ITT we help anons who are still deceived by this ultimate shabbos goy to see the light and break free of the bucko cult.
Jordan Peterson is openly an enemy of the White race, having declared he thinks it's "reprehensible" for White people to even see themselves as White. His stated goal is to spread his ideology of "radical individualism" to permanently wipe out "tribalism" to usher in world peace.
Peterson's greatest fear is another holocaust occurring, all because White people will not be good goyim and realize that it's evil to see ourselves as a cohesive group that works together to protect our shared interests.
Do not be fooled: Peterson's self-improvement message is one and the same as his anti-White ideology. The basic self-help advice ("clean your balls") is the delivery vector for his poisonous ideology of "radical individualism". For you see, according to Juden Peterstein, anyone who "engages in tribalistic identity politics" is a bad goy who needs to take personal responsibility and become a real individual (Unless you're a jew, in which case Peterson will give keynote speeches at your Zionist events celebrating the Balfour Declaration).
It's time to break yourself free from this anti-White charlatan's grip, anons. He's kosher controlled opposition.
can radical individualism exist in an ethnically homogeneous state with no threat of subversion?
Cooper Perez
peterson is a crypto globalist. would be a shame if he and everyone of his contemporaries got shot
Alexander Howard
I would be so sad inside.
Tyler Wright
Good thread. It's about time people see Peterstein for the neocon scum that he is. His goal is just further maintenance of the status quo.
His tactics are pretty cheap when you think about it. He debates moronic SJWs to get right-wingers listening and then puts them on a leash in terms of the JQ, like the first image of describes. He has very effective tactics for keeping his followers in an equilibrium of not discussing Jewry, considering that many of them are old boomer types and others are full-blown 14/88.
Also, he's making a lot of money doing speaking engagements.. and selling rugs… can't believe I thought this guy was legit once.
Yeah, the user who posted the live video was an astroturf shill. The shills will always, always say shit like "Peterson gives life advice and helps people improve themselves, this terrifies lefty shills such as yourself".
Youll get the legally mandated rope after a swift and just trial.
Sebastian Peterson
Do you have any arguments or are you just going to keep screeching? Go ahead and tell us all about why we need to support a Zionist boomer eceleb who is explicitly anti-White. Why are you shilling for Peterstein?
Working at the UN for three years with one of George Soros' most important business partners is not a vague connection.
Peterson worked at the UN for three years, serving as Jim Balsillie's adviser. Balsillie co-founded the INET think tank with George Soros, and by sheer coincidence an official INET think tank expert, (((Eric Weinstein))), created the (((Intellectual Dark Web))) of which Peterson is a featured intellectual.
Balsillie's CIGI think tank is also heavily involved with the Clinton Foundation. Norman Doidge, Peterstein's jewish colleague who wrote the intro to Peterstein's '12 Rules for Life' is published by CIGI, and Doidge even recently (this year) did an interview with Jim Balsillie.
Nothing but (((sheer coincidence))), right Shlomo?
Wew lad, another Peterstein cultist, and this one wants to act tough like he's not a soyboy faggot cuckold.
Tell us some more about how you plan to kill people who insult your Zionist boomer eDaddy's honor. Tell us all about supporting Israel and how it's evil for Whites to see themselves as White.
(Kek'd) What I find ironic about this statement is that in a sense he's absolutely correct. That's also what makes his rhetoric so subversive–because on the surface it IS good advice, but then he goes on to redefine what the phrase should mean when you think of it. He says that "your room" is some radically individual island totally separate from either affecting or being effected by the larger environment it's couched in. But let's consider this statement a from a few different angles.
Whether you're just an ecologically aware NatSoc, or a Christian, or even just moderately intelligent, you should be aware that humanity is positively TASKED with preserving our environment. We're the only species who can make or break this world, so we have to act on the responsibility that comes with our superior awareness. Failure to act is itself an act of abandonment, and ignorance is no excuse. If you're too ignorant to understand this, then you're simply not human, full fucking stop, end of story.
The Bible says it explicitly, if you're into that, that man was made by God to rule nature as we are made in His image. As a NatSoc you believe in Blood and Soil, such that "your room" isn't an isolated thing as compared to your fatherland. What you do in "your room" spills over to the collective, and some of the only things that are 'outlawed' would be things that negatively affect the whole of your people and land. Even if you're just smart enough to read this paragraph without mouthing it, then you understand that if the world dies so do you, so even if I own some piece of land if I start dumping nuclear waste it will damage everyone else around me. That's 3 different ways you can come to the same conclusion. That conclusion being that the only reasonable takeaway from the "clean your room" statement is that the planet itself is "your room". It's a completely interlocking web, and it's separated from other planets almost absolutely.
Clean your room and don't forget to be an individualist, after all "if we're going to devolve into tribalism we'll triumphantly herald our past accomplishments and unite under the flag of our race and blood. But we know what happens when that happens, it's not pretty".
Nathaniel Robinson
I wouldn't have even known who this guy was if you hadn't been shilling so hard against him.
Kinda makes me wonder why there's this massive AstroTurf out to get him? I guess I'll watch a couple of his videos now. Maybe recommend him to some friends.
It actually means clean your fucking room, because it is the most basic shit. In a way that is a really nice meme because many jobs or society in general focuses on micro bullshit (see micro aggressions to a certain extend), which essentially means a fat obese man that never run more than the distance from fridge to couch sees the inability to run a marrathon in his breathing control.
Caleb Russell
Kill yourself. Jordan Peterson is a jewish supremacist.
Daniel Brown
Oh hey, where’s the full album of those? They’re handy.
Hudson Roberts
Peterstein will tell you that you can't even define the White race so it's reprehensible and dangerous for you to see yourself as contributing to that collective.
(cont'd) I just defined "your room" in the largest possible meaning of the word, which is a correct interpretation of what it really means. Now I want to think about this from a different angle, flip this thing around and use the telescope as a microscope to show the inverse, opposite and yet equally true interpretation. That being the MOST individualistic interpretation of the phrase.
Who are "you"? You're consciousness. And where do you live, what is "your room"? It's your body. Either the entire planet or your body are acceptable ways to view this statement in my opinion, anything else is centrist garbage with no use. So if your body is "your room", what does it THEN mean to "clean your room"? Think about that for a moment, if you please.
Well, your body, aka "room", is made of your genetics, with, of course, epigenetics aka "the world" selecting your gene expression. If your genetics are what defines "your room", how do you "clean your room"? I don't think I need to spoonfeed any user on what this means, but very briefly you can see that low-IQ, high time preferance, sickly genetics are what makes any person's "room" "messy". So given that fact, how does one go about making "rooms clean"? I'm sure you've already guessed it by now.
Just point out that individualism and collectivism are not mutually exclusive and that a great society employs both. One absent the other leaves you weak and able to be overcome by others with ease.
Ayden Perez
That Cornwall pedo ring was real, and Perry Dunlop was (((harassed))) because he didn't play ball with his fellow lodge member.
How is this difficult for people to comprehend? Ethnic European = white. It's so fucking simple. Everyone is always so caught up on skin color, as if somehow it's relevant, and due to all the attached notions and talking points, they automatically think bringing skin color up is the be-all, end-all point.
Jose Peterson
Bump. Jordan Peterson is a jewish supremacist. Nothing you say or do will change this fact. We do not support him. We do not support zionists.
Pretty sure that Peterson just copied eselt chan advice and turned it into a cult. "clean your room" is one of the first constructive things people were advised to do. He sprinkles in all the filler from chan history, and then warps the main points and doesn't name the juden. See the fat faggot Rogan, aka (((Alex Jones))) 2.
Eli Brooks
I understand that, friend. But I didn't even MENTION the White race in my post. I actually used this idiots tactics and was able to make my point in an almost totally CivNat fashion. The "collective" I appealed to was that of THE ENTIRE PLANET being seen as an interconnected system. It's not hard to beat charlatains using almost any tactic, and I enjoy taking the weapons out of peoples' hands and killing them with their own ill intent. It amuses me greatly, and has a very righteous feel to it. If you didn't make that weapon to harm me, then it wouldn't be sticking out of your bleeding chest right now, Saracen. That sort of thing.
Connor Green
It was, and the question is: Why was Jordan Peterson randomly carted out in 2009 to say that the pedo ring was a conspiracy theory and that all conspiracy theories are total nonsense. Totally randomly, the same year he started working with Jim Balsillie at the UN.
Then years later the article was scrubbed. Really makes the almonds activate.
Eat a dick faggot, two different anons asked for these in a short thread, and I actually care about more than just "my room". I did that because Anons asked me to.
Oliver James
You mean the Vox Day that took Peterstein to task for lying about jewish IQ and jewish representation in the power structures of our countries?
This thread should be a nice model of how shills operate.
astroturf plant get ready for the replies.
Landon Young
Steve Paikin has connections to Jim Balsillie's CIGI think tank as well.
Jacob Edwards
Bump. Jordan Peterson is a self-admitted jewish supremacist.
Bentley Russell
Yes he indeedily does.
Andrew Bell
JP probably just wants to keep his (((job))).
Eli Smith
This is the best you can do? Redpilled people don’t lie.
Elijah Harris
Jason Roberts
Wew, imagine thinking that complaining about jews being metioned would work on 8/pol/.
Let this be a wake up call, anons: These paid shills trying to derail the Peterstein thread lurk this board all day, every day, shilling in other threads as well. Never forget that we are constantly in the presence of enemies while we post here. Don't let your guard down.
Is Peterson where all these faggots incessantly saying "collectivist" in place of an actual thought are coming from? They're so easy to dispute, but like some lefty rat, they harp on these fucking buzzwords endlessly, going in circles. I can completely debunk and dispute everything they say, and they'll retort with "I'm not a collectivist!" As if saying so makes them morally superior and above having to address anything I say. They're no different from marxists.
Kayden King
I'm simply pointing how you shills operate on here. It's really quite simple if you just look at the past 100 threads that your team (((organically))) produced. I mean the ppm count just gives it away. Not even during habbenings are there these many ppm, let alone the SAME low energy (((infographics))) and (((OC))) time and time again. It's transparent as all hell.
Benjamin Williams
Says the guy who posted TEN TIMES in a short thread.
That ought to be enough for anyone even lurking Zig Forums to put the pieces together.
Austin Roberts
All functional females prefer males from their own ethnic group, secondarily race. Based professor expressing his concerns over Canada being founded by bigoted gnatzee huwiteoids and still not being BLACKED diverse enough.
I feel like Peterson is an outlet for disgruntled urban soyboy men who feel abused by feminism, more so than anyone else. I swear his fans are just the male counterpart to a group of feminists. They're mostly college-aged pseudo-intellectuals who have spent no time out in the real world, who formulate their entire world view based on the academic teachings of another person. They're two sides of the same coin. When I talk to one I feel like I'm talking to some hardcore marxist. Instead of calling me a racist I get called a collectivist. Same exact context thought, based around the same exact moral grandstanding.
Nicholas Williams
Very difficult to comprehend.
Elijah Evans
Good observation, I agree entirely.
Thesis (problem) = Radical Marxism
Antithesis (reaction) = Right wing backlash
Synthesis (solution) = Jordan Peterson's "radical individualism" pseudo-conservatism
This is the Hegelian Dialectic. The elites created radical Marxism to flood our countries with non-Whites at a quick pace and push Whites into a corner with extreme demoralization, leading to the creation of a right wing backlash. In comes Jordan Peterson and the Ben Shapiro crowd, pushing a form of neutered kosher civic nationalist conservatism that aims to extinguish the right wing back lash, put Marxism on the back burner, and continue White genocide on a slow boil now that Whites are almost a minority.
We are in the final stretch of the White genocide plan where Whites, who are still (just barely) a majority in their countries could band together and vote to stop what is happening, but people like Peterson are making sure that that will never happen.
They're trying to make sure that we're stuck with the migrants and refugees forever, and that the immigration will continue until Whites are a minority and can not democratically prevent our disenfranchisement.
He's an excellent source of psychology information. But by his own words, he was traumatized and obsessed with totalitarianism from a young age, which is what drove him to his entire career. I think he needs Hitler to be the ultimate evil to hold up a half century long worldview he developed as a child.
Luis Long
That's because Peterson is an agent who thinks he is doing good to prevent the reckoning which the Jews are long overdo for. Kikes have been fucking up the West since they took control of the banks before WW1. Were then allowed to have free reign after WW2 and have taken control ever since the passing of the Civil Rights and repealing the immigration control laws which only favored whites.
Angel Robinson
That's another thing. He acknowledges that the Weimar Republic was a nightmare on Earth and that Hitler severely improved living conditions, but suddenly gets cold feet when the issue of culpability for that environment is addressed.
Jaxon Cook
Why would jews be shilling against a philosemitic zionist?
Ayden Powell
Maybe because he is a best selling author with a main demographic of young white men and a main message of grow up, get married and reproduce, and it's pretty effective. but i dunno. :^)
Logan Morgan
Peterstein shill bingo square: "He helps people improve themselves"
Why are you reposting images from your arsenal? Reported for spam. :^)
Bentley Rogers
I think it's telling that people complain about him on the basis of being peoples' "E-Daddy" when one of the most crippling problems in society today is the lack of competent father figures in homes. Like, I'm supposed to be upset that somebody managed to use YouTube to get a million manchildren to grow up, drop addictions, improve their family lives, and seize responsibility for their circumstances? (((Who))) would be against that?
Oh. The (21) in a 90-post thread. Of course it is.
Parker Baker
I appreciate our help in keeping the thread bumped.
It's almost as if they keep them in same folder as "drumpf touching the wall" You guys failed yet again. Try again next week.
Sebastian Brooks
There is not a single user in this thread who complained about Peterstein telling people to stop being aimless losers. Is that the best strawman you got?
The criticism is how he uses basic self-help advice as a delivery vector for an anti-White ideology and philosemitism.
Care to comment on Peterstein's zionism and philosemitism?