Hoping you fags will come, Colorado is really dead as far as political groups and the sort go.
Colorado Pro-Trump rally
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fuck colorado and fuck you
Commiefornians ruined Colorado.
I will fucking BE THERE.
It's not worth giving up yet, but they certainly have tried. See: Denver and Boulder
Ok Mr. FBI. I'll come.
Colorado is deep red except for Denver and Boulder, luckily the legalization of dudeweed in California stopped the influx of Commiefornians. It is possible to still save this great state.
Loveland, CO
Good to know there's still hope near Denver
Based zognald! BAASSSEEEDDD!!
You what?
I'm not an event planner, just a shill.
such a bogus chart, trump has been doing business with pretty much EVERYONE in NY, if you read his book
The fight for Colorado begins July 28th.
I was told yesterday by some larpy got that Trump is a part of the Israeli mob.
I also just had two underage thots try to lure me into a trap.
Rallies are for leftists and TLA honeypots.
Shrieking in the streets like nogs and sjws accomplishes little more than providing soundbites and weak conflict. It's (((intended))) to rile up violence while making you think you are making a difference. Would you knit a pink hat and screech around? No? Then how is this any different? Because you agree with the cause? How about fucking vote? How about start a business and shun the leftists? How about encourage your fellow white men to do the same? Where's the Soros money for the right? Guess what its coming from the same place.
can you really blame him? Its in jew york and he made a fortune there, you cant blame him for not knowing about the JQ at a time when there was little information in regards to that.
Going into a public venue that is bound to have violence that is staged by state actors and recorded for future use against whomever they choose is about as stupid as you can get.
The conflict against the left has already been won. If no one on the right shows up this crap the left loses what it’s seeking, media exposure and victim status.
Where are you retards coming from?
do you have a link or location? Will it be at the lake?
coloradofag reporting in
This is the only link I can find as of now, I recommend you use TOR to avoid being tracked by (((them)))
Yes, at the lake, same place as the 2a meetups. Dwayne Webster Memorial Park
If it's just a pro-Trump rally, everyone should go. Take a bunch of American flags. Antifa will look like retards for trying to beat you up.
That’s pretty funny considering they chased me across the country already once and tried getting me killed on several occasions. They still send goons after me, while calling me a faggot because I won’t rape underage girls.
Hmm, yep I think I will pass.
well damn why don't you just buy a dog and shotgun
Because I can’t stand dogs, and I find shooting them to be like just asking to get sent to prison. They have been trying to do that for months now.
They went so far as to organize it so my temp license plate is gang code for butt sex. That’s how fucked up these people are.
terry davis has some experience with glow in the dark niggers heed his advice friend
No jews ruined Colorado you dumb ass kike. California has had the largest conservative population for a long time you are just seeing White flight from Regan giving amnesty to dirty beaners which gave California to the jews otherwise it would still be a red state if not for mass voter fraud.
Whats with
This power through money and dirty game winning local elections does far more for Whites.
Leftist are controlled by a central power hence why they don't learn and act like bug people. Their leftist rallies are just herd psyop for other bugs to think leftist are a "strong" group so they join.
Conservatives are naturally autonomous and would be better off mass rallying for local elections around their states. Thats how you get control of the local police, records and so on. So you can set a trap for lefist rallies to implode on themselves like how charolette was a setup for ring wingers to be surrounded and doxxed. blm, antifa protesting while lgbt and la raza protesting in the same small area fighting each other while corralled by your local police would be great optics.
Seems like they were right to call you a faggot
It's like saying if you EVER shopped at Wal-mart you have connections to Soros.
So glad we got rid of the mods though.
Chicago is dem territory, he wouldn't have gotten that tower without soros, not just because of the money involved, but the influence as well.
Just what exactly do you think Trump had to do to get his Tower in Vegas, not talk to the vestiges of the mob there?
Imagine what fun being an information broker in this day and age is.
Got rid of? Just a few days ago, they anchored everything except the "let's pretend pol is mostly populated by kiddy diddling fags" thread
Fixed it for you, kushnerbot-san
But my uncle Addie was a leftist…
/r/ing the Rockwell pic where it says "so you are a republican/conservative"