this is where the Democratic party is at now:
Bernie fucking Sanders is not a leftist to them. The party's decades of anti-white rhetoric is prematurely coming home to roost. The pet niggers have slipped the leash, the Dem party's platform is now straight up, blatant, honest to god Nigger Nazism. Leftism is now pure Race War for these people.
And now they're goading the most heavily armed citizenry in history into a fucking Civil War lmao.
Both of these phenomenons are like the Dallas police shooting on steroids. The 2016 Dallas shooting of those cops also brought these two trends to the surface, Nigger Nazism and Civil War, but only momentarily, but it was that event which really pushed the electorate over the edge and to Trump.
However because of Trump Derangement Syndrome, the old-hands in the Dem party can't keep the lid on the crazy.
The flight 93 election worked: it ensured or at least made explicit the inevitable and we accelerated accordingly. And make no mistake, Trump is our accomplishment. Can you imagine the kind of meltdown that will happen on 2020 after all the hysteria of the Dems thus far? It may very well break out into real fucking civil war, which is what we want. Pat yourself on the back, everything that has transpired has done so according to our design.
Trump is going to win again
Fuck off kike. Your Jew puppet is going to lose.
Trump is going to win, again.
Remember that pantifa that got brain bleed by a literal Bane smashing him into concrete not 2 days ago? How he got off WITH NO CHARGES PRESSED? This is the future for us.
We will be purging commies around the clock before the decade is up.
Nah, he won't gain any new voters and will lose a lot. Along with CIA vote rigging, there is very little chance that he will win.
>>>Zig Forums
Nah hes gonna get even more votes from the fence sitters after he cut taxes.
I'll vote for him just to spite you
Those who got benefit from tax cuts already voted for him in 2016. He will not gain any more.
I'm voting down ticket Dem just to spite MAGA niggers
reminder that since the Gook opened moderation up, Zig Forums kikes come here to try and get some revenge in by gaslighting.
They know their board is a loser and their PPH boost of late was purely from reddit assrage in pic-related, so they consider giving us IP counts an acceptable loss
It would be better if he was the first president of a new unkosher nation. That's what was supposed to happen. Not crying over sandnigger babies and making excuses for Israel's holocaust in the Middle East.
you're a Zig Forums homosexual, of course you'll vote for Hillary XD
Now where have I heard this before?
you centrist scum are worst than nazis. useless faggots like you should be hanged in public squares to set an example with the following message written: "i was a social parasite and i deserved this"
You dull retards were claiming the exact same shit in '16, how did that work out for you again?
I really should've learned my lesson by now when it comes to clicking spoilered stuff with Zig Forums mentioned in the same post
The deep state kikes are setting new media narratives at a record breaking pace at the moment. The first i heard about someone wanting to abolish ICE was from the new media star Ocasio Cortez. Since she came out heralding the idea of abolishing ICE everyone on the left is jumping on board. HMMM. Who came up with that idea for her? And i wonder why?
Election night 2016 was an all time high for me.
But FFS when he said you will beg me to stop winning so much I thought nahhh this is already 2 scoops of ice cream and cherries.
Wouldn't even matter anyway. ICE stops less than 1% of the spics crossing the border anyway
they're all jew puppets you idiot
damn son, how new are you?
Welcome aboard anyhow. The tranny faggot with mascara in that video is Zig Forums Board Owner. This cock sucker is a fine example of what Zig Forums is like around these parts: first they go polar-opposite counter-point and sage the thread, exposing them as obvious faggots, and then when called out they try to reframe by going full tryhard "stormnigger" and spamming jew over and over again, again exposing them as obvious faggots.
They're brainlets that never took their own advice as far as reading books goes, so they keep making asses of themselves over and over again. It's a great sport!
That sounds exhausting.
Can we just program some mosquito sized drones with neurotoxin payloads to take care of them for us?
Thats the whole point. Why abolish ICE? Border patrol is the one hunting down illegals jumping the border. Thats why i believe this narrative of abolishing ICE is 100% planned by (((them))) and the timing is very cohenvenient.
The difference is that people who should know better are deluded into thinking trump isn't a jew puppet, so they uncritically support him. Better to have an enemy that you know is any enemy, rather than an enemy you believe to be a friend.
I've been here almost four years, but I have a bad habit of clicking spoilered stuff without thinking
I detect a little communism in these posts
Apedrew Anglin at daily stormnigger made a good point that the left may see ICE as the only branch of law enforcement that is firmly on Trump's side. FBI is obviously against him, along with most of the intelligence agencies. So the left may be going for ICE because it is Trump-loyalist. If things go hot at some point, they don't want any law enforcement on Trump's side.
MSNBC couldn't help themselves
feels pretty good tbh
You lack any reading comprehension if you think there is even a hint of communism in my post. Get lost kike.
It's times like this when I wonder if this is intentionally planned. What is the advantage of a supermajority for kikes?
what do you mean?
sometimes shills can be clever that they can mask their shilling with seemingly innocuous words, you could've been a bit more polite instead of counter-crossfiring with your shittalking you faggotron
at best some of it seemingly don't give any kind of disadvantages at first glance, but almost all of it most certainly don't give them any kind of positive reinforcement either
You push the country in one direction, putting your own people in 2/3 of Congressional and Senate seats. This can feasibly be used to completely rewrite the constitution or just do whatever you want.
of course, that's the point.
However, the problem is that these various groups on the left have nothing in common except hatred of white men. Steve Sailer calls this the coalition-of-the-fringes. So when the white guy is removed from the equation, they will eat each other.
Turns out the Kikes plan isn't going to fly so good.
This. Its gunna be 2016 all over again. Chump doesn't stand a chance.
My concern is that the left's acceleration to absurdity has been so rapid that few sane people are left to vote for them. If that happens, then everyone votes the alternative. well maybe not niggers When the republicans hold a supermajority what will they do, given they're overt kike puppets.
that's the obvious result of this process. However, if the white electorate becomes increasingly racialized, as it inevitably must when confronted with such massed evil that is now quite literally calling for their blood on the left, then that puts the kikes in a very precarious situation, because now the old kike dogwhistles for Israel and free markets and gubmint don't work anymore. The Kikes have never been in this territory before, and that's why they're so terrified by Ocasio-Cortez, because they know the reaction she as a proxy for Nigger Nazism will have on whites. Even kikes can only lie so much.
I sure hope this happens but the levels of obliviousness in the general population are still incredibly high at this point.
how about bat bombs?
they're retards, it's true.
If the whites remain oblivious morons, then the left wins, but their win is merely the destruction of whites. They will never be able to hold America together let alone expand the way whites did. All they will be doing is dooming themselves. So either way, shitskins lose, and without America, Israel is utterly fucked.
So even in the worst-case scenario, I think there's good.
There are 50 Republicans and 22 democrats either retiring or are not seeking re-election in November. Just something to consider about the down ballot voter.
This likely why there will be a "red wave". The left is going off the rails so quickly that they're just moments away from openly calling for genocide. The kike trick of pretending to be White will make them a target as well.
This list doesnt include McCain or Flake either. I bet they retire or get BTFO in their districts. Shit, McCain may die.
it's a good point, and a possible one, that kikes will more closely play the white card. Look at Mark Steyn. Before Trump, he was a standard Neo-Con Jew that too loudly named the Muslim and so got booted because that placed him too close to whites, according to Jew calculus. After Trump, he very gradually and grudgingly started cozing up to whites because he saw the writing on the wall, look at his Tucker Carlson skits, but still retains a careful distance.
The Jew will always try to Jew. All we can do is keep on the pressure and keep accelerating to a Trump 2020, the level of insanity then is currently incomprehensible, so great will it be.
The 2020 election will be decided by Florida. If he wins Florida, he wins, if not, then he doesn't.
I just hope that Zig Forumsacks are competing for all 72 seats. The platform alone would be extremely valuable.
With a message like this, Trump could win. Even NPC people aren't this retarded.
I wouldn't be surprised if this shift is deliberate. Not just from lower levels who genuinely believe it, but from moneyed, entrenched interests who need to bolster a Trump administration that's done things like rewriting drilling regulations to personally benefit Carl Icahn's companies, rolled back fuel efficiency standards while simultaneously raising the federal gas tax, transferred billions in weapons to Saudi Arabia to slaughter genuine anti-zionists in Yemen while cynically papering over the whole affair with Saudi women driving propaganda, earmarked more billions to a pointless-to-everyone-but-kikes military compound masquerading as an embassy in Jerusalem, threatened Germany with a total ban on automobile imports if it didn't follow israel's directives on Iran, threaten sanctions on European countries over building a pipeline for Russian gas, arranging to dump even more niggerspics in zionist-occupied Poland, actually increased foreign work visas for both technical workers [India] and seasonal labor [Mexico/Central America], loosened or eliminated regulations involving GMO food production.
By ramping up the rhetoric, they take the focus off of what Trump has ACTUALLY done and utilize the Gladio strategy of tension to manifest loyalty or at least a sense of necessity.
personally, it was when he said "I like taking the guns first" and all that shit, that was the last straw. I just hope Ginsberg croaks so he can appoint 2 more SCOTUS justices before he loses to Elizabeth Warren and the 2020 census reveals that the US is minority white. Then the non-whites will start to get really aggressive and things will start to get interesting.
If it plays out this way, we had better start developing drones with nigger recognition.
that's the Swamp's doing.
even if the Gladio strategy was the original intention, it's gotten out of control and now there's real tension.
The only thing Trump could feasibly do was get in there and accelerate. He's done that, without a doubt. Whatever brings us closer to civil war is a net positive. Civil war means no more America, which means no more Israel.
Hinging upon us not getting invaded by gooks or the EU when we're at war. Small arms fire vs tanks+helos isn't going to go well.
Frankly, you sound delusional. Icahn was brought in specifically by Trump and the only purpose seems to be to bail out his domestic gas plays. bin Salman is Trump's guy. The embassy shit, the German auto/Iran shit, that's all Trump.
I know America cannot survive in any scenario. It's going to die, that is a fact. The best thing that can happen is that the civil war occurs ASAP before white numbers get too small. We're almost there.
Whatever you say. It's not the deepstate, not the swamp, not entrenched DC interests used to getting their dicks sucked for decades, not the military industrial complex, not Israel, it was Trump himself all along.
It's the swamp. The swamp doesn't go away in two years, that thinking is truly delusion.
You really are delusional.
So without Trump, none of what you listed or otherwise would have happened? That's what you're implying.
And we all know who installed Trump into the White House, don't we.
lol 2020 is another year of fresh salt from you kikes
t. you
I think it is very likely that almost none of it happens. Maybe the gas tax gets a hike without touching efficiency goals. Maybe the same impotent whining about Russia, but I doubt it considering the Trump narrative is that the Russians and the Democrats are in bed with each other over U-1.
Pure idiocy.
Donald Trump was sheep dipped by the CIA when he was a high school student at the New York Military Academy in the 1960's. Donald Trump's father Fred Trump was a member of the John Birch Society and donated massive amounts of money to it in the 1950's and 1960's. The John Birch Society was/is a CIA and US Army intelligence front.
Donald Trump was groomed from a young age by the CIA and US military to be US president, as every president of the past 50 years has been. The American government is ruled by a covert military dictatorship which decides who becomes president and when.
So without Trump, Israel doesn't get it's way, Jerusalem doens't get slobbered off, some rich kike doens't replace Icahn and do kikery afoot, Saudi Arabian kikes don't get their pound of flesh from America and shit on their region in defense of Israel, Jeb Bush or Hillary doesn't pressure against Russian gas, Jeb and Hillary certainly don't endorse Camp of the Saints in Poland, Jeb and Hillary "nuke Iran" doesn't kike Iran
yeah, you're a fucking moron.
Trump is President, he can do a whole lot of things. And if some entity has stolen powers from the executive branch, Trump could spill the beans on this to the public. In fact, he could just put himself in a fallout shelter surrounded by loyal armed guards and redpill the whole country on everything. He doesn't, he hasn't done jack shit.
On the contrary, that's not exhausting at all. There's nothing I want more than rip apart leftists skulls with my bare hands in a way that causes a freight train of pain to them.
where have you been the past three years?
He's come about as close to doing that as someone in his position can without getting straight up assassinated.
If genuinely you think one guy can eliminate FEDZOG over night from a bunker somewhere in a mountain, you're either a moron or you're trolling me.
Donald Trump is the ultimate embodiment of "FEDZOG."
hella f*ckin based magabro!
Shills are trying desperately to maintain a narrative.
But Trump will win. Again.
Of course he will. Hes doing everything they want him to especially in the middle east.
Don't get tired of winning, user
yeah, jews really wanted a strong Syria.
Thread is a true accomplishment of false confidence Kikery.
Trump is likely to be 3 if not 4 SCOTUS seats deep at that point. Their spirits will be crushed long before 2020. They will have no fight left.
A civil war would require entire states to breakaway.
What is more likely to happen is the left going full nutjob terrorist with the tacit approval of the media. This then sets the stage for a strong leader to rise up and establish order.
If this is the correct timeline, then expect also for the knowledge that the bible is a plagiarized book based on older books to become mainstream. The belief that the Jews are God's chosen people will be replaced with the knowledge that their entire story is made up,
If we reach that point we will be on the verge of either great discovery and growth, or complete chaos and destruction on a level unimaginable.
Very organic thread, you faggots organizing in the ptg or the_donald discord server?
/ptg/ is at least readable without all the schizo shit
We should be, unfortunately I’m not at the right circumstance or influence yet to participate. In about 4-5 years I’d like to hop into the mix
this is true
Kill yourself nigger.
Remind me again how much ACTUAL damage to Assad our fake kike play did?
Remind me, Moishe, how the kike king pushing building in West Bank isn't still being talked about today?
It's a game, and you're losing, kike.
Yids always play both sides to remain in total control of the goyim. It's just Zionist, pro-state of Israel kikes vs globalist, International Bankers kikes. This time around with Trump's presidency Zionist won. With Hilary it would be the International Kikes. Frankly, I don't know how people could believe Trump is the next coming of Hitler when he married his kids to yids, is friends with prominent Jewish figures, is openly pro-Zionism and surround himself with kikes. Electing fashy neoconservative Zionists won't save our race. Democracy is a Jewish scam and the faster the lemmings realize it, the better.
I'm pretty thrilled with Trump and can't wait for him to win again.
Just wanted to send a little whitepill to all my buds out there.
The only people to whom all this isn't old news and boring af, are liberals that are heavily upset about something he did. No genuine Zig Forumsack screeches
Any more. The next 6-7 years are just going to be more of this. Drumpf is president, corporate higher-ups will manufacture outrage over everything he does, you will get swept up in the artificial outrage and think you're fighting the system by blaming us for everything the Trump administration does. You heard it here, and will know it to be true when it's 2022 and you're still spending your day on Zig Forums posting about Trump and Jews while all the actual anti-jew nahtzees are exploiting any political ground the situation causes to get their way slowly but surely.
Kikefy is back
Do you carry your green card everyday as well?
Remember when Veritas exposed vote rigging through buses and Trump did nothing about it? Americans prefer blaming someone else than fixing their own problems.