Christian threads always get shilled so much on here. Maybe because their is a board for it, but its pozzed af. As much as this whole chan is. But with that in mind i'm going to try to stick to purely historical evidence for Biblical truths.
The pic is some what related its mostly for half chan since PLVS VlTRA reaaaaaly loves to shill on there. It still hold the same truth of pozzed groups trying shill the white kids away from Christ.
Other urls found in this thread:
The best elements of Zig Forums lean Christian.
Nah, you're a cunt. Being disingenuous doesn't win the debate - it proves you're weak tbh.
You can't handle the truth.
I'll just add this: anyone so hated by the Jews that they say he is literally boiling in excrement in hell according to scripture is alright with me.
Jewish context framing. The full context of that quote is hitler lying to make a soldier feel better. He was answering a soldier who confessed that he felt he couldn't truthfully serve the third reich and also be christian.
You know nothing about history or theology, or even kikes. You don't belong here.
Yet another (((organic))) religious thread
How talmudic of you.
Brought to you by: JIDF
As the extreme nature of Nazi racial antisemitism became obvious, and as Mussolini in the late 1930s began imitating Hitler's anti-Jewish race laws in Italy, Pius XI was perturbed. In the 1930s, he urged Mussolini to ask Hitler to restrain the anti-Semitic actions taking place in Germany.[48] When the newly installed Nazi Government began to instigate its program of antisemitism, Pope Pius ordered the Papal Nuncio in Berlin, Cesare Orsenigo, to "look into whether and how it may be possible to become involved" in their aid. Orsenigo proved a poor instrument in this regard, concerned more with the anti-church policies of the Nazis and how these might effect German Catholics, than with taking action to help German Jews.[49]
Following the Anschluss and the extension of antisemitic laws in Germany, Jewish refugees sought sanctuary outside the Reich. In Rome, Pius XI told a group of Belgian pilgrims on 6 September 1938, that it was not possible for Christians to participate in anti-Semitism:"[54] "Mark well that in the Catholic Mass, Abraham is our Patriarch and forefather. Anti-Semitism is incompatible with the lofty thought which that fact expresses. It is a movement with which we Christians can have nothing to do. No, no, I say to you it is impossible for a Christian to take part in anti-Semitism. It is inadmissible. Through Christ and in Christ we are the spiritual progeny of Abraham. Spiritually, we [Christians] are all Semites"[55]
On 11 November 1938, following Kristallnacht, Pope Pius XI joined Western leaders in condemning the pogrom. In response, the Nazis organised mass demonstrations against Catholics and Jews in Munich, and the Bavarian Gauleiter Adolf Wagner declared before 5,000 protesters: "Every utterance the Pope makes in Rome is an incitement of the Jews throughout the world to agitate against Germany".[56] On 21 November, in an address to the world's Catholics, the Pope rejected the Nazi claim of racial superiority, and insisted instead that there was only a single human race. Robert Ley, the Nazi Minister of Labour declared the following day in Vienna: "No compassion will be tolerated for the Jews. We deny the Pope's statement that there is but one human race. The Jews are parasites."
In April 2009, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin publicly warned all Irish Catholics to brace themselves for the publication of the Ryan Report in May. This was a monumental investigation, named after Chairperson Judge Sean Ryan, begun in 1999 and concluded ten years later. Entitled ‘The Report of the Commission on Child Sexual Abuse’, it dealt in great detail within its 2,600 pages with clerical abuse reaching back to before the Second World War. The Commission’s brief was to investigate all forms of child abuse in Irish institutions for children. The majority of allegations it investigated focused upon the system operated in some sixty residential ‘Reformatory and Industrial Schools’ operated by Catholic Church Orders, more often than not run by the Christian Brothers.
The report should be made compulsory reading for the wide range of apologists not only for the current Pope, it is a truly shocking indictment. The report establishes that the system within these schools treated children ‘like prison inmates and slaves’ devoid of any legal rights. The report identified sub-human behaviour that repeatedly records beatings and rapes, subjection to naked beatings in public, being forced to perform oral sex, and even beatings after failed rape attempts by Christian Brothers.
Adjectives including ‘systemic’, ‘pervasive’, ‘chronic’, ‘excessive’, ‘arbitrary’ and ‘endemic’ are used by the Commission to describe the indescribable. Those apologists will search in vain for evidence that what occurred was perpetrated by a very small minority, although even one perverted degenerate would be one too many. It is clear from the details contained within this document that we are confronted with a widespread evil that went on year after year, decade after decade.
Not much comfort for the apologists is to be found in those conclusions. Indeed, as can be seen, although the area of investigations differed vastly from Justice Ryan’s epic investigation of industrial schools and orphanages, the evidence and the conclusions to be drawn from the respective reports have an overwhelming symmetry. As for the ‘learning curve’ pleading of ignorance, Archbishop McQuaid was dealing with such cases in the 1950s and 1960s. There have been bishops all over the world who have used this defence during the past thirty years. Any adult male – be he a bishop or a man in any other walk of life – who did not know long before this scandal became public knowledge that grown men having sex with children is wrong and insidiously harmful to children is either an idiot or a liar or both.
Non Angli, sed angeli – "They are not Angles, but angels". Aphorism, summarizing words reported to have been spoken by Gregory when he first encountered pale-skinned English boys at a slave market, sparking his dispatch of St. Augustine of Canterbury to England to convert the English, according to Bede.[76]
Their containment board is pozzed because Christianity is pozzed to the core. Even redpilled and radical Christians from Zig Forums are pro-miscegenation, pro-Israel and pro-open boarders. They just don't like Muslims and faggots that much so they think they belong here. They don't.
Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the Jews on behalf of God’s truth, so that the promises made to the patriarchs might be confirmed and, moreover, that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy. As it is written:
“Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles;
I will sing the praises of your name.”
Again, it says,
“Rejoice, you Gentiles, with his people.”
And again,
“Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles;
let all the peoples extol him.”
And again, Isaiah says,
“The Root of Jesse will spring up,
one who will arise to rule over the nations;
in him the Gentiles will hope.”
For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.
Why do whites defend this again?
Daily reminder this negativity is what helped kill cuckchan.
Thank you for failing to prove me wrong. Your misdirection as a failed rebuttal is a complete giveaway of your jewish nature.
Fuck off this isn't Zig Forums
the christian idea of salvation through jesus christ alone simultaneously denies the importance of race, sexual dichotomy, intelligence, physical health, aptitude, "virtue morality", and everything else that is not jesus christ/trinity.
europe largely did pretty well because europeans largely ignored those poisonous & evil christian ideas in favor of native european ideas, but advances in technology like the printing press resulted in the broader dissemination of these evil christian ideas, and that - combined with the disastrous results of World War II (reminder: Hitler persecuted Christianity) - led to present-day "late stage" christianity in society where racism is a sin and christian priests marry interracial couples in christian churches.
among other things, interracial cuckoldry is evil and your christian faith cannot change that.
mentally ill people who believe in an imaginary sky god that's easily proven to be the astrological allegory of the movement of the stars, and here you are crying oppression?
literal. fucking. fool.
can't imagine why you get attacked and trashed. i guess it's a mystery.
go away creepo spammer. we dont care about your child molester trading card pic set.
Pope Gregory I (c.540-604), also known as Gregory the Great, was influential in the formation of Catholic doctrine in relation to the Jews. He was responsible for a notable Papal Bull which spoke of a requirement for Christians to protect and defend the Jewish people, which became official doctrine.
"Protestants were complaining about Catholics worshipping the bones of dogs and animals," said Koudounaris. "One church had something they thought was the brain of St. Peter. It turned out to be a calcified potato."
You're right, and at least you are honest.
It is a Jew framing context.
It is mystifying therefore that the late Karol Wojtyla dismissed the clerical abuse of children as ‘an American problem’. Anyone who shares that level of self-delusion and therefore concludes, for example, that what confronted the Ryan Commission was first ‘an Irish problem’ should reflect that wherever the Christian Brothers went – be it Canada, Australia or elsewhere – they brought with them their version of Christianity, which included systematic brutality. The report contains forty-three conclusions and twenty recommendations. The former include:
Overall: physical and emotional abuse and neglect were features of the institutions. Sexual abuse occurred in many of them, particularly boys’ institutions. Schools were run in a severe regimented manner that imposed unreasonable and oppressive discipline on children and even on staff.
Physical abuse: the Reformatory and Industrial Schools depended on rigid control by means of severe corporal punishment and fear of such punishment, which permeated more of the institutions and most of those run for boys. Children lived with the daily terror of not knowing where the next beating was coming from.
Sexual abuse: sexual abuse was endemic in boys’ institutions. The schools investigated revealed a substantial level of sexual abuse of boys in care that extended from improper touching and fondling to rape with violence. Perpetrators of abuse were able to operate undetected for long periods at the core of institutions.
Gee who woulda seen that one coming?
Hitler said he only leans heavily christian because all pagans came across as larpy to him (they even did the viking thing back then) and some of them were running on Jewish money, so they seemed like a foreign subversion tool to him.
They were. They were perfect for sowing dissent in an otherwise completely christian nation, but we are long past that point. Most of the population in every western country is neither faithful nor christian any more and we cannot afford to cuck on what matters in real life to please your invisible friend. Anyone who demands you cuck on race because his iteration of the magic man in the sky says so, is either a delusional schizo, a kike or a degenerate. Aside from that, christians, you're a bunch of battered wives. Let's be realistic here. This glorified idol you pray to is either complete dogshit or has abandoned you over a hundred years ago.
I'm not making any statement either way on whether he's real, but if he is, he's fucking shit and not deserving of anyone's worship, let alone the only people that can take humanity to the stars. Your church is more of a tool for your extinction and a release valve for otherwise potentially racially conscious people who instead are deceived into thinking your magic man can solve their problems if they just go to church often enough and pretend the brown tide isn't there. What kind of god worth their salt lets his worshippers be chased down and cornered like that even after they do so much to please others and stay loyal to him?
Kikes and Muslims worship Moloch and look at where they are. Muslims get lots of toys to kill you and each other with and lots of freebies and space to reproduce. On top of that, they are given you, who are forced to provide all of the above, as free targets to have fun shooting, stabbing and raping to death with impunity and you have no legal way of fighting back. And kikes are in possession of every major corporation, are in charge of legislation in every country that has a central bank and have imposed laws, regulations and taxes that make founding and growing competitors to their business without selling your stocks to them an impossibility. I'd say the evidence points clearly at even the degenerate, baby-eating Moloch being either a stronger and more capable, or simply a better deity to worship than your Jehovah.
We demand freedom of religion for all religious denominations within the state so long as they do not endanger its existence or oppose the moral senses of the Germanic race. The Party as such advocates the standpoint of a positive Christianity without binding itself confessionally to any one denomination.
Article 24 of Hitler's National Socialist Programme of 1920 had endorsed what it termed "Positive Christianity", but placed religion below party ideology by adding the caveat that it must not offend "the moral sense of the German race".[138]
In Jan. 1934, Hitler angered the churches by appointing the neo-pagan Alfred Rosenberg as official Nazi ideologist.
Alfred Ernst Rosenberg (German: [ˈʀoːzənbɛɐk] (About this sound listen); 12 January 1893 – 16 October 1946) was a German[1] theorist and an influential ideologue of the Nazi Party. Rosenberg was first introduced to Adolf Hitler by Dietrich Eckart and later held several important posts in the Nazi government.
The author of a seminal work of Nazi ideology, The Myth of the Twentieth Century (1930), Rosenberg is considered one of the main authors of key National Socialist ideological creeds, including its racial theory, persecution of the Jews, Lebensraum, abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles, and opposition to degenerate modern art. Unlike most other Nazi leaders, he is known for his rejection of and hatred for Christianity,[2] having played an important role in the development of German Nationalist Positive Christianity.[3]
In January 1934 Hitler had appointed Rosenberg as the cultural and educational leader of the Reich.[35][36] The Sanctum Officium in Rome recommended that Rosenberg's Myth of the Twentieth Century be put on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (list of books forbidden by the Catholic Church) for scorning and rejecting "all dogmas of the Catholic Church, indeed the very fundamentals of the Christian religion".[37]
Hitler awarded the first State Prize for Art and Science to the author of The Myth of the Twentieth Century. The official document accompanying the prize "expressly praises Rosenberg as a 'person who has, in a scientific and penetrating manner, laid the firm foundation for an understanding of the ideological bases of National Socialism.'"[5]
On 22 March 1942, the German Bishops issued a pastoral letter on "The Struggle against Christianity and the Church".[69] The letter … accused the Reich Government of "unjust oppression and hated struggle against Christianity and the Church"
The letter outlined serial breaches of the 1933 Concordat, reiterated complaints of the suffocation of Catholic schooling, presses and hospitals and said that the "Catholic faith has been restricted to such a degree that it has disappeared almost entirely from public life" and even worship within churches in Germany "is frequently restricted or oppressed", while in the conquered territories (and even in the Old Reich), churches had been "closed by force and even used for profane purposes". The freedom of speech of clergymen had been suppressed and priests were being "watched constantly" and punished for fulfilling "priestly duties" and incarcerated in Concentration camps without legal process. Religious orders had been expelled from schools, and their properties seized, while seminaries had been confiscated "to deprive the Catholic priesthood of successors".[70] The bishops denounced the Nazi euthanasia program
idea: can europeans NOT worship jewish demons?
We should try convert people to zoroastrainism. The religion which (((they))) ripped off. The ancient Persians worshipped it.
Apparently he didn't get the memo from Polydoros that "If you adopt your enemy's religion, you are enslaved."
Moloch is dead. Kek took care of that.
Problem is that Malek (The original deity whose corruption by the Jews became known as Moloch) was a pretty cool guy, no lie. He was a favorite among hard workers all over the place.
In what sense is being a christian not the same as adopting a Jew's religion? In fact, it's even worse, because you're opting for the goy edition that's dumbed down for the slaves.
Gods die when they are lost and forgotten. Kek was once dead and yet he came back. And Moloch is still very much alive and will be forever if you fags don't pull yourselves together, stop putting faith over your survival, take back this world and chase down every last one of those kikes real fucking soon.
I was referring to all (((Abrahamic))) religions when I posted that quote.
It's funny that Zig Forums gets upset at pedo priest when this would have been the norm in ancient Greece.
Also, I find it ironic that you use the phrase "Kike on a stick" when kike came about because of the hate the Jews have for Jesus Christ.
All the more fitting. The word kike is yiddish. Jesus is jewish. Jews made jesus. Jesus is a kike, a kike on a stick.
Stay kvetching, schlomo.
Wrong, there's no difference between the old testament and the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible. The true difference is that the Jews have a set of books that are said to be the oral law called the Talmud. They use the Talmud to reinterpret the old testament in ways meant to discredit Christianity.
Kek no it wasn't, try harder
Wrong it's based on the yiddish word for circle, kikel because only a kike would use a "o" instead of a "x".
This is true for he is a decedent of David who was half jew and Ephraim and was a citizen of the province Judea for he can fit both definitions. Though Jesus shouldn't be boiled down to only his mortal qualities.
Wrong, God made/is Jesus and his convenient was meant to bring the Tribes of Judea and Israel together after failing to remain loyal to the original they made to God. The Jews would go on to reject the new convenient and Jesus as seen by the crucifixion and the creation of the Talmud.
Though kike is a slur for jew it would be inappropriate to use it for Jesus Christ for part of the slur is the fact the kike hates Jesus Christ.
I explained the kike part but the stick is just a derogatory misrepresentation of a cross use for crucifixion.
Pederasty wasn't a thing now? I can agree that we should hang pedo priest like any other pedo but there's no such thing as moral/ethical support for the practice in Christian theology.
First off full disclosure in interest of fairness: I’m not a Christian and I’m actually hostile towards Christianity as a concept for the same reasons most WNs are. I don’t tolerate Jews or libshits attacking Christianity though since they are just using it as a proxy to attack Europeans. That being said, discussing Christianity as it relates to the west and to us is fine here IMO, whether it’s to praise it, criticize it or just speculate. What you want OP, “historical basis for biblical truths” probably is off topic for this place as we don’t really discuss religion or history here beyond its relation to us since this isn’t a religion or history board. Polite sage. I’m not trying to be a dick.
Well my point of contention with christianity is that it seems to be a driving factor for both literal and metaphorical boomers submerging themselves within kosher political confines and never stepping out of it
Overall, it can all be summarized as:
And thus there is no difference in my eyes between marx-inspired leftist doctrine and christ-inspired right wing doctrine. Same shit, different kike.
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up for me too. Spiritually it never meshed with me but maybe it does fit some people and that’s okay, to each their own as long as you’re still on my team if the bullets start flying. My issue isn’t with white nationalist christians unless they attack other white religions or lack thereof but even then it’s an in-family dispute and we will settle it that way; we don’t have to agree but we share common ancestors and a common destiny so we still care about each other. My problem is with white Christians who take the biblical verses in a way that just happens to match current year zeitgeist, to destroy the West, to support liberalism and to elevate non-whites. This might be due to christianity’s universalist nature or just current year. The question is can you be a nationalist and still follow a universalist religion? That isn’t for us to say here, that’s for our descendants to figure out after we’ve made damned sure that they have a safe place to figure it out in.
Why is it the Majority of First World Countries are Christian Based, yet the Majority of Third World Countries are Muslim Based? The 600+whatever year head start is not an acceptable answer… pic related
Based in Nice. (White Hat, Long Game)
Based in Not Nice. (Black Hat, Short Game)
Black Hat; wants the land the Rancher is on because the Train is coming through, rides in, rapes and kills all ranchers animals, holds ranchers family at sword point, makes rancher sign over deed, rapes and kills ranchers immediate family, gets property. (Extended family of rancher holds grudge)
White Hat; wants the land the Rancher is on because the Train is coming through, rides in, romances the ranchers daughter, befriends rancher son, builds a school in ranchers wife's name, inherits property.
the owner of j8chan is a nice FAKE
Im sorry, I really am. I really am sorry
As a Christian I have a lot of concern about the pacifism, the misinterpretation of "My kingdom is not of this world" and "Better for me to die converting other people/races than for them to be condemned to hell", among other things. The further misinterpretation of "Thou shalt not kill" and the overextension of the Shepard and Sheep flock metaphor and lastly the Wait For The Lord's Return and its new heresy of "Let's create/allow the conditions of misery and destruction and Armageddon so that our Lord can return and bring us to Heaven" combined with a huge meme that just won't die in the USA, the (Pre-Tribulation) Rapture, makes me very worried about Christians' commitment to change and improve anything.
A huge reform is necessary, many other younger right-leaning Christians I know agreed with me on this, but in the process it will barely resemble Modern Christianity and plenty of SJW churches will declare us heretics or worse.
That's my gripe with Christianity as well. Shills crawling here from their containment board always gloat about how Christianity is the best weapon against the kikes but in reality that's nothing but wishful thinking backed by no evidence whatsoever. All the major denominations from Catholicism, through Protestantism and Orthodoxy to Mormonism are pro-Zionism, pro-miscegenation, pro-open borders, and anti-White. Everyone of them. It was always like that. Even in the past Christian clergy was always corrupt and extremely pro-Jew. Even during the Middle Ages we have church authorities shielding Jews from prosecution and inviting them into Europe. There were no Jews living on British Isles, Germany, Poland or in Scandinavia before Christianity. There was seldom any Jews anywhere else in Europe before the advent of Christianity as well. Even Zig Forums is full of cucks and Zionists. They come here first and foremost to proselytize. They know we try to fight Jews whenever it's possible and we don't take kindly to niggers either. They adapt some of our views to blend in better, but the moment they no longer have to pretend they are one of us, they drop any Zig Forums approved talking points and go back to their original kosher programming. Christians never address any criticism. They don't want to talk about why the church is so anti-White and pro-Jew or how to solve the problem of gigantic birthrates in Africa. All they can do is bury their heads in the sand, say: X is no real Christianity and spam the thread with their waifu (drawn by a fucking gook from South Korea nonetheless).
Fuck all christ cucks to death
The Eucharist or sacrament rituals are LITERAL FUCKING SPIRIT COOKING and COMMUNE WITH A DEAD KIKE
Let's talk about it.
KEK is actually far far superior to Christ. It's chaos magic, not magick which is Crowley Christian occult satanism. It allows people to fight against black magick which comes from the (((Christian/Islam/Judiasm/Communism))) industrial complex. It's racial because he was a white Egypt genesis myth and reborn through white nationalists during a time when they were discovering their Ancient Aryan ancestry. It's nature because there is no fake spiritualism to it.
KEK is more real than (((Jesus))) because the miracles actually work and there is reasoning behind it. The true Logos of Heraclitus symbolism.
Also any Christkike posting KEK is really practicing wizardy and shouldn't be allowed to.
Actually it's more than likley the lowest IQ anons who get good threads like history of race anchored by Imkikey who is very pro-Russian Orthodoxy for some reason.
Christians have been the biggest enemy to Zig Forums since the beggining. The first shills, even before Jews found out about this place. They also have no ability to adjust to new ideas and want to keep things the same:
You know that's the dumbest fuck anons here.
Although Christians are good for pedogate stuff so that's at least one thing they've been really helpful with.
I have the Bible, it never says a word about the trinity. Sounds like the churches preaching trinity are making things up to disguise poor behavior.
proof jesus was white?
The jews are determined to kill us all.
Get it before it's inevitably removed by jewtube yet again
go forth and multiply, my son.
Christ is great. He pissed of the kikes and saved us all. No point dwelling on it, though, when there is memetic magic to be crafted.
The middle east was always white (mainly neolithic farmer with mixture of aryan and indo-european) prior to the arab invasions of 600 AD
We a Zionist and the Roman kikes preferred being Roman shills. Until Paul came and made Jesus into a Commie. Christians were Paul's religion
t. true story of Christianity.
He was a Zionist. Jesus came for the children of Israel only and says this.
Jesus = Zionism
Paul = "Christianity", a totally new faith and proto-Communism
Jesus = Zionism
Paul = "Christianity", a totally new faith and proto-Communism
Jesus = Zionism
Paul = "Christianity", a totally new faith and proto-Communism
Jesus = Zionism
Paul = "Christianity", a totally new faith and proto-Communism
Jesus = Zionism
Paul = "Christianity", a totally new faith and proto-Communism
Jesus = Zionism
Paul = "Christianity", a totally new faith and proto-Communism
Jesus = Zionism
Paul = "Christianity", a totally new faith and proto-Communism
Just because you don't like something doesn't make it evil. Worshiping your flesh, however, absolutely is an evil act that will only distance you from God and from Truth. Of course race-worshiping degenerates on Zig Forums can't understand Christ's message- because they have already rejected Him through their desire to create their own heaven on Earth.
a jewish con artist tricked a bunch of stupid goyim into thinking he could turn water into wine with some sleight of hand.
Paul was the "Christianity" group and he killed Jesus's follower.
Except Jews were always Jews and never White. It's even worse when White Christians like to pretend they are in fact the real Jews. How deluded and brainwashed one has to be to find pleasure and pride in being a Jew. All the followers of Jesus and he himself were brown-skinned kikes and there's no going around it. His followers were one of the most zealous Jews out there, still butthurt about Romans destroying the Second Temple and crushing any Jewish armed resistance with relative ease. After all why would Pharisees be discussing Mosaic Law with a non-Jew? That knowledge was for Jews only.
Good video, user. Of course, it doesn't fit the narrative so some might try to ignore and avoid it.
The Second Temple was destroyed around the year 70 AD. At least 37 years after Jesus Christ's death and resurrection.
The Pharisees were debating Jesus because they were trying the ancient method of the 'gotcha', they wanted to catch Jesus on some technicality, mistake or mild misinterpretation in order to discredit him. They never were able to defeat this man from Nazareth, far from the Jewish power base of Jerusalem. So, they do what they always do: They get other people to kill him.
What proof do you have of this? I've never heard this angle before from anyone, speaking as a Christian whose family was deeply affected by German rule during that time. They were left completely alone, in fact the first years of occupation the Germans behaved exceedingly well and only went after some fugitive Jews after a few years (probably the same who were performing terror attacks).
They killed him because Jesus was preaching a heretical version of Judaism. Jesus denounced the rich Pharisees and promised the Earth to the meek and the poor plus his overall disagreement on how the Mosaic Law should be applied. That was a big no-no. The real Christianity kick-started decades later with Saul Tarsensis and his followers who were bootyblasted about Romans ruling Judea. That was the plan B after the Great Jewish Revolt failed. Christianity spread primarily among slaves, women and disfranchised masses. It promised salvation to the poor and upheaval of the rigid social order of the Roman State. Just like Marxism of today is spread among women and the poor, especially in the crowded cities. Country folk remained true to their native faith for far longer. The word Pagan comes from paganus meaning "villager". Like today it was progressive cities versus the rural conservatives.
Yeah, that's not working out in your favor, this reminds me of where I was many years before Zig Forums, filterman tier at best.
It can definitely be debated whether Paul of Tarsus was sincere in his conversion and whether what followed was proto-Marxism or not - This does of course not in the slightest take away from Jesus Christ. A reform of Christianity that takes away everything post-Christ could be an interesting solution but how would that come about, let alone how would that look like?
I think it could be very productive to have focussed brainstorming discussions on such a reform, ensuring that it is compatible with our overall goals so that we can ease Christians into allies and friends rather than be at odds at eachother always, yet another tension point for the Jews to use to weaken us to irrelevancy.
I'm sorry, are you mentally ill or something?
This isn't a christcuck board, and never will as been. Based on the redpill of the JQ. Christcucks still believe there is such a thing as a good jew. Until they renounce this lie they will forever be kike's slaves. There is a more overwhelming truth out there about the white man's heritage, but you must first disavow the lies you've been feed your entire life by the jews before you can see it.
Hitler believed persecution of religion only hardened their resolve, so he left it alone. If it was good it would survive, if it wasn't, it would wither.
He believed it would wither though.
Christian Preacher vs. Rabbi — pretty telling.
Reforming Christianity is a pointless endeavor and we don't have the luxury of time and resources to do that. At its core it's still a universalist, missionary faith of Jewish origin. We don't need that Semitic baggage in our lives. Besides, it's a dying religion among Whites. Christianity mostly gains new followers in Africa, Latin America and in Asia. Evan nowadays the majority of Christians are not White already. Whites want a faith of their own. They don't want to share their spirituality with niggers, spics and gooks and that's exactly what Christianity is today.
No man is higher than God and if we are made in His image should not we all have the same ability to find salvation in Him? Do you think by virtue of your blood that you can achieve higher greatness than he who created you? As a general rule, I am distrustful of Jews, and I am also careful around blacks, and I don't particularly like my country being flooded with Hispanics, but on the individual level we all have the same ability to seek God and become Brothers in Christ. This is possible without the destruction of our sovereignty, and without the worship of the false "Jews" currently occupying Israel. We must put aside the childish notion of racial superiority, which leads to self-worship, and humble ourselves with the Truth, if we want our land to be found righteous in the eyes of God.
Nothing brings out the frothy tardrage of jews and their edgelord brainlet golems like the name "Jesus." You can just smell the tangy stench of unwashed Matrix dusters and lard roll sweat for miles around. You can hear the moronic gibberish of an nigger brain loser assuring everyone that a dimwit who couldn't pass high school biology can into muh hurr durr jewish science textbook durr durr! Enjoy those many, many, many days and nots pulling on your lonely, tiny dicks to japanese pixels while you can, you ugly freaks – your day is coming, and it will be glorious to behold.
The problem is that at this time, Whites are not offered any alternative rather than full-on hedonistic degeneracy. If we are to provide an alternative, we have to get past thousand(s) of years of ideas, writing, culture and perhaps will need to remove so many old architectural structures that it will mean removing our history as a whole, giving way for the Rootless Cosmopolitan ideology.
Hence, I believe it will be required to find a common ground, a reformation that takes over rather than being forced into a Chinese Cultural Revolution.
I’m not sure what part of ‘use the catalog’ is unclear to you newfags, but you really need to stop not using it before posting.
Some of those people aren't even Jews for example Paul the Apostle was from the tribe of Benjamin.
did you miss this post?
that is why we should worship a dead jewish rabbi as a god, right?
How is to live in the 1918? Racism and Nazism are still allowed?
They don't know they have bought into Jewish propaganda and are good goys
Religions aren't really that different. Christianity Jesus is the Age of Pisces.
The fish symbol of christianity or the broken infinity (like this site's logo).
Hitler kind of prematurely imitated the next age (cycle riding) which means he tried to harness the cyclical exaltation of the upcoming Age of Aquarius during his time though the timing was luckily incorrect (he thought black sun is to aquarius while leo's sun is the burning sun).
The symbolisms represent the age. We live in the new current Age of Aquarius. Often represented as The Star in the Tarot and similar with the cup/jar and flowing/falling water (star and its trail). Since it is opposed to the leo/sun it means this is a true dark age (not black sun Hitler, but it is the night sky which is the opposite of sun/day = star/night).
This is the turning point of ALL life which means the opposite of the Age of Leo in the astral wheel.
There is no "chosen one" but there is always "chosen many"
Follow your uncontrolled will. Free will. You can choose yourself to be but that is if you will it be.
How long is this new era we are entering and where can I learn more?
For as long as 2000 years though it already started.
I'd guess there would be another year reset.
Listen to the messages of the cosmos.
All you need is to notice and be aware and awake.
got any PDFs of that?
(((1st post)))
lmao nice meme u fucking (((christcuck))) faggot
the NSDAP aka the Thule Society were all pagan "occultists"
Kahzari peoples are not Israeli, the True Israelis and the Semites spread through out the middle east. They excluded themselves from being "jewish" because they saw how some of their heritage actively killed God. Also constantly waring peoples and over the 3 Abramhamic religions didn't help either. The 2nd temple was destroyed and so goes with proof of any Rabbis lineage.
The Star of Zep>>11799825
hariah was never a Israeli symbol>>11799811
The Way the Orthodox Church is set up it can never be truly pozzed world wide. Each Patriarch only has power over his metropolitan.
Unfortunatly the Catholic Church has been subverted since its creation in 1057. The Normans that started the Templars, Mafia, Assassins, and all the other top top cults of the Jewish Masonic ideal created the tension and wanted to force the Patriarch of Rome to have "infallible" power. Pluss the Catholic bank has been jewish owned since the 1860's
Any prot Church is subjective beyond comprehension. Some do activley seek out to kick out jews and homoseculars. But they don't have any traditions to the traditions unfortunately.