Mexico Landslide - Why It Matters

(((DragReport))) headline is pic related. You may say, "why should I care about Mexico?" As it happens, this is a big story, and its impact may be far-reaching.

From the article:
> Voters decided in their millions to turn their backs on the two parties which have ruled Mexico for almost 100 years

This is evidence of considerable dissatisfaction within Mexico. Now, to quote the NSA, "how can we use this?"

Obviously, it is an excellent opportunity for shilling AGAINST the populist candidate. After all, the more his agenda is hampered, the more unrest there will be. We should also stoke fears among Catholics that he's going to "melt down the Church's gold". In other words, we must set them upon each other.

Well, now you do! translates incredibly well. Better than some 4 year students of the language.

Just pick "from" English, and "to" Spanish.

I'll prove how fucking good it is. Here's a translation of a Mexico City's present top story:
Mexico City. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, virtual winner of the presidential election, reported that he received a call from U.S. President Donald Trump, with whom he spoke for half an hour and was treated respectfully.

On Twitter he reported: "I got a call from Donald Trump and we talked for half an hour. I proposed to explore a comprehensive agreement; of development projects that will generate employment in Mexico, and with it, reduce migration and improve security. There was respectful treatment and our representatives will talk.

Trump said he had a "great conversation" with López Obrador, with whom he anticipated "a very good relationship" and cooperation on immigration issues.

"I just spoke with the president-elect of Mexico," he told reporters in the Oval Office. "I think the relationship is going to be very good. We had a great conversation," he said.

"I think he's going to try to help us with the border," Trump added, after months of tense ties with his southern neighbors over Washington's harsh stance toward undocumented migrants.

The State Department issued a statement congratulating López Obrador on his election and saying the elections demonstrate the "commitment of the people of Mexico to democratic values.

He adds that the United States will seek to "deepen our strong partnership with Mexico" on security and prosperity for citizens.

(With information from Afp)

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To be honest what do we want in regards to Mexico?
For spics to stay in Mexico. Which means we need an end to the cartel wars and stabilisation of the Mexican state.

So lets shill for greater aggression against cartels. For greater military involvement.
Ideally see if we can get US military involvement as that would pretty much end it in a week.

Resource burn thread
White nationialists have better thing to do with their precious time than some weird D&C campaign among spics.
Just let the commie do his thing. He'll burn mexico on his own

Isn't this the guy who says invading the USA is a human right and he's going to pump government funds in order to increase invasion rates?

^ NSA agent detected.

He's a communist 8^) An answer to prayer, really the prayer that Mexico be destroyed.

California, Texas and everything else is rightful mexican clay you cutlureless americaunt faggot

OK, the reason I'm calling him NSA, is because the agencies don't like people getting outside of their little control zones. You see, the various agencies have a kind of working agreement. They keep their cattle in confinement, and under control, and trained according to present needs.

So, getting out and fucking with their precious little machines is just the thing to do. And this is a way to really MAGNIFY our efforts, because there's little knowledge in intel circles about how volunteer meming by Fascists will work out, across boundaries.

But one thing's for certain. They REALLY FUCKING DON'T LIKE IT.

Not really. I want Mexicans gone completely, and for the wasted Americas to finally enjoy civilization thanks to white protestant males, as is our destiny.

And then they'll all end up here.


There's truth to this. After all, Might Is Right.

b-b-b-but I wanna pony

We'll be getting lots of rich Mexicans soon. They'll come in order of intelligence. The smartest ones are already packing their bags.

No, they'll have a grand civil war and kill each other. No one is coming here as long as Trump is in charge. We'll just supply all sides of the civil war with lots of guns and ammo and get some popcorn

Mexico has been a shitshow for the past 100 years. It's time to push them down to Guatemala. They've lost the right to even have the place anymore especially after flooding us with their shitskins.


Colombian here. Your best bet is to use this homo's rhetoric as a way to help radicalize White Americans. This president is on record saying that migration to the United States is a "human right".

He also cucked hard on his initials proposals to actually nationalize the (((banks)) and is definitely not going to help lead Mexico to prosperity. If you want Latin American countries to be decent, you honestly need fascists like me to become dictators.

But I don’t want any of them.

Chirstnigger detected.

If there's a decrease in corruption and cartel power it would reduce migration.

I wonder if Trump would send US troops to Mexico to help the new president deal with Cartels?

This already is happening. White Mexicans hop the border too. The thing is that if they genuinely look White, you can't tell they're illegals

All of that was Mexico, and it will return to Mexico wheather you like it or not.
Americunts are cultureless barbarians that must be exterminated from this planet alongside with your retarded protestant capitalist logic, becan even real christianity you useless faggots want to destroy. Scum!

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Your English is pretty good, so you'll understand that the Brown Berets are barely even know to exist, and the hardcore Aztlán types are below 1% of Latinos, not just in the US but everywhere. Even they know that Mexico controlling the southwestern US would turn it into the same corrupt, crime-ridden shithole that Mexico is now. The war was 170 years ago, you were paid for your land, and we didn't even take as much as we were initially going to. Now go tune your accordion and check on the tamales, I've no more interest in entertaining the delusional thoughts of Mexican leftists.

lol, come try, o and uhhh what army are you going to do that with? Navy? Airforce? Are you going to do that after you take back Mexico from the Cartel? O..wait you failed to do that to.

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What's the political party of the new guy?

He's the open invader candidate. He openly says migration to the US is a human right that may not be infringed upon.

Honestly, you can have California. We don't want it. Texas, however, beat Mexico fair and square in it battle for independence, so you can't have Texas.


Honestly Mexico has been a shitshow since its inception. Seriously look at the history and from beginning to end it is the same in terms of corruption, people treated poorly and so on. The thing that bothers me is Mexico could be a very stable country given their proximity and trade potential with the US but when your leadership supports the mass flooding of your neighbor country and taking advantage of their good will it creates the situation like we see today.

America/Americans have been extremely… fuck… overly… no… monumentally good to the Mexican people/government and its time they recognize this incontrovertible fact and reform into a coastal country with large trade potential backed by the worlds only superpower who would love nothing more than a stable Mexico they don't need to constantly keep stable due to the lawlessness.

watch it happen

no, nigger. they can't have shit. nearly half of the usa's trade goes through california ports

Jewish shitposter identified. Hope you enjoy the rope, faggot.

From one spic to another, let me ask you a question. Why not focus on making Mexico a place where Mexicans actually want to live instead of trying to turn all of America into Mexico?

So shill for the USA to annex Mexico?
It's the only way it'll ever be stable.

Whatever, now stay there, beaners.

Checked. Might is Right. So, we must become mightier.

Might is right. If you win, you're right. But if we win, we are right, hombre.

Dirty dumb beaner scum aside… have you not noticed? There are 50 million Mexicans in America at the moment.

1 drop of bleach cleans the gene pool.

what a nig, what % he on?

Lefty supported by two groups of people
The guy caters to some of the people's grievances but doesn't appear to have a clear strategy on how to actually pull it of. A literal meme in mexican politics since this was his third attempt at the presidency.
Alarmists are retarded about him being able to turn the country into New Venezuela, his supporters are also retarded for expecting that he will successfully remove corruption from government and provide gibs for everyone.

Andrés Manuel dijo, en un tweet borrado: "Voy a derretir todo el oro de la Iglesia - y voy a violar el ano del Papa".

you can't stop us

You underestimate the power of memes.

Andrés Manuel dijo, en un tweet borrado: "Voy a cerrar los bancos, y tomar lo que sea necesario para los pobres, ¡no lo dudes!"

El New York Times informa que Andrés Manuel prefiere el sexo con hombres, y está orgulloso de ello.

The favored candidate is a CIA goon no doubt.

Andrés Manuel, según Huffington Post, "encubre su inmenso deseo de violar al Papa".

Andrés Manuel informó a los electores: "No hubo Holocausto. Gasolina a los judíos. ¡Carrera de guerra ahora!"

Andrés Manuel, un famoso asesino en serie, describió su motivación como "un deseo de librar al mundo del parásito, el judío".



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35 years you had it
125 years its been ours
Get bent shitskin

Andrés Manuel, dijo, en una entrevista con Univisión, "Por supuesto que mato prostitutas. No soy un hombre débil. Y quemo vivos a todos los sacerdotes y a cualquiera que tenga un negocio".

Andrés Manuel ya ha distribuido las armas de guerra a las diversas divisiones de la Brigada Comunista. Los arrestos son inminentes, si trabajas en el sector financiero. Saca todo tu dinero lo antes posible.

You mean, New Spain? Yes, bring back the Spaniards and kick out the La Comsica Raza!

So, we use Houston and New Orleans more. Fuck California. Let Mexico have all the faggots they can eat.

That was a member of the state police of Mexico. They are controlled, amusingly enough, by Spain 8^)

We'll use Panama more, and if they bitch, we'll annex it.

Andrés Manuel dijo que "el 99% del dinero de los ricos debe ir a los pobres. Ha llegado el momento de actuar, y si hay que hacerlo, usaré la espada".

can't stop the meme

Andrés Manuel dijo a sus seguidores: "Todo lo que necesites, tómalo de un hombre rico. Ve y tómalo, ¿no sabes que estaré contigo? ¡El ejército es nuestro, la nación es nuestra! Ven a cenar!"

because mexicans are too lazy to do stuff like that unless they're being paid by george soros

Entonces Andrés Manuel dijo: "¿Y tú no tienes mujer? ¿Conoces a una mujer rica y hermosa, sin importar su estatus o sentimientos? ¡Venid y tomad, ahora estáis casados! Todo nos pertenece ahora, la gente es fuerte!"


Andrés Manuel dijo: "Lo primero que voy a hacer es tomar a todos esos niños ricos mimados y ponerlos en una granja, donde puedan ganarse la comida o morir llorando".

Andrés Manuel dijo: "Detener el flujo de narcóticos? No. Forzaré a los ricos a que se los lleven. Entonces ganaremos aún más dinero."

Andrés Manuel dijo: "¿Podemos reanudar la esclavitud? Esta vez, vendamos por amor los cuerpos de las mujeres ricas".

Andrés Manuel, "Hoy soy rey".

Fuck off DACApede!


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Andrés Manuel, "Si me aburro subo los impuestos a las verduras".

Andrés Manuel, "Me he acostado muchas veces con las monjas de la Iglesia de Regina Coeli. Un delicioso desfile para mi señor Satanás."

"Mejor corre, pequeño judío. Les mostraré cómo se hace Hitler", dijo Andrés Manuel, hablando con los periodistas.

"Vi a Andrés Manuel matar a una mujer y beber su sangre", dijo una fuente anónima a MSNBC.

"Sí, Andrés Manuel venía aquí a menudo, y siempre quiso hombres", una prostituta desconocida, que hablaba con la condición de anonimato.

States have expanded before, why not again? We let Russia annex Crimea, we should at least get to annex the remainder of California:

I realize a lot of it is the Sonoran desert but we could make it work. Good place to test nukes. Whatever we do, the United States should exclusively control the

It only makes sense to avoid building a wall across that land. This would also greatly help secure south-western US by allowing military protections there. That is important with potential Chinese hostilities.

We should also allow our Japanese allies to immigrate to Guardian Angel Island. We need backup Japs in case North Korea or China destroy them. Can't lose the anime. There we can guard them, but being on an island, threats of interbreeding with natives are minimal, especially since most californians are inferior latinos that Japanese would not bother with.

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"Andrés Manuel es empleado de la Guardia Real, lo sé, firmé los papeles, firmé sus cheques. Él estaba allí. Es el títere de la Corona".

Lets say Cali goes commie and hostile – where do they ship all the containers if the state is isolated? There are only a few viable roads/channels leading into and out of CA. Within a day the entire port could be crippled by blockade or the kneecapping of just a hand full of bridges and roadways. CA will starve in no time. The oil refineries are also in the same area, seems like a golden egg to this larp.

They're massive faggots. They can shove it all up their asses.

it's an impossible scenario and wouldn't happen. california depends on other states for water as well. they know it's suicide. make no mistake they do want their jewish communist revolution, but they will attempt to take the entire usa with them. the flooding of illegals for political support and strategically placed sanctuary cities is take over strategy

Wrong kind of gas m8.

Race of war now!

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Go home you fucking cholo.
i know you are just a stupid kike pretending to be a spic

if you don't get caught it's legal to go to the border and shoot mexicans

Everything is legal if you don't get caught.

it is true clown world out here

I know, but dreaming of it help me relax

The mexican commie angle is a bit more rife than you'd know, unless you live here. All of this is superficial and agreed upon, the propaganda and infiltration are in full ripe capacity. I've known quite a few, where they didn't outright tell me their politics, but I would later figure out through my treatment and shunting. Nowadays I see explicit proof of whites and 56%rs celebrating the decline of birth rate of Whites. Shit is a mess. On my way out. Any CA anons I recommend doing the same.

It is very good for us.

Mexico will go far left wing and begin pushing for illegal immigration into the US. This will cause a stand off with the Trump Administration.

The Democrats will side with Mexico. The 12 million illegals will side with Mexico. Leftists an Illegals will be screaming and shouting for no borders and waving Mexican flags.

The Democrats will be emboldened by having an ally on the Southern Border. They will be seen as traitors and representatives of a foreign nation by most Americans. Illegals will be seen as foreign invaders in an increasing show down with their home nation.

I hope shit amps up before November, it would lead to a red wave in the elections.

This is great!

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we did it lads

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They've been focusing on disrupting us, at least until the qcumber project came around, when they try to harness our power and use it to maintain the status quo. (The pickle factory is down at the farm studying hybrids; none of us are really fooled, but Q is obviously military intelligence, which personally I trust more.)

Annex Vancouver. It would do us all a fucking favour.


Because I'm not a nigger. Here;

even if you got caught, they have no rights. It's like killing a mosquito.

jej I just machine translated ^_^ DeepL. It's amazing.


"Andrés Manuel ya ha arrestado a los mexicanos más ricos, y esperamos más en los próximos días. Todos mis amigos han huido del país y están preocupados por los que dejaron atrás". - CNBC

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He needs the NAFTA industry to stay to fund his socialist utopia.
Venezuela imploded when the oil money started to dry up.
Also for some reason leftist counties need to trap their citizens in like a prison. See USSR and east germany.

And Trump could completely crash Mexico tonight with the stroke of a pen. Just end NAFTA and make trade over the boarder impossible by ordering every single truck searched.

They didn't…you just needed to give a proper reason why do you need to go abroad. Sometimes it was allowed, sometimes it was rejected.
Why would you want to leave your country? Only social parasites are scared, because socialists don't tolerate parasitism.
Just like Cuba…only the scum left Cuba to go to the USA where their corrupt lifestyle is socially acceptable, the decent, honest, hardworking people stayed.

Jew detected


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All of that was some natives shitting ground before that. Why don't you give it back to them, subhuman?

Wow. They voted for… change. What a concept. This could be the election where the elected won't be bribed/threatened by globalists. Es bueno. Weeeeeeepa.

god you're a moron

Now we have to wait and see who he was lying to. Trump or his voters.

kill yourself russian subhuman trash