Zimbabwe - already world-famous for having destroyed the prosperous economy and infrastructure inherited from its former white rulers - this week collapsed beyond parody when its finance minister was photographed in a ribbon-cutting opening ceremony for a trash bin.

Official Opening
As reported - in all seriousness - by the Zimbabwe News (ZWNews) newspaper, Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa “officially opened” the garbage bin at a ceremony on June 19 at the north-eastern town of Rusape in that country.

Photographs taken of the event show Chinamasa, wearing a brown suit with a flower lapel, grinning widely while cutting a bright ribbon stretched over a large bin.

According to ZWNews,the ceremony was attended by several government officials and members of the public.

source → newobserveronline_com/zimbabwe-collapses-beyond-parody-as-finance-minister-photographed-in-ribbon-cutting-opening-ceremony-for-trash-bin/

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Drug dealer shoop pls…

At least they are making some progress.

How much of the concept behind ribbon cutting ceremonies do yo think their chimp minds even comprehend? Do they think the magic ribbon cutting will make the trash start to go away by itself?

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China, India, and the USA should take over these primitive countries and create a breadbasket for the world. All that untouched agricultural land being wasted because of the subhuman IQs of those apes.

It's funny to see niggers pretending to be civilized.

You weren't lying. Regression toward the mean my friends.

Shitskin greed and incompetence reduced a prospering nation to celebrating trashcans.

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Sadly, Rhodesia was already nicknamed the "Breadbasket of Africa" before niggers took it over.

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Now its the graveyard of Africa. The gods are smiling down on Zimbabwe.


The type of future niggers are capable of.

A decade after independence, Haiti went through an "empire" period. A country the size of Maryland split in two, with the northern bit establishing an elaborate court protocol involving at least 500 "noblemen" at the "emperor's" court. Two of these aristocrats were – not kidding – the Duc de Marmelade and the Comte de Limonade.

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Read: Opening Zimbabwe borders for tourists to see the trash bin nation

Nothing new, Those niggers can't do anything well.

How did they lose the war exactly? Were the niggers heavily funded and the white people just eventually ran out of ammo, money, food etc.? I can't image they lost many battles.

Fuck off with your cancerposting reddit.

for fuck's sake, what kind of faggots infest the boards atm?
read the catalog. then kys

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China gave Mugabe and his army surface to air missile systems and told them to shoot down airliners until he was allowed to run in the next election.

What the fuck could India do to help them?

Western Nations stabbed Rhodesia in the back and let the reds do what they wanted and in some cases worked with them. Eventually sanctions finally did the place in after fifteen years of hilariously lop sided fighting.

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we had this thread yesterday sage … they just overthrew a dictator and are getting their shit together

meanwhile south africa is killing the people that made their economy

OP is a faggot



Not to mention Rhodies ran out of oil. They were rationing fuel from the very start, but after East Portuguese Africa became Mozambique, the only port Rhodesia could use to smuggle in oil was closed. No oil, no warfare.

You need to fuck off back to plebbit.

you need to stop being a faggot creating faggot threads and sucking OPs dick you faggot

go back to faggotsville


China has completely taken over Africa and won over their hearts and minds. See: Empire of Dust

The nogs received help from the Soviets, Chinese, North Koreans, and the Cubans. Meanwhile the UK, and the rest of the west completely abandoned Rhodesia as if they didn't give a fuck about fighting communism anymore. Rhodesia has great farmland, but no oil. They relied on imports for oil and they were embargoed by everyone due to a UN sanction elicited by nigger tears. Commie nigs managed to blow up their oil depots with Soviet rocket artillery. Rhodesian forces never lost any tactical engagements with the guerrilla forces, but they were forced to surrender because they ran out of resources.

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Comparing niggers to monkeys is insulting to monkeys. Monkeys are actually capable of living independent of gibs me dats.

Daily reminder that Rhodesia was controlled OP by Israel and was given Uzis many times to kill undercover based Russian operatives.

We're going to slowly torture your kin, kike. String you up by your tendons, we will, and you will beg for death, but none will understand a word of it, for you will have no tongue to lie with.

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Towards the very end of the war, when UK forced "elections" in Rhodesia, there was a plan to assassinate Mugabe when he was giving a speech. Selous Scouts planted a bomb inside his mic, but as he was about to begin his speech, an emergency order came to cancel the operation - Mugabe had been tipped off. Later on, it was discovered that the phone line used by Ron Reid-Daly, CO of the Selous Scouts, was tapped. They never found the mole, but many years later, a high-ranking officer confessed that he and a couple more guys had been feeding the terrorists information for at least five years.

That's just depressing. They kicked out Rhodesians for NOTHING. No foresight whatsoever. Through their pursuit of being free from the white man, they eventually became enslaved by their destruction.

They don't feel grateful for what they have until they lose it.

Someone's butthurt

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Daily reminder that you and your ilk will swing.

From being Rhodesia the bread bin of Africa to Zimbabwe the rubbish bin of Africa.

The niggers are the only 'humans' on earth incapable of agriculture. Bill Gates should just release his bio-engineered depopulation virus on them and get it over with.

That is why we need the death punishment for the traitors. Why did they do this?

just go back to school you pussy as weak shitter. you cant even shit post. Dont you have soccer practice tomorrow you virgin loser fag or are you too poor so all your parents can afford visiting Zig Forums on your phone all day.

fucking useless idiot , just stfu and stop posting

When the world collapses then the white Africans will rise and reconquer the whole Africa.

Ideological converts who believed the British propaganda about equality and peace. There were quite a few of those; in mid-sixties, Rhodesian police kept catching white ANC followers trying to cross over into Zambia - mostly hippies, peaceniks and other useful idiots. You want details, read "Three Sips of Gin" by Timothy Bax and "The Bush War in Rhodesia" by Dennis Croukamp. Both are autobiographical memoirs, but they contain a shitton of background information unavailable anywhere else.

Are you 14?

Same as the retarded Prussian "nobility" who fucked Hitler before.
Too stupid.

Ugh…how come the Rhodesian government didn't have secret police to spy on the traitors and execute them after they get caught?

Rhodesia would be alive today if they execute the traitors.

They did. They didn't count on moles to come from their own (intelligence) ranks, though, and were stretched very thin to begin with.

thats right im 14 and you are getting out shit posted by a 14 year old loser.

Im the chad 14 year old owning you in the thread and you are the 30 yr old virgin loser

the luciferians worship moloch, just finished reading one of the english queen's henchmen is called Sir Lord George Mark Malloch-Brown. Hisler was pretty close too.

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Depressing, how do we prevent the moles from the government? Pretend to be them to befriend with them and catch them committing the crime?

Just your basic informant protection tactics - do not discuss anything sensitive around people you do not trust 100%, keep an eye on anyone who as much as smells suspicious.

Got it my master. How do we weed the traitors out from the recruits?


I thought if I send the niggers and commies to train along with them to find out what is their reaction to the commies and niggers. Like being too friendly to the niggers and traitors. That's a bad sign so kick them out and monitor them 24/7 hours until they get executed.

they can offer lots of fertilizer


They can't into money.

This is why if you have one bullet and a traitor and enemy in front of you, you shoot the traitor.


If I have a stone knife and a bullet then I would choose the stone knife to kill both because the stone knife is environmentally friendlier than a bullet.

It's like the Imga in TES.

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The only solace to come from the whole Rhodesia debacle is that we, thanks to the internet, have stopped it happening to Syria. We tried to stop it with Iraq and Libya but the internet did not have the power back then that it does now. Obviously Rhodesia was infinitely more valuable than Syria, Libya and Iraq put together; and its loss should go down as one of the most depressing and evil acts of the 20th century.

If only the internet was as big then as it is now; the masses would not have believed the bullshit coming out the New York Journal and The Times; both obviously written and owned by Kikes. Funnily enough Israel proper was one of the few nations who supported Rhodesia; I guess they were still trying to play both sides on the off-chance that Rhodesia went full 'Hussite' and managed to defeat the combined forces of all the most powerful nations with only a few peasants. Still we should not shy away from this fact or else people will push the 'based yids' angle.

I went a little off topic there, so just to get back to it: this is why the internet is so important. We can counter the lies and make people realise what is actually going on; and hopefully the people will rise up and do something about it. All we can realistically do at this point is spread the truth and wake people up to reality. We are not yet in a position to actually rally armies; but I believe that day will come soon.

omg… his competition can't even smash this ripe opportunity… lulz

But then you may get covered in AIDS blood.

Okay how about the bow?

That would be fine, but I wouldn't risk retrieving the arrow without some protection.

Don't worry because the arrows is biodegradable so no point to retrieve it. We have to be friendly to the Mother nature. It is scary when she's pissed or sick.

Everything makes sense.

Meanwhile, in South Africa

Antisemitism rears its ugly head in South Africa
But over last week or so, at least six incidents of antisemitism took place in South Africa in just two days.
By Ilanit Chernick
July 1, 2018 06:22



To be quite honest, I do look at the Kike news from time to time in order to get their perspective on things and to note what (((They))) are paying attention to - not to try and understand them to be compassionate towards them, but also to have the Intel gathered on their operations.

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A huge collection,scenes of rape from feature films




You absolutely should be doing that. Everybody should be doing that. Some of the most revealing admissions of guilt and how (((they))) really feel about topics comes from those sites.

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I feel truly sorry for these Negroids of Africa. They can be intelligent and civilized but they are also utterly incapable of building a civilization on their own.

I know right, this is a real achievement for them.

Pick one.


Don't hold your breath over it. If people were going to "rise up" they'd have done so already, yet here we are.

Since when does /pol support meddling in other countries? Fuck that shit, if they aren't bothering anyone they should be left alone.

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Their mere existence is bothering the planet itself, not to mention all the rapefugees.

turn back the ships, build wall

divert ships to pissrael, build wall

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Zig Forums doesn't support AmeriZOG's global policing and wars for pissrael. Rhodesia and South Africa will be returned to whites because it was stolen from them. Whites colonized South Africa over 400 years ago, so the niggers have no more claim to the land than the reservation monkeys have to America.

This is defeatist faggotry. The truth is that people rarely rise up until something begins to directly influence their lives. With all sorts of invasive laws being passed - people are beginning to get riled. Our job is to make sure that, when the time comes, they take their anger out on the right targets.

Best post I've read in years. You fucking said it.

i fully support the total take over of the planet by whites so that we can safely achieve our destiny among the stars without having to worry about the bioweapon that is non-whites on our precious homeplanet

Ask me how I know you're a kike.
Go on, do it.

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Wow, thanks for posting this. The apes that the Jews empowered now use that power against the Jews. SWEET.

Apartheid Israel
As they hold their bloody 2018 version of Israel's annual summer murder festival in Gaza, killing a paraplegic woman in a wheelchair with a NATO round, killing a 21 year old nurse girl with another rifle shot, and slaughtering so many unarmed people, even the apes in South Africa can see one reason why the world hates Jews.

Apartheid South Africa
Apartheid South Africa's cops had their police station surrounded and attacked by a Zulu mob at a place called Sharpesville in 1960. The cops shot into the crowd & killed 69 nogs.
"In present-day South Africa, 21 March is celebrated as a public holiday in honour of human rights and to commemorate the Sharpeville massacre." wikipedia_org/wiki/Sharpeville_massacre

Well, fuck, the Kikes of Israel have murdered more people than that in June 2018 alone.
Hey Shlomo & Bernice - any hypocrisy in your game?

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See, without state who would cut ribbons to open trash bins?

Wouldn't go that far. Even the niggers know that thy are only in Africa to exploit, not to "spread civilization" or "civilize the natives" like the whites did.



Nice dubs

And that's the delicious irony in all of this. Because China is doing all the looting and pillaging, the west can't really speak out against them not just because of the debt but they can't really push an anti-white narrative on them because of Chinese being Chinese.

Hi Pajeet

Interesting how they stooped this low.

I really hope chinks drive all Congo-Nigers to extinction.

What's funny is that every website bought out by kikes basically has these now in fucking bizzaro kike commie clown world.

Cargo cultism on a national level.

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