Yes, this is reality. Yes, this is actually happening. Go on social media and everywhere you can and push this news story until it destroys this man.
Just Trudeau Just got #MeToo-ed
Other urls found in this thread:
Just"Rap-in" Tru-doe
That's pretty damning.
Male feminists always turn out to be sexual predators.
Another day in paradise.
They tried pushing this a few weeks ago, and it didn't stick.
Funny how they're going for a (((second attempt))).
You should also look into this guy. Warren Kinsella. Styles himself as the leaf version of John Podesta. He was pushing the story, and word has it he's just as much of a sexual predator if not more than le weedman. His ex-wife left him over it.
Load up those sick puppets. Call for his resignation.
You mean the CSIS narrative pushing publication?
*sock puppets
fml not current year man.
afk KMS
It's not easy memeing Jordan Peterson into the next PM of Canada. It takes several shoves, but it'll all be worth it when the CIA's candidate is running the place.
Not defending him, point out this is astroturf. Yeah, the story is probably true, but I hear he likes sucking cock more than groping tits.
am i the only one surprised that justine groped a woman?
Well, I sure am glad that was off by one.
you sound scared
Clean your poutine.
No, you do, Warren.
talking in third person now are we?
He certainly was effective against Doug Ford, wasn't he? LOL
Kikes like him only know how to tear down, never build up. He's probably trying to kike (((Chrysta Freeland))) into Castreau's job.
My money would have been on little boys, repeating the satanic-pedo cycle that was most certainly inflicted upon him as a boy.
Kinsella or Trudeau?
You don't grow up to be that big of a faggot without being molested as a child.
I hear it's one big pizza party when the war room boys get together.
How's Eddie doing? How's Marnie? I heard she's in a bit of a pickle.
If you rape your enemies, they win.
The CBC knew about the story but decided not to run with it.
Why did you copy paste your shit thread from cuckchan?
For exposure purposes, obviously.
Fuck off back to cuckchan.
ebin :DDDD
Enjoy the ban.
If any of this bothers you, just guess who I have tagged for pulling out of your country for use in the Empire.
Posting on halfchan, for whatever reason, isn't bannable, you insufferable faggot. Your posts are the equivalent of virtue signalling. Fuck off.
And you think that gives you power over me?
It makes me very, very hungry. The smell of abject terror, and the struggle. Someone has made a very, very bad mistake if he's being hunted by DNA scent. No cave is deep enough to hide in
I posted it here first. Check the time stamps.
Wew lad, nice moves
Thanks Ron.
The absolute state of Zig Forums.
Trudope pissed off some kike. He may not be /ourguy/ but I guess all you newfags can't see through the smokescreen.
You should be more careful posting on the official site of the Empire. Think about how much you just opened yourself up, and lament. Fear and misrepresentation has no power here, only truth does.
Interested at all in dumping so I can fill up my leaf folder? Thanks in advance or NBD
Hi Justin.
Holy shit I can't wait for the twitter salt and leftshit doublestandards.
This story has been out for almost 2 weeks. There will be no salt because this trudeau is protected. Try tweeting this story to Rose McGowan, I bet she defends him.
Is this Q claims or real?
Go away, Q-LARPer.
Did you really expect anything else?
This came out a while ago and they are only now making a statement and reporting on it? Low energy.
give women an inch, they take a mile.
I predict that Trudeau will redouble his cuckitude. He will apologise even though he doesn't remember, and increase funding for sexual harassment prevention and so on.
This is the political equivalent of exposing your throat. He is dumb, so he'll probably do it, but he'll be finished if he does
Like pottery.
This, also czeched quads
Except he's (((their))) fucking lapdog. He does every degenerate thing Soros orders him to do.
Damn canucks are hard cunts
Honestly? Yes, I did expect something different. I figured he'd be raping kids or, at the very least, be caught barebacking some young man in an Ottawa bathhouse.
that is why the syrian "refugees" that groped german women in cologne are based, right?
Something tells me he's more into boys than girls….
The victim won't come forward. Stop revictimizing her by pushing this story, you shitlords!
He'll give a mealy-mouthed apology, say something about being drunk 20 years ago, and it will be forgotten.
Justin Trudeau liked women?
I bet pretty boy smashed every pussy as asshole he came into contact with, degenerate fuck he is.
Castro Jr does not assume genders and is an equal opportunity molester
McGill is a big well known mk ultra recruitment centre too…
Trudeau's approval rating has dropped to about 40%.
It's not expected the Liberal party will win the next election.
Tbh, I though he was pretty much a celibate closet gay from the way he acts.
He probably still is, the groping claim is almost 100% some thot lying.
Has anyone made a big Zig Forums infograph pertaining to all the faggots that have been caught, that can be updated like the trump curse?
We have had some great ones including al fraken booted from the senate.
This has to be official talking points. That Trudeau didn't do it because he's gay (even though he has biological children).
Saying he doesn't remember is just ad bad as saying it never happened, and she's a liar.
A true gentleman would publicly apologize, invite her to the Canadian equivalent of the white house, and do a photo op with him on his hand and knees
Come on you fucking leaf, practice what you preach
Lol no how about you shut the fuck up. This guy needs to be removed. He single handedly fucked the entire country on more than several occasions. The one that really gets me is the time that Canada has massive fires break out. What did he do you might ask? He turned down Russia's assistance with the offer of their best trained fire fighting teams and equipment for 3rd world country help from africa.
No fuck him. Im not even Canadian and I hate this nigger.
He is a RockStar and surely has NDA's in a quick draw holster, as he can get Laid (by any sex) anytime he wants to avoid banging that old dusty spider-web ridden snatch he is married to? (notice his wife/mommie is always leaning in to kiss him…)
Yeah, she won't come forward.
Mods, this thread should be anchored. It has less traction in the press than the Armenian truck of peace terrorist (the muh incel narrative).
16 months away.
We all already knew that he is a Bateman tier psychopath though.
Before we can choose between those 3 pieces of shit
Don't worry you're Canada so nothing you do politically matters any way.
Man if only we lived in a society that doesn't drag up shit from almost 20 years ago to discredit someone. Gee I wonder who is responsible for creating our current social climate.
There is an alternative, you know…
Sick puppets m8.
I always thought he was super gay.
Pick the one that didn't publicly praise a communist dictator.