Danny gold covers how big tobacco targets low income communities.
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You will now see this ad every time you DONT use hooktube.
Google knows when im searching for camping supplies, i wonder if they will start doing antisemitic ads when i post on Zig Forums
Kike free posts appreciated
The new (((big tobacco))) advertisement on kiketube
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These truth faggots should chill out and enjoy a refreshing smoke.
And yet nobody complains when governments increase tobacco taxes, wringing low income addicts for every cent they got because they know they can't quit
It is bullying of the worst kind.
Is this a pro-tobacco thread?
these loz incomce nigger smoke as much as their finances allow
tabacco is a luxery product that should be taxed high enough to cut consumption
it is bad for the individual
for families
and for the nation as a whole
Confirmed for living in a bubble.
is a kike if somehow someone missed that btw
>(((Danny Gold)))
Taxing the shit out of people to finance your sick pizza parties is also bad for the nation.
i never said i live in a bubble
dont smoke dude
you need your lungs to hunt down those pedo fucks
thats the reason i do cardio
Kikes kiking kikes, always amusing. I know somebody who quit heroin and can't stop smoking, it's nasty shit.
It isn't nearly that much though.
I also need my nerves, which are shot from continual poverty. If you live in a low income area, your options for keeping your head in one piece are very limited.
I watched the Detroitification of my area while the tobacco taxes skyrocketed. And then they wonder why people hate them.
I don't get the problem with this. If a bra manufacturer only targeted women, no one would bat an eye.
(A closer analogy would be targeting sales of escargo to rich people)
If any of the "elites" are in here, you are incredibly clumsy with the silent weapon. This is why you are failing now. You suck.
If you quit you won't need that crutch anymore. Once you quit you can learn to master your emotions and impulses and calm your nerves on demand while keeping all of that money you would have spent on ciggerates.
I smoke only the finest luxury grade tobacco cigarillos made for true high class luxury nicotine connoisseurs such as myself
Havibg said this, tobacco is not necessarily a bad thing. Tobacco is an estrogen blocker, this is likely the reason for the mainstream anti smoking campaign. In short, if you feel that you must use tobacco because you have the willpower of a woman, do it in a way that doesn't destroy your lungs. You will need those.
And then something else will go wrong in order to consume that tiny bit of extra money. You really do live in a bubble. I can do one thing wrong and I'll be buried so hard that what's left of my life is effectively over.
From what I heard, this "it's just an herb dude!" also has some benefits to the brain, or body. I don't remember what they were exactly. Not the weird mixture of shit they have in cigarettes, just pure tobacco. I wonder why "it's just an herd dude, hahaha!" don't like tobacco. It's a part a nature too. Just an herb. It's a already legal to grow for yourself. I guess it's not "cool" enough for these rebels.
The primary issue with modern tobacco is the shitty artificial fertilizer they used. Somehow they get Polonium 121 and Lead 121 - alpha emitting isotopes - stuck to the leaves of the tobacco because those elements are a "byproduct" of the manufacturing of their shitty fertilizer. Smoke it, it ends up in the lungs. I honestly believe it's no accident a radioactive element ends up in it.
Damm glad I stopped smoking. Do you guys think vaping is as unhealthy as they say, or did some bad goy invented something that fucked up (((their))) plans? I see a lot of mainstream media bashing it.
Have you guys really never seen these ads before? The first one in this series that I can remember seeing was about a year ago. There was some sassy Wakandan going on about how it targeted black people or something, etc. Then I noticed they switched over to saying "low income communities" since they probably realized how retarded they sounded.
organic tobacco is the only way to go
you fucking retards
i smoked for 9 years. tobacco is poison and pretty much should never be ingested. it is a filthy, sickening habit that poisons and pollutes you. total ban on all tobacco products is one of the golden tenants of an ideal nation. i understand the occasional hookah or cigar but outright cigarettes and smoking more than once a month should be outright banned. i know you faggots wanna impose your shit but its not hard to fathom
i hate niggers and cops
im pro enviroment and hate hippies
im anti tobacco and anti jew
filthy middle eastern sand nigger
Why not say you're anti-cigarette, rather than tobacco, which isn't even sold pure anywhere that I'm aware of.
It's like the second they started using filters was the second it went to shit because they could put whatever the fuck they wanted in them and it would still sell under federal regulation.
only 1 place I can find and it is whole leaf only you have to de-stem it and grind it yourself see post
It's legal to grow for personal use, as far as I'm aware. I don't even see the point in buying it if you're in a place like Texas or something. Not that I see the purpose. I'd rather grow cooking herbs and whatnot than a bunch of junk like weed or tobacco.
Can this board sink any lower?
yes you can grow it that website has organic seeds available after you grow it though it needs to be cured i'll paste it below
"Harvesting Tobacco Leaves
Tobacco is harvested in one of two ways. The oldest known method in use is simply cutting off the stalk at the ground using a curved knife.
The other way to harvest tobacco leaves originated in the nineteenth century. They started to harvest the tobacco plant by pulling individual leaves off the stalk as they ripened, tobacco leaves ripen from the ground upward, so tobacco plant may be pulled several different times before the tobacco plant is entirely harvested. This is also known as "Cropping" or "Priming". These are terms used for pulling leaves off tobacco. The first crop at the very bottom of the stalks are called "sand lugs" as they are often against the ground and are coated with dirt splashed up when it rains.
Curing Tobacco Leaves
Tobacco farmers refer to the drying of the leaf as curing. There are 3 main ways of curing tobacco. Curing methods vary with the type of tobacco grown. The tobacco barn design varies accordingly.
Air-cured Tobacco Leaves
Air-cured tobacco is carried out by hanging the tobacco in a well-ventilated barns, where the tobacco is allowed to dry over a period of four to eight weeks. Air-cured tobacco is generally low in sugar content, which gives the tobacco smoke a light, smooth, semi- sweet flavor. These tobacco leaves usually have a high nicotine content.
Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves
Flue-cured tobacco started by stringing the tobacco into tobacco sticks, which were hung from tier-poles in curing barn's "kilns". All flue-cured barns have flues which run from external fed fire boxes, which heat-cures the tobacco without exposing it to smoke, slowly raising the temperature over the course of the curing process. The procedure will generally take about a week. Flue-cured tobacco generally produces cigarette tobacco. Cigarette tobacco usually has a high content of sugar, with medium to high levels of nicotine.
Sun-cured Tobacco Leaves
Most to all sun-cured tobacco comes from countries that produce oriental leaves, such as Turkey, Greece, and the Republic of Macedonia. The sun-cured tobacco process works just how it sounds. The tobacco is placed in the sun uncovered, and is dried out naturally. Generally, oriental tobacco is low in sugar and nicotine and is very popular for cigarettes.
Fermenting (A.K.A. sweating) Tobacco Leaves
This is the process by which ammonia is released from the leaf to make it more sociable. It can be done by heaping the tobacco into large piles called pylons that raise the temperature and humidity, or by use of a kiln with a heater and humidifier. Under the raised temperature and humidity, enzymes in the leaf cause it to ferment. It is not necessary to spray a fermenting solution on the leaf as some suggest - the enzymes will do it naturally. Sometimes this is also referred to as curing. This system of maturing tobacco leaves came from the days when tobacco was shipped by sail. The ship would sit in port for a few weeks, with very humid temperatures and bails stacked tight together. When the tobacco reached it's destination, it was found to smell and taste sweeter. There are two methods of fermenting, stacking and kiln fermenting.
The stacking tobacco fermentation method is used by large growers. Stacks of tobacco weighing around 100 lbs each are wrapped in burlap and allowed to "sweat". The internal temperature is closely monitored. When it reaches 140 degrees, the stack is broken down to release tar, ammonia, and nicotine. The stack is torn down and rebuilt several times until the temp will no longer reach 110 degrees. The stems are they stripped and stacked in a cooler place (65 degrees to age for a time 6 weeks to 6 years).
Kiln fermenting
This is what the smaller grower must use if he or she wants to smoke the fruits of their harvest any time soon. The kiln is a small, insulated container with an artificial heat source that helps to simulate the fermentation. The leaves are placed in the kiln with the lid shut. Heat and humidity are carefully controlled (temp 100 to 130 degrees and 65 to 70% humidity), and the kiln is left on 24 hours a day. Kiln fermenting lasts about 4 to 6 weeks and the relative humidity must be carefully maintained during this time. A short aging period will follow of 4 to 6 weeks or longer until the leaves can either be rolled into cigars or cut for cigarette, pipe, or chewing tobacco.
Tobacco Leaf Tips
(1) If the leaf is too dry, lower the heat, too wet raise the heat to max 130f. If still too wet lower the humidity.
(2) If the leaves are moist, they will mold in about two or three days. If you put a hygrometer in the chamber you will find that at 70 percent relative humidity they will be very pliable but dry. That is about what you'll want.
(3) Remember, aging will always improve tobacco, and any tobacco leaves can be kiln cured if it has been properly stored (humidity no lower than 50% to 65%). Smoking uncured tobacco is unpleasant and dangerous as the nicotine and ammonia contained can be fatally high, not to mention it will taste like your smoking leaves from your front yard."
Who doesn't know cigarettes are poison in 2018? The people I know who smoke don't give a shit because their lives aren't worth living aka poor people.
I don't know man, I think alot of lung cancer has to do with microparticles in particular microparticles from tires because the cancer rates are going up and smoking rates are going down not only that but most cancers are viral now don't get me wrong I know inhaling hydrocarbons is unhealthy
Smoking is being suppressed to prevent what would otherwise be ubiquitous countermeasures to…
Well, nevermind. This is a Metal Gear Solid Reference. Don't mind me.
Oh hey but fat acceptance was maybe a crazy plot against tobacco smoking, if that chart on gender differences is real. Legalizing better stimulants for diet drugs is a non-starter for some reason, and cigarettes are still rumored to have a use good enough to make short-sighted women use them.
if i remember right those cigs taste like chalk and cardboard had a baby
No, buggery is 10,000X more filthy and sickening.
t. non-smoker
Reminder that smoking is degenerate. Reminder that there are far better estrogen blockers than ingesting poison.
Fag it needs to be $20 an ounce before anyone normal is going to buy it.
People should learn to shill for cigars and tobacco pipes instead.
Oh look a censorship promoter who bundles every form of child abuse and even more non child abuse under the boogeyman moniker "pedophilia" to push his agenda of hate and violence…but this time with a bit of brain left.
Congratulations for your "don't smoke" comment, even if you don't know it, but putting those anti smoking stickers on tobacco was probably one of the only moves the government successfully launched against child abuse (even if they never knew it). See the majority of child abuse happens inside the family unit. And on second place after neglect is physical abuse, and within that category the good ol' cigarette burn had a top position for ages. But the decline of smokers unexpectedly didn't backfire like all the anti-pedo bullshit and quite a few less kids are getting tortured with cigs. Hurrah.
Thanks for reading this blogpost, you can now go back to striking fear and terror into those pedo-sexual kiddie diddlers and everyone else who thinks that a naked child can be described as beautiful. Also don't forget to bring your pitchforks out to the nudists…so much potential abuse material am I right?
Didn't the fag colors alert you to what you are actually putting in your mouth?
You literally smoke the gayest kind of the Nat Sherman brand.
The campaign is being ran by a 60 year old woman from Jew York. This shit writes itself. Further research shows that she co-authored a couple books with the epitome of a kike. I can't locate anything pointing to her ethnicity or cultural background, but I believe it would be reasonable to assume she's a kike herself. Every fucking time.
Of course lung cancer is also caused by Agent Orange in Vietnam and all the chemicals in the air now but that doesn't mean cigarettes aren't poison.
I bet lung cancer were spike up soon along with mesothelioma from 9/11.
smoke up goy!
I bristle at the idea of making anything that isn't already illegal contraban, but when I see the numbers on what tobacco does to a society, I want to burn it from the Earth. I think I might ban it if I had the option. There's absofuckinglutely no excuse.
What about all the other things that are destroying western society? Do you want to burn them to the ground also?
Obviously? Why would you even consider the two mutually exclusive?
Nicotine is what’s good for your brain. It’s a cognitive enhancer and protects against Neurodegeneration. Tobacco is bad in all it’s forms, though.
I generally just assume anything the MSN says is a bold lie. I switched from smoking to vaping, and the change has been incredible. After 1 year, my lungs feel like they did before I started smoking. And, I don’t smell like burnt asshole all the time. Cheaper too, but I get the same effects from cigarettes.
A cigarette has about a gram of tobacco in it, so cigarettes aren’t even $15 an ounce assuming it don’t live in a state that taxes the shit out of everything.
Nevermind lung cancer. Tobacco causes blood clots and constricts your blood vessels. Just stay away from that crap. It also turns women into aggressive dykes. That crap needs to go.
worshipping a dead jewish rabbi as a god is not nearly as "healthy" as you think it is.
some might say christianity & christians (hand-in-hand with jews) enabled most of the problems that europeans are suffering from at this time.
A Nazi anti-smoking ad titled "The chain-smoker" saying "He does not devour it [the cigarette], it devours him"
After German doctors became the first to identify the link between smoking and lung cancer,[1] Germany initiated a strong anti-tobacco movement[2] and led the first public anti-smoking campaign in modern history.[3]
The German movement was the most powerful anti-smoking movement in the world during the 1930s and early 1940s.[7] The National Socialist leadership condemned smoking[8] and several of them openly criticized tobacco consumption.[7] Research on smoking and its effects on health thrived under Nazi rule[9] and was the most important of its type at that time.[10] Adolf Hitler's personal distaste for tobacco[11] and the Nazi reproductive policies were among the motivating factors behind their campaign against smoking.[12]
The Nazi anti-tobacco campaign included banning smoking in trams, buses and city trains,[7] promoting health education,[13] limiting cigarette rations in the Wehrmacht, organizing medical lectures for soldiers, and raising the tobacco tax.[7] The National Socialists also imposed restrictions on tobacco advertising and smoking in public spaces, and regulated restaurants and coffeehouses.[7]
Adolf Hitler was a heavy smoker in his early life—he used to smoke 25 to 40 cigarettes daily—but gave up the habit, concluding that it was "a waste of money".[11] In later years, Hitler viewed smoking as "decadent"[15] and "the wrath of the Red Man against the White Man, vengeance for having been given hard liquor",[11] lamenting that "so many excellent men have been lost to tobacco poisoning".[19]
The Nazi reproductive policies were a significant factor behind their anti-tobacco campaign.[12] Women who smoked were considered to be vulnerable to premature aging and loss of physical attractiveness; they were viewed as unsuitable to be wives and mothers in a German family. Werner Huttig of the Nazi Party's Rassenpolitisches Amt (Office of Racial Politics) said that a smoking mother's breast milk contained nicotine,[21] a claim that modern research has proven correct.[22][23][24][25]
Association with antisemitism and racism
Apart from public health concerns, the Nazis were heavily influenced by ideology;[30] specifically, the movement was influenced by concepts of racial hygiene and bodily purity.[49] Nazi leaders believed that it was wrong for the master race to smoke[30] and that tobacco consumption was equal to "racial degeneracy".[50] The Nazis viewed tobacco as a "genetic poison".[49]
The Nazis claimed that the Jews were responsible for introducing tobacco and its harmful effects. The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany announced that smoking was an unhealthy vice spread by the Jews.[51] Johann von Leers, editor of the Nordische Welt (Nordic World), during the opening ceremony of the Wissenschaftliches Institut zur Erforschung der Tabakgefahren in 1941, proclaimed that "Jewish capitalism" was responsible for the spread of tobacco use across Europe. He said that the first tobacco on German soil was brought by the Jews and that they controlled the tobacco industry in Amsterdam, the principal European entry point of Nicotiana.[52]
After World War II
After the collapse of Nazi Germany at the end of World War II, American cigarette manufacturers quickly entered the German black market. Illegal smuggling of tobacco became prevalent,[53] and the anti-smoking campaign started by the Nazis ceased to exist after the fall of the Third Reich.[9] In 1949, approximately 400 million cigarettes manufactured in the United States entered Germany illegally every month. In 1954, nearly two billion Swiss cigarettes were smuggled into Germany and Italy. As part of the Marshall Plan, the United States sent tobacco to Germany free of charge; the amount of tobacco shipped into Germany in 1948 was 24,000 tons and was as high as 69,000 tons in 1949. Per capita yearly cigarette consumption in post-war Germany steadily rose from 460 in 1950 to 1,523 in 1963. At the end of the 20th century, the anti-tobacco campaign in Germany was unable to approach the level of the Nazi-era climax in the years 1939–41 and German tobacco health research was described by Robert N. Proctor as "muted".[14]
Op here. Wow. I actually made a semi-successful thread on here.
Exactly. Thats how kikes think
Gets the irony
Seriously i thought someone would just immediately be pissed at this fucking jew "gold" literally rubbing his hands together asking for money. Guess this board has gone in the shitter since last year.
Heres the simple point im trying to make. Its every time.>>11797474
I hate it too. Thats why i laugh at interracial couples every chance i get and harass and follow elderly kikes.
Its not enough, ya gotta gas em.
American Spirt tobacco sends in hairy bushed hippie chicks and Dude weed FAGS all over the country to sign people up for coupons i live in a college town THEY frequent gas stations and bars they promot the overly priced cigarettes as all natural they use LARPPING HIPPIES AS BATE to get the LEFT LEANING FAGS TO PURCHASE THEIR PRODUCTS with buy 2 packs for 2 dollars COUPONS and free pack COUPONS THEY SET THEIR GAME UP NEXT TO PABSTBLUE RIBBON displays these CIGARETTE COMPANYS KNOW HOW TO MARKET THEIR SHIT but then again IF A PRODUCT SELLS IT'S SELF (((THEY))) WILL PUSH WHAT IS ONE OF THE nast cousins of usery (((SIN TAX ))) 'ALL NATURAL TOBACCO MUH ASS if you're gonna smoke ROLL YOUR OWN pipe tobaccos the same SHIT ALL NATURAL but it's SHREAD IS CUT LONGER YOU CAN BUY A PILLOW CASE FULL OF TOBACCO FOR 20 BUCKS AND ROLL YOU'RE OWN the laws of pipe tobacco differ from pre rolled THEY CAN'T PUT A HEAVY TAX ON IT for some reason if you're interested JEWGOOL IT .save money SMOKE LESS or DON'T SMOKE at all HEALTH REASONS ???? TOBACCO CULTURAL WHATEVER i know old fucks that smoke like CHIMNEYS AND CAN'T DIE i know pussys that get sick when whafts in their direction MUH RANT CONCLUDES smokem if you got em but remember (((TAXATION))) WITHOUT REPRESENTATION
I am a very light smoker. Typically I smoke one a day and probably 5-6 on Friday just hanging around my friend. I don't think smoking this much affect you at all. I do like that buzz I get from my daily smoke.
Top tier Zig Forums.
That it hits undesirables the most makes it a good thing, a small push back to the sea of dysgenics that's being promoted.
All those Nat Sherman flavors but you chose gay.
I agree with this more than anything.
The hipster millenial cancer is the least diverse thing on the planet.
Their stupid brown shoes from target and their gay hippie beards make me wanna vomit.
Look at the high and tight hipster haircut with the multilayered social butterfly jackets.
If ur reading this please read a fashion book and learn how to dress properly and embrace your own style.
Half-truth, but you're not trying to lie, I just want to add onto what you're saying for clarification. All benefits associated with tobacco are due to nicotine. The act of smoking is where the danger lies. Nicotine by itself is not dangerous in moderation. I don't advocate for e-cig or smoking but it needs to be emphasized that nicotine of which the tobacco weed provides the highest content in possesses many benefits.
I think a more interesting discussion would be demonstrating how good genes that provide exceptional constitution in white men have enabled white men to maintain good health even if they are a habitual smoker. Before the availability of e-cigs and in spite of the low popularity of non-smoking tobacco such as sniffing and chewing tobacco, many white men have had good health and occasionally smoked. Conversely, jews who possess terrible genes and thus exceptionally poor constitution cannot glean the benefits of nicotine through smoking without accelerating their body's destruction. All of this does not mean you can be at peak health while smoking but most of its affects are mitigated by good genetics & constitution and a proper diet high in antioxidants and the components of the liver's antioxidant glutathione, as well as a choline source and antibacterial agents like clove. All white men had to rely on before the availability of abundant remedies and powerful foods was good genes and an adequately healthy traditional diet.
Listen here you dumb fuck, you want to insult tobacco? Go fuck yourself, its better than your gay ass fucking juul shit or your fucking vape pen. Tobacco was the fucking foundation of America too, don't act like tobacco is this jewish fucking conspiracy, it's not. Plus - it only fucks up your lungs, not your head like certain other smokable plants. God smokes tobacco and you should too.
Lmao at this nigger who doesn’t smoke outdoor
Pro tip: that hydro shit causes psychosis if you smoke too much
fukken saved
Are Nat Shermans a good brand? Never heard of them until now.
fag boi
Lots of new blood here. Be thankful you have to explain things.
Hitler was against the consumption of tobacco. Sadly, many in the Wehrmacht still smoked.
Dude, you're not the only one who's life is kiked. Consuming kike poison is not going to make things better.
Prolonged daily use of high THC does (if you use less of the high test well good for you, I never was able to without limiting amounts I had on hand) but I found but edibles are even worse.
Treat good weed like fine chocolate. Don't be a glutton.
This. Also the Surgeon General has been saying that they're bad since 1964 en.wikipedia.org
Natsoc Germany was ahead of the game on this, but of course the (((media))) largely (excepting rare occasions) won't tell you that.
Fucking nice. I love you cunts.
All those things will disappear with the disappearance of the kikes.
What is the Zig Forums approved, kike free diet.
The makers of American Spirit, Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, is owned by R.J. Reynolds. You're smoking a glorified Camel.
The fuck are you talking about? Normies but this shit at $10-$20 a gram.
Just grow your own. You can make a space bucket for like a 100 bucks, the first round of seed is about 40, after that you can pop out 2-3 ounces every few months for the price of water and electricity.
No. I've no need. Im just telling that user he doesn't know what he's talking about.
low IQ detected, so long as the ingredients come from the same place and aren't altered/poisoned then its the same shit as before the buyout.
It's not but you'll still get cancer; smokers metaplasia (cells in airways changing shape/form) has been confirmed for vapers. As the cells become squamous (think outer skin layer) they will begin to grow into a cancer. Besides this, not much is an issue. Popcorn lung was not confirmed to be caused by diacetyl even in the initial study into the popcorn factory, diacetyl it is also present in cigs at a much higher rate. Your lungs will improve because no tar (you can get a wet resin but your airways can get rid of it, they can't get rid of the physical stress of smoking/vaping though which is why you still get metaplasia), you'll actually fix your tastebuds too.
The tl;dr to vaping is as follows:
If you actually want to make the switch then invest in a good mod, tank and external battery charger. Pen vapes look fucking nice but DO NOT FALL FOR THIS MEME, GET THE BOX. Boxes are regulated, pens are direct current from battery to coil which is why pen vapes are the ones that blow up (user error, not knowing ohms law/accounting for battery drainage). Also, make your own coils, a kit brings the tools and some wire/cotton. You'll be able to make like 14 coils with what the kit brings compared to paying 20 bucks for 5 premade ones. If you want a good starter setup:
If you want to chain smoke, 3mg juice, if you want a buzz and smoke a little at a time then 6mg. If there's no R in the abbreviation (RTA, RDTA, RDA) then you must buy premade coils and you cant make your own for them. T = tank (reservoir, one fill and go), D = Drip (constantly need to drip juice onto it or it dries out and you smoke cotton). Once you actually have the gear all you gotta buy is juice. Avoid Cuttwood brand, too expensive at $35 for 60mL. Standard is ~$19-22 for 60mL of good juice, cheaper brands will sell 60mL's for $12-16.
You have no idea what you're talking about user, when I went to college in Boston great quality weed sold at $220-260 an Oz (and 260 is rare as hell, you typically get $240). Other states with more expensive prices for the same or lower quality can literally get away with charging $280-320 an Oz.