Portland antifa vs patriots
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How strange, antifa only exists in large urban centers where jews constitute a large percentage of the "white" population. Must just be a coincidence. Or maybe an existing network within the jewish community is used to gather, fund, and support the group. Or maybe it's just a coincidence.
Been out all day, anyone mind giving me a basic gestalt on what's going on here? Just a normal right-wing vs antifa beatdown?
I just picked this up from a /tv/ thread, of all places
This is kinda faggy but also a bit comfy.
That's hilarious. Was that today, or some other time?
Fucking rekt
that was today
Why would they tolerate their enemies? Are you just trying to ape their doublespeak as if it's supposed to prove a point?
Fuck off, no shekels for you.
I guess it went right over your head. Sage negated
Why are you so angry?
I think we have our next banner.
They also tend to cluster in places where the local government is full of cum suckers who tell the police to stand down all the time. Really makes you think.
And they only attack one demographic–white people. I wonder why. Who could be behind this?
This was today? Damn I didn't even know something was happening in my backyard I would have taken the opportunity to Heather Heyered the place.
That kid got embarrassingly dropped though.
Based black man in a maga hat.
christ it's like fucking looney tunes
Lmao his head hitting that pole.
his head bounced off the pole
Probably Tibetans or somebody.
look at that little faggot trying act tough and his head bounces off the pole
What a coincidence.
'white boi smoked dat black pole
Nice Zig Forumsack flag.
Antifa being complete faggots getting their asses kicked.
When they don't have the system backing them this is how it goes down, always.
That was slick punch, I think he grabbed the baton too. Little faggot's prolapsed anus must of shot back up his ass.
That just proves of how fascism is successful even for niggers and socialism fails every time, even for Aryans.
That's the kind of mob mentality I can get behind.
The few truly woke minorities can be bretty cool tbh
Waste of time. Should let the cops mop it up, and maybe a couple cops get injured, solves two problems at once.
Despite what you claim is true: fascism can benefit anyone. However, these aren't fascists.
Black Bloc: crimethinc.com
Rose City Antifa FB: m.facebook.com
Always Antifacist/#Doxxyourboys: mobile.twitter.com
Just leaving these here
Shit embed is a straight out of twitter SJW fest.
Checked, the zog is the only thing stopping those faggots from being strung up. Bunch of pussies, undoubtedly.
Interesting. Antifa are vastly outnumbered, but they don't run. Give these lads the truth and they'll become prime soldiers.
Get Revenge!
A simple and noble sentiment. Honest. I have to say, it's nice to see a little of the old spirit survives. I wonder how long a road it will be for them all to expand that sentiment into a more general, shall we say societal, perspective.
No, people kicking antifa's ass gives other's confidence to organize and fight back. It also makes for great content for people to gather around and laugh at. Antifa automatically comes off as the bad guy to everyone, even who you don't know who's who. No diversity, they're dressed like terrorists out of a call of duty game, and they're the ones instigating everything. These clashes turn centrists against the left and make them root for those fighting the left.
They don't run because they're too stupid and inexperienced to set up lines of communication. As a result, antifags on one end of the line can think they're winning, while the rest of their line collapses. If this was for real, they'd all be dead.
This is the charge.
1 punch antifags dropping left and right.
I think I've seen the guy that got socked before at the HWNDU stuff?
Confirmed, gym bros on our side.
One coward who's good for nothing, then. From what I saw though from this clip the majority held their ground against a group four times their size. Tools of zog, but brave tools with a fire in their souls.
Can we get a ONE PUNCH edit of this?
This is legit Gangs of New York shit. Just need some bludgeons, cleavers, swords, and knives.
The civil war will not be along racial lines. It will be multi-ethnic maga hats vs. Antifa.
you can even hear the subhuman getting smacked right in the fuck face.
No they didn't. They had a large group themselves, and they instigated everything. The other side was only defending themselves. You're not exactly going to run when you're the one attacking. Meanwhile every step they took, antifa ceded ground like pussies. Every attack, antifa lost. Go back to Zig Forums. Your guys got their asses kicked, comrade.
Almost like rep/dem division. Fake and pathetic.
this is just a gif but here
Why do you say it's fake?
Nobody wins this fight, mate. All this does is entrench your friendly federal government who's the one putting bullets in your children.
I love riot season.
Because the mall ninjas look like the movie henchmen that fall off scaffoldings.
Open palm slap knockout?
Let's open a history book and see the battles between nationalists and communists in the streets of our countries a century ago, then see what that led to. It certainly led to governmental reform in a lot of countries. Some good, some bad.
On the beach again?. Agents like some time off after recording.
dumbass, (((left))) vs right ACTUAL FIGHTING is the best thing that can happen
Dude was stiff as a board as they carried him out, how can you not be enjoying this stuff, there`s nothing wrong with having fun.
You're wrong. Left and right need to drop a false dichotomy, realize both sides are lobbies for alien interests, and target the true threat. These are pawns fighting pawns, nothing more, nothing less.
I'd honestly love to go to one of these and aggressively attack these lefty faggots. The closest major city to me is Philly, and I don't image stuff like this will happen there. Antifa are scared of black people, and Philly is loaded with them.
Its good propaganda though. It was an IRL Chad Right Winger vs the virgin loser Antifa. These displays are important for winning the culture war. It inspires white men to go further right and makes white women wet for them.
I keep reading his comments too, he's so obvious. They need to go back and stay in their tranny board.
Just one man to get fed up after the firework exploded in the middle charging through to set it off. I'll give it to them they don't play the sympathetic "muh feels" card that the Alt Right plays even if they are civic cucks.
Putting foot to ass is worth more than getting beat up and crying that it isn't fair. Wonder if any Volksfront guys have infiltrated their ranks. They always loved a good brawl.
Because /tv/ is the most comfiest board
Pretty sure that fag is ded or fucked for life. Lightweight got the full force of a heavy weight to the temple.
True. But, street antifa are not key decision makers, and these patriots are also not key decision makers. Neither are responsible for this land being flooded with foreigners or our lads being sent overseas to die for Israel.
As an example, the spic who executed five journalists will have done much more work for saving the European than this little street brawl ever could.
Nah, he might get a light concussion after hitting his head in the ground full force, that punch was just right in the switch he was out before he felt the punch
I really miss funposting on Zig Forums, everything has to be super serious now even tho most of the threads morph into a mix of politics and /x/
lol, that's some Popeye type shit
Blood for the blood god.
I missed the greenpills, they always make everything seem like an anime.
Nah m8, if you're out cold and your head hits concrete wrong you die.
Half chan is actually pretty descent these days. Very alive with lots of redpills being dropped on the new bloods.
You wish Mordechai, killing jews will come first.
Its almost like they cry out in pain as they strike you
The left is all jews, so yes indeed killing the left in fights with the Right does come first.
that punch plus this dude… Guys.
Antifa are jews and or total shabbos goys
You fucking low-end autists always want to be smug instead of smart.
Higher testosterone males vote right.
You could hear his skull bounce off the ground. I hope he's dead or at least more retarded than he was.
GigaChad did nothing wrong.
I think we've found King of the Niggers. He gets to have his own country in Africa.
I assure you, it is only a coincidence, goyim.
That is one of the Portland street preachers. He is a nig that believes that race mixing is a sin, as the child doesn't know what their culture is. However he is in an awkward midpoint due to the religious stuff where he is part civnat and part not. The leader of the street preachers did a bunch of MMA fighting in the past and trains all his guys, so at least the nig is at least useful against the commies. He is not a fascist however.