shut the fuck up and go away you retarded asshole.

The kike trio worried about how demoralizing it will be when the left sees their black clad faggots beaten within an inch of their lives in the street. Cancerous fucking kikes.

Jew lies 101-
Push communism, fascism, anarchism, and whatever else you can think of to make people feel the need to overthrow their government and create a new one. It doesn't matter what kind of utopia the true believers expect- a white ethnostate or a socialist nigger colony where everyone gets gibs. Either way, it's just a mirage to march toward. The goal has been reached once the government has been overthrown. At that point, the jews will create the government they want, not the naive utopia the true believers fought and died for.

The only true way is complete genocide of all non-whites. Any state that refuses to do this will fail in the end

Anyone who campaigned hard for either Trump or Hillary must go
Anyone who ever posted a green cartoon frog in support of the ZOG Emperor must go
Hopefully a horrific jewish terror attack takes place and wipes them all out

Because AltKike is controlled by the heebs.

Expect a False Flag "terrorist attack" in a poor illegal child.

Lincoln was literally a melungeon octoroon, retard.

This audacity of this kike. "I hab sum goncerns"

Freudian, I see.

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Man, just when the right gets a foothold, we get a faction from within like you trying to tell us to play it safe, be politically correct, don't speak out, don't do anything.

You, not the left, are the cancer that has killed the white race.

This. Nothing can stop the altright now.
Hail Trump. Hail our people. Hail Victory.

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