Zig Forums #Fortnite confirm to be /ourgame/?
Fortnite, Minecraft, and Call of Duty are games hate groups use to recruit young members, according to a former white supremacist.
If you’ve been playing online games and noticed high volumes of hate speech and racist views, it’s not just in your head. According to Christian Picciolini, a former white supremacist leader, recruiters have descended on popular multiplayer games in an attempt to find new supporters.
Picciolini recently hosted an AMA on Reddit (via Gamasutra and Resetera talking about his experiences with groups like the Hammerskin Nation. He noted that in recent years, multiplayer gaming has become a prime recruitment pool alongside mental health forums.
“We sought marginalized youth and promised them ‘paradise’,” Picciolini wrote when asked about recruitment methods. “Today they are using nefarious tactics like going to depression and mental health forums and in multiplayer gaming to recruit those same people … They drop benign hints and then ramp up when hooked.”
He even named specific games targeted by these groups. “[Fortnite], Minecraft, COD, all of them,” he continued, adding those promoting these views are “mostly foreign recruiters from Russia and eastern Europe and Poland.”
Picciolini was a member of white supremacy groups for eight years before he found himself unable to reconcile their teachings with the compassion he saw in targeted groups. He now runs the Free Radicals project which offers education on radicalism and tools for disengaging from these groups.
As such, pointing out common recruitment methods is a good starting point to counter them, especially for games like Fortnite that attract so many players. He also remains optimistic that people caught up in hate groups can change for the better.
“I think first we need to understand that while they are doing monstrous things, they are broken human beings and not monsters,” Picciolini adds. “Start with that and figure out what human voids needs to be addressed.”
White supremacists use Fortnite and Minecraft as recruiting tools
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forgot my sage, here let me add this
I can't believe I was duped into watching even one minute of that video.
Sage for silly video not relevant to the content.
That was sarcasm
but the answer is still a solid "no" faggot, shit thread tbqh
Why are they always leaders? You'd think they'd pretend something more reasonable. Its like being a white supremacist is something you get cured of once you infect enough people. There are just so many talking to the media.
Wow, this sounds totally legit and not scripted by the ADL
Now that's one shit game.
I deduce from this that video games are played by suicidal masonic teenage hapa trannies. I seriously hope you guys don't play games.
No fuck off from /v/ with this piece of shit
Didn't you read the OP? Literally the next Hitler incidentally someone nobody has heard of before who happens to be a turncoat because he was too compassionate said Putin's sending Russian Nazis to recruit vulnerable, mentally ill children! That's our job, g*d damn it!
I know this is crazy, but she's the parent. She can do something about it. She can be a parent and stop her child from playing the game.
I know, I know, it's ridiculous to think a parent would have to actually do something instead of letting a flickering electronic box babysit their fucktrophy 24/7, but that's part of creating the little bastards. You sign up for it when you shit them out whether you like it or not.
Where’s the racism in Minecraft????
If you really think about it…
I'm certain there's more connections to be made, if you really try.
Villagers are jews so antisemitsm
plenty racist there
In my off time I play WoW on a private server. The servers are usually inundated with europeans and children, and it's funny how often these unmoderated chats are filled with antisemitic influences. This might be why the ADL just announced they are focusing on games again. I used to play WoW back in its heyday and you never saw the amount of Zig Forums memes being spammed all over. Hell, the horde zone The Barrens is notorious for being so large that there will be so many people in the zone that people start shitposting furiously. When I was leveling through this zone recently on a fresh server reset, people were talking about jewish influence, how trannies are disgusting, and that blacks are retarded. Funnily enough, there's a weapon called Kang the Decapitator, and it's common to see people saying "WE WUZ [Kang the Decapitator]" in general chats. I'm sure this isn't just a microcosm and that redpill overdose amongst youth is spreading like wildfire in other games as well. When these people talk about these specific games, it's likely because they are popular and feature voice chats where the brave spergs amongst the youth venture headfirst into dropping redpills on unsuspecting targets.
I had no idea Minecraft was redpill as fuck!
mind blawn, notch planted the seed
Markus "notch of the deathwatch" Persson is the hero gaming needs.
*Meine Kraft
9 year old army is at it again
Isnt he the mexican fake nazi
Where do you play? I play on warmane
Light's Hope.
opinion discarded
These kids and games are pure autism. I keep seeing articles about how they are trying to cure autism. how to manage autism, and how to prevent autism. autism was an attempt or an effect of intelligent caucasian isolation, they thought it would prevent change and stop coalescence. nature finds a way.
means minecraft, fortnite, and others are going to be subverted. hopefully they will over play their hand and this will piss off another generation
Any of you niggas ever play star trek online?
Zone chat in most areas is almost as Zig Forums as Zig Forums itself. Most of the time anyways except for the one or two whiny leftist cunts.
This is what white supremacy looks like.
Same reason every born-again Christian used to be high priest of his own satanic coven. It's a better story than "i was a loser over there, and now I'm a loser over here too."
He doedn't even look white lmao.
I remember when Minecraft played like a 3D FarmVille. FarmVille now that’s a game deserving a reboot.,
He looks like Sargon of Mossad.
Maybe because the leaders were already working for (((them))) before they left.
That's the (((money))) shot. I wonder how much Picciolini got for that line?
Notice how cherrypicked it is for them to use quick shots of the pick axe with the womans scream at the start, and the music in the background making it sound haunting and scary. Its like a goofy over the top cartooney arcade game.
Except Sargon lies about having nigger ancestry, while Piccolini lies about not.
Funny world we live in.
That Piccolini fuck looks like a fat jew. Based D-ro told him to fuck off.
Fuck me, Dylann Roof is like a prophet.
Roof accomplished more in one hour than Piccolini did in 9 years…
not to derail, but how did the malicious (((civil suit) )) against Dylann's parents shake out?
Civil suit against his parents?
Whut? First I've heard of this
The websites he supposed did the AMA through by proxy as hardcore feminist period rags. The odds of this being true are incredibly unlikely and OP just viraled an article for them.
They act like there is some conspiratorial effort by some spoopy group to "enlist recruits" when in reality 99.8% of these "problematic" individuals are just havin a laff. How fearmongery.
That’s funny, I could have sworn the commies finally ruined my beloved Red Orchestra 2 finally and driven off all the great axis players
I'm having trouble finding anything about the civil suit, but I'll keep looking…
IIRC, it was the nigger families suing them in civil court. The argument was that they knew enough about Dylann's "radicalization" and should have reported him, but instead harbored/supported him leading up to the attack.
I remember being pissed because they got a shitload of money from Obama (ie: taxpayers), so money wasn't the motivation for the suit… it was solely to ruin Dylann's family.
Here's the $29 million the groids got from Onigger…
this is great. a lot of kids already use these games. now we just need to get some goys in there and stir things up a bit.
Organize a clan or something that is composed of all white and get nonwhites to be pissed if the can't troll or have an effect in their secret society.
the best part of this is radicalize our kids to advocate for the mass extermination of jews.
I used to waste time on Black Desert. I'd just drop redpill atom bombs non stop in general (until my energy depleted). Very little resistance and about equal support to counter signal. I never got banned because game is run by asians and they don't care.
Not so. Kids never lie, and so all they have to do is lie and get their parents in trouble, you see. Therefore there is nothing whatsoever like the capacity for discipline, as they run the joint.
Every thread is a MGTOW thread.
This is so retarded.
"Foreign recruiters from Russia," really? Cause it's dose ebil Russian nahtzees even though the Russians were never nahtzees!!!!!! Idiots.
Also, "caught up in hate groups."
"Hate groups"
Because, according to (((the media))), anyone who wants to stop the ongoing genocide of White people is a "hate group."
Because opposing genocide is "hate," apparently.
"War is peace"
"Freedom is slavery"
"Ignorance is strength"
"Opposing genocide is hate"
We are not the monsters.
(((They))) are.
Plus this "picciolini" faggot was never on "our side."
It's like classic 1950s newspaper headlines
They act like there is some conspiratorial effort by some spoopy group to "enlist recruits" when in reality 99.8% of these "problematic" individuals are just havin a laff. How fearmongery.
This old line about white supremists recruiting vulnerable young men. It assumes that there are no rational or moral reasons for having hatethink. It pretends that there is no organic and individual spread of these ideas. What's really happening is that people are becoming aware of an existential danger and decades of psychological abuse.
It's also funny seeing it done about online games, where nearly anything you see is just people being vulgar or trolling (usually from a kernel of sincerity though).
Oops. Didnt mean to reply.
Yes, welcome to the supremacist army. We have red pills, black pills, logic and the superpower of being lied about 24/7. Seig heil.
Kill yourself.
Actually the real "problem" is rather straightforward. The media is trying to demoralize and re-normalize people into embracing a clearly inferior ideology modeled on political correctness. Not everyone is buying it, but they only play along because of the authoritarian atmosphere being projected everywhere. This opens opportunities for charismatic people to sell a better solution to fight against it and for a better future and therefore, attract people to embrace alternative ideologies. Hell, just talking to people so they can share their grievances freely about society is enough to make them start considering a different path when prompted. Hardly any need to "recruit", just giving people a hand when that frustration gets too much can do wonders.
I actually enjoy this game too. It's fun spending a few hours wandering expansive wildernesses and building things from the ground up.
How the fuck does he know this?
The same way I'm a subject matter expert and can go on CNN to explain that Zig Forums is filled with 90% of the world's most dangerous white supremacist nazis who also all get paychecks from Putin AND Assad. Whenever you see
It means that person had received his cheque from said world leader.
Non issue thread
Those garsh-darn slaciv cybernazis!
No but it's funny, you retarded faggot.
anyone recruiting on club penguin?
Any play shit like Xonotic or Sven Co-op? Recently somebody started a project of recreating Half-Life 1 and Counter-Strike entities in a sourceport of the Quake engine. It'll accept gldsrc engine maps, models and other assets, so all you need is CS 1.5 unpacked to play it. Libre Vidya thread >>>/lv/2092
Minecraft does teach children a possible good lesson about borders and defending your stuff. Foreign culture is dark and we must light up the world with our ways and build a defensible wall to keep those fuckers from blowing up your shit.
pic related is stuff you see in tf2 all the time. avid gamers can be more redpilled than you think, as long as it's not some autistic candycrush/overwatch type game
Kek. Anything that isn't implicitly anti-white is racist nowadays.
what is the fucking point of recruiting from the gay mers? there is absolutely no value there
which is why 'white supremacists' havent achieved anything since 45
I wonder which agency astroturfed this story. Whose asset is Picciolini? He made a tweet with this outlandish opinion and within hours it was a scripted new story being presented as a researched position by multiple outlets. Who set this up? How do they distribute this propaganda, what is the arrangement? Is it merely considered free content for the media groups or does money exchange hands in some capacity?
How would someone who was possibly a part of a degenerate skinhead street gang 20 years ago graduate to an expert in propaganda and social engineering? His book what ghost written under a licensing agreement. He is a brand but who built that brand? Not him, that’s for sure. Some state that he has a bad reaction when such questions are posed to him and he lashes out. A pretty sloppy job.
pol-craft.xyz is the address of server
official Zig Forums meinkraft server, been up before fullchan Zig Forums also custom resource pack for it, the Zig Forumspack
Been turning kids into the hitler youth with racist sprays since 1999 in TFC. Gaming is truly the last implicit white identity.
samefagging to add some moar server images
Show me where or when Hitler or the NSDAP condemned video games.
I made it to 54 seconds. Why the fuck is it so god damn dramatic? I can't watch this shit…
No, none at all. Too many white people there. No value.
do you want me to hold your fucking hand while you read the german laws from the nsdap era? if you are literate enough to read this you should also be literate enough to read up what sorts of laws were passed back then and maybe even use your fucking brain a little and figure out the general theme of them and see how would such things modernize or be interpreted today
junkies, faggots, jews, gypsies, antisocial behavior, miscegenation, cultural degeneracy etc etc
if you think that ss or wehrmacht would recruit out of a fucking minecraft server, well there you have it, the reason absolutely nothing got done since 45
no such a thing, mongrel
you are either a german or an englishman or some other exclusive ethnicity
also, you implying nazis didnt execute degenerates, "white" or otherwise?
So you're saying that playing vidaya is the equivalent of smoking crack?
This whole fucking article is projection. This are the let's methods 100%. Complete fake bullshit. There are no genuine former redpilled, once you know and understand the truth, you can't go back.
Meant to type, these are the left's methods. Fucking phone posting
again, zero shit got done since 45
the state of nu nazis
obese, degenerate, undesirable, unfit scum
if you wanna recruit, recruit from the fucking gym, army, technical universities, etc
whatever the fuck these gay mers do, you can find some others who do it better and there is absolutely no value inherent in that shit you cant find somewhere else
Uh… guys I don't think this is fake news. Look what I found on /v/ today…
It's a layman's term to describe ethnically European people, you fucking retard. Filtered.
Notch is truly /ourdev/
It's no wonder Wilhelm Gates III had his company purchase MeinKraft to complement his Aryan Intelligence chatbot.
With this and similar articles they are trying to present to the as-of-yet unawoken that the natural reaction by people to their poison, the natural defense mechanism kicking in, is directed and centralized instead of organic, in order to give the impression of a boogeyman, so that the as-of-yet unawoken will get scared and / or feel like a criminal when the defense mechanism kicks in with them, too.
Suffice it to say that it will not work.
It may directed and centralized, but he is no boogeyman. It is so plain to see, if he is blasted in the media, it won't matter! everyone will recognize him for his heroism that shines through.
Oh geee how convenient that these ebul hwite supremacists also happen to be recruiters from the only region of the world where white people aren’t going along with the Jew’s plans for demographic replacement