It's not diverse enough apparently, so if you support it, you might be accused of Nazism.
Supporting Russia in the WC might make you a Nazi
J'ai honte d'avoir une influence sur cet endroit parce que vous ne méritez pas l'influence du genre de personne qui peut avoir honte d'avoir une influence sur cet endroit.
What does it make you if you don't want your nation to be represented by its own genetic stock?
The only way to meme this, is to counter-attack these faggots. Like Bob said, claim "dieversity is a code-word for antiwhite." If we let this shit go on, pretty much no white clubs, activities, or even white areas will exist anymore. Polite sage because I don't know who this faggot is, but his tweet doesn't deserve a thread.
Heil Hitler, then.
((( Rothrock )))
Fuck off mutt. I rooting for a white team and White People. Something amerimutt land will never Understand.
I wish. They naturalised some Brazillian. Well, at least he's white.
The tweet was posted in humour mocking the jewish cultural marxist paradigm
Every darn fucking time !
They’ve apparently or (((conveniently))) forgotten the tale of the Chinese general who was going to be late because of a rain storm, and the draconian laws by the emperor were set that being late met the same with treason; death.
I don't even like soccer, but now I have to root for Russia. I'm buying a few Russian flags and putting them on my car.
That's pretty fucking clear considering they're not attacking the ziphead and nigger teams for being niggers.
It could be fun.
Really makes you think.
This is excellent. They are doing our redpilling job for us.
Good, I hope Russia beats whomever they're playing 1-0 or whatever a high score is in faggotball. Diversity is shit anyways.
The Russian team is probably the most diverse in competition.
Why am I seeing this shit meme on here all of a sudden?
Good smuggie caption with this guy's face:
A country could have 1,000 white ethnicities and still not be 'diverse.' Diversity is a code word for anti-white.
Holy shit, get this nazi garbage off my monitor you disgusting fucking bigot. Where is the diversity in this disgusting LITERALLY HITLER photo???
trips and
I think a lot of times people are ignorant of the actual culture and history of a country and having been rewarded for calling things racist while in school they deny their ignorance by calling things they don't understand racist.
Childish and sad really.
Cossacks are not a nation though. It was a military class of borderland landowners during Monarchy.
They're basically Russians(Kubanski Cossack) or Ukrainians(Zaporojski Cossack) etc.
Learn to type, retard.
So, how is it not diverse?
Kudriashov is a turk looking fellow,
and Samedov is an azeri, which of is middle eastern origin.
Checked, idk how they don't see this as diverse (kinda rhetorical) I hope they all get cancer (libshits, "anti-racist" etc etc)
Russians are slavs, not white.
They beat /myguys/ so they better win this one.
Today most of them typically identify as Russian (or just Cossack) but they weren't originally, they were the living semi-nomadic armies of the borderlands with a mix of mongol/tatar military tradition, divided in various hosts, the ethnic make up of those hosts being largely based upon local orthodox recruitment and Belo/Malo/Moscow Russians officers (Zaporozhian Cossacks were Ruthenians, Don Cossacks were Malorussian, Kuban Cossacks were Circassians, Ussuri/Amur Cossack were Komi or Moscow Russians, etc…) but after several centuries of living with their own traditions/settlements, etc… they were definitely a different people.
And worse as a minority of hardcore militarized orthodox christian they were specifically targeted and systematically oppressed by the commies (and most of them including the two bigger hosts, Don and Zaporozhian were largely exterminated along with most of their people).
The Kuban Host is the only one that somewhat survived communism as a strongly tied together community.
So even if it's stretching it to call them a people, they're still a minority.
People literally ended up in camps in Siberia for being born into to those groups as recently as half a century ago…
Jews are so pissed the (((Bolsheviks))) got kicked out of Russia and Based Putin is making Russia great again.
diversity really does just mean less white people
I think the website is under attack.
A handsome group of fellas.
Whatever could have given you that idea.
By ethnicity alone, Russia, Croacia and Uruguay deserve to win, as they are the most homogeneous.
i was rooting for Japan but they cucked at the last few minutes
The only thing I support in the WC is my upper body while I'm bearing down on giving birth to a Trudeau.
I'd give almost anything to see this kike call the Russians Nazis to their faces.
Forgot pic.
Races don't exist, yet there can never be enough "diversity".
These kikes are doing interesting mental gymnastics. And what can I say. Works well enough, unfortunately.
bunch of cloudflare warnings
Shame. The only thing Russia is homogeneous in is soccer.
Go based Russia!
In 20 years when America and Western europe begins to collapse Russia will open the East to white refugees. Then we create the polar empire and hammer the yids from space.
Does also mean that watching the tour de France also make you racist? Cycling is the one most whitest sports
Niggers steal bikes, they don't ride them. Have a sport where the objective is to pick up a bike and run with it and niggers would dominate it.
Looks like they have a couple kikes on the team. Nazi fail thb.
I love these lefties.
They have no idea that they are programming whites worldwide to identify as Nazis.
Looks like uraguay wants it the most right now.
Finally. Let's make it official and get this fucking show on the road already.
it's funny because the russians are doping. watch the kremlinbots sperg out about how russia dindu nuffin. cheating in fair competition is subhuman behavior. using imported niggers for your national team is a different issue
You realize they fought on nazi side during WW2 right? What treatment would they get in US/UK for that, get kissed in the ass because there's no communism?
Many of them joined Red Army on the other hand and they were fine, their grandchildren are still alive.
"Oopsie, I've just been uncovered as a Nazi"