NEW SHOOTING+Gang violence in Sweden now third world tier, can no longer be contained
Sweden, yes.
In Europe "far-right" tends to mean centrist.
If the conservatives win and quash the sandniggers Sweden would be the place to live
Regardless Sweden is still likely fucked/cucked
Fuck off, Zig Forums.
This is for you.
And I filter.
Don't forget to fill your chemo folders, anons. Bestgore, Encyclopedia Dramatica's are two good sources.
Encyclopedia Dramatica's offended page**
anyone got the "shitted" images?
Ewww what a nasty shriveled up mutilated and dry cock.
Circumsision, not even once.
I love how everyone has to put their own watermarks on these.
Also, what the hell is going on in OP's video?
I always thought jews were just parasites that never created anything, only pulled things apart
But now I truly see, there is one thing that jews create:
jews create Nazis
It's like the old batman comic "killing joke" which tells that the joker was a street criminal before he was the joker
While robbing bruce wayne's parents, he killed them in front of bruce
This led to bruce becoming batman to fight crime
One day he runs into this guy who killed his parents and while chasing him, the guy falls into a vat of industrial chemicals
He survives but is changed forever, he has become the joker
It's like a cycle of duality or something
Re-read the Killing Joke because you did not remember it right.
yeah it was 1989……..
fuck me I'm old
He's remembering another Batman
Possible vehicle borne IED threat? why are they acting this way?
2:55 Guy in orange shirt checking for explosives under the vehicle?
3:14 kid in blue also checking under car.
Are you retarded? Fat cunt got out of Volvo and threw car key fob back to dude. It broke on the ground and no longer works so hes looking for the other piece.
The only realquestion is where are tbe fuckimg police? Theres a body on the ground with a police van w lights on next to him, but no cops. Theres an undercover volvo by the restaurant that takes off does a uturn and disappears. Then this fat cunt drives up. Not a single police officer rendering aid to body on the ground. Is he dead?
The police are afraid to go the area, let alone stay for too long. The cultural enrichment have recently attacked police stations with grenades.
Bitch shoulda got a 740
The rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.
Why cointain it?
let the sandniggers burn their schools and churches let the bodies pile up in the streets in the end they'll beg white nationalists to save them
This whole thread is garbage like the video.
they dont leave their armored cars
recently some police chief bragged in swedish media how he pacified a zone.
"we can even patrol on foot now"
Until every illegal migrant has been removed, this remains the future of Europe.
Sweden's only hope is the find men and women willing to fight, arm them all, and declare a genocidal war against the shitskins and 5th columners of there own.
And the Jews.
Stupid fucks.
Americans have been telling Europeans not to import niggers for decades. The put their noses in the air and called us racist while they lived in a lilly white paradise.
They know one or two well behaved blacks so they think, "oh those Americans are practically caveman to be so racist against such good people". Meanwhile in America, blacks are like wild animals that kill and rape on site.
So what do they do? Import millions of blacks and pakis to show us evil Americans how "non-racist" they are. They were going to show us how people are suppose to treat the innocent and downtrodden.
Well, Johann, now you are trapped in your apartment watching niggers and arabs run your streets. Maybe a little apology is in order.
These savages see you as easy meat, and you are. Good thing they are too stupid to bide their time until their numbers are up.
The only thing that can possible make up for your madness is to install a far right government and violently expel all non Swedes.
You forced the turks upon Germany back then you stupid fucking subhuman mutt.
My zog government is responsible for all of that shit. The average American hates mass immigration of all kinds.
Your gubmint will literally collapse if you refuse to support them.
But you dont and you accept it, and your people keep sending young lads to die for kikes. So stop with the high horse bullshit, consider that the total cucked area of the US is bigger than Sweden.
is there an actual shooting in this vid? and, if so, why the fuck didn't you give a timestamp???
stop posting from tor so we can ban your cancerous ass
Good job, kike government. You wont escape this time.
Sadly, this is true. Their faaaaaaaaaaaaar woooooooooit is actually gayer than our cucks over here.
Cool. I didn't know we made ZOG policies. protip: we're here
What kind of weird syndrome is going down there in Stockholm?
It's like they love their foreign invaders, and will do anything to keep them.
They need a name for something like that
You dumb fuck. The European folk don't want this. It's the elites who do. Same reason you yanks have a kike president right now.
This is always an interesting double standard by Amerifats. It really needs a name.
It has been observed here and in all other political exchanges between Americans and Europeans about the migrant / government problems for at least the past 5 years. It's amazing that they can't see it.
All of these things can be turned back and applied to the American situation, yet they are incapable of seeing this. It's actually fascinating.
While I think some anons fall for it I think some of it is just D&C shills trying to get us to hate one another. Same as the is x even white and the 56% shit. Its why I'm particularly glad that we don't have country flags like cuckchan as its even worse there.
Having less ZOGbots around isn't a bad thing.
They don't make Volvos like they used to.
We always have a kike stooge for a president. And we would have a literal kike for a president if (((Sanders))) won the election.
Aluminum blocks with interference design, transverse AWD drivetrains, dozens of molded plastic hoses. A disposable appliance when compared against the 200/700/900 series.
Still absolute fucking beasts, admittedly. Unless you let the coolant go slightly below the MIN mark at which point you might as well unbolt the block and drop it in the trash.
If the cucklord media over there are shitting their pants over these centrists being far-right, racist nazis, then they will have no ammo left when actual far-right and racially conscious parties materialize there. Cuck who cried wolf.
>If the cucklord kikelord media over there…()
Don’t try to gaslight us.
It was the USA, mericans who forced that scum onto us. I remember their endless kvetching how racist we are not even a nigger on TV, advertisement sooo white, everywhere Nazis, hidden or open – the US must now sanction your country because your president was soldier in second world war!
No, we aren’t I hope the Aztecs skin you alive.
Guys, don't fall for the kike nation vs. nation D&C memes.
Americans are natural born liars and hypocrites and always have been. Just look at the stuff the founding fathers have said (Monroe Doctrine etc) or their whole free speech bullshit (were lying counts as simply having a different opinion).
A good example of their incredible and over the top dishonesty and hypocrisy
The truth is that America has driven immigration to Europe because immigration = Americanization. How can Europe be americanized, when Europe is white but America is home to 3 big minorities: black, yellow and brown ? The answer is it can't.
Hence why America has always been pushing for and enforcing immigration, open borders, diversity, religious freedom and all that bullshit in Europe.
And in case anyone was wondering why there are so many mudslime wankers in Europe, it's because kebabs are our brown minority. Kebabs are literally our spics. Americans don't reason in cultures religions and ethnicities like Europeans do, they reason in colors. Therefore kebabs = brown, spics = brown, kebabs = spics and since America has browns, Europe needs to have them as well to be americanized.
No such thing as D&C as American and Europe aren't and have never been united and have completely different sensibilities and interests.
And, Europeans, don't fall for American larping. I've been to the US many times, on both coasts as well as "fly over country". American "far righters" are nothing more than larpers on the internet. Go to America, ANYWHERE in America, walk around and count the spics, feminists, leftists, soy boys, nu males, niggers, faggots, potheads and what have you. Then do the same for white people who you think might be on the "far right".
Outside of the internet, American "far righters" are statistically non existent and that's a fact.
Bullshit. All of you. I have observed from at least the 1990's how Europeans hate Americans. You criticize us as being ignorant, uneducated, uncultured, backward, redneck, racists.
Europeans are arrogant as fuck. This has been your disease from the very beginning. You are snobs and think you are better than everyone. For that last 30-40 years this has taken the form of Leftist snobbery. Europeans have loved depicting Americans as ignorant petty racists beneath enlightened European values. Now that you are becoming swamped in your own nigger problems, you should learn a little humility.
As far as "Amerimutts blame their government but blame our people." I am blaming you for your arrogance and criticism of Americans as racists when you simply did not have any nigger experience.
You are correct to say things are just as fucked in America as Europe and we are just as responsible for not rebelling and overthrowing the elite. In fact, it is more fucked in America because we have been multicultural much longer than you.
Your elites have only been imitating us. The entire EU project is an attempt to compete with the US. To make a second United States. The fastest way to increase GDP is to import a large population. We have done it since our inception.
isn't that the plot of The Turner Diaries?
I never read it so I'm asking.
Eurocuck faggot has obviously never been to the flyover states, the South, or anywhere outside a major city. I know plenty of "far right" Americans that would skin you alive. Literally, all you have to do is leave the big cities, even in California.
Americans are super masculine cowboys compared to your average vegan beard twisting Western European Soy Hipster. All of the American faggots you have seen get their culture and tastes from imitating Europe.
Your anti-American hate is the very thing I was talking about in my first comment. Thank you for confirming it. You simply criticize America from the right instead of the left, unlike the other 99% of your continent.
Americans, Australians, and Canadians are actually more traditionally European than the Soy Cucks that live their now. Culturally we have preserved the old values. Even linguistically our accents and dialects are similar to what they were in England 200 years ago. We speak a more original English than the English of today.
You became a bunch of effete snobs sniffing and eating your own shit while we were fighting natives and building civilization out of nothing. Then you massacred your selves over money and have been living in the rubble ever since, trying to cling onto some semblance of your previous lifestyle when all of your prospects are drying up. You have become castrated and conquered by your women because WE have been your protecting you as your man for the last 70 years. That is the main cause of your pussification.
I noticed you didn't imply we were wrong.
We aren't.
Ameribro, you gotta understand something.
The average yuropoor is a liberal feel-good hippie that read one too many books and cares only about keeping a tidy house.
The average ameriburger bangs about guns, the bible and making money while being afraid their tyranical governmetn takes away their guns.
I'm talking about the "average", aka: 80% of the population. I'm lucky enough to know americans that are not even close to this, and they in turn are lucky enough to know me and some friends that aren't even close to the average yuro. Same goes for russians btw, they're not all vodka-drinking cyka blyats.
I think you're conflating what he said.
Far righters ARE non-existent. What you have is conservatives that don't take too kindly to faggots, niggers and assorted shit.
They're not really worried about the JQ or the eugenics of race.
They simply have a nice life that they built themselves and treat any threat to it as just that: a threat.
get your college degrees everybody
not your cuck culture anyway
nothing wrong with them if they were
Of course, if by "far right" you mean Zig Forumsacks. But then again, where in the world are their such people in large numbers?
There used to be a large neo-nazi population in the 80's and also a large right wing militia population about the same time, but they are gone now because of the FBI etc. Zig Forumsacks generally look down on such people and for good reason
If that is what you mean by far-right, most of us could care less.
As far as the JQ, of course, most people are brainwashed by Hollywood. But if you get a few beers into your average white male, you would be surprised.
Swedish government just need to drop clues that gang attacks against far-right nazis would not be prosecuted by police. Then lets see who will win.
Your hostility shows me you completely missed the point of my post. And confirms you as one of the "ignorant, uneducated, uncultured, backward, redneck, racist".
I'd wager it works the same way as Yurope.
One, two or three Zig Forumsacks
The closest friends to the core Zig Forumsacks. Mostly normies that don't use imageboards.
Friends of the Right Wing Inner circle elements. Some might know the core directly but most don't. Conservative, but not savvy about the JQ.
Political ideas end up spreading in a gradient. Most Zig Forumsacks will hold the most extreme ideas, and as they "run-down" the politlca pyramid, the people farther away from us only experience some right-wing ideals.
Same goes for the left, funnily enough. The hardcore Marxists might hold their books and convictions up high with pride, but 2 power-generations removed from them you'll mostly find dudes that joined because like being rebels and dude weed lmao, what even is comunism?
My hostility is justified by you're own ignorance and pretension, faggot.
What am I supposed to be seeing here? This is what you see every fucking single day near every nigger ghetto in the US.
Are you blind? How can you miss him in a fucking neon jacket walking up to the street corner to talk to the people there?
Sweden: the masculinity vacuum. They welcome the migrants because they bring testosterone. It's disgusting, please, I do not wish to see this grotesque display of pure cuckery.
Americans have been spreading poz to the rest of the world for half a century. Everything coming out of you has been evangelizing how good it is with niggers and racemixing and how bad racists are. If a leftist degenerate fad can be seen somewhere in Europe you know you'll find it in American universities a decade earlier.
Yet still you are number one when it comes to race mixing and producing cuck race mixing porn.
Perhaps if you hadn't been such good goys and funded the soviet communists from the start of the world war and then basically occupied Germany and Italy with permanent presence to make sure the kike pupets you put in place were not dealt with, and then laid the foundations for the EU to ensure this kike order prevailed things wouldn't have gone this far.
The puppets you put in power were. The people have always been against immigration in every poll ever taken.
So very delusional. As always this is only true if you live right next to the ghetto or by one of their gathering spots, but again, when it comes to areas whitey must avoid you are the champion.
This is supposed to be coming from the country that's number one on track to become a white minority?
Oh, we'll handle this. Despite all your efforts nationalism is coming back strong in Europe, but we all know what you are going to do when we start purging these fucks and the kike pulls the leach of his favorite mutt once again.
Euro-federalists financed by US spy chiefs
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels
12:00AM BST 19 Sep 2000
DECLASSIFIED American government documents show that the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united Europe. It funded and directed the European federalist movement.
The documents confirm suspicions voiced at the time that America was working aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into a European state. One memorandum, dated July 26, 1950, gives instructions for a campaign to promote a fully fledged European parliament. It is signed by Gen William J Donovan, head of the American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA.
They include files released by the US National Archives. Washington's main tool for shaping the European agenda was the American Committee for a United Europe, created in 1948. The chairman was Donovan, ostensibly a private lawyer by then.
The vice-chairman was Allen Dulles, the CIA director in the Fifties. The board included Walter Bedell Smith, the CIA's first director, and a roster of ex-OSS figures and officials who moved in and out of the CIA. The documents show that ACUE financed the European Movement, the most important federalist organisation in the post-war years. In 1958, for example, it provided 53.5 per cent of the movement's funds.
The European Youth Campaign, an arm of the European Movement, was wholly funded and controlled by Washington. The Belgian director, Baron Boel, received monthly payments into a special account. When the head of the European Movement, Polish-born Joseph Retinger, bridled at this degree of American control and tried to raise money in Europe, he was quickly reprimanded.
The leaders of the European Movement - Retinger, the visionary Robert Schuman and the former Belgian prime minister Paul-Henri Spaak - were all treated as hired hands by their American sponsors. The US role was handled as a covert operation. ACUE's funding came from the Ford and Rockefeller foundations as well as business groups with close ties to the US government.
The head of the Ford Foundation, ex-OSS officer Paul Hoffman, doubled as head of ACUE in the late Fifties. The State Department also played a role. A memo from the European section, dated June 11, 1965, advises the vice-president of the European Economic Community, Robert Marjolin, to pursue monetary union by stealth.
It recommends suppressing debate until the point at which "adoption of such proposals would become virtually inescapable".
The whole post war history of Europe is made in USA.
Some Europeans might not willing to concede that, being embarrassed that most of their pet projects are nothing but psy-ops, political machinations of the USA.
Europe's political class are nothing but puppets of the USA. Today more than short after the war. They had two or three generations to raise an obedient, hostile to it’s own people traitor class.
In Eastern Europe it is not much different. There the puppets of Moscow changed their alliance and branding to that of Washington. On occasion they made US citizen their leaders. It is really that embarrassing.
It’s not a syndrome — the (((economists))) have informed rich people that GDP, in other words, their cut of GDP, is going to go down every year if they don’t import new people.
What you’re seeing is kikes destroying their own holdings and goodwill for short term numbers. It’s like they all got Ivy MBAs and started their careers at Bain or something.
The police in that video showcases the common Swedish behavior when confronted with conflict, go away and pretend nothing happened. Swedes don't want conflict, so when you bring in a culture from a conflict heavy region this is what you get. A bunch swedes sticking their heads into the sand while slowly getting buried alive. The Swedish media keeps saying that it's only within the gangs themselves, so you have nothing to fear. While it's mostly true, it's just lucky that there's not been that much collateral damage in these gang shootings.
Jews won WWII. Jew set condition of the post world war. Among them was free movement for the (((people))). Who were previously expelled from hundreds places. But after WWII they got privilege stopping expelling practice. Can't stop them settling in your country. Because (((muh nazism))).
But now you see as 3rd worlders use systems build by Jews for Jews to get into 1rst world countries. This is not only formal institution like laws but overall concept of "migration is right". Free-riders.
What said, also a better summary is the old saying 'If you paint the devil on the wall, the devil will come.' Not sure if it's a normal thing in English, but it's a thing nonetheless. The kikes spent so much time and effort chasing shadows of what they think are nahtzees, imprisoning fake 'fascists' for being a little to the right of kosher standards and are so afraid of the nahtzees coming back, that they deliberately drive caucasians across the world near extinction and in the process, create real nahtzees, which is a mistake that will come back to haunt them real fucking soon. All they had to do was not be insufferable kikes and not do everything in their power to destroy everything the western world has to offer and they could have lived as parasites forever. Instead, people that love bloodshed on either side are going to have a field day before long.
>It’s not a syndrome — the (((economists))) have informed rich people that GDP, in other words, their cut of GDP, is going to go down every year if they don’t import new people.
No, it is industrial, property owning class, doing it as a result of kikes leading them by the nose. It is a “rationalizing”, a pretext for them acting against their own long term interests, for the benefit of the jews long term interest – eliminate competition by degrading of it’s biological base.
Jews are a parasite of the mind, making societies insane by infecting their brains, leading classes – Esther syndrome.
Capitalist think they acting in their own best interest against the proletarians – that is the jewish spiel.
Like the Persian king in the Bible and reality was deluded into ally himself with a foreign ethnic against his own people.
Trump is like that Persian king nearly all of your upper class are like that
Henry Ford did warn you.
It gets even better when they bring up all their guns. Guns which they never do a single fucking thing with. The state can literally go in with tanks and just burn American women and children alive, and they will still do jack shit. If the state tried that in Britain right now the streets would be full of people out for fucking blood, guns or not.
They have everything they need to take down ZOG any minute, yet they never ever do a single thing, regardless of what ZOG does to them or how many families get joykilled by niggers. They just sit there with all their guns in total apathy and .. wait?. It reminds me of this quote from Hitler.
That's a very wishy-washy statement. It's always going to be some of this and some of that.
Personally I'd say, based on what you hear from people who show their face and you can thus tell who they are, that this sentiment is the norm among Americans. They simply cannot see how what is happening in Europe now is what their own government did to them decades ago. They react to some race mixing propaganda produced by the a gevernment somewhere in Europe and ask why no one is reacting (while nationalist movements are growing by the day) when that's the shit that has been the norm in the US since like the fucking 50's.
I'm sure that if the situation in Europe didn't happen to involve sandniggers but blackniggers there would be no reaction from them to such propaganda as they would simply not pick up on it as anything out of the ordinary.
That's a fair take. Americans need to be made aware of not only how bad things really are, but how easy it would be to change them.
by the way what was the original quote, I'm blanking on it
Yes, that's why they were going with flashing lights and their sirens wailing. They probably weren't trying to chase down the gunmen or anything.
Not an American.
Could it be that the cucks doesn’t lack the knowledge, but don’t want to open that can of worms – race.
How interbreeding has damaged the family tree of many people. Like that Markle faggot that has fathered a mulatto child with an ugly sheboon, later remarried a white women fathering mostly white children.
100 bucks on hitler never saying that and you being full of shit
Reminder, Nigel, that your daughters are being raped by migrant Ganga, the coppers and cos only ever get involved to protect and enable those rapists while every British man who's politics are to the right of Cornyn gets imprisoned.for Facebook posts
call me when Swedes care enough to rope their politicians that caused this.
Why do you feel the need to shit on Europeans? Get over yourself. Our plight is even worse than what they are going through, so there's no room for an extra serving of ego. We're in this together.
At least some of us Americlaps are tuned into what is really going on. You do your thing Euroman, and I will do my best to control these blowhards in my country and prevent them from sabotaging you. Things are really bad here. Worse than you can imagine, really.
Unearned smug superiority. Should not be shitting on them. Demoralization and negativity is easier than empathy, support, and building up.
I assume you have already roped yours then.
Reminder that the Nordic Resistance Movement was a group of 10 people and now has thousands of members, while being openly national socialist, and officially became eligible for elections as of their registration last year.
Reminder that AfS went from announcing their running to getting 2% in polls 2 weeks after the announcement, simply on the statement of wanting to repatriate over 100k.
Reminder that similar groups are gaining ground all over Europe, and we know who's behind the (((migrant crisis))). archive.fo
All this looks like to me is some nice places for whites to live after the United States liberates Eurostan from its entirely niggered population of shitskins.
It's an obvious D&C shill. Everyone with just a slight piece of a red-pill knows that no white people wanted this immigration-thing to happen. The common white people had no hand in the slave-trades, neither in immigration-policies. It's the elite playing biological warfare against whites to rule over the earth for eternity by genociding us.
So shut the fuck up with this shit and stop falling for it. Germany's cause is our cause, US's cause is our cause, Brittain, Finland, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, Portugal et cetera.
That's because they don't have to live with them. The ones behind all this shit, the useful idiots lives in their socialistic clusters and gated communities in Stockholm, thinking the rest of Sweden should be like they live. That's basically it. All the politicians resides their, all the journalists and the media-people resides in Stockholm. This little piece of shit city thinks they are hot shit and think that the rest of the world and country thinks like them and there's such a contempt against other Swedes outside the city, calling them the equivalent of rednecks, low-educated, low-iq, dumb, racist and sexist pigs that don't know what's good for them.
Fact of the matter is, we are very sick of these people. Fuck them.
What the media-faggots produce it's not a good representation of the average Swede. Stop this shit.