Africa's population

What should be done about Africa's massively growing population? They will all try to come to white countries and flood them and then they will eat the resources remaining. Should whites, East Asians, Arabs and Indians all come and take their share of the continent and replace black Africans with these groups? I'm seriously worried about how people with an IQ sub-retardation level can sustain human civilization. They'll come to us for gibs and kill their beautiful nature. Here's a map I made of dividing Africa:

Attached: Dividing Africa.png (6300x7000, 3.51M)

Other urls found in this thread:

africa niggers are a christcuck creation, the solution is close White country borders and stop christcucks from sustaining their turd world pets, and not just in africa. turd worlders lack of cognition and ability along with mother nature's disease and famine will correct things in short order.

Why not just divide the land like in the map and just give the riches of Africa's land to higher races?

They are being led here, if it weren't for the jews.
Sooner or later, there won't be any gibs for them and they will just starve to death, thus reducing their numbers again to what has been before.

I answered what you asked and you respond with a non sequitur. sage.

kill 99% of the nigs, and send whites to recolonize the entire continent, the remaining 1% will be left to be bleached until nigs are extinct.

and christcucks.

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Jews keep sending them aid and they just keep flooding in. Once the world joins forces to stop (((them))) then the higher races all have free reign to take land in Africa and do whatever without (((them))) coming and stopping us.

'for a dollar a day,' christcucks go on missions to africa to better breed their niggers, christcucks have been breeding niggers for a 100 years now and counting, aka it's not just jews on this one.


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stop helping them
let nature take its course

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Nothing, I bust nuts daily thinking about the population collapse once the gibs are removed when the financial system collapses and aids and ebola ravage their asses. So much nigger death. BRB I'M DIAMONDS

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I don't want Africa's nature to be ruined by niggers. Whites are good with taking care of the environment so they should take Africa.

This "missionary" nonsense that we see today was full steam in the mid-1800's. It's why christcucks of today can't fathom why Christianity was being denigrated throughout Europe for being a weak religion, at least in its current state, from the late 19th century throughout the 20th til now. Some fags (i.e. Renegay'd) pretend like Hitler, the NSDAP, and SS were devout christians and this is just blatantly false showing their inability to see the difference between esoteric and the exoteric. The exoteric covers the esoteric and puts on the mask that's most easily swallowed by the masses.

Hitler also attempted, and was largely successful, at "Germanizing" the church to put the peoples future and safety first above all other religious practices. The Vatican rightfully deserves to be conquered, looted, and destroyed by the muslims. Better if done by Italians if they can overcome the mighty hold that Catholicism still has over them and for "defending" the Vatican.

True Christians would have the damn thing razed to the ground for the abomination that its become for the last few centuries.

Yea, "should," but in reality it would take some kind of in-everyones-face catalyst for unification of europeans into a body of warrior conquerors who enjoy asserting their ability to conquer for its own sake. We're universes away from that, it seems… but what we know user… is that this planets weather moves in cycles… and cataclysmic events are very destructive… we know that niggers cannot exist in Europe or North America in an Ice Age scenario.

It will come.

I'm not sensing the sincerity.

It's at these moments that I like to encourage people to read "The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies"

Link at the top of the page.


yep just let them starve again.
they're like mold in a petri dish.
the problem is auto-correcting.

I'll go even better. Send every last christcuck faggot to apefricka and nuke the shithole.

Same thing.

Stop sending missions into their shitty places and then being ok in bringing them here. Do not hear the niggers cries when it gets worse for them, focus on our own folk, and defend our nations.

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Alright, but let's do it right. We don't have the population to do that any time soon, so practically, someone has to keep it till we start having babies…

Removing jews from the power structure of white countries should be the primary objective. If you were to try to do the whole colony thing in Africa with jews inside the power structure it'd all get fucked up, (((they))) may even try to get whites into such a conflict so whites can die in Africa and get nothing for it, just like in the last century of warfare.

Noting. Just stop feeding them and the problem corrects itself.

This is some hardcore larping!

but even though that fictional character is so pretty, it would be best if she did. She obviously has sever brain damage and won't raise healthy children.

Fuck off back to kikechan with your shit threads moshe.

shut down foreign aid and they'll all starve

your map is retarded, like this but with Liberia to the US and Ethiopia to Italy

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Let Africa sink.
This essay puts it perfectly. Too long to put into a reply, but tl;dr Africas population is exploding because the West keeps giving it gibs which removes the incentive for the brutal warlords and corrupt politicians who run these countries to feed or protect it's people and the goods sent to the continent by charities puts would be local artisans out of business and decimates their economies. This leaves room for monopolies on natural resources to hoard the majority of the wealth. The solution? Stop feeding Africa. Stop alleviating their many epidemics, stop giving them free shit, stop performing "peace" keeping missions, stop intervening politically, let them war with each other, let them conquer, because its hurting them more than its helping. Basically, cut off the entire continent, quarantine it, and let natural selection sort things out itself.

The answer is simple. Literally do nothing. The problem is that Western governments (and China) and its charities wont do nothing.

I don't think its larping if you believe in something and then proceed to act on those beliefs. Go to the link if you don't believe me, that post was made in 2011, she even has a facebook under the same name. You should do more research into the missionary mindset of many Christians in the United States.

To this I point out two immutable tenets of cuckstianity that no sect can deny lest they not be christcucks; born a sinner, jesus returning.
christcuckery is fatally flawed, there is no getting away from it, you can pull a temporary move like hitler did but it's fleeting, the seeds of destruction always there to be pressed by the likes of jews. born a sinner flares up in a myriad of ways, all negative, all destructive, jews' sjw'ism and victim hierarchy are nearly indistinguishable from christcuckery's guilt & dysgenics beliefs. jesus returning has beget us jews being given the keys to the country, along with funneling billions with money drives to take from indoctrinated White christcuck sheep, through government handouts, using the us military as the israeli foreign legion, "us" foreign being jew polcy, the bulk of all the jew ailments we are enduring right now can be sourced to christucks bending over to let it happen, eagerly to do so, because the bumpkins think they're going to trick their would be all knowing god into coming early to kill everyone on earth so they can go be jebus in heaven. deranged indoctrinated foolish deadly. I see no parsing this out of cuckstianity, the viable solution to me is dumping this lethal death cult whole cloth, for natural healthy ethnic identity and traditions.


Retake South Africa and Rhodesia.
Deport all blacks from SA and Rhodesia to blackfrica.
Deport all blacks EVERYWHERE to blackfrica.
Fortify the borders.
Build vast nature preserves for the cool African wildlife in SA and Rhodesia (no nogs).
Quarantine blackfrica.
Shut off ALL the gibs to blackfrica.
Blacks will reduce themselves to a sustainable population.

Why not just wipe out all humanity except for a few Ethnic European caretakers (I honestly can't believe that you would suggest giving africa to any 'brown' people) and leave Africa to the fauna and flora? Why do you think that 'people' need to be in Africa at all?

Me laughing at the thought that you think that higher level christians aren't jewish zionists, wait; you think the pope is Ethnic European as well; and the 'queen' of England is 'European'…

0/10 irrelevant, the cult itself is fucked, doesn't need infiltration.

Africa is literally the most unoccupied landmass on the planet. There is seriously no reason, none, that they should be shuttling into established countries as they are. It is seriously a resource wonderland there. Speaks total volumes of how inept they truly are that they have such a gem of a landmass and have not raised a single world class city, town, county, any fucking thing in thousands of years.

The only solution to their overwhelming numbers is depopulation. Colonization would only be beneficial once our domestic problems are solved and our own populations are booming. The real issue is preventing China and India from grabbing half the continent for themselves. Needless to say, no real attempt to fix Africa could be made while the Jews are still pulling the strings.

Any decisions on what to do with the remaining people and their land should wait until after the overpopulation problem is solved.

The only reason the niggers can keep growing in population, is because western nations send them free grain. If that ends, they starve, end of fucking story.

Execute. Why the fuck would you risk having them invade Europa?

Africa is irrelevant.

Do need to keep jews, chinks, and poos from taking over the continent.

don't forget ANGOLA

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I think we should pray … we should pray to Ebola Chan and the larger spiritual power that she comes from.

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Retake the lands, create a future for white children.

Once the global economic collapse happens theyll all starve off. South Africa is white land though.

Your local church down the road has been sending money and resources to Africa for decades and ignoring struggling white families all the same. Call them out and shame them.

the US should stop feeding them

I improved your shitty map

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your pic is gay OP, get rid of the congo bantu niggers since that's where every nigger in America are descended from, then every nigger in middle africa gets the rope, only the Bushmen, the dark skinned caucasoids of Ethiopia, and the Chads are worthy of not getting purged

It's not just starvation that will cull the population if we cut off the gibs. When food become scarce, expect serious destabilization, civil wars, etc. Even more nigging than usual.
They'll kill each other for what little food remains while starving to death.
If you want to be humane about it, offer sterilization in exchange for food (so long as they haven't spawned any kids beforehand)


There is literally no reason not to worship Ebola-chan

Attached: Ebola-Chan a side view.png (2448x2448, 1.06M)

Oh no, MORE starvation and war in Africa, how horrible.
Pissing in an ocean of piss etc

As several anons have mentioned cutting off AID would collapse a good portion of their populations. But because of the Jewish media and leftist loonacy they’ll shove le starving apes in our faces and pull at the heartstrings of the lemmings.
The only real solution is creating a bio weapon that kills 99%+ of its victims. A pandemic that’s infected most of Africa would make it impossible for aid agencies and not even young your average leftist is stupid enough to import a deadly desiese that could kill them.
Any anons working in field of virology your time is now.

Genocide, you clueless fuck

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Ethiopians are useless like any other nigger.

Worse than that, most of the (((catholic))) churches are the ones hosting the "immigrant ally" bullshit.

Step 1: Remove ZOG worldwide NOW NOW NOW
Step 2: Finance a reconquista force of above average IQ blacks
Step 3: Positive eugenics with a CRISPR virus for all those left alive after the reconquista
Step 4: ????
Step 5: Good luck you lazy niggers

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To be fair, if you followed those steps, Step 5 is useless, because the lazy ones will have been mostly eliminated, and the higher IQ ones won't tolerate the lazy fuckers that are left.

enjoy the complete and utter death of europe then you fucking retard

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That is an excellent point! Bump for good long term planning. I hope you anons are actovating your almonds about short term action plans too. This is the summer.


fuck off with your generic as fuck semantics kike

Nigeria nigs are already working on their own civil war, unfortunatelly you should expect more refugees coming to your country to flee the Nigerian civil war between northen mudslime african nigs and souther cuckchristian nigs.

These words are true, cuckchristians are one of the biggest responsibles for sending aid to these apes and making them breed dozens of nigs that will artificially reach the adulthood thanks to all the free food and drinking water.

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Massively underrated post

Fighting words. The problem with this idea is that you expect to have such a large White army to be able to defeat such an incumbent religion with more than a billion members. Just like with fighting against Islam.

The first step to correcting the problem is understanding why it exsist in the first place. Africa's population has boomed because of white people. We went there and gave them technologies they couldn't have made for themselves. Things like roads and railways, math writing and even the fucking wheel. Add on to this all the charity these chimps get via first world countries. The only true solution i see in this problem is to wake the western world up to the reality of racial differences and the inherent tribal nature of mankind. once people realize that these aren't our kin well stop feeding them and they'll starve and get killed off by disease. look at Zimbabwa and soon to be South Africa. Tiny black populations before colonization. We build great things for them they take it over fail to upkeep the system and eventual death and starvation occurs.

to be fair there is one great reason these people are coming to the civilized world in masses. that's because we give them free shit (thanks Socialist) and it doesn't matter how much raw resorces they have in africa if they are to stupid to utilize them.

your silly. how on earth is original sin disgenic? Original sin is all about the idea that man is an imperfect creature so we must work to achieve perfection. Not through bending the knee to our inferiors but through enightenment and greater understanding of the world and it's natural laws.

((Who)) would want to change the subject about Africa?

Didn't that used to be called Gentleman's Guide?

Weird, it didn't.

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circa 300 yrs in the future:
South Africa belongs to the new Boers.
North Africa belongs to the new Celts/Romans.
Canaries belong to reanimated ancient Atlantean genotype.
Eastern Africa goes Islamic, to it's own detriment.
Sahara is mostly an empty buffer zone.

Eventually, over the course of the next three centuries, a combination of eugenics and genetic engineering will combine with inevitable market forces, bringing about the decline of the less-desired genotypes. Only a few black races survive this evolutionary process in Africa, and at that only in small numbers. Central Africa's explosive population growth directly results in a barely-managed population crash. Similar forces push Madagascar to become a world-ecopark under the administration of South Africa.

Chinese are too far removed from Africa to be able to steadily hold onto it in the face of all the racial conflict that the continent will experience. They have no stomach for the kind of conflict Africa will dish out. After extracting what they easily can, the Chinese will retreat from Africa as they turn their interests to space.

Africa, like much of the rest of the world, goes almost completely white within 300 years.

They should be killed and replaced by whites.

Why the fuck would we want to more ants, poos and sandniggers in the world?? The only things the first do is breed antibiotic resistant diseases and ruin the environment while sandniggers are a fucking plague in themselves. The less there are of them (preferably none) the better.

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Why divide it? What single benefit does it have for white people?

What the fuck? What kind of sick fuck wants whites mixed with niggers? Pic related.

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No. This planet must be claimed by the white man if he is to have a chance to survive the challenges of the cosmos.


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Huh? The food and medicine going to them come from governments, non-governmental agencies of all types account for less than 8% of the aid they get. They dump corn and antibiotics on them like no tomorrow. Cut off the direct foreign aid and they would starve to death within five years.

And if they try to rush Europe, water cooled machine guns can fire for weeks at a time as laboratory studies in the 70s proved.


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They'll have mass starvation and will go back to their natural levels when white help is cut one day.
They went from like, 3% to 30% of the population?

the treatment of animals by shitskins proves that they are demons without souls
nothing would be lost if they were removed from this earth

Trillions of dollars over more than 50 years has accomplished nothing. Sterilize the dumbest while leaving the smarter ones behind.

the way africa has been treated by christcucks is another perfect example of white suicide


Jewish desert cult

Masterrace creed

White people have conquered all sorts of shit in the past, including North America. We just need to stop being faggots, or more accurately kill all the kikes and have leaders who aren't faggots but order land to be seized.

Why do faggots like you always need to lie about everything? We were able to take it with fucking sailing ships and a fraction of the people we have today. It didn't even involve all of Europe.


Not really. If we have gotten our shit together we can just kill them. Poos are one step above niggers and everything about the chinks is fake. Their armed forces would fall to pieces if they ever tried using them.

This cuckoldry is fucking disgusting.

didn't say it was, work on your reading comprehension.

A ton of resources. They're just managed right now by inept jews and dumb niggers. "Smart" phones for example and other such electronics are heavily reliant on Africa's resources.

Instead of dumb niggers killing themselves to make 50 cents selling to the jew what the jew will resell for 50 dollars, just cut out the ebola-ridden middle men and give whites the resources.

Also, if could build a huge railroad through the continent could connect east and west through the Atlantic. That would cut down on pollution and traffic shipping shit from the far east to the west coast and then by rail/truck across the US. As well as streamline all export of those precious minerals out of Africa and into Europe and North America.

And undo a quarter million years of evolution? You are the dumb ass. Races exist for a reason.

Oh but they generally do better in sport activities which favour running and being big over thinking (like wide receiver vs quarterback).
Obviously natural selection is favouring sport ability of mental facilities and social interactions. That makes sense. On one day in the year that falls in April..

of mental -> over mental

Ye, nah. You don't understand Evolution if you're slinging around meme-phrases like "more evolved", nor do you understand sub-Saharan African physiology if you think they can be described as "being big".

it's a combination of medical and agricultural advances and poverty. they breed a lot because they are poor, but their children's mortality rate is dropping due to advances in medicine and farming. judging from the first world the best and least messy way to combat overpopulation in the third world is by elevating them out of poverty. i understand why they are doing what they do in africa, but it seems like a monumental task that has grown out of their control

How is this even a fucking question anymore? Jesus, the low-energy threads on this goddamn board are all over the place.

Discourage people from coming into the country, whether legally or not, by removing all the things that make low-merit immigration viable. Gibs of every type, low-pay jobs for high-end corporations, birthright citizenship, etc. This should be obvious for a multitude of reasons, and it would more immediately help the invasion of our southern border, but it is a necessary step for numerous problems, regardless, and should be one of the first taken as a result.

Make the major charities sweat by instituting laws and policies requiring more charity transparency and dictating that non-profit charities must use at least 95% of their donated income for actual charitable purposes. Making this retroactive to open investigation into all charities that support foreign countries, and punishing companies that have not complied in the past by openly publishing the results of their investigations publicly allows the general populace to begin making informed decisions about who they should and should not be donating to.

In fact, a complete overhaul of the 501.c charitable organization chapter should happen to discourage people from taking advantage of the status for various purposes, but that's an entire thread of discussion on its own.

It's well known to anyone that does the research that people who accept donations of money, land, food, equipment, etc., are more often than not greedy faggots who just take it and hoard it for themselves. Cutting ties with these people under the pretense that they will only receive aid if they share the wealth, and simply cutting ties entirely if they do, will ensure that the majority of them will go without simply because they cannot fathom the idea of charity.

Cutting ties entirely would be the best option, but taking a hard-line stance on the idea will get us 95+% of the way there while making us simply look realistic instead of "racist" when the Jew inevitably stops rubbing his hands together long enough to write an article painting the people in charge as horrible bigots who hate the black "minority".

Given the fact that ghouls are constantly tearing down any technology we give them, we should simply stop and say, "You can have this power transformer back when you stop breaking it so you can fry chicken in its oil. That stuff will kill you, and if taking it away is the only way to save your life, then so be it." Anyone with half a brain, presented the knowledge that this story is actually fucking true, would absolutely agree that allowing niggers access to dangerous chemicals through "technology" is only going to cause more problems than it solves, especially if you have to guard the transformers with weapons to keep them from using it.

Medical aid, on the other hand, is a touchy subject. Unless we outright isolate the entirety of nigger-infested Africa (possible, but unlikely), then certain outbreak diseases really do need to be contained and studied to ensure they don't impact the rest of the world. However, offering them bullshit charitable medical services only serves to boost the survival and fertility rates, compounding all of the problems we continue to see today. Leave them be, and allow them to their natural habitat, and things will eventually calm back down if they don't all go extinct from simply killing and eating everything to extinction.

Let them exist, but let nature take its course. They will one day be forced to evolve, or they will die out from natural disaster, but the time for charity to remedy man-made problems must stop. And make no mistake: their plight is entirely manufactured. The only solution is to cut ties, allow them to isolate themselves, and watch nature take its course.

TL;DR we don't have to do anything except stop all trade, secure borders and wait. >95% of their population would die within months because most niggers can't into self sufficiency.

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Stop sending aid there. Use the place for ressources and that's it. Don't do anything else, don't give them technology, don't ship them. Just leave them for themselves.
Africaniggers breed in masses because only few survive. Due to our western aid they don't die and thus overpopulate.

It really isn't rocket science.