No one cares if you're gay

Like congratulations, do you want a trophy?

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I'm gay where's my trophy?


If you don't get blinded by rage and desire to murder all the gay every time you see a gay, then you're a gay.

Back to kikechan, moshe.

The only prize fags get is a bullet between the eyes.

I care if someone is gay because that means I need to do another drive to the local bog.

You're so brave and strong for coming out as gay in the most degenerate, fag-friendly age in human history.

not if the balls don't touch

right here >>>/bog/

i do sometimes, but thats a good point.

I do
Because gays need to be purged

OP we all know you're gay as fuck.

nah, i'm straight as a pole, kike.

Its becoming more and more apparent as time goes on that the dislike of gay people was from an inherited understanding that these people are almost always fucking awful. Of course there are exceptions I'm sure but if you find one I will be shocked.

You absolutely should care if someone is a faggot.
They're part of your society.
Your society is sick if it tolerates faggotry.

Checked and kekked. But the real question is if balls touch because you're so busy lynching gays. Is that still gay?

Underrated post. It's more courageous to express disapproval of faggotry these days.

People who want trophies are all gay.

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And the way that they reproduce in society is by pedophilia…so they are parasitic in hetero culture. They need to be a part of the parasite purge (execution) of the deviant and shit tier part of humanity.

What are the mentally ill degenerates going to do now to say 'EVERYONE NOTICE ME'?
My guess is either the kids or the animals.

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You bigot mega-Hitler. Why aren't you using the new and improved flag?

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