Why is the

Why is the
meme so popular here? Surely you don't actually believe that (((they))) would be able to dominate they market as they are doing now if they were on a level playing field?

Attached: jew.jpg (758x530, 38.6K)

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Because when companies outsource their labor department to third world shitholes that is the free market at work. Interdependance with 70 iq nigger nations is a death sentence for us and makes us unable to act as a sovereign nation should.

They wouldn't need to if we got rid of minimum wage laws.

So you can pay your fellow white men half a shekel a week for back breaking work? Why don't you just fuck off out of here you greedy faggot

Hmm, I wonder.

It is a meme because it started when watering beer was no longer a death sentence for an inkeeper. Now we're in a stage where banks get free money for failing.

It's not the concept itself; it's the lack of accountability and punishment for fucking up. The free market would work like a charm again if the minimal accounting for racketeering, corruption and swindlers was done. You game the system, you go to jail for a long time, simple.

Free markets should only be for within an ethno-nation's borders and assuming that all subversive anti-nation companies are destroyed.

Global free markets are insanity. 90% of the world population are shitskin subhumans. Giving them jobs and livelihoods so they can breed is not what we need. It's the reason the US has an angry underclass of niggers and spics, and why the Boers' most fatal mistake in South Africa wasn't genociding all the niggers on day 1.

Muh cheap labor is NOT how you run a country. Look up some National Socialism 101 and come back.

>Surely you don't actually believe that (((they))) would be able to dominate they market as they are doing now if they were on a level playing field

They'd already have their accumulated wealth from before, so yes. It's not a level playing field unless you confiscated all the wealth (commie shit), and then afterwards started a free market, so it was a free market starting from zero. Then they'd lose. The problem is that free markets eventually promote globalism due to the desire for cheap goods and cheap labor, and so even white businessmen become kike puppets that way. That's what happens when the nation refuses to exert direction. Socialism is terrible, but so is unregulated capitalism, because almost by definition free market capitalism is anti-nationalist capitalism, as it is free from nationalist constraints. It will allow the top capitalists to turn traitorous, even after getting rid of all the kikes. In fact, that's why it's fundamentally jewish.

The best economic system therefore is a capitalism that is regulated not by muh equality and the needs of welfare parasites like the left wants, nor a "free" market dictated by globalizing incentives, but one in which anyone can freely start a business, and taxes are low, but there are tight controls as businesses get bigger in order to make sure the economy stays fundamentally nationalist.

>national socialism

I wouldn't even call it a free market at that point, except in the most loose way that gives a false impression. I think we should start promoting an idea of the nationalist market as a term. If nationalism is an entire worldview and not some scattered random policies, then nationalism itself should have its own economic assumptions that are distinct from classical liberal capitalism (kiked free trade with no central animating idea), modern prog capitalism (kiked bailouts, welfare, and debt) and socialism (no property and state run stagnation).

I don't know why we even really need to use terms like "national socialism" or "national capitalism" now. Fair enough in Hitler's time, but they create more confusion then they are worth now, and so we should promote the idea that just plain "nationalism" inherently has a nationalist economics (not a "capitalist" or a "socialist" economics) focused on production and enterprise but also loyalty and a common struggle. Indeed, when Hitler used the term "socialism" that's what he meant.


well, they don't have to follow the rules, user
they don't have to give people their due pay, they can practice usury, they can blackmail people into doing stuff for them
the list goes on and on

Because it's a fact. Free market ideology was invented by Jews.

as an addendum, they who say thay are Jews, and are not, are the synagogue of satan, and they have that entire synagogue on their side
which can be used to strongarm people into doing their bidding, including giving them money, or forcing other people to give them money

Because the free market don't give a shit about it's people and it's effect on the people's lives. Hence why shitty fucking traitors can move production outside the nation, so that nobody has a worthwhile job anymore.

Treating trade like a science is the ultimate kikery. Independent patriarchs trading their own produce with each other doesn't require complexities. White neighbors do trade with a handshake and cool drink. Only scheming of mudskins requires "economics," and scheming is jewish to the core.

As usual, the idea could work if 100% of the world was White. This is one of the key mistakes made, expecting the rest of the world to think, act and be the same as us.

It's a twofold execution of divide & conquer, as well as levying some pretty harsh truths nonetheless.

Firstly, there's the idea that anything to do with economics is "jewish" - this is pushed by shills who want to de-legitimize any arguments Zig Forums might otherwise make about the faults within a particular economic structure. Obviously it doesn't de-legitimize the arguments to the average Zig Forums user, because most people don't care and probably agree that jews control most form of banking (and thus economics) to begin with. The thing is, it's a mask that people use in order to push away anybody else who might be rational but aren't particularly "anti-semitic". It conveniently fits the narrative of
and so otherwise fine arguments are completely ignored, and may even become associated with the idea of anti-semitism itself in order to push otherwise rational people away. It's actually a pretty large, ongoing scheme in order to radicalize Zig Forums - the previous moderation team were implicitly involved in solidifying this narrative as well.

Secondly, though, it's pretty true. While in of itself the idea of a free market doesn't lend itself to inherently supporting an existing power structure, it doesn't exactly stop it, either. It's basically isolated economic anarchy - and anarchy merely leads to a power vacuum, which then leads to a new power structure taking place (even if it's not directly stated to be as such). However, if a vacuum of power is created, who do you think will seize this power? Obviously, those who have the greatest might to begin with. When you're forced to live in chains and starved for the vast majority of your life, becoming free of those chains and being placed into an arena won't give you a good chance to immediately fight those who chained you to begin with. It's like saying you could take on the Roman Empire upon being pitted against the lions in the Colosseum.

Instead, you must free of your chains of eternal debt and be able to strengthen yourself against those who would happily see you starve to death. You must become the lion. And tear the shit out of everyone.

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there is no "free market" when (((they))) write the financial rules.

judenfrei is the only economic model I support.

wtf I love open borders and usury now

No one says the free market is Jewish. Western capitalism is Jewish.

The free market is an instrument to create wealth and allow optimal freedom. If you let people engage in commerce with each other and pursue whichever career they like with minimal government interference, people are happy and the economy functions well.

The issues with capitalism identified by the NSDAP were

In response the NSDAP

As a result, the free market after as a tool to accomplish the ends of granting individual freedoms and wealth creation/efficiency.

An new concern today related to usury and central banking that the NSDAP did not have to face, is the way in which fractional reserve banking expands/reduces the monetary supply organically creating market bubbles and then bursting them.


Geee its almost like its a detriment to 99% of the country.

So far right now, it's (((free market)))

Tearing down financial barriers to outside interests is literally the first thing about jews. Fuck you and your basic bitch libertarianism kike.

they freely print as much money as they want
it is the only real undefeatable magical superpower in the world

Nationalism and social conservatism are incompatible with an absolutely free market.

It's not. The vast majority of the masses are lemmings that would gladly trade their future with illusory pleasure in the present, and shut out all thoughts like white genocide that would 'make them unhappy'.

He was clearly referring to why truth is so popular here on Zig Forums, not society in general. I don't think you'll find anyone here making the argument that truth among the lemmings is fashionable when it clearly isnt

As with everything, there should be a balance.
Stopping shit like outsourcing labor to the third world is a must. However you're a tankie who jerks off over central planning, get the fuck out of here.

>>>Zig Forums

Free market economics is the ultimate red pill. It goes against the very core of the leftists/jewish teachings. It's hard to swallow this pill because you need to rebuild all your knowledge about daily life and interactions.
Also the left/jews used the usual tactics of giving a new meaning to words and it did very well in this instance.
They managed to make people associate "free market" to things like "low wages", "more rights for corporations", "no safety measures on the job", etc etc
It doesn't help that there are supposedly pro free market institutions like the heritage foundations that also push for calling "free market" things that aren't free market at all.

In reality free market is against corporations and it's something corporations always push against. You must understand that when a free market is in place, things like "limited liability" for corporate drones disappears, and since you can enter the market freely any corporation must face a lot of competition and give good services. Another positive thing is that with free market you can find the way to express your ubermensch much faster and easily.
Today before you can work you have to get certifications, licenses, authorizations, etc all things granted by the leftist/jewish establishment.
So before you can work, you have to suck a lot of circumsized cocks.
Instead in free markets you can just work and find if you are good at something or not, and people are free to choose you over the jew because you are good, and not forced to give money to the jews.

Also you know how in many societies in the past only jews could lend money? This story is always told as if it was something the jews didn't like. In reality the jews loved being the only ones allowed to lend money, because they could practice usury and have a forced monopoly on the market (not a monopoly due to the quality of services). They had no competition and could make a lot of money. Instead if everyone could have been allowed to lend money, the interest rates could've been really, really low since there would've been a lot of competition.

There is so much I could say, but honestly I think you have to put the work at a certain point if you want to find the truth about economics. Hans Hermane Hoppe and the catholic Tom Woods are good starting point for our times, I think. Don't be put off by the fact that they're not autistic speglords who hate society and don't take part in it. Listen to the message, understand and see what is compatible with your morals or not.
But STOP being a huge faggot and still believe to the leftist jewish version of free market. It's like believing in the jewish version of WW2. Yeah, you get a lot of praise from your peers, but you're so far from truth you look like a faggot in the eyes of those who know.
Good luck.

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This term is not restricted to queer college commies you know. It's convenient to use to refer to USSR fanboys.

Just call them communists, faggot.

Free market concept is fine if to addition to that you treat countries as partnerships and citizens as stakeholders. But effectively you lost your shares and became not owners but sheep who produce product and have no say in the country-corporation deeds. Its the main source of people's suffering. "Their" countries are not their anymore.

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They are never on a level playing field because they work as a tribe. Simple as that.

I am pro-barter within the national borders. I am also pro-barter for commodities when possible.

If my "fellow white man" is low-skilled he should be paid low.

Why did you put quotations around fellow white men? Do you not believe white men to be your fellow kin? Greed and throwing working class whites under the bus is the reason were currently facing extinction

Both adherents to the Jewish ideology of libertarianism.

They don't need to now. They choose to.

at least they are the biggest proponents see Mises, Rand and Rothbard for example

No, they invented the ideology.

Yeah let's conflate college commies who cry communism hasn't been tried yet and Stalin fanboys into one group. It's fun to do so to annoy the latter but they're nowhere near the same.
The latter even frequently visits here in a poor attempt to gaslight us and tell people communism was fun because it had "traditional values" and kept immigration to a minimum (ignoring the fact that everyone had traditional values at the time it was established, lack of immigration was a consequence of general restriction of movement anyway and the fact no one wanted to live in communist countries, and the fact that Western Europe didn't have floods of migrants until the 90s, well after communism).

Hoppe is a more of a fascist in libertarian clothing. He and his ilk seem to admire Pinochet and his regime and want his system of government implemented in the West.

shut the fuck up kike
there is no such thing as free markets, kill yourself immediately (((capitalist))) faggot

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pinochet was a mossad plant and he destroyed the country you lolberg newfag

I agree. I'm just saying that's what they believe.


you are fucking braindead
it was literally invented by kikes to trick plebs like you into getting raped by (((international financiers)))

Free market dont exist, its a fairytale on the same level has the holocaust
Everything is regulated subsided tolled and taxed there is a not a single service or product the government dont have their tentacles in.

When you hear someone talk about the free market with a straight face - you know hes a moran

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u wot

A free market always becomes subverted. Kind of like if there are no laws people will murder each other until someone decides to group up and enforce laws. A vacuum must be filled. If we have a free market then mr merchant will hire illegals for 1 dollar per hour. If you pass laws to limit immigration then you have regulated the labor market/regulated markets. Regulation arises naturally when shitheads try to fuck over their neighbors or merchants try to extract more value from the gentiles.

This. A free market, one without a single rule, is an impossibility that will harm the folk unless you are able to identify and kill every single selfish person. Otherwise there must be some sort of rules and regulations. Arguably even getting rid of evil people can be considered regulating the market.

A good and healthy market is thus not a free market but a well regulated market where the governing body does no bog down either the state or companies with bullshit rules but which also does fear stamping out predatory greed by forceful means.

As such the "free market" is simply typical jewish pillpull which pushes all the blame for evil done by kikes onto the goyims state. As there is never going to be not even a single rule they can always just play this blame game and say "If only there was less regulation this wouldn't have happened." No matter how much regulation you remove this will of course always be true, unless you go for total anarchy, and so the kike can always use this card to shed their blame if you by into their name game.

Because most people here don't actually understand Economics, or, for that matter, understand the alternative systems. If you asked any given group of people on Zig Forums if NatSoc is a form of socialism or some sort of 'third system' you'd be pressed to get the same answer. The same principle applies to what it actually entails, just as it applies to what the market entails. The irony, of course, is that an actual Economist is the best suited to actually identify the problems in a market economy, of which there are many, and many solutions. Such a person can also tell you that US corporatism is what's considered a mixed-economy: Market slathered with a thick layer of juicy subsidies, government services, price controls, grants, and most importantly of all, the filth which we know as lobbyists. And that's not even getting to the matter of immigration and global trade, which are probably the most poorly understood even by people who do know a little bit about the topic (pro-tip: any Economist who tells you immigration is a universal good is disingenuous and can't be trusted; any Economist who tells you international trade [assume no price controls] hurts domestic citizens is is also disingenuous and can't be trusted).

Though probably the biggest factor is the magical belief that once the kikes are gone, corruption will magically disappear and the Fourth Reich will last 1001 years without collapsing in on itself. It's a fairy tale at best, if a comforting one.

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A "free market" is free in all aspects.
Regulatory capture is a component of this "free market".
Monopolies are part of this "free market".

Can't exist, just like communism.

You forgot a few steps

I can hire heroin addicts to murder you if you refuse my buyout offer before you become any competition.
I'll get away with it because I have the best experts on social engineering and PR, not to mention and investigation team that'll remove all trace or pin them on some of the other supercompanies i conspire with already.

No man, if we destroy the government you can compete with Unilever, and they certainly won't buy you out immediately or murder you if you decline.

The free market on a global scale is a lie. You cannot allow a nation to engage in wage arbitrage because there will ALWAYS be people willing to work for peanuts and undercut your own citizens.

Within a country, I do believe the free market works best. So long as you do not allow the banks to have a monopoly on currency they cannot overextend their loans lest they go belly up to a bank run.

sage for offtopic

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so right and so reasonable
i am so glad the information has been able to spread
sieg heil and good night everyone

Motivational Special Presentation!!
Feeling down? Depressed user? Well let me guide you to somthing very different. THIS isnt your usual Jew shekkeled Christianantity this is the Anti Synagogue of Satan, Pharisee harming message.
They worship Satan and Sacrifice Children amongst other things that you are aware of…
So why not take up the banner that is the only way to harm these Scumbags and Vile People..

If you are an ATHEIST truther than you arnt a truther at all
None. Just some science filled faggotry.
The HomoSexual Mafia is trying to normalize pedophilia… this is the End times and Sodom and Gomorahh level of evil and We need to rise up and take our Christian Heritage back!!
Enough of the Juden and their Hollywood Kikery….

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Free market… jewish AND a meme? Fuck OP, how much jizz did you swallow today? Anyway, we don't have a freemarket today and if you have to ask why people like freedom and fairness then you clearly aren't White. Now GTFO.