Let's have a blood libel thread.
How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion
Let's have a blood libel thread.
How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion
Other urls found in this thread:
I thought Zig Forums was dangerous enough to warrant quality shills, not this tripe.
Have some resources on the matter. The seminal volume on the subject:
And a cited list of 2000 years of historical instances of this occurring.
We've already had this thread.
Yup, the reason the myth of vampires were created was because of blood libel. Jews are literally vampires.
>How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their (community behavior)?
Do Jews really kill other people's children deliberately, for some "Jew-centric" reason? Isn't that just an age old anti-Semitic trope?
The whole outrageous idea that Jews organize themselves and then kill other people's kids – that's only a canard… amirite?
a new thread every 15 minutes fuck off and die kikes
Fine thread, OP. We had one like this back during (((Passover))), but I don't see it in the archives. Regardless, have a kike-free bump, and kike-free YouTube video.
What i can't help but notice is that in almost all of the cases the church does nothing except make the child a martyr.
"Here all these children were tortured to death we made them saints and painted a few pictures of them, that's our work done."
It's almost as if the church doesn't give a fuck about the it's followers.
It's almost as if the religion is FOR them just like animal training is FOR cattle.
I'm starting to think that christianity is just sedatives for goym before sacrifice.
Nice try, Kike. Once the users of this board realize the Christianity is a wedge you are using to divide us, we will shoah your monkey ass (for real this time).
The last few years has really expanded this topic in general. It's clear that jews have included non-jews in their blood rituals. They even seem to have expanded the rituals to other disgusting acts as seen in the spirit cooking aspect of pizzagate.
Common (((mistake)))
I'm sorry but he's the son of Yahveh.
It's cute that you made him appear white and all and how the jews say they hate him and all,
but end of the day: HE'S A JEW.
You shouldn't just pick sides based on who the jews say they hate, because the jews are known to lie.
You should base 0% of your choices on what they say and who is their supposed "enemy".
Satan is nothing more than a servant of Yahveh.
They can all get fucked.
If there is indeed a divine creator he most probably has not made contact with humanity yet.
No more (You)'s, baitman.
Read the Apocrypha. Jesus was not the son of YHVH the demiurge but a child of Sophia - an angel of the allfather.
In fact the apocrypha states that Jesus was the true child of Sophia since he was created with her male counterpart instead of with stolen light from the all father like YHVH was
The Bible is merely another desert attempt at mapping out Yggdrasil, and of course desert people can’t properly comprehend angelic light.
Sorry, you were proven wrong every single day that you post here. Nothing you say matters.
"The Greek word a·poʹkry·phos is used in its original sense in three Bible texts as referring to things “carefully concealed.” (Mr 4:22; Lu 8:17; Col 2:3) As applied to writings, it originally referred to those not read publicly, hence “concealed” from others. Later, however, the word took on the meaning of spurious or uncanonical, and today is used most commonly to refer to the additional writings declared part of the Bible canon by the Roman Catholic Church at the Council of Trent (1546). Catholic writers refer to these books as deuterocanonical, meaning “of the second (or later) canon,” as distinguished from protocanonical.
These additional writings are Tobit, Judith, Wisdom (of Solomon), Ecclesiasticus (not Ecclesiastes), Baruch, 1 and 2 Maccabees, supplements to Esther, and three additions to Daniel: The Song of the Three Holy Children, Susanna and the Elders, and The Destruction of Bel and the Dragon. The exact time of their being written is uncertain, but the evidence points to a time no earlier than the second or third century B.C.E."
Right… i'll be sure to read this totally non-jewih book that explains how jesus is totally not the kike Yahveh's son.
Also this has been bugging me for a time now and i think it's time to say it:
If you had to create a religion for your mortal enemy to follow what would it be:
-never defend yourself and turn the other cheek
-always forgive those that do you wrong
-believe that trough suffering and death you're winning
-you are to get nothing good in this life, good only awaits you after you're killed by your enemies
Fuck, this user said the "code word" (rhymes with radishcock) and this board shall feel the haranguing of bots again.
Jews are nepotistic and help each other out because they need to stick together to survive. Goyim don't.
Does anyone have a pdf or download link of "Blood Ritual" by Philip De Vier? I can't find it anywhere.
Oh, its mr
O shit ya boy said it
Sorry, intl, but we always know you. You will never succeed here. You were already proven wrong.
No, I just think that Christianity is too far gone to be saved, and is now a weapon in the hands of our enemies.
And I still don't know how you Christians can reconcile Christianity with any form of racialism. Most Racial nationalists either don't care very much about Christianity (Hitler, and a lot of the NSDAP top brass, Rockwell) or actively despised it (Colin Jordan, Pierce, Rosenberg).
Holy shit, now thems some dead kids. None of that WhiteCap magazine-cover propaganda make-believe faggotry.
Herod and passover. It's literally in the bible, but the roles were (((reversed))).
Gourmet blood libel.
Oh, the good old days.
nice fucking argument you shill faggot
Macron wants to force the last remaining white french girls into barracks with shitskin males, to endure a month of torture and rape, and to pollute the genepool and breed whites out of existence. He wants to lock up white girls for a month, without any means of communication, and have them raped pregnant. This is what previous president (((Sarkozy))) wanted, when he talked about forced race mixing.
Prevent this, by any means necessary.
shit, I wanted to start a thread with this…
Friendly reminder that kikes are where vampire myths originated and that they have continually sacrificed children for (((power))) to their god (satan, molech, baal, yahweh, whatever you want to call it, same shit, different name)
Makes you wonder what really happens to blood donations. The qcumbers say that wen the truth comes out, 99% will head to the hospital. Is that because it's where (((they))) get their fix?
Child sacrifice in the form of abortion, as well. They can't even WAIT until the child is born, they go INTO the WOMB. Fucking UGH.
Pic, the jews celebrating.
Then why did he marry his WHITE granny-wife? Or is the marriage just a facade because he's a gay faggot and to also make pedophilia acceptable..?
Kikes ruined vampires for me. I used to like reading about them but now I can only think of kikes.
The sleeper must awaken.
Thanks for the link.
Read the OP. Their god only likes 2 types of gentile blood, and both are repulsive.
Not too long ago some black kid from my town went missing. The police thought he might have drowned but his father is utterly convinced of an abduction. Moloch is said to love two kinds of blood: circumcision blood and passover blood. The black kid in question got reported missing 12 March… only 5 days prior passover.
When I realized this, I started to believe his father.
One can guess that he won't reproduce with that old woman, why are they married than could be many reasons: money, political marriage, hidden gay stuff, maybe he is just a freak that is into old women, either of those is irrelevant considering what he is planning to do with young white french girls.
Great post. There are definitely versions of Christianity that de-emphasize those cuck aspects, but any sect that takes that shit seriously will inevitably go extinct.
The prolonged suffering and deaths of others gives them good fortune and energy, hence Palestine and Bolshevism. That recent Russian mall fire was blamed on jews.
A Russian businessman on Tuesday blamed the Jewish people for a tragic leisure complex fire in the Siberian city of Kemerovo that killed 64 people, 41 of them children.
The fire tore through the Winter Cherry shopping mall on Sunday, the first weekend of spring school holidays, trapping those inside. CNN quoted Russian investigators as saying the mall's fire exits were blocked and the alarm system had been turned off.
Two birds one stone, they get to genocide white babies and sacrifice millions to (((YHWH))) year in year out. Sick freaks. They probably use the dismembered baby corpses for all sorts of disgusting shit.
what? what is this implying?
Libel means false accusation. Blood libel doesn't exist. The correct term is ritual child murder.
This guy from the webm?
Here it is.
Not too long but dense with archives and sources for newfags on ancient and modern cases. It also covers kosher butchers, Kapparot(chicken swinging sacrifice), and this year's Passover sacrifice at the Siberian movie theater. ==F==
>silicon Vally start up financed by Amazon's (((Bezos))) sells young goyim blood to rich kikes.
(((They))) certainly control the plasma donation places poorfags go because the majority of kikes have genetic disorders due to thousands of years of inbreeding.
And last but not least, Pasque di Sangue; the irrefutable knockout punch.
July 17th is the 100 year anniversary of kikes sacrificing Tsar Nicholas II, his wife, and 5 kids on Tish'a'Bav in the basement of a prominent (((merchant's))) house. Pic 1 shows they had been planning it as a sacrifice since right after the Protocols were published.
OP is it fair for you to suggest that "Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children" to further some Jewish goal that's linked to their religion?
What evidence is there of anything like that?
bump for that one catholic saint who got the sainthood for being used in a ritual whatever his name was
Don't forget.
Simon of Trent
Did Nazis really kill Jews with gas deliberately, for some "Nazi-centric" reason? Isn't that just an age old anti-German trope?
The whole outrageous idea that Nazis organized themselves and then gassed Jews in showers - that's only a canard… amirite?
Thanks for the link
Reminder that jews also kill their own children. Remember that fucking illuminati kike who's entire family was burned in a house fire, killing 7 of 8 children, while he was away at a (((religious event))) on the sabbath
Sassoon is a very powerful illuminati/secret society family. he's very into kabbalah ie occult shit
Then they build a "memorial" on top the the location of ritual sacri- i mean the burnt house with 7 pillars to represent the 7 children…
and here he is just not giving a fuck that his 7 kids died in a fire talking about how he gets his strength by letting "god" take him over. Youtube link since I'm a newfag:
see this for another catholic saint, Saint Hugh of Lincoln.
It's perfect for devil worshippers, inversion of goodness:
Pure innocence in the form of an unborn child murdered in cold blood by the two kinds of people who represent love, care and healing, the mother and a doctor.
Info drop for fag op
Yes, you are right.